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March 23, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-23

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F iL Y, MARCH 23NU, !19'

'U' Graduate
Edits 'Stars
And Stripes
Lisagor Describes
Activities of Paper
Sgt. Irvin "Pete" Lisgor, '39, an
ex-editor of The Daily and varsity
baseball player, revealed "inside
dope" on the London Stars and
Stripes, of which he is managing ed-
itor, in a recent letter to T. H. Tap-
ping, editor of Michigan Alumnus.
"Pete," a member of Sphinx, Mich-
igauma, Sigma Delta Chi and vice-
president of "M" Club, told of the
three exclusive enterprises of the
London edition of Stars and Stripes:
choosing the prettiest WAC in the
Kingdom, scooping British papers on
Roosevelt's re-election, and naming
an anonymous soldier as its man
the year.
Mis-identified GI
The last project turned out to be
a profitable "snafu," since much
publicity resulted from the mis-iden-
tification of the GI whose picture
they chose as representative of the
misery and hope of the fighting man.
The original soldier was listed miss-
ing in action, and the "wrong" man,
wounded and decorated three times,
was in an English hospital. The two
were close friends and great soldiers,
the investigation further revealed.
"All of which proved that GI Joe,
our Man of the Year, was indeed an
anonymous character, one of thou-
sands who might qualify for any
medals they'd care to give the joe
in the foxhole," Sgt. Lisagor com-
Published by London Times
The London Stars and Stripes is
published six days a week by the
"august London Times, the Old
Thunderer, and many of our most
amusing experiences come from try-
ing to acquaint the printers and
compositors with GI lingo. They're
used t the pontifical style of men
still practicing something like medie-
val journalism. Seriously, it's a fine
paper-one of the world's best," Sgt.
Lisagor wrote.
Student Recital
Will Be Given
Ruby Kuhlman, Choral
Accompanist, To Play
The second School of Music stu-
dent recital of the spring term will
be presented by Ruby Kuhman,
pianist, at 8:30 p. m today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Accompanist for the Choral Union
and a member of Mu Phi Epsilon,
honorary music society, Miss Kuhl-
man is a student of Mabel Ross
Rhead. Before entering the Uni-
versity, she studied with Ethel Kim-
ball Arndt in Toledo, O., and has
participated in master classes under
Arthur Schnabel during the past two
Miss Kuhlman will open her pro-
gram with "Three Sonatas" by Scar-
latti to be followed by a Beethoven
"Sonata, Op. 109." Selections by
Brahms and Debussy will conclude
the program.
This recital is presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the B. M. degree and is open to the
general public.
Coffee Hour To Be
Held in Lane Hall

A Coffee lour will be held from 4
to 6 p. m. today in Lane Hall, it was
announced by Joyce Siegan, social
chairman of SRA, who added that
Miss Olive Bainton, Youth Secretary
of the American Friends Service Com-
mittee, will be the honored guest.-
Assisting as hostesses for all mem-
bers of the student body who are in-
vited to attend, will be Martha Taylor
and Allene Golinken.
Coffee and cake will be served.

of Peleliu in the Palau Island group of the Pacific, this sequence show-
ing the death of a Japanese soldier who preferred to run rather than be
captured was filmed by service cameramen. Top: two marines watch
as the Jap dashes from his cave. Center: One shot from gun of Ma-
rine at left finds its mark and the Japanese soldier falls (bottom).
These pictures are from the documentary film, "Fury in the Pacific,"
made by Army, Navy, and Marine Corps cameramen. Accompany-
ing commentary said the Jap's companions had surrendered.
xichi r Ile at Wait

Geological Club
To Hold Lunch
Meeting Today
Prof. M. W. Senstius
To Give Book Review
In the semi-monthly meeting of
the Geological Journal Club, to be
held at 12:15 p. m. today in Rm.
3065, Natural Science Building, Prof.
M. W. Senstius will review the book
"Mining in the Netherlands East In-
dies," by A. L. ter Braake.
Students and faculty members are
cordially invited to attend this meet-
ing. Those attending may bring
their own lunch, and coffee will be
Discuss New Developments
The Geological Journal Club was
founded to acquaint students and
faculty with modern technical liter-
ature in the fields of geology and
mineralogy, and to discuss new de-
velopments in those fields. Members
are students and faculty members of
the Departments of Geology and Min-
At the meetings, held every two
weeks, there is a review of a techni-
cal book or article, or a report of or-
iginal investigation prior to publi-
"Mining in the Netherlands East
Indies" was published under the
auspices of the American Council
of the Institute of Pacific Relations,
and the Netherlands Information
Service. It is a technical survey of
the mining operations and methods
in use there.
Oil, Tin Produced
According to Prof. Senstius, the
most important resources of the
Netherlands East Indies are oil, of
which it produces 3 percent of the
world's supply, and tin, of which it
produces 20 percent. The tin is the
purest available in the world, but at
the present this supply is cut off
from the United States.
Other natural resources of the
islands are coal, of an inferior va-
riety, gold, and diamonds. Prof.
Senstius feels that the possibility for
leveloping the nickel and aluminum
industries there are very promising.
Local Parties
Oppose Vet Aid
Buffeted Bill Comes
Before House Tuesday
LANSING, March 22.-()-A sug-
gestion that "possibly local politi-
cians" were at the bottom of opposi-
tion to a bill which would direct the
State Land Office Board and State
Conservation Department to sell tax
delinquent lands to war veterans at
bargain prices of ten per cent of
assessed valuation was voiced to the
House of Representatives today.
The suggestion came from Rep.
Patrick J. Doyle, Dearborn Demo-
crat, as his bill advanced sufficiently
to be scheduled for a final vote
The bill has been buffeted and ac-
tion on it delayed repeatedly, finally
drawing from Doyle the protest that
"somebody in this House doesn't
want to give the boys '35 or 40 feet
of land." He made the statement as
Rep. Victor A. Knox, Sault Ste. Marie
Republican, moved to have the bill
sent to committee, where Doyle said
it would have been killed. Knox
withdrew his motion.
Knox later introduced a resolution
which seeks to ask the two agencies
to refrain from selling any tax de-
linquent properties for two years.

r4 f
Student's Rate
Only 2.67

May Festival
Ticket Sale
Begins Monday
Terming the season ticket sale for
the 52nd annual May Festival as
"excessively heavy," Dr. Charles A.
Sink, president of the University
Musical Society, announced yesterday
that tickets for the individual con--
certs to be held May 3-6 at Hill
Auditorium will go on sale Monday
in Burton Memorial Tower.
"The sale of season tickets will
continue," according to Dr. Sink,
"but many will be broken up for
single concert sales."
The Philadelphia Orchestra, Eu-
gene Ormandy, conductor, will ap-
pear at all six concerts. Individual
artists scheduled for these programs
include Ezio Pinza, bass, Oscar Le-
vant, popular pianist, Bidu Sayao,
Brazilian soprano, Rudolph Serkin,
pianist, Zino Franscesecatti, violin-
ist, Paul Leyssac, dramatic, and Met-
ropolitan Opera stars.
The Festival Youth Chorus under
the direction of Marguerite Hood of
the School of Music will also appear,

Third Army Tanks Overrun
Bad Kreuznach, Resort Center

Associated Press Correspondent
It is a land of women which Patton's
armored columns have been over-
running during the past few days.
The tanks have thrown anl iron net
around countless towns and villages
whose inhabitants had no chance to
flee, but they seem to be overwhelm-
ingly women, a few old men and
boys only emphasizing the absence
of German males.
Tanks are plentiful and there
are many men among liberated
foreign workers trudging or riding
trucks toward rear emergency
camps. The hundreds of trucks
carrying German prisoners rear-
ward roll swiftly through the vil-
lages, leaving clouds of dust and
the bewildered women.
The preponderance of women was
revealed when an AMG detachment
arrived in this health resort and va-
cation center whose normal popula-

tion is 30,000. The streets were crow-
ded with women silently watching
American traffic.
Others gazed woodenly at smoul-
dering fires from the latest bombing
by hit and run Luftwaffe raiders.
Bad Kreuznach already had been
severely pounded by Allied planes
and in the final onslaught of armor.
A few years ago Bad Kreuznach
would have seemed a tragically
battered city. But after Bitburg,
Pruem, Wittlich, Mayen and oth-
ers in the Third Army's path, the
first impression is of the large
Humber of houses still standing.
The AMG commander, Capt. S. M.
Brown, estimated there ere still 20,-
000 people here-mostly women and
children, many of whom were evacu-
ees from other bomb-ridden Rhine-
land cities.
Brown, a former school superin-
tendent, found the fear of the Gesta-
po still strong.





you casually...




"Flats" are fashion
news ... this hal-
ter-back in RED


Jao QLon - .


(EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributions to
Michigan Men at War should be ad-
dressed to the Military Editor, Michigan
Daily, 420 Maynard Street.)
Among the men of the Air Trans-
port Command helping to achieve
one of the greatest transportation
triumphs of this war is Capt. MUR-
RAY T. TIFFT, former student of the
Capt. Tifft 'is among pilots and
air crews flying the "Fireball Ex-
press," a winged supply line which is
responsible for much of the success
of our air and ground forces in China.
Based at Miami Army Field, they
speed vital war material, mail, medi-
cine and men to the China-Burma-
India theatre.
A former graduate student at
the University who is continuing
his work in the Army Air Forces is
who recently led his graduating
class in communications at Boca
Raton Army Air Field, a technical
school of the AAF Training Com-
FENSTEIN, USN, recently has been

awarded the Bronze Star for his share
in putting into operation an emer-
gency Navy hospital on Saipan just
two days after the landing there.
A former professor of urology at
the University, Cmdr. Klopfenstein
has served with the Fourth Marine
Division at Roe, Namur and Saipan.
Another former faculty member,
was a physical education instructor at
the University before entering the
Army Air Forces, recently reported to
Dyerburg, Tenn. Army Air Field for
duty as physical training officer.
Following more than two years of
service in the China and India-
Burma theatres, for which he was
recommended to receive the Legion
of Merit, Capt. GEORGE P. SO-
LOVSKOY has returned to the'
United States.
A graduate of the University in
1939, Capt. Solovskoy was engaged in
intelligence work and helped lay the
ground plan for the Salween offen-
sive which in eight months succeeded
in driving the Japanese from Yunnan
province and linking the old Burma
Road with the new Ledo Road.

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