f w
04 *60'ry
I Weather
Fifth Air Force Blasts Rebaul
Pounds Enemy
Mine in Norway;
The Harbor at Rabaul, New Britain, is ablaze af ter Nov. 2 Fifth Air Force raid. Jap ship in fore-
ground burns as bomber (left) passes spot where b omb or shell just burst.. White plum in foreground
is water spout from bomb burst. Note fires along shoreline. (AP Wirephoto from USAAF).
Russ ian Arm
Advances to
Korosten Area
Germans Forced Back
From Railroad Towns
By Fierce Red Drive
By. The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 16.-The Russian
Ukrainian Army. drove for the rail-
way junction of Korosten from the
south and northeast today, pounding
to within 13 miles of the important
ceimunications. line now under its
artillery sights, a communique dis-
closed tonight.
Capturing 60 towns and villages in
the swift advance, the Russians flung
th, Germans from Obkhodi (Obu-
kody), 18 miles east of the railroad
and 16 miles from Korosten to the
~i thwest. Anothe- Russian column,
surgi'g up the railway from Zhitomir
t" the south, captured the town of
^Ctlrchenka, 14 miles south of Koros-
Korosten, 55 miles from the pre-
war Polish border, is one of the main
iai east-west lines of supply, the
Odessa-Leningrad line and is also on
the IKiev-Warsaw line.
The next German east-west line
to the north was under Russian at-
tack in the Rechitsa region, where
the Russians were pushing for the
key town of Kalinkovichi.
The Moscow communique, recorded
by the Soviet Monitor from a broad-
cast, said the Red Army, which yes-
terday cut the railway leading froi
Gomel west to Kalinkovichi, captured
ten more German strongpoints and
the enemy "sustained tremendous
losses in manpower and equipment."
Campus Honors
Prague Students
In memory of the Nazi massacre
of 160 Czechoslovakian students on
the steps of the University of Prague
four years ago today, the Women's
War Council and the Union sent
Monday the following letter to Vlad-
imir Hurban, Ambassador from Cze-
"We, the students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, wish to extend to
you on this fourth anniversary of
the massacre of the students of
Prague, our admiration and respect
for the people of Czechoslovakia in
their courageous fight for freedom.
"We want to express our sincere
conviction that the massacre of
those students has only increased
the zeal with which our students, as
well as those all over the world, are
striving to develop student freedom."
Student bodies of leading Ameri-
can universities were urged to send
messages to the Czechoslovakian
Ambassador. These messages will be
presented by a group of United Na-
tions students today at the Czecho-
slovakian Embassy in Washington,
D. C.
Resistance Group in Lyon
Clashes with Nazi Forces
BERN, Switzerland, Nov. 16.-(P)
-Bloody clashes between resistance
groups and German forces in Lyon,
......... -. . . Tnw~nr ...-.,1. 4.,
Hull Says Boundaries Must
Remain Unsettled for Duration
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-Europe's
tangled territorial disputes will have
to await settlement until the end of
the war, Secretary of State Hull told
his press conference today.
Only recently returned from the
Moscow meeting, Hull said these
problems had been shoved asidetem-
porarily and that unless someone
wanted to stop the whole war and
settle 30 or 40 such controversies now
they would not be dealt with finally
until the fighting is over.
Hull thus left unanswered such
questions as the ultimate status of
the Baltic states of Esthonia, Latvia
and Lithuania-as well as Finlan.
The first three countries were in-
corporated into the Soviet Union be-
fore the Germans occupied them, but
the, are still recognized diplomat-
ically by the United States.
Finland, though at war with Rus-
sia and Britain, is not at war with
the United States, and Russia has
incorporated as a Socialist Republic
the region known as Finnish Karelia.
IFC To Hold
Army Personnel Now
Eligible To Pledge
A second period of registration for
rushing will be held by the Interfra-
ternity Council from 3 to 5 p. m. to-
day through Friday of this week and
Monday through Friday of next
week in the IFC office, Room 306, in
the Union, Henry Schmidt, Jr., '44,
President, announced yesterday.
The change in rushing registration
plais was occasioned by the an-
nouncement of Col. odgers that men
in the Army programs on campus
may join fraternities. Col. odgers
said, "Students in the University of
Michigan in Army programs are el-
igible to be pledged and initiated
into fraternities at their own ex-
pense. However, it must be taken
into consideration that at no time
must'fraternity duties interfere with
the Army program."
Schmidt emphasized, however,
that this second registration period
is not open only to men in the Army
and Navy programs. Any freshman
who has not yet registered, or any
student interested in being rushed
by the fraternities may register dur-
ing the stated dates. 86 men regist-
ered during the first period held be-
tween Nov. 1 and Nov. 7.
President's Son
Is Decorated
GIERS,, Nov. 16.-(P)-Lt. Franklin
D. Roosevelt, Jr., the third son of the
President, received the Silver Star for
gallantry and Purple Heart for
wounds from Vice-Admiral H. Kent
Hewitt today during the presentation
of 24 awards to 22 officers and men
of the destroyer Mayrant.
Five other Silver Stars, two of the
Legion of Merit, and 15 Purple Hearts
were awarded as the outcome of re-
Similarly, Russia's boundaries with
Poland and Rumania might appear
to be involved.
,ull said that putting off settle-
ment of such disputes until after the
war is in accordance with British and
American declarations during the
past two years.
He indicated that it would be im-
possible to determine boundaries of
liberated areas until it becomes clear
just what the liberated areas are.
Meanwhile, he said, application of
the Moscow formula for the indepen-
dence of Italy under a democratic
regime-which was itended to serve.
as a model for other liberated areas.
as they appeared-cannot be finally
implemented until boundaries be-
come clear and definite.
Local Retailers
Wil Be Present.
At Forum Today
More than 100 local retailers are
expected to attend the annual Re-
tail Forum, under the co-sponsorship
of the University and the Detroit
comptrollers group of the Retail Mer-
chants' Association, scheduled for the
Rackham Building today.
Thomas M. Pitkethly, president of
the Smith Bridgeman & Co., Flint,
will preside over the afternoon ses-
sion which opens at 3 p.m. Following
a welcoming address by E. H. Gault,
professor of marketing at the Uni-
versity, Prof. C. L. Jamison will dis-
cuss "Government Control of Busi-
ness-Prewar to Postwar."
Robert H. Perry, business consult-
ant of the Chicago region of the U.S.
Department of Commerce, will lead a
discussion period at the clinic, which
is regarded as the outstanding event
on the local ration calendar.
Doctor Talks on
Lung Diseases
Public Health Nurses
Hold Conference Here
"Statistics show that one-third of
the absenteeism at General Motors
is due to various kinds of respiratory
diseases," Dr. Thomas Francis, pro-
fesor and chairman of the Depart-
ment of Epidemiology, stated in his
address to the Public Health Nursing
Conference yesterday.
"We have been inclined to be very
fatalistic about these respiratory dis-
eases," he continued, "and many of
our efforts have been in the field
of philosophy and mythology rather
than in scientific research."
Dr. Francis stated that respiratory
streptococcus infections are one of
the most serious problems in the
country today, and are the source of
many other streptococcus infections.
In the discussion on the control of
common colds, he mentioned that the
problem has been obscured by the
lack of knowledge regarding the
causative agent and the question of
immunity. "We are convinced that
the common cold is not the same as
influenza," he said.
Allies I
Strenuous Fighting
Awaits Americans
Before Road to
Rome Is Captured
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Nov. 16.-German troops,
counter-attacking from their power-
ful rock-hewn winter line, have
knocked American forces back from
hard-won heights north of Venafro,
the Allied Command acknowledged
today, and direct word from the cold,
rainy Italian front made plain that
bitter fighting awaits the Allies on
the road to Rome.
"Neither Tunisia nor Sicily pre-
sented the difficulties which the Al-
lied troops must overcome before
they drive the enemy into Northern
Italy, and it is becoming obvious that
neither of those campaigns cost the
blood this drive will cost," wrote Don
Whitehead of the Associated Press
from the Fifth Army front.
For the time being, both the Allies
and Germans were digging into the
mud, for shelter from the inclement
weather and from shellfire, andcom-
paratively small forces were battling
for a few yaids of rocky hilltops; val-
uable only because they overlook a
further goal.
The Nazis counterattacked twice
yesterday with strong, fresh troops to
shove Lt Gen. Mark W. Clark's Am-
erican Infantry off positions they ha
won on Monte Santa Croce, North of
Venafro. This key. peak dominates
the entrance to 'a plain northwest 'f
Mignano, which in turn gives access
to the strategic city of Cassino on the
main inland highway to Rome.
Premier Badogio Reteals
Temporary Italian Cabinet
ITALY, Nov. 16.-()-Premier Piet-
ro Badoglio tonight announced the
personnel of his "technical cabinet,"
which is composed of undersecretar-
ies temporarily empowered to act as
ministers until Rome is reached and
a new government is formed.
The new cabinet inculded Gen.
Taddeo Orlando, who was captured
by the Allies and released from pri-
son camp at the request of Badoglio
to serve as undersecretary for war.
Sociologists Will
Convene Here
Meeting To Feature
'Race Riot' Panel
Leading sociologists from all over
the state will gather here Friday, No-
vember 26, for the annual conference
of the Michigan Sociological Society.
The program will consist of lec-
tures and prepared papers on all
branches of sociology and all meet-
ings will be held in the Rackham
At the morning session, Vernon
Fox, psychologist for Jackson Prison
will discuss "The Classification of
Jackson Prison."
A highlight of the day's meeting
will be an afternoon panel discussion
on "The Sociological Implications of
the Detroit Race Riots." A discussion
period will follow.
Dr. Garret Hayne, Director, Michi-
gan State Department of Corrections,
will be the featured speaker at the
luncheon to be held in the League
Partisans Fall Back
Before Nazi Drive
LONDON, Nov. 16.-(P)--Gen. Josi:
Broz' (Tito's) Partisans were falling
back slowly in Yugoslavia tonight
before the weight of heavy Germar
assaults, but to the east, in the battle
for the Balkans, the Allies streng-
thened their toe-hold on the bitterl3
contested Aegean Island of Leros.
Allied air squadrons, based in the
Middle East, were striking hard in
support of the ground forces in a
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. - The
congressional deadlock over legisla-
tion to ease the draft's impact on
fathers was brokentoday when a
Senate-House committee agreed on a
compromise embodying the principle
that no father anywhere in the na-
tion should be called while a non-
father is available.
This was the main point of a mea-
sure passed by the House Oct. 26 but
rejected by the Senate which earlier
had approved a bill to tighten regu-
lations for deferment of non-fathers.
Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.) of the
House military committee called the
compromise worked out with repre-
sentatives of the Senate military
Polls Will Be
Open Today for
Campus Voting
Students Will Elect
Union, Engineering
And Board Members.
The polls will be open from 9 a.m.
to '12 and from 1 to 4 p.m. today'at
booths .located in .the Engineering'
Arch, University Hall, and West Med-
ical Building for the general campus
election for student members of the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions, the Union vice-presidencies,
and the Engineering Council.
There will also be a ballot box from
1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the dental school.
No change in the candidates in the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions' election has occurred since yes-
terday and the contest will be be-
tween Karl Kessler Grad., Hoe Sel-
tzer '45 Med., Barney Laschever 45E,
and Bud Brimmer '46 Law.
In the Union elections in which the
schools of the University will select
vice-presidents to serve on the Union
Executive Council, the candidates
Engineering-Architecture Schools-
Clifton Myll '45E, David F. Upton
'45E, Victor Peterson '44E, Cecil Sink
'44E, and John De Boer '44E.
Dentistry: James Blanchard '47D,
David Striffler '47D, and Howard
O'Dell '45D.
Literature, Science and Arts: John
Timms '45, Ross Hume '45, Dick Gil-
Turn to Page 6, Col. 7
Paper, Rag Drive
To Begin Today
Conscript Non-Fathers
First, Congress Decides'
House-Senate Deadlock Ended as Joint
Committee Agrees To East Father-Draft
committee "an even stronger bill
than the House passed."
The conferees' agreement is sub-
ject to Senate and House ratification.
It is to be submitted to the House
first on Thursday.
The measure would direct that fa-
thers with children born before Sept.
15, 1942, be placed at the bottom of
the draft list and none be inducted
if a non-father is available for call
by any local draft board anywhere.
Non-fathers deferred because of em-
ployment on vital war work would
not, however, be classed as available.
One effect of the bill would be to
nullify the order of the War Man-
power Commission that bartenders,
race track employees and other work-
ers listed by WMC as "non-essential,"
oe inducted without regard to whe-
ther or not they have dependents.
The measure also would direct the
President to withdraw allpowers over
Selective Service now held by Man-
power Chairman Paul V. McNutt, but
if he wished the President could re-
delegate them to Maj.-Gen. Lewis B.
Hershey, Selective Service director.
1'US. in Foreign
Affatis To Be
Discussed Here
"The United States in Foreign Af-
fairs" will be the topic which Con-
gressman Will Rogers, Jr. will discuss
in the opening lecture of the Ora-
torical Association series at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Rogers, who was elected to
Congress straight from the Army, in
a campaign which consisted of one
radio broadcast, will donate the en-
tire amount he receives for this lec-
ture to Army-Navy Relief.
As a member of. the Foreign Affairs
Committee of the House of Represen-
tatives, he spent the past summer in
England, living with soldiers and es-
pecially with RAF and American Air
Force units, talking with military
chiefs and with the best political
minds of England.
Before World War II, after he had
graduated from Stanford University,
Mr. Rogers bought his own news-
paper in California and spent several
months in Europe covering the war
in Spain. Alarmed with what Ger-
many evidently was planning to do
with the experience gained there, he
made a special study of foreign af-
fairs and has been one of those to
support from the beginning the idea
of total war against Nazism.
Although he is actually the Holly-
wood representative to Congress, Mr.
Rogers considers himself and prefers
to be known as the soldier's repre-
sentative, for he knows what the
young men know making up Amer-
ica's Army want and has dedicated
himself to their interest.
Season tickets for the series which
will include Fulton Lewis, Jr., Burton
Holmes, Louis Lochner, Madame Wel-
lington Koo, and Leland Stowe can
still be obtained today and tomorrow
at the box office in Hill Auditorium.
Single tickets for the Will Rogers,'
Jr. lecture go on sale at 10 a.m. today.
Servicemen on campus may obtain
single tickets at a reduced rate.
Yank Flyers Cross
North Sea in Order
To Strike at Metal
Supply in Knaben
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 16 - Large for-
mations of American heavy bomb-
ers fought their way 700 miles across
the North Sea through heavy snow
storms today to strike at Germany's
essential metal supply, bombing mo-
lybdenum mine at Knaben, on" the
west coast of Norway and a power
station at Rjukan, approximately 80
miles west of Oslo.
The Flying Fortress and Liberator
attack on the northern side of Ger-
many's European fortress followed up
a U.S. 15th Air Force raid yesterday
on two Nazi air bases near Athens,
on the southern flank of Europe.
Battle Resistance Encountered
The Britain-based heavy bombers
were unescorted and encountered on-
ly slight resistance. They shot down
six Nazi planes with a loss of only
two bombers-one more than on the
Norway raid July 24 when the Trond-
heim naval base and Heroy alumi-
num works were attacked.
Molybdenum, used in hardening
steel, is vital in' the manufacture, of
munitions. The Knaben mine, locat-
ed 50 miles northwest of Krstian-
sund, was attacked last Feb. 3 by
RAP Mosquitos. At that time it ws
estimated that the raid cut off three
quarters of German's supply of iol-
ybdenum, and a Swedish newspaper
said the mine's production was stop-
ped for months.
The German-controlled Oslo radio
was recorded by the Ministry of In-
Turn to Page 6, Col 1
Pair of Navy
Fying Boats
Hits Jap Ships
Three Enemy Vessels
Knocked Out by Daring
Duet in Morning Attack
By The Associated Press
HEADQUARTERS, Wednesday, Nov.
17.-Continuing the job of "doing
everything it can with what it has,"
in the words of General MacArthur's
spokesman, the Southwest Pacific
Air Force has sunk an 8,000-ton Jap-
anese cargo ship, forced a 9,000-ton-
ner to be beached, and damaged a
third large vessel.
In the latest strikes, reported in
today's communique, the credit was
shared by a United States Navy Cat-
alina Flying Boat and Australian-
flown Beaufort bombers.
During the early mornig hours
Monday, the Catalina sighted the
9,000-ton ship, escorted by two cor-
vettes, at the north end of St. George
Channel which separates New Ireland
and New Britain. A direct hit on the
big ship forced it to be beached on
the coast of New Ireland. Only yes-
terday, a communique had reported a
Catalina attack near Rabaul on a
Japanese cruiser whose armor was
penetrated by a 1,000-pound bomb.
The Beauforts, just before mid-
night Sunday, swept down to mast-
height on enemy shipping at Rabaul,
sinking the 8,000-ton vessel and dam-
aging another. The Beauforts en-
countered heavy anti-aircraft fire
but only one raider reported any ei-
emy interception.
On northeastern New Guinea, Jap-
anese planes raided Allied airfields
in the Ramu Valley and 20 were shot
MacArthur Says Pacific
Area Receives Little Aid
By The Associated Press
SOUTHWEST Pacific Allied HOed-
quarters, Wednesday, Nov. 17.-Geh.
Douglas MacAthur's spokeman said
today "The Southwest Pacific has
something less than five percent df
American military resources and it
is now receiving something under 10
percent of what America is shipping
With paper mill inventories in the
Midwest down to the lowest point
since World War I, the Washtenaw
County Salvage Committee is appeal-
ing to all citizens of Ann Arbor to
place any rags and waste paper dn
the curbs tomorrow when they will
be picked up by Ann Arbor city
Students living in sorority houses,
co-ops, residents halls, and League
houses are requested to contribute all
the wastepaper and rags they can
find in their rooms and throughout
their houses.
Detroit WAVE Officers Will
Enlist Local Women for Navy
Beginning Monday, Nov. 22, there
will be a WAVE recruiting booth in
the League manned by two recruiting
officers from Detroit, Ensign Jean
Courtney and Sp. (R) 3/c Harriet
At the present time there are 27,000
WAVES now in service and 20,000
The term of enlistment is for the
duration of the war and up to six
months afterwards. Other qualifica-
tions for enlistment include: you
must be a native-born American citi-
zen, or you or your parents must have
naturalization papers; you must be