k - #,
VVLDN"UAY,,, NOV- 47, 1943
T a-' a-.A~ ~iiU __________
OPA Men Make
Plans To Crack Down on
B1oard. in Field
To -Investigate
%Ias Violations
ihearinigs for iHuntfrs
Ape SchvedueqToday
Jn Mackinac City
By The Associated Press
Sfour-mari Office of Price Admin-
istr~ation Bearing board, schiedul.ed to
begin hearings. in Cheboygan today
on charges of gasoline rationing vio-
lations brought against deer hunters,
annountced Tuesday night it would
begin the hearings in the Mackinaw
Gity town ball Wednesday instead.
Chairman H. D. Bockes of the Che-
bo.ygan county ratio>udng board, said
OPA officials believed it more con-
venient to hold the hearings in Wac-
kinaw City, terminal of the 'Straits
ferry which brings hunters south
from the tipper Peninsula. Hunters
accused of violations have 'their
ch~oice of immediate hearings there
or of hearings in their communities
atra three-day stay.
Bockes said 20 CPA violations in-
vestigators arrived in Cheboygan
Tuesday to join a staff already in the
Y Mel.
OPA Accompanies Wlardens
Game Wardens will be accompan-
ied by CPA. inspectors when they pat-
rol th~e . woods. When arrests are
m~ade, OPA will check the arrested
hunters' gas supplies.
?Aembners of the hearing board are
Fred W. Lindbloom, Detroit enforce-
micnt officer, E. J. Scallen, Detroit
s~ecial hearing officer, and Theodore
Satelrneyer. Cleveland enforcement
Meanwhile, one deer hunting fa-
tality, Frank Reetz, Jr., 21, of Sagi-
niaw, Mich., who was shot in the back
donday :in a forest clearing six miles
south' of . hudenville in Roscommon
County, was reported Tuesday.
RZetz, who was hunting with his
fa.hcr, Frank Reetz, Sr., of Detroit,
pn~d Fleyd Reetz of Saginaw, another
yelative, was found by a Midland
hu~nter a half hour after he had left
j4i copanions who were a ;short dis-
tance from the scene of the slaying,
stte ple said.
National Coin
Dripe Phtitued
.,By Treasury
A nation-wide drive is about to be
launched by the Treasury Dept. to
get idle cans, especially penjaie , ba.ck
into circulation.
According to Nellie Tayloe Ross,
Director of the U.S. Mint, "the metals
expended in such quantity for minor
coinage are essential to the manaufac-
ture of guns, cartridges, planes, ships
and the like."
A year ago the Treasury sponsored
a similar drive and, 'athough public
response was very .gratifying, an eaten
heavier demand for small coins, par-
tiGUlarlyr the one-cent piece, has ma-
terialjzed this year". This is partly Pe-
cause numerous products such as soft
drinks and cigarettes have added a~nf
odd penny to their original selling
The Mint has. produced nearly
'three billion .pennies during the past,
three years, Mrs. Ross explained, but
this supply, adde~d to pieces already
in circulation, is still insufficient to
meet te'requrements of our'war-
time ec -iny
Wjiter 'Comes
To Ann Arbor
Winter stepped into " Ann Arbor-
ites' shoes yesterday, as snow rah
eech proportions sufficiently thick to
make walking on Ann Arbor~ streets
slightly damp to the iunpktecte
Faced with temperatures not in
th~e least out 'of the ordioar$, JMichi-
gan students trudged to schopl on
slippery sidewalks, comnpainaing of
the cold.
While the first sno~w of the year
cam'e on October 16, an early date
for suQh an occurance, the real
snows of the Year, arrivin~g now, are
coming just about' on ,schedule.
Only bat tle currently belig waged
rbetween the _elements and the suf -
fering- popuigee, is ti~e battle to see
wh-ic~h w-il sulrvive, the sn~ow or the
w Narm weather.
M~arines Return From, lit i .
Pos-Warte i Sister Kenny
Seconld Public Vielbitc
rTo BeHeld at Uuiio
The lPost-War Council will hold
the second of a series of weekly ~pub-
lic panel discussions at 7 :30 p.m. to-
cly on "The United N~ations-What
They Are-Wh at Thiey May Becoine."
Pieces of wool blankets immerised
in boiling hot water, and th en cov-
ered with oil silk and another layer
Dr. J. F. Hostie, lecturer for the
University War raining Program,
Prof. L. H. Laing of the political sci-
e nce departmenit and Prof. W. M.
Maurer of the journalismn department
will give short introductory 'tals On'
the subject. After the openinfg re-
marks, William iMuehl.,'.44L, programi
jmoderator, will ask 'for discussion
from 41he floor.
IThe program illUinclude discus-
lion of the following poizits: 1-The
creation and evolution of the&UiYIted
'Nations3; 2-The existing military, eco-
nomic and political4 arranlgements
a-mon g the United nations today and
3-The future of the United Nations-
iwhat they mnay become~.
The Post-War Council will hold a
business meeting at 4:30 p.m. tomor-
row in room 3Q2 in the Union. Rnthi
Daniels, '44, Phairzpan of the Coun-
cil, announced that new members
who were unable to attend the first
bousiness meeting are invited to tis
Ord inne BHans,
of wool compose thie Kenny packs
which are now bieing tised in the
treatment of infantile paralysis in
the University Hospital.
tAdopted in the =U" Hospital last
August, the Kenny method was first
iintroduced in the United States by
j ister Kenny, an Australian nurse, a
few years ago.
A substitute for the former mnethod!
of splinting the patients, these packs
Campu rIef
~pS nish Society~.
Sociedad ]iispanica will hold its
first meeting at 8 p.m. today in the
Michigan :league.
Betsey Hartsuch, '46, and Emily
Peter, '46, will present a skit based on
their humorous experiences in Mexi-
co. Refreshments and games will fol-
Staff Meeting ,..
"There will be an 'Ensign Business
Staff meeting at 4:15 p.m. today i;.
the Student Publications -Building,"
June Gustafson, '44, Business Mana-
ger, announped yesterday.
717reutinent for',
a-re wrapped around: the,-paalyzed
muscles and left on until ,114y, cool
to 'body temperature. They tire ap-',
plied at one hour i -texvals. ,i
"'Tbe Kenny method has bteen a'
great aid in making tbho p tientU
more comfortable both physically
and mentally," M'issILQre~tta Fahey,
head of the Physlo-Therap LDepart-
tmenit in the hospital, stated. "They
4can be handled more easl n a
move around mnore." al~,n a
l!Although this mnethod~ is not aa
>cure for paralysis, it relieves acute
pain and discomfort. Ifthe mus-
cles are only partially paralyz~ed, the
application of De~nny packsha
proved to aid in the recovery of the
patient. "The for~mer me4thod o~f;
splinting the p tiepnts,-MissFah~ey
continued, "gave them the sensaton~
of being held down, and they usually
developed a pessimistic att~itude.".
ETraininig Course Offerer].
A wounded U.S. Mar inc swings toward a Nav y tasota nte
wounded trooper lies on the bottom of a landing b,")a in wh?.'h they
were brought .l)aci( from the beach on BougainvilleIladin the
Solomons where the Marines established a sucecess~ul ibeachhtead in
the invasion of the Japanese-held island. (AP WAi-evio from
Coast Guard).
Chances of C r hSPdln Here,
On Food SubiisFd Football Saturdays won't be1
same no~nw thaitthe Ann Avrbo
Red Cross Unit
To Meet at Hjillel
Beginning tomorrow and co4n
uin ' on every Thursopy untl thie
end ofV hesemester, a Red Cross
Surgical Dressing Unit- will meet
from 1 to G p. mn. at the ilefound
The quota for surgical dressigs
from Washtenaw County has been
so increased that 10Q,OOQ drsigs
must be completed and sent to re-
ceiving centers by Jan. 1. -
Rita Hyman,, '44. chairmnan of the
unit, urges that as mny~ workers as
possible volunteer. "Each "and every'
dressing folded by students will. be a
vital contribution and will greatly
trelieve the effect' of the shortage of
ed Cross wor'kers now being fet,"
Miss Hlyman said.
lIoiuseaRues Cornrnittee Issuies 'U Ifav
Report; Two Day Floor Debate Order
Council has passed an ordinance pro-
ti I bibiting "'hawking and' peddling" on
t, t the streets of the city when folotball
games are played In the University
Recbrd Concert ,..
A record concert will be played at
Sp.m. today at the International
The program will be composed of
Paganini's Violin Concerto in D ma-
jor and Mozart's "line Kleinenacht-
The Thursday afternoon tea -will
be held from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow at
the Center.
.0per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c' for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.4~0 per 15--word insertion for
three or more days. (1n-
crease of ,$.25i for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
l~rurnfield and Brumfield, '308'S.'
WANTED-Secretary. College- girl'
whio is interested in part time sec-
retajrial work. Hours at yogr con-
veniience. Situation available for
e,tire college year. State capabili-
ies anid experience in reply' Box.
nuimber' 1705 care of The Daily.
HEP WANTD-male drug clerk-
good houvs-top pay. M4arsh All
Drug, '235 ,S. ,State.
TYPIST and CQffi Clerk. Male or,
female. Full tume preferred. Part
time considered. Asponsible pq-'
STUDENT-Bcy or girl .to work in
soda fountain. evenngs and Sun-f
dy. flours to suit your schedule.
hoc an h~our plus 'bonus to start.
A ply Miller's Daixy Store, 1219~ S.
-U iversity.
,40,T and9 FOUND
LOST- Saturdayi's game--Sterling
identification bracelet inscribed
a'WANTED~ ._ -
Your discarded wearing a parel.
Claud -Brown, 512 8, r~ain Street.
Bouhtrented, repaired
314 . } mldnegAreJ 1,1n F6I
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16-Chances
of a compromise in the congressional
battle over food subsidies faded to-
day when the House Rules Commit-
tee set anti-subsidy legislation for
floor consideration Thursday an~d
denied pleas for special procedure
opening it- to a-ny and all amend-
Two days of general debate were
ordered * meaning the measure
probably will come to a vote on Mon-
day. No session is planned Saturday.
Trhe informal debate'- on the issue
continued, in.eantimec, with these de-
1. Senator Smith (l)-SC), anti-
New Dewler and opponent of sub-
sidies, told the Senate Agriculture
Commnittee that the price roll backj
program should lead to "some{
poitical rolling back at the next
2. Senator Holman .R-Ore) pro-
posed 'an investigation of federal
regulations governing distribution
and sale of meat, poultry and dairy
products. He said he wanted to as-
certain the names and official posi-
tions of "persons responsible for the
chaotic conditions."
3. Rep. Patm an (D'X ) GoWtuciuiAfter this week-end ardent foot-
off a sharp exchange on the House ball fans will not beale to buy that
colorful mum or that Michigan lapel
floor when he sought to put- into the I pin from the man 1i thissheet uil'ess
Congressional Record a radio speech than man can "afford a traiisit" trad-
he made charging that the anti- er's license at a cost ,of $36.
subsidy fight is i "diabolical" Re- The alderman believed -thie new
publican plot-the, product of House ordinance necessary to help z elieve
traffic congestion in the city, "the
Minority Leader Martin of Mas- populatinof whjihisoften in-
sachusetts. Rep., Cif ford (R-Mass) creased by sveral thousand persons
first 61?ected. buy 'ater withdrewhi during a football contest.
objection. ,Rep). HIoffman (R-Mich)
declared Patman was trying to "d i ikG ou od
vert at tention from the mess into r
which, the New Deal has plunged us." f ree tIng
Senator Smith's remarks were
made during hearings by the Agri - LNSING, Nov. 16.-i )-Gaver-
culture Committee, of which he is nor Kelly announced tonght a third,
chairman, on the" general subject in .a - series of conferences tot deter
of subsidies .and other food ques- mine whether a milk shortage was so
tions. One of today's witnesses 1 acute as to require rationing would
was Louis BAroielid, the authorI be held in Detroit tomorrow.
and also u aI' rtn r, who described -The .Gover'nor said arol orlen,
the controver.-'y over subsidies as I of Flint, state .director of the MEiclhi-
one manifestation of popular revolt gan United Dairy Farmners Union,
against what he termed "the Ger- and Donald a. Gay, Mian farmer,
manic Theory" that. the citizen is would meet with jobert B. Rch
the servant of the state." 1 state marketing agent ofi the War
"We in the United States are in Food Administration, And Captain
the process of rejecting this new Donald S. Lonard, state diector of
theory which has sprung up here," Civilian Defense, to Prsen~t further
Bromfield said. information onthe auibject.
Last Times
..... ...
--Extra Added-
Screen Film
Snapshots Vaudeyille Hl
Rocky Roadl
To Rin
14iueriji o
MJiLciuqan k rarcL -ioao
1 993-4
J R9~
Mm r Foreign Affairs Committee,
.~ouse of Represntatiyes
Thurs-day, November 18, 8:30 P.M.
0Qpytnin umber ina Series of$ Greait pIatform Attrqatpn
V-LTQON LEWIS, Jr.., -Mutual's Grea News Commentator; LOUIS P, LOCH-
NER,Chi~f .cf the P~erlin Bureau of the Associated Press, LELAND STOWE,
Ace War Correspondent; MAME. WELLINGTON KOO0, Famous Woman of
China.; and the inimitable BURTON 1iOL.MES, in Three Great Motion Picture
Lecur s on RtssiQ, Africa ,and Italy.
f JF'. JF- .'r P i t M