SUNDAY, NOV. 14, 1943
Fifty-Fourth Year
- .c
: 3-
Edited and managed by students .of, the Univerity of
(ichigan under the authorityof the Board n Control
) Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
egular. University year, and every morning except Monil
Jay and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled, t the use
or republicatin .of all news dispatches credited to it or
therwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lIcaton of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Off ice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rer $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Stafff
arson Ford
ine Farrant .
aire Sherman
ariorie Borradaile
I Zalenski
etty Harvey .
. . Managing Editor
* . Editorial Director
* . City Editor
. .Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Business S
Ly Ann Winokur
abelh Carpenter
tha Opsion
. Business Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager.
liominie Says
RELIGION IS RESPONSE. Saints and schol-
ars have joined the artist in this observation.
By response, we mean that there is on the one
hand a call in the universe itself unto the soul
of man and, on the part of that conscious soul,
there is ability to respond. In his Space, Time
and Deity (p. 374), S. Alexander says, "As with
love, hate, appetite and aversion, it is because the
world itself provokes in us a specific response
,which makes us aware, no matter in how prim-
Itie a form, of God." Rall in Christianity ar-
gues' "i'With food, the appeal of the ideal that
calls out aspiration, devotion and effort, the
awareness 'of the higher, of the numinous or
holy, all point to a spiritual element whose
stimixlus we feel. It impringes upon us as surely
as does light upon the eye."
Nor can the sceptic keep away from this ap-
parent truth. George Eliot as she walked
with a. student about the gardens of Trinity
at Cambridge one afternoon remarked: "Three
words have been used so often as the inspir-
ing trumpet cal of men-the words God, Im-
mortality, Duty-how inconceivable the first,
how unbelievable the second, and how peremp-
tory the third." But the believer will insist
that to so view duty is to admit God because
that which awakens responsibility at the roots
of duty is God. Here is the recurring argu-
ment which logicians make, not for the exist-
ence of God, but for religion as response. Pray-
er and worship follow as man's right and a
issible-route 'to nobility .of action.
We are dealing not with power operating in
the universe, this power being God set over
against man and his weakness-but rather with
twg polarities set with attraction in a universe.
Here is God as unitary and purposive good
reaching out through the infinities of space,
time,, movement; and man able to respond with
a cry for unity and a wish for purpose and the
idii houghj always being free to reect this
course. Such is the basis of religion. Shall we
not affirm with Alfred Noyes in "Watchers of
the Sky:"
"Yet we, who are borne on one dark grain of
Around one indistinguishable spark
Of star-mist, lost in one last feather of light,
Can, by the strength of our own thought, as-
Through universe after universe; trace their
Through boundless time, their glory, their
And, on the invisible road of law, more firm
Than granite, range through all their length
and breadth, 'r"
Their height and u tpast, present, and to
come." '#x'
Religion, then, anative response, is "seeking
an order which' iile, ZOot' trying to impose .
one from witho' Iall, Chapter XI.) a
Edward W. Blakeman
Counse j tn Jelgious Education
Germany Shows Signs
Of Home-Front Collapse
Aelfens to lIe &it.,
Student Voice Needed...
IT HAS BEEN APPARENT that some elements
on this campus are attempting the molding
of a subjugated student body by seeking control
of the University's women. Today I read an
article stating ". . . it is an alternate to a pos-
sible program of increased physical education
requirements for women." This "it" refers to
a "lights-out" program.
The men on campus are definitely opposed
to the PEM program, and they were from its
inception. An attempt to set a PEW course
would be equally unpopular, as is this current
LIGHT business. Women will probably feel
obligated to vote for this in order to escape
the rigors of PEW. But this is only one of
the high-handed measures that are forced on
the student body.
Why can't Michigan's student body have a
greater voice in the school's government? The
University of Michigan is one of the very few
universities in the country without any -sort of
a representative student board. A board is
not enough; it must also have power to act.
Now IS the time to act; this IS the right psy-
chological moment to assure Michigan a place
among the nation's progressive colleges by form-
ing a real student council.
-Robert Nichere
By Licht
I'd Rather
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. - Mild-
mannered, popular ex-Senator Clyde
Herring of Iowa didn't say anything
about it when he resigned as Assis-
tant OPAdministrator, but he seri-
ously considered a terrific blast
against chain stores, advertising
agencies, and big business domina-
tion of OPA.
The blast he prepared was in-
directly aimed at OPAdministrator
Chester Bowles, of the Springfield,
Mass., newspaper family and head
of the Benton and Bowles ad
Herring planned to list the adver-
tising executives and chain store op-
erators, many of them business
friends of Bowles, who were fixing
rices and running consumer goods
from the OPA. Among them were:
Regan P. Connally, president of
the Interstate Department Stores of
New York, a chain store system; now
head of OPA's merchandise price
Jean Carroll, son of a former gov-
ernor of Iowa, executive of the Krue-
ger Grocery chain; now in charge
of OPA's Food Price section.'
Col. Bryan Houston, of the Young
and Rubicam Adv. agency; now head
of OPA's-Rationing.
Walter F. Straub, of the Food and
Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co., Chicago;
now head of OPA's Food Rationing
James Brownlee, formerly of Gen-
eral Foods, American Sugar Refin-
ing and Frankfurt Distillers, now
OPA Deputy Price Administrator.
Looking on from the inside, ex-
Senator Herring felt that these men,
conscientious, patriotic and hard-
working as they may be, could not
help but lean toward chain stores
and other agencies rather than to-
ward the consumer public. He felt
that the price barriers which hard-
boiled, undiplomatic Leon Henderson
erected, gradually were melting; that
inflation was just around the corner.
But before issuing his resignation
blast, Herring thought to himself:
"These things aren't so good.
But it's our White house, our
country, our war."
One of his boys had just died.
Another is a prisoner in Germany.
"Do you make outside calls? - Our basement flooded and
washed the labels
off all the cans!"
Telephone 23-24-1
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A--T- WK i ! I
Editorials published in The Michigan Dailyl
are written by members of The Daily staff
and' represent the views of the writers only.
Dondero Is Harming
Friendship with Russia
REP. DONDERO of Michigan told the House
Friday that supply ships, returning from
Russia, are bringing back tons of printed mater-
ial-"ropaganda" for 4organization af a united
bloc j this country of people 'of la origin.
"T is," he said, "is a type of lend-lease in
reveie which is not of a charace upon :rl ch .
Amefican people will look; wvth Teliih," pn -
ed that it is "bad taste a this 'tine."
C isi~deringrecent developments . in the
Am ican-Soviet friendship Do y, Rep. Don-
derd's remarks are showy had taste
At the recent Moscow
c perate with Russia
s nb*. Such a policy,
>ub and suspicion. "4
igh t more profitabl, S
r bter relatiosbet
,them than t Nted
inference we decided
'fter the war as well
annot be founded on
Brtain tatives
nid their orking
n Rusa erica
art fer a*listrust
ered it his duty to make these assertions he
should have taken the trouble of substantiating
them with a little proof.
We Americans have long been reluctant
about cooperating with- Russia to any great
extent. We have awakened and realized that
victory cannot be achieved if we Allies do not
have faith in one another.
We have committed ourselves to a policy of
friendship with Russia, and we must not let
men like Representative Dondero nullify the
wonderful results achieved by the Moscow 'con-'
-Doris Petersoez
t.... .... . , '' .... \.I
Plans Must Be Made for
Returning War Veterans{
THE PROBLEM of what to do with World
War II veterans will be a major postwar
concern. It is about time that government
leaders began making active plans for the re-
location of returning service men and women.
We worry about Allied military governments.
We wonder how China will manage its affairs
in a postwar world, but there isn't one bill
designed to assist veterans in returning to
their old jobs.
The majority of the industries are producing
munitions:.They will have to be' reconverted in
order to turn out civilian necessities. A whole
cycle of shifting in personnel will necessarily r"
be in ordegt,
This problem of reconstruefi'n is one which,
should be primarily "state-handled" with Fejl
eral aid. Gov. Kelly, by calling a conferece
last week with various state groups to perfect a
state "clearing house committee" and to take
steps -toward the setting up of comparable
local' committees, has taken the initiative in
state job-planning.
Michigan is well started towards formulating
I CITIZENS of the United Nations are not
being unduly optimistic, and if Hitler's most
recent "beer cellar" rantings may be taken as
any indication of the true temper of the German
people, then der Fuehrer's kingdom of Nazism is
definitely beginning to crack.
Indeed, the surest indication that all is
not well within the Nazi borders are the words
of Hitler himself. Last Tuesday he fanatically
vowed that any person in Germany who dared
to desire an Allied victory would be killed, and
that he would resort to mass executions to
prevent ;a"home-front collapse.
If faith in the Nazi party has fallen so far
that"'the German people are, willing to risk
death in - expressing their hope for an Allied
success, then our "invincible'forces" cannot be
dormidible as they once seemed.
BUT:MORE THAN THESE reports from "re-
.n liable. sources" we have evidence that the
ebbing German morale has hit a new low from
the increasing number of Nazi desertions. It
has been reported that in a period of a few
weeks, early in August, as many as 2,500 German
soldiers deserted in Northern Italy.
Underground reports from Norway indicate
that the Nazis stationed there are exceedingly
weary of the war and that there are more
than 1,500 soldiers in prison for desertion.
There is a basic difference between the Allied
soldier and the Nazi puppet. There is a reason
to believe that Germany WILL collapse one day.
As an American soldier, who has been serving in
Africa for more than a year put it:
"WE ARE STRONG and daily growing strong-
er in- the machines of war, but the thing
that really'strikes me as being significant is the
realization that our real power lies in our men,
in "their streingth imbued from childhood by
their way of life. j'n short, we are strong because
our men know"deep in their hearts that what
they are fighting for is real and worthwhile."
And so the evidence and the signs pile up.
We of the Allied Nations like to believe that
Germany will collapse internally, and that
she will be out of the war within another year.
We keen illin ourselves that some day all
NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-General Charles de
Gaulle is becoming stronger by the day, and wee
simply do not know what to do with him, or
without him.
To be caught at a loss is a sign that we have
made an error somewhere. And we are caught
at a loss. There is no mistaking it. We watch,
in a kind of daze, as General Horonore Giraudl
leaves the French Committee, along with hisF
three commissioners. General Giraud, about
whom nobody in Washington is lost in adora-
tion any longer, is out, flat out, politically.
Did we know this would happen? I doubt it.
Leaving aside the question of whether de Gaulle
}s devil or angel, dictator or democrat, the evid-
ence is strong that we misread the facts con-
cerning the 'extent of his support and of his
grip on the French underground. }We are sur-
prised by what one repriter eals "the surging
trend of opinion in Algiers" towrgxd de, Gaulle,
a tread whicl mounts as mor1ad mor leaders
of the underground reach the political arena in
North Africa
There are many signs that w have opinions
about de Gaulle, but there are few signs that
we know what to do next in regard to him.
And this, I think, is the heritag of our deal-
ings with Vichy. There may hWe been, I will
concede it, strong military reasons for dealing
with Vichy. But there was also a price to be
paid for doing so. The price was lack of con-
tact with the French underground, a suspicious,
derogatory and defensive attitude toward it, and,
finally, ignorance of it; ignorance which leaves
us bewildered by recent political changes in Al-
giers, and with the odd feeling that we are deal-
ing with strangers, with men mysterious, re-
mote, unknown and not quite friendly.
There were two Frances. We dealt with one.
The other is now in the ascendancy. Even if
our policy was to deal with Vichy only to destroy
it, the net is that we destroyed the France we
knew, and never tipped our hat to the France
which is now coming out on top.
I leave the moralities out of this essay on
purpose. I address it to the practical men in
our government, conceding that they operated
with the intention of producing a certain desired
military result, and that they produced it. If
we will only agree now that that is a closed1
chapter, if we will stop trying to justify past
policies by current attitudes, I see no reason why
we cannot deal with the French political situa-
tion afresh.,
I put it to the practical men, as a practical
matter, that we cannot afford to have a France
which hates us. It is no answer to continue toc
insist that there are certain things about der
Gaulle we do not like. That is a flight into emo-
tional reasons, of exactly the character which .
we never permitted to sully the cold, mechanical
efficiency of our relations with Vichy.t
If we do not know the French underground,
then we must come to know it. If we are un-
acquainted with those bearers of unfamiliar£
names who now man the French Committee,1
then we must become acquainted with them. It1
is a question of attitudes. If we approached the
French .underground with one-tenth of the def-
erence with which we once approached Vichy,t
we could set up a system of procedure for estab-
lishing the future of France. Who says we can-t
not deal with the underground? Our abilityc
to deal is what we are proudest of. We haves
been boasting of it for years.x
But first we must have a sense that the 7
French underground is real; just as real, in S
aa. _ . . - _.. ... .. - - I. U . - 4 a
SUNDAY, NOV. 14 1943
VOL. LIV No. 12
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Eligibility Rules for Fall Term:
Because of changed conditions on
the campus the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs has decided to modify
the ' rules of eligibility for public
activities for the current Fall Term.
The continuance of the plan will
depend upon the success with which
it is managed by the individual stu-
dent during the coming months.
Students will not be required to se-
cure certificates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checking their own eligibility.
First term freshmen will be al-
lowed to participate but will have
their grades checked by their aca-
demic counsellors or mentors at the
end of the five-week period and at
mid-semester. Continued participa-
tion after these checks will depend
upon permission of the academic
counsellors or mentors. All other
students who are not on Probation
or the Warned List are eligible. Any-
one on Probation or the Warned List
is definitely ineligible to take part in
any public activity and astudent
who participates under thesedcir-
cumstances will be subject to disci-
pline by the authorities of the school
or college in which he or she is en-
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind on
a committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
organization, or any similar func-
In order to keep the Personnel
Records up to date in the Office of
the Dean of Students, the president
or chairman of any club or activity
should submit a list of those partici-
pating each term on forms obtain-
able in Room 2, University Hall.
These records are referred to con-
stantly by University authorities,
directly to the Office of the Aca-
demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Buff cards should be used in report-
ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 47 of the 1943-44 announce-
ment of our College.
E. A. Walter
Choral Union Members: Those
whose records of attendance are
clear will please call for admission
tickets to the Anderson concert Mon-
day, Nov. 15, between the hours of
10 and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower. No passes
will be issued after 4 o'clock.
Charles A. Sink, President
Job Registration will be held in
Room 205 Mason Hall on Tuesday,
Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m. This applies to
February, June and August gradu-
ates, also to graduate students or
staff members who wish to register
and who will be available for posi-
tions within the next year. The
Bureau has two placement divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division in-
cludes service to people seeking posi-
tions in business, industry, and pro-
fessions other than education.
It is important to register NOW
because employers are already ask-
ing for February and June graduates.
There is no fee for registration.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Men in Armed Services-Lecture
Course Tickets: By action of the
Committee on University Lectures,
men in the armed services will be ad-
mitted to the Oratorical Association
Lecture Course program at one-half
the regular admission fee. The spe-
cial admission prices are as follows:
Main Floor 60c; First Balcony 45c;
Second Balcony 30c. The above prices
In the end he issued no blast, re-
signed in silence.
Pay Boost Warning...
Nobody can say that the Adminis-
tration didn't have ample warning
that labor will make wholesale wage
demands if the gates were let down
to John L. Lewis.
Phil Murray delivered the warn-
ing to the President personally at
an off the record session several
weeks ago.
Murray, who helped Lewis found
the 1O, and has carried on after
Lewis deserted it, told the Presi-
dent that if the big mine boss was
able to break the Little Steel For-
mula and get what he wanted, the
steel workers would immediately
demand an increase.
Murray is also head of the steel
workers but has loyally gone along
with the President in trying to sta-
bilize wages provided prices were sta-
bilized. However, with a boost to
Lewis, Murray said he would not be
able to keep his own people under
controls Furthermore, there is now
terrific rivalry between Lewis and
Murray, each to show that his union
can do more for its members.
This is why Administration lead-
ers are now so boiling mad both at
Lewis for exacting his last pound
of flesh and at those who yielded
to him.
No Trough-Feeder Engel
The "Merry-Go-Round" has dis-
covered many a Congressman feed-
ing deep at the public trough, but
it is a rare thing to find one who
gives away money to the Govern-
Albert J. Engel of Michigan, Re-
publican, with a waistline like a beer
barrel, worked up a lot of figures
about the high wages paid in de-
fense plants, and sold the article to
Reader's Digest. When the check
came back, Engel's eyes bulged. It
was $2,000.
"Get thee behind me, Satan,"
said Engel, and promptly phoned
the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
He found that if he gave the
money to charty, his tax on it
would be $300. So he deducted the
$300, and gave the $1700 to USO.
But first, he had a photostat made
of the check, to remind himself that
it was really true.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)
company commanders or battalion
Academic Notices
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1)cThe Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive,, (3) The Director of Physical:
Education and Athletics. y
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counsellors (108 Mason
Hall) ; by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Fall Term.
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Fall Term.
Nov. 20 is therefore the last date on
which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student
later does not affect the operation of
this rule. E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week, even
though they have registered and
have attended classes unofficially,
will forfeit their privilege of continu-
ing in the College.
E. A. Walter
Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54: Make-
up final examination on Thursday,
Nov. 18, at 3:10 p.m. in room 207,
Economics Building.
Psvehology 31 make-un examina-