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March 23, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-23

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FJUPAY, MAI1WU. 23,1945

Halifax Talks with Republicans

Ud Rather
Be Right
By Samuel Grafton


ASHINGTON - British Ambassador Lord
Halifax held an off-the-record session with
75 Republican Congressmen the other, night and
was so well liked that for the first time in sev-
eral years no one walked out of the meeting.
Even when the late Wendell Wilkie addressed
this group two years ago, there were frequent
excursions to the hotel bar.
Halifax came to the Hotel Continental to tell
the "78-79 Clubs" (1st and 2nd term GOP
Congressmen) about the British Parliament.
And the Congressmen sat engrossed as this rep-
resentative of the British aristocracy and former
viceroy of India told them that England has more
of a democracy than the United States. What
made him pdpular with the Republican Con-
gressmen was his detailed explanation of the
relations between the executive departments of
the British government and the Parliament.
"In England," Lord Halifax said, "The execu-
tive departments cannot by-pass the parlia-
ment-which means that they cannot by-pass
the people."
Halifax did not need to add that in Washing-
ton the White House frequently by-passes Con-
He then told them that "if Parliament decides
on Friday that it no longer cares for the
Prime Minister, he can be voted out on Mon-
Again, Halifax hardly had to remind the Re-
publicans that our president is elected for a
four-year term, that Congress cannot vote him
out without impeaching him, and that the
present incumbent, though sometimes vigor-
ously rebuffed in Congress, has remained in
office 12 years.
Actually, of course, British cabinet mini-
sters are not required by law to appear for
questioning by the Parliament, nor is the
Prime Minister required by law to resign in
the face of a non-confidence vote, but the
custom is so strong that it is unlikely it would
ever be ignored.
Lord Halifax discovered early in the evening
that he had hit upon a subject which would
Current Movies
At the State . .
THE TRIO that made last year's suspense
classic, "The Lodger," are reunited again in
"H'angover Square," at the State. Director
John Brahm and stars Laird Cregar and George
Sanders combine to present another study in
psychopathic murder.
To be completely honest, "Hangover Square"
bears no great resemblance to Patrick Hamilton's
novel, from which it is allegedly adapted. But
judged by itself, it has a great deal to recom-
mend it. It's about a brilliant musician who
has occasional attacks of amnesia in whi he
commits murders of which he has no recollec-
tion in his normal moments.
The film does not measure up to "The
Lodger" because it frequently seems a little
ridiculous and the ending goes off the deep end
of melodrama. Director Brahm's handling of
the film, however, is once again something to
marvel at. He, along with Hitchcock and John
Ford, seems to be the only Hollywood director
who understands the true function of the cam-
era in a film. Most regard the camera as a
means of viewing the action; Brahm uses it
to interpret the action and to replace dialogue
in setting the mood of a scene.
In addition to Cregar's performance as the
musician, everyone in a fine cast functions ad-
mirably. Linda Darnell, replacing Merle Ober-
on of "The Lodger," does the best work of
her career as a hard-hearted actress who comes
to grief when she trifles with Cregar's affec-
tions. The scene in which he disposes of her
body is one of the ghastliest affairs you're liable
to run into. in many months of movie-going.
Foreign Trade
RENEWAL of the Hull Reciprocal Trade Agree-
ments Act is in the hands of Congress.

With the introduction of a bill by the Admini-
stration to extend the law for another three
years, Richard Stout of the Christian Science
Monitor has predicted "a major battle to loom
up over its passage."
The new proposal requests greater flexibility
in tariff negotiation, permitting possible tariff
cuts 50 per cent below present levels-75 per
cent below Smoot-Hawley levels.
Stout added, seemingly with tongue in cheek,
"Republican spokesmen immediately denounced
the measure, crying 'free trade'. They assert
American industry and workingmen's jobs are
It would be to the advantage of the entire
nation if Congress disregarded this somewhat
hackneyed argument,
Instead of dogmatically following party pre-
cedent some of our well-meaning but unin-
formed Congressmen ought to be submitted to
one of the University's elementary Economics
courses in order to discover the meaning of
the terms "tariff" and "free trade."
-Bob Goldman

be good listening and the Ambassador stayed
on the topic, to the approval of his listeners.
To a question about the King of England and
his status in the ideal democracy he was de-
scribing, Lord Halifax replied:
"You Americans can buy some bunting for
a few cents. You make a flag of it, and then
you die for that flag. 'We take a man and call
him a king-and we die for him. But he has
nothing to do with legislation of the actual
administration of our government. He makes
speeches, and we all pledge ourselves to him.
But our government is not in his hands."
Halifax had given his listeners such an in-
triguing peek at a situation where Congress
could vote a cabinet out of existence that all
the questioning by his listeners dealt with this
subject and he didn't have to answer a single
embarrassing question about British foreign pol-
G.I. Joe at Peace Table ...
MORE AND MORE state legislatures and mem-
bers of Congress are urging that a G. I. Joe
sit at the peace table; also that he begin by sit-
ting in at the important San Francisco United
Nations Conference. Some further propose that
Sumner Welles, former Undersecretary of State
and the man who originally planned for the
peace machinery, attend the San Francisco con-
ference, perhaps as adviser to the soldier dele-
gate or as an unbiased observer with no ax
to, grind either for or against any one political
The Maryland and Rhode Island legislatures
are the latest to push the idea of a G. I. Joe
at the peace table, resolutions being introduced
by Charles M. See of Cumberland, Md., and
Joseph Mills of Warwick, R. I. The Texas and
South Carolina legislatures have already passed
resolutions, while Senator Johnston of South
Carolina and Representative Jackson of Wash-
ington have introduced resolutions in the U. S.
Congress urging that the G. I. Joe attend the
San Francisco conference as a starter to the
final peace session. They propose that he be no
higher than the rank of sergeant.
Note--The Iowa poll, conducted by the Des
Moines Sunday Register, found that an over-
whelming majority of Iowans, 83 per cent, fa-
vored having a member of the armed forces
at the peace table. Fifty-nine per cent of them
also believed that while the younger men won the
last war, it was lost by the' older men at the
peace conference.
Capitol Chaff .-..
HENRY WALLACE and Loan Administrator
Fred Vinson lunched together last week,
will lunch again this week, to discuss plans for
coordinating the 60,000,000-job program . .
As Wallace looked round the room in Jesse
Jones' old loan office, he said: "I just want to
see where the bodies are buried"
Economic Czar for Italy . .
IT ISN'T quite official yet, but Lauchlin Cur-
rie, hard-hitting economic secretary to the
White House has been tentatively selected as
Allied economic czar of Italy. He will be vice-
chairman of the Allied control commission.
His appointment developed in a peculiar
way. The State Department has been com-
plaining that the British wouldn't do more
about the economic situation in Italy, such as
raising the food ration.
Whereupon the British fired back with the
reminder that a lot of positions on the Allied
commission for Italy, reserved for Americans,
remained unfilled. The British suggested that
Americans fill these jobs and thus be on the
"ground floor to do something about the econo-
mics of Italy.
*Most important unfilled job is that of vice-
chairman of the Allied Control Commission,
which handles economics. If the final OK
goes through, Currie will now step into this spot.
It will be a hot one.
(Copyright, 1945. Bell Syndicate)
PT H O GHT 0w.
By Ray Dixon

TE NOTICE that Wayne University is all in a
dither about choosing a campus "swoon
boy." Our University has a rule against things
like that and maybe it's a good thing.
The recent order lowering civilian meat
supplies is one cut of meat the housewives
never asked for.
Headline: "Yanks Slaughter Foe Trapped in
the Saar-Worms Captured." No comment need-
New York is all flustered over the Little
Flower's edict extending the curfew at extra
hour. Probably a similar furor would be
created on campus if one of the dormitories
granted 1:30 permission on a Saturday night.
Prof. Rich of the physics department advo-
cates that the U. S. change to the metrical sys-
tem of measurement. His points make so much
sense that-we should be pleased to metre.

Once more the fearful cry of "fa-
mine" is heard in the land.
Here we go again. We do this
every year. I have before me a news
story more than a year old (New York
Times, Jan. 31, .1944) in which the
head of a cattle raisers' association
solemnly warned the country of an
'extremely serious" meat shortage.
But when the books were closed on
1944, it turned out that each of us
had, on the average, chewed his way
through 147 pounds of meat, 11
pounds more per person than before
the war.
This happens every year, every
single year. It is like a perverse
sort of vernal festival; America
seems to greet the spring each
year by crying out that it is going
to go hungry.
As for the motives behind these
direful outcries, we have not far to
seek. Usually they have something
to do with price control. It is during
the spring that Congress always
takes up the matter of renewing price
controls for another year; Congress
is always in a swivet about prices
during March, April and May. It is
during these months, and the months
just before, that we are invariably
threatened with "famine." By a re-
markable coincidence, almost every
doomster who warns us of famine
feels that the only way to avoid star-
vation is by a good, healthy increase
in prices. Once the annual price
control bill is passed, the shouts die
down; you don't hear any more about
"famine" then until' the next year,
when the next price control bill comes
up. Along about June 1, those who
raise lamb stop crying wolf, so to
This year a second motive may be
at work. The President promised last
Friday that we would try to help
feed the hungry liberated countries
of Europe, even if we had to pull in
our belts a little. The cry of "fa-
mine" operates to block this pro-
gram. It seems to me a remarkable
fact that on the Monday after the
President spoke, four resolutions were
introduced into Congress to investi-
gate the "food shortage" in America.
Even if we don't have a food short-
age, (and we don't) four resolutions
make it seem as if we have one.
It is like a bad outbreak of what
might be called second-degree iso-
There is almost no first-degree
isolationism any more; that is,
Ilmost nobody stands up and de-
nonces international cooperation
by name. But let the issue move
away from such lofty platitudes,
let it center on something prac-
tical, like giving a bit of bread and
meat to a hungry ally, and it is
startling to see what angy pres-
sures well up. Four investigations
of a "famine," the existence of
which is denied by every responsi-
ble official. All of them pop up
three days after the President
promised to send some food abroad,
and three of them come from the
Republican side. Food is so impor-
tant a subject that it makes a
powerful weapon with which to
attack the President's internation-
al policies, like his price policies;
to attack them indirectly, but with
dreadful effectiveness.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
Closing Hours
THOSE campus "New Yorkers" who
manage to escape being carried
away by home town enthusiasm must
have felt a twinge of shame last
week when their boisterous but effi-
cient Mayor LaGuardia made the big
town look mighty small. Taking ad-
vantage of the obvious difficulty of
enforcing emergency orders, the
"Man Under the Hat" defied assis-
tant president Jimmy Byrnes' order
to conserve electricity and manpower

by closing entertainment spots at
Extension of New York City's cur-
few to 1 a.m. has the effect of crip-
pling the effect of Byrnes' order. For
the so-called entertainment industry
in this city alone constitutes a major
portion of that in the nation. La-
Guardia's faux pas was no doubt
made under pressure, and against his
better judgment. But it is unfortu-
nate indeed when, the mayor of a
city of nine million, a national figure
with a long record of gogd govern-
ment, permits the selfish notives of a
certain number of his constituents
to oppose the best interests of the
That type of action which places1
the sectionbefore the whole throws
glory on neither a city nor on the
Washington agency whose order was
disobeyed. -Milt Freudenheim
By Crockett Johnson

FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 102
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Identification Cards which have
been validated for the Spring Term
are now available in the booth out-
side Rm. 2, University Hall.
New identification cards will NOT
be ready for several days. Notice will
be given as soon as they may be
picked up.
All women students who are em-
ployed part-time are required to
register this fact immediately at the
Office of the Dean of Women.
State of Michigan Civil Service
announcements for Institution Bus-
iness Executive I, and III, salary
range from $180 to $356.50 per month,
and Civil Engineer II, and III, salary
from $230 to $340 per month, have
been received in our office. For fur-
ther information stop in at 201 Ma-j
son Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
State Civil Service announcements
for the following have been received
in our office: Division Chief of Claim
Settlements,.$2,400 to $5,000, Princi-
pal Claim Settlement Agent, $3,750
to $3,750, Advanced Claim Settlement
Agent, $3,000 to $3,750, Senior Claim
Ssttlement Agent $2,628 to $3,000,
Claim Settlement Agent $2,328 to
$2,628, Junior Claim Settlement Ag-
ent $2,028-$2,328, and Assistant Claim
Settlement Agent, $1,728 to $2,028.
The positions for which these exam-
inations will be given exist in the
state office at Harrisburg and the#
area offices in Harrisburg, Philadel-
phia, Pittsburgh, and Wilkes-Barre.
Applicants must have been legal res-
idents of Pennsylvania for at least
one year immediately prior to mak-
ing application. For further infor-1
mation stop in at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.

Rackham Bldg. This examination,
required of all degree candidates in
the Graduate School, is open to
Seniors in the undergraduate units
and to students in the professional
schools. The University will pay the
fee for this April examination. Any-
one wishing to take the examination
must register at the Information
Desk of the Graduate School Office
in the Rackham Bldg. before March
The Summer Session of the Grad-
uate Curriculum in Social Work,
which is given at the Rackham Mem-
orial Building in Detroit, will open
for registration Friday and Satur-
day, June 15 and 16, classes begin-
ning Monday, June 18. The session
will close Friday, Aug. 10. This is a
change from original dates set.
English 85 one-act play tryouts
will be held today at 3 p.m. fourth
floor Angell Hall. All students inter-
ested in participation are invited.
German I Make-Up Final Exami-
nation will be given from 10 to 12
a.m. Wednesday, March 28, in Rm.
201 University Hall. Students who
missed the final examination should
see their instructors immediately to
get permission to take the make-up.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the departmental offices. In-
structors are requested to use green
cards for reporting freshmen, and
buff cards for reporting sophomores
and upperclassmen. Reports of fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall; those of jun-
iors and- seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three - week ab-
sonces, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be found
on page 46 of the 1944-45 AN-
NOUNCEMENT of our College.
E. A. Walter
Student Recital: Ruby Joan Kuhl-
man, pianist, will present a program
of compositions by Scarlatti, Beetho-
ven, Brahms and Debussy at 8:30




The United States Civil Service this evening, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Commission gives notice that the Theater. Given in partial fulfillment
cdosing date for the acceptance of of the requirements for the degree
applications for PUBLIC HEALTH of Bachelor of Music, the program
REPRESENTATIVE, $2,433 a year, will be open to the general public.
will be March 27, 1945. Applications


must be filed with the U.S. Civil Ser-
vice Commission, Washington 25,
D.C., not later than that date. I
I v-_
The Wheelan Photographic Stu-
dios, Inc., New York, have openings
in Personnel, sales, art, photography,
and promotional fields. Students who
wculd be interested in applying,
should call at the office, 201 Mason
Hall, from 9 to 12 and 2 to 4.
All Veterans interested in a re-
fresher course in the mechanics and
grammar of English Composition are
asked to call or contact Mr. C. M.
Davis, Veteran's Advisor; Rm. 19,
Angell Hall. Telephone 4121, Exten-
sion 2115:
The Hillel Foundation will now
accept reservations for the Pass-
over meals. Reservations will not be
accepted after 5:30 p.m., Friday,
March 23. This semester meals will
be charged as follows: for the whole
week, $17.00, for the individual Se-
dar, $2.25. Twenty red ration points,
(two stamps), will be required only
from those eating the whole eight
days. Due to the present wartime
conditions no reservations will be
taken without money or stamps.
University Lecture: Dr. Feliks
Gross, Managing Editor of "New
Europe," will lecture on the subject,
"The Small States in Post-War Eur-
ope," tonight at 8 in the Rackham
Amphitheater, under the auspices of
the Department of Political Science.
The public is cordially invited.
Professor Antoine Jobin, of the{
Department of Romance Languages,
will give the sixth of the French Lec-
tures sponsored by Le Cercle Fran-
cais on Tuesday; March 27, at 4:10
p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial
Hall. The title of his lecture is:
"Souvenirs de France."
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their, election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Spring Term, eyen though 'they have
'registered and have attended classes
unofficially will forfeit their privi-
lege of continuing in the College.
E. A. Walter
Students, School of Education: No
course may be elected for credit after


All-Beethoven Program: The third
program in the current series of Sun-
day evening piano recitals by mem-
bers of the School of Music faculty
will be played by Kathleen Rinck at
.8:30 Sunday, April 25, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. It will include
Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3,
Sonata, Op. 31, No. 2, and Sonata,
Op. 110. The general public is in-
Events Today
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 3065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at
12:15 p.m. today. Program: M. W.
Senstius will review "Mining in the
Netherlands East Indies" by A. L.
ter Braake. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
SRA Coffee Hour: Miss Bointon,
Youth Secretary of the American
Friends Service Committee, will be
the guest of the Student Religious
Association Coffee Hour this after-
noon at 4 o'clock in Lane Hall. Any
students interested in snch summer
service as work camps or deputations
are particularly requested to attend.
Graduate Students: All Graduate
Party will be held in Assembly Hall
and Conference Rooms of Rackham
tonight, from 8 to 12 o'clock. Grad-
uate and Professional students cor-
dially invited.
The Inter-Racial Association will
have a Social at the Unitarian
Church tonight at 8:30. There will
be entertainment, dancing and free
refreshments: . The public, all mem-
bers and friends, are cordially invited.
American Power: To What End?
will be the topic of a talk to be given
by Prof. William B. Willcox of the
History Department at the religious
services at 7:45 p.m., in the Hillel
Inter-Racial Association is holding
a social at 8:30 tonight at the Uni-
tarian Church, 110 N. State Street.
Entertainment, refreshments, and
dancing, are on the program. Mem-
bers, their friendsgand all those in-
terested in the organization are cor'-
dially invited.
Coming Events
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday at 5 p.m. in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. The Rev.
Fredrik A. Schiotz, Executive Secre-


1 .


George Shultz was telling
me about this new financial

Barnaby, your imaginary Fairy
Godfather hasn't anything to


She wouldn't let him talk to the
president on the telephone. So


Hmm. /So the managerial 1
class has seized power. .


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