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November 14, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-14

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. D' ILI

...l! _iiCH C-AAi
_________________________________ I_________________________________ ____________________________________________.

Prof. Christian
Opens Faculty
Concert Series
University Organist
Features Works of
Bach on Program
Prof. Palmer Christian, University
organist, will present the opening
program of the Faculty Concert Ser-
ies under the auspices of the School
of Music at 4:15 today in Hill Audi-
The first half of the program this
afternoon will be devoted to the
Works of Johann Sebastion Bach.
The "Toccata and Fugue in D min-
or," "Sheep May Safely Graze" from
the Birthday cantata, arranged for
organ by E. Power Biggs, the "Con-
certo in D" for string orchestra and
the monumental "Passacaglia and
Fugue in C minor" will be played.
The second part of the program
will consist of the "Choral in D min-
or" by Andriessen, "Intermezzo" and
"Cantabile" from Widor's Sixth Sym-
phony and "Pense d'Autumn" and
the brilliant "Toccata" by Jongen.
Prof. Palmer Christian is one of the
outstanding organists in the musical
field and has appeared in recital and
with major symphony orchestras all
over the country.

Russian Troops
Take Zhitomir
(Continued from 'Page 1)
the pre-war Polish border for the
Nazis, hard-pressed in White Russia
and' now ominously out-flanked in
their last Ukrainian stand.
Just a year ago the Germans weire
smashing triumphantly on Stalin-
grad and threatening the Volga.
Since then the Russians have driven
approximately 700 airline miles to
Zhitomir, and stand about the same
distance short of Berlin.
The Odessa-Leningrad railroad
actually was cut Oct. 2 with the
Russian capture of Nevel far to the
north, but the capitulation of Zhito-
mir today is of far more importance
to the Germans as it means they will
be forced to use a round-about sys-
tem of single gauged tracks almost
100 miles west..The fall of Nevel had
meant only minor rerouting for the
Germans through Polotsk a few
miles to the southwest.
Only 120 Miles to Bessarabia.
The cutting of the railroad at
Zhitomir now opens "the way for 'a
Soviet plunge into old Poland and
the already panicky Balkans, as the
front is only 120 miles from tessa-
rabia, which Rumania annexed after
the last World War and which Rus-
sia exclaimed before the Nazi inva-

Activities of Russian Women
Include Duty in Combat Units

"There isn't a human being in Rus-
sta who isn't engaged actively 3'n win-
ning the War," Capt. Sergei N. Kour-
nakoff said yesterday.
"Everybody is working for the war.
There is practically no limit to the
activity of women. They'are even en-
gaged as fighting office s in the Aim-
ed Forces. I have never heard of a
Woman priest, but that is about the
only field which women have not yet
entered," he said.
"The Red Army prefers to use its
wv'omen in such jobs as instructors,
doctors, nurses and radio technicians,
but there are women actually in the
ranks. In 'fact at least one boat is
staffed entirely with women.
NO Employmerit Question
"There is never a question'in Rus-
sia as far as' employment is con-
cerned. The problem is to get enough
people to fill all the positions open.
Women, therefore, stepped in before
the war, and from what the Russian
women have done it 'appears that
the organism of women is not as'
weak as some people would pretend.
"The Soviet organization of youth
is tremendous. Many military and
technical schools have been set up
for young people. A boy enters mili-
tary or cadet school' at 15 and gradu-
ates at 18. Then he spends two years
at officer's school which corresponds'
to the last two years at West Point.
"Those who' prove themselves "good
officers enter the academy and spend
from three to five years there study-
ing for some special branch such as
artillery, the signal' corps, tle gener-
Must be a mistake. He isn't even
"Norm Oxhandler, '41, is now 'at
the 20th Sub Depot, at the Coffey-
ville Army Air Field, Coffeyville, Kan.
He had to write in lead pencil, be-
cause he says there isn't room In his
quarters for both a bottle of ink and a
pen! He is now a 1st Lieutenant.
Wrestling Team 'Proposed
"Pete Antonelli, '41, now known as
Peter Arnell, is, to the best of my
knowledge, still 'on station WPEN, in
Philadelphia. Regarding a comment
in the 12th letter that Tom Harmon
wanted to bring back six -girls 'from
Africa to start a wrestling team, 'if'
Pete and Norm undertake the promo-
tion, Pete writes, 'I don't think six
would be enough, 'ilnkss my old
room-mate, Norm&xhandler, has
'haned' .

Exccerpts from Alumtni 'Letters
Is To F c of Late Newslette
. . . . . . .

Filled with the latest information
and sidelights of former students and
their activities, the November edi-
,ion of the Broadcasting Newsletter
has just been released by Prof. Waldo
Abbot of the speech department and
editor of the paper.
Consisting almost entirely of ex-'
erpts from letters received from al-
uInni, the newsletter is mailed to 20
former students, 168 of whom are in
the service. The'following quotations'
are excerpts from the current issue:
Instructs WAVES-
"Ward Quall, '41, writes ,fron the.
Headquarters of the 5th Naval Dis-
trict, Naval Operating Base, Norfolk,-
Va., :where he is an ensign. He says
fe is hehe were back in 'the 'con-'
verter ht"ieftal "hbme on State'Street.'
Back in ugust he was serving as 4n
instrud6rl 'for the Waves. 'Very
pleasah to work with. As I came by
F li
I -

the Wave barracks today, and saw
panties, brassieres, and girdles on the,
line, I decided it was time for us to
get out. It's no longer a Man's Navy.',
"A V-Mail letter fron Lt. Stanley
Casmer, '39, says he is with the Head-
quarters in the Northern Sector, Ice-.
'land, where he says trial marriage
has been made legal. He says Iceland.
was settled by the Norwegians, and
has some beautiful blondes. 'However,
trial marriages are forbidden to any
soldier on overseas duty. He men-'
tions'that trial 'eng'agehents are not.
And'ends up with -the statement, 'No,,
'I am'not engaged.'
Picks Wrong Cablegram
"Captain Waldo, 'Jr., '39 (he is
Prof. Waldo's son) has arrived safe-
'ly somewhere. He'cbbled 'balk-dme-
thing that may have'been. ,'coe,
having Picked out oaoeitnra ; a&;r'
which reads, 'A daughter is 1i6o-n.'

al staff, or the quartermaster's
corps," Capt. Kournakoff said.
War Effort Stressed
"Naturally the great majority of
the high schools in Russia are civil-
ian schools, but in war-time there is
no 'school which does not emphasize
the war effort.
"Enrollment in colleges is extreme-
ly high during the war despite the
fact that many colleges have been
evacuated. As much money is 'appro-
priated for education as was 'appro-
priated before the war.
"The curriculum of the Russian
high schools is much more extensive
than in schools of this country. Stu-
dents carry 13 hours and an average
curriculum might include geometry,
algebra,'Russian grammar or litera-
ture, history, psychology or logic,
geography, Latin, Greek, .German or
French, design and drawing, religion
in the old days and gymnastics.
Equality Among Workers
"The Soviet school system has been
stressing the fact that eventually
there should be no difference between
whit collar workers and factory work-
ers. The factory worker must develop
himself culturally just as much as
the professional man.
"The Russian peace-time army
strove to have its soldiers on the
same cultural level as its officers. Of
course now that the country is at war,
too much cannot be done in this line.
"The educational system in Russia
has so improved that the only Illit-
erates to be found are among the old-
er people of pre-Soviet days.
Ceiter To Met
Chinese Students To
ave Panel iscussion
The International Center Will hold
its first regular SMday eening hour
of 'the year at 7:30 p. In. today at the
Four students who have recently
arrived from China to study engin-
eering at the University will"present
a panel discussion of what they saw
of the war ,im China a d of thir
Joui'rey for 'Westerh Chihn to Arn
Arbor. ''he students are ia Lin,
YUn'Chun Hu, IL. Au Lo and Hung
Yuh nuo. Dr. sson A. dae, di-
rector of the International Center
will lead the discussion.
Chinege Active
Miehigan traied Chinese 6engin-
eers are ronihent 'today in 'the Ciii-
nese .Industrial Cooperative 'move-
ment accoding to the United China;
Relief, which is a nember of the Na-
"tional War Fund.
Tncluded among ''therm is 'Frank
'Lem Who'gradtfated frointhe 'Unier-
ifty 'in 1927 with an '..degree in
-mechanical endgineeing. e 'is now
a member 'of the three-man Mecu-
tive Committee of the:Association'forA
the Advancement of Chinese Indus-
trial Cooperatives. C. F. Wu, who
graduated in 1927, is 'Chief Engineer
at the Cooperatives' Northwest head-
quarters and P. P. Mao is head of
the Cooperatives' Yuinan Ieaduar-
Also among 'those who graduated
from Mihigan and are now promin-
ent in Chinese industry are Hubert
Liang, head of a large cooperative
machine shop and Charles Wng, an
iMlovies of the 'Michigan- Ilinois
football game will be show i at -15
:.m.today in the Michigan Union.
The pitifiic =s invited to atel.

United Lutheran'
Church To Mark
'CBS Will Transmit
Special Broadcast as
Part of Celebration
As a part of the nation-wide cele-
bration of the United Lutheran
Church's twenty-fifth anniversary,
the Rev. Henry O. Yoder of Trinity
Lutheran Church will preach at 10:30
am. today on "Toward Clod's Golden
The United Lutheran Church was
founded November, 1918 in New York
City. It irepresents the largest single
body of Lutherans in the United
States, with 6,249 congregations.
At 9:30 a.m. today the Columbia
Broadcasting System will transmit as
special program .giving a historic
sketch of the United Lutheran
Church. Included on the program will
be Dr. Frederick A. Knubel, national
president of the church. The pro-
gram will be rebroadcast at noon over
The United Lutheran Church, the
Rev. Yoder said, is represented in
seven countries, including the United
States, Canada, India, China, Africa,
South America, and Japan. It has a
baptized membership of 1,927,000 and
supports 13 colleges, 11 seminaries,
and cares for 2,000 children.
The local church, located on east
William and South Fifth Avenue,
will hold 'its regular service today
with the choir singing Thiman's "Thy
Church, Oh Lord," a hymn written
after the blitz of London.
Pantel D'ebates
Post-War Pa
"The United Nations-What 'They
Are-What They May Become" will
be the topic of the panel discussion
sponsored by the Post-War Council
to be held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday
in .the League.
Dr. J. S. Hostie of the law school,
'Prof. L. H. Laing of the political
science department and Prof. W. H.
Maurer of the journalism depart-
mnent will lead the discussion. As
is customary at the panels, the three
faculty members will deliver short
inl roductory remarks on the subject,
after which 'they will answer'(iqes-
tions from the floor. William Mehl,
*L, will act as program moderator.
yThe following points will be dealt
with by'the faculty men: 1. The cre-
:atfon and evolution of the United
Nations. 2. The existing' military'
economic and political arrangements
among the. 'United ations today
and, 3. The future of the United
Nations-what 'they may become.
This panel is the second in a series
of Weekly public panels to be held
this .year by the Post-War Council
on subjects of current interest. Per-
sons interested in working with the
Post-War Council may contact Ruth
Datii'els, chairman, at Martha Cook
Nazis Leave Finland
EWV YROF, Nov. 13.-(AP)-CBS
correspondent Albin Johnson said in
0 broadcast from Stockholm today
utttheevacuation of German troops
from Finland "appears to be
deinitely under way."


7' !
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Turkey Day
Lovely linen and rayon
damask cloths . .. with

matching napkins.


have the cloths in all
ize un ton he . . .


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