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November 17, 1943 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-17

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To Compete

During Indoor Season; Ufer Baek

LOWdown on Sports
. .by BUD LOW

Veterans Form Nucleus
Of Varsity Track Squad


Varsity Drills
For Tough Tilt
With Buckeyes
Offensive, Defensive
Play Both Stressed
In Rigorous Workout

Irish Again Rate First in Grid
Poll; Michigan Holds Fourth Slot

TIS, the second anniversary
of the Esquire Sports Poll, we
think it a bit apropos to extend our
compliments to the editors for the
fine job they have done, in addition
to making several comments re-
garding the tendencies that the tab-
ulations reveal.
In the past, ballots have been
sent to servicemen, sports writers,
sportscasters, and to the general
public, but this month the editors
sent ballots only to members of the
armed forces. The question that
caught our eye immediately was,
"Do you want sports to continue;
or yolbu feel itwould be better to
calloff sports for the duration?"
Of greater signifeance, however,
was the servicemen's answer. 96.5E
percent were in favor of the con-
tinuation of sports, while only 3.5
percent were against it.


This survey seems to substantiate
our opinion that the Army made a
bl, mistake in not following the
Navy's example in allowing its men
to participate, in varsity sports. Now
we realize that the soldiers were not
thinking specifically of college sports
when they cast their vote, but after
all intercollegiate competition oc-
cupies at least 50 percent of the
sportlight, and today the majority of
men participating in athletics at in-
stitutions of higher learning are
Navy men and Marine trainees. The
men in uniform themselves think
that sports should be continued, and
we think that this was made pos-
sible only by the farsightedness of
the Navy Department in permitting
bl ejackets to participate in varsity
VOTHER one of the questions
whilch deserves special mention
was, "If you had it to do over would
you engage in sports to get into
shape before entering the service?
80:71" percent answered yes. We
would like to follow the last ques-
tion up with another-"Can you
think of any better way for a soldier
stationed at a university to get into
slhape than engaging in varsity
sports, providing of course, he has
= .the necessary ability."
Proceeding further we found,
-"f - you were in good shape, did
participation in some sport help
get you .incondition?" Again the
results were enlightening and
lighly satisfying to your writer.
78.31 percent replied yes to the
isawi T rr

foregoing question. Our comment
here would be the same as it was
for the other two questions.
B It appears to us that the bigwigs
that control the Army's policy re-
garding sports are the only ones
that do not share our opinion. The
servicemen, the general public, the
universities, and the coaches area all
definitely in favor of members of
the armed forces engaging in varsity
Our nomination for humorists
of the week go to the two sports
writers who picked Colorado Col-
lege first in the Associated Press
poll . .. this insignificant institu-
tion received only two tenth place
votes otherwise to finish far out of
the first 20 . .. we also wondered
just what a team has to do to hold
its own in a poll such as this ...
Navy walked all over Columbia,
61 to 0, yet dropped from third
to fifth . .. our hats off to Sid
Luckman who broke two records
in the National Football League
last Sunday. . . anybody that can
throw seven touchdown passes in
one game gets our vote for athlete
of the month.
Indiana Gridmen
Face Boilermakers
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 16.-
()-"The old oaken bucket, the iron-
bound bucket," will be just a side
issue when the football teams of Pur-
due and Indiana clash here Satur-.
day-and for various reasons.
Foremost, of course, is the fact that
Purdue has considerably more at
stake than the bucket-symbol of
gridiron rivalry between the two Hoo-
sier schools. The Boilermakers will
be shooting for their first perfect sea-
son since 1929, at least a share of the
Big Ten championship and a talking
point when National Championships
are mentioned.
Naturally, if the Boilermakers
achieve all those aims they'll also get
the bucket. They are depending up-
on a flock of players who are playing
for Purdue because of the war and
notnecessarily by choice.
At any rate, guard Dick Barwegen
is likely to be the;only member of
last year's Purdue team in the lineup
when the opening whistle blows Sat-

Supplied with the news that there
will be an indoor track season com-
plete with regular competition,
Michigan's varsity thinclads have
taken on new spirit in their daily
practices. Coach Ken Doherty re-
leased the information at a recent
meeting of the squad.
The best news, however, came in
the person of Bob Ufer, who is back
again this season to compete as
usual. "Hose," with veterans Bob
Hume, Captain-elect, Ross Hume,
Indoor Mile Champ; John Roxbor-
Quarter-Miler Returns



ough II, indoor half mile titlist;
Bob Segula, pole vault specialist, will
form the nucleus of a team posses-
sing more veterans than was ex-
pected. Elmer Swanson, another
Conference Champion, this time in
the High Hurdles, is also back with
the squad, plus Jack Martin, a vet-
eranof two seasons.
Large Group in Sprints
In the sprints, Doherty has ample
material with which to build and
plan. Bob Nussbaumer, currently
starring on the gridiron, will return
to lead an array of sprint stylists in-
cluding Jim Pierce, Julian Wither-
spoon, Bob Walker, and others whose

names are not available at present.
Al Burns, high jumper, will also
double in the hurdles, while Bob
Gardner, last year's surprise high
jumper, will again be in action, pos-
sibly to run in the sprints.
Prospects for the mile and two
look fairly promising. The Hume
twins, of course, are returning, along
with George Barnard, an outstand-
ing member of last year's frosh
squad. The half milers, the nation's
best of '43, are back in force. "Roxy"
Roxborough, the versatile Hume
twins, and Bob Ufer, will again form
the two mile team which swept away
all records in their tours last yeaer.
(Bob Hume replaces Dave Matthews,
the Captain and original member of
the quartet).
Ufer to Run Quarter
Ufer will be back in his favorite
role of quarter-miler. His mark of
:48.1 still remains the best &n in-
door tracks throughout the world.
Don Sternisha, particularly out-
standing as a freshman, will again
be running the 440. Two newcomers,
Bob Detwiler and Marine trainee
Toabe, show considerable promise as
quarter-milers also.
"All in all," says Doherty, "the
squad shapes up favorably with
those of last year, and should be
equipped to represent Michigan fav-
orably in Big Ten competition."
Dube May Play
In Cotton Bowl
DALLAS, Nov. 16.-()-All unof-
ficial of course-and Cotton Bowl
headman Dan Rogers probably won't
like such speculation-but it appears
you can count Duke as No. 1 choice
to be the visiting team in the Dallas
grid classic Jan. 1.
There are several reasons but
largely it's by process of elimination.
Texas or Texas A.&M. will be the
host eleven. They play Thanksgiving
Day at College Station for the South-
west Conference championship. The
winner is invited automatically to the
Cotton Bowl.
Both schools are known to look
with favor on Duke as an opponent.
The Blue Devils have a good record
and a bowl background. They have
won seven games while losing one-
by a single point to Navy. They have
beaten Georgia Tech and North Car-
olina, two teams ranking high in Cot-
ton Bowl consideration.
The Rose Bowl is closed with
Washington and Southern California
already selected.
That leaves only the Orange Bowl
to compete with the Cotton Bowl for
Duke's affections.
Big Leagues
Lose Players
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-(P)-The
Major League draft meeting, which
annually takes a collection of "ivory"
from the minors, never had a thing
on the one-man "draft meeting"
Uncle Sam has been putting on in
the Big Leagues since the season
Adding to the 250 performers pre-
viously gone to war, a total of 33
players from the 16 American and
National League outfits either have
been inducted into the armed forces
already, are awaiting induction or
have been reclassified into 1-A since
the campaign wound up. And with
more getting the call almost daily,
silent Sam Breadon, boss of the St.
Louis Cardinals, summed it up neatly
when he said a couple of days ago,
"We don't know where we stand for
Sam wasn't kidding, because his
National League champions already
have lost center fielder Harry Walker
and southpaw Alpha Brazle from
their World Series lineup. And with
Walker Cooper just completing his
physical examination and Mort Coo-

per getting his bag packed now to
leave, there are going to be a lot of
wide open spaces out there in Sports-
man's Park.

Amidst the light snow that cover-
ed Ferry Field, the Wolverines yes-
terday drilled on both offense and
defense in preparation for meeting
Ohio State's young Buckeyes Satur-
During the earlier stages of prac-
tice the line and backfield worked
separately. The line practiced charg-
ing and reviewing plays while the
backfield sharpened up its aerial at-
tack. Later the reserve squad ran
Ohio plays against the varsity.
Knowing Ohio State's every move
is tremendously important as Coach
Paul Brown always has a great num-
ber of tricks up his sleeve. This
year is no exception as his backfield
works from both a T-formation and
a single wing.
Time Spent on Dummies
Perhaps the most important
thing done in practice yesterday was
the time spent on the tackling dum-
mies. Coach Crisler's charges can't
miss any tackles this Saturday and
expect to win as Ohio State's two
distance threats, Dean Sensenbaugh-
er and Ernie Parks, need only a
small opening to cause any team
real trouble.
The whole squad took part in yes-
terday's practice with the exception
of Elroy Hirsch who was in uniform
but on the sidelines. Hirsch spent
the afternoon keeping his legs in
condition and receiveing treatment
for his injured arm. It is still very
doubtful as to whether or not he'll
be able to play the season's final.
Averages Give "M" Edge
Competitive averages between the
Wolverines and the Buckeyes point
to a definte Michigan victory as the
varsity has won 7 out of 8 contests
while Ohio has only taken 3 out of
8 encounters. Records must be dis-
credited however, any time these
two teams meet as Wolverine fans
will remember the 20-20 tie of 1941.
Chances are that despite the pre-
vious records of thetwo teams this
season, Saturday's game will pro-
vide Michigan fans with an oppor-
tunity to view the kind of game that
will demonstrate some bf the thrills
of the Notre Dame encounter.

NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-(IP)-The
Notre Dame eleven defeated a stal-
wart Northwestern team last Satur-
day, 25 to 6, but apparently lost a1
little prestige in doing it. Three of
the 90 sports writers taking part in
the weekly Associated Press poll to
determine the ranking football teams
picked the Irish for second place this
The other 87 placed Frank Leahy's
team first, but a week ago every'
voter put it in the No. 1 slot, the first
time a unanimous vote has been
polled by any eleven.
Duke Grabs First Vote
Duke received one of the three
votes that went for other teams, and
the other two went to Colorado Col-
lege, which oddly enough polled only
two 10th-place votes otherwise.
As if to build up another climax
game matching the two top teams,
the scribes moved the Iowa Fre-
Flight eleven from fifth to second
place. The Irish and the Iowans meet
The standings as a whole were
given a rousing shake-up, with two
teams dropping out of the first 10
entirely, and several other squads ad-
vancing or retreating.
Purdue Drops to Third
Purdue, idle last week, dropped a
notch to third place. Michigan held
fourth, and Navy, although swamp-
ing Columbia 61-0, dropped from
third to fifth. Army and Duke, sixth
and seventh last week, swapped pla-
ces. Northwestern dropped from
eighth to ninth, being replaced in
eighth by March Field, a newcomer
to the select circle. Penn, ninth a

week ago, dropped out of the top 10
entirely, as did Southern California,
ninth last week. Texas edged into
the No. 10 spot.
Notre Dame gathered a point total
of 897, based on 10 points for a first
place vote, nine for second, etc.
The selections, with total points:
First 10: 1, Notre Dame 897; 2
Iowa Pre-Flight 631; 3 Purdue 585;
4 Michigan 542; 5, Navy 508; 6, Duke
372; 7, Army 321; 8, March Field 143;
9, Northwestern 121; 10, Texas 112.
Second 10: Washington 97, Texas
Aggies 74, College of Pacific 71, Del
Monte Pre-Flight 65, Georgia Tech
54, Tulsa 44, San Diego Naval Train-
ing Station 33, Bainbridge, Md., Nav-
al Training Station 33, Penn 31,
Dartmouth 29.
Maryland Tops
Wagering Records
BALTIMORE, Nov. 16.-(R)-Al
Pimlico wagering records were broken
during the 30-day meeting which the
four major Maryland tracks, jointly
conducted there, as the average Daily
Mutuel handle reached $870,421,
which was 42 per cent higher than
the handle during the spring meeting,
official figures-disclosed today.
Prior to the five-week meeting
which closed Saturday, Pimlico had
seen relatively few days on which the
betting passed $1,000,000, the largest
being the 1921-or Man O' War-
Preakness year. But in the season
which just closed, the handle sur-
passed $1,000,000 on six days-five
Saturdays and a Thursday.

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