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November 12, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-12

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Men Students
Will Elect New
Union Officers
Candidates Must Obtain
Petitions To Hand in
With 25 Signatures
Any student who can obtain 25
signatures for his petition is eligible
to run for vice-president of the
1lchigan Union in Wednesday's
Six vice - presidents, representing
among them every school of the Uni-
versity, will be elected by the men
suerlts. There will be one vice-pres-
ic ,jot for the Schools Jof aw, Medi-
cine, Literature,'hScience and Arts
and Dentistry while the Engineering
and Architecture schools and the
Forestry, Music and Business Admin-
istration schools will be represented
4 combined candidates.
Nominating petitions may be ob-
tained 'either today or Monday from
3 to 5 p.m. in the' Student offices
of the Union and are due back at the
latest by 5 p.m. Tuesday. It is not
necessary for a person to have worked
on the Union staff in order to run.
Successful candidates for the Un-
ion vice-presidencies will attend the
ii'stalition banquet which will take
pIge at 6:15 p.m. Thursday.
Engine Council
petitiors Due
Tesday Noon
Petitions of candidates for class
representatives on the Engineering
bouncil are due at noon Tuesday i
the office of the Dean, West Engin-
eering building.
Engineers will go to the polls Wed-
nesday to fill the vacancies in each
class. Those elected will serve until
thir graduation.'
"This year the Council will have a
full year, with plans for an Engin-
eering Ball and interdepartmental
sinokers and meetings in the offing,"
pesident Leslie fBurnett said yester-
Other officers for the fall term are
John De oer, vice-president; Dick
bDutowski, treasurer, and Russell
xngdahl, secretary:
The petitions should contain signa .
trps ;of, fifteen renbers of the can-
didate's class, a list of qualifications.
'ikicludink pas actvities, and 'pro-
posals for class and Council activi-
S n the opnci are representative
* ho ' engieering honor scieties as
i as mernbers of each class.-
"eeral members of the new Coun-
dl Will be' selected to serve on the
-Ionor-Council, which aids in the en-
forcemnt of the engineers' hon or
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Today and Saturday

U' Hospital Grants.first Diploma
To 14-Yr.-Old Percy Lee Clark

A little group of patients and
friends gathered in one of the "U"7
Hospital's' sun porches yesterday toi
see blue-eyed fourteen-year-old Per-
cy. Lee Clark, starry-eyed 'with jay,
receive his eighth 'grade diploma
fromn the Hospital School.'
This was the first diploma offered
in the history of the Hospital School.
Percy, who. has. been a patient in
the hospital intermittently for 11
years is sufferinlg "from scoliosis,
commonly known as a curvature of
the spine.
'First a pupil in the Hospital School
in January, 136, he completed his
second grade with excellent progress
reports in spite of his condition. Last
year he again entered the Hospital
School following the courses out-
lined by his home town teachers.
"tn spite 'of ain and discomfort,
Percy has been a fine exarple for the
rest of the ward," stated one of his
supervisory nurses. "is cheerful,
friendly disposition has won him
many friends."
Besides contributing to his educa-
tional growth, the hospital school
work has helped him in the adjust-
ment to" his 'discomforts by providing
a normal outlet for his energies.
Percy is very much interested in
current reading material and follows
Fa culty Ives
]Plan Parties
Servicemen To Be
Entertained in Homes
The new project of the Faculty
Women's Club, to invite servicemen
on campus to their homes for din-
ners and' parties, was met with great
enthusiasm by the members at the
meeting 'and reception Wednesday
afternoon at Rackham Assembly
Over a dozen parties have already
been plahned for the weekend of the
20th and 21st and forThanksgiving.
Six of the parties will include girls
from the University and University;
High School. Daning,; bridge, and
ping pong, 'plus Sunday dinners will
b% the features of several parties. The
Thanksgiving party is open to Navy
meW'ofily, 'sffi 'e unfortunately, the
Army must :go to classes on that day.
aculty da'Uglters and Universty
co-eds #are helping out in this pro.
ject. A grot;'u der Jean Gaffney,
'46,' soitadting no -university girls
and girls living in near-by towns and
asking theni'do help by offering their
o±d. .Knohe t gitp; vsich In-
iludes ' niversity gl'l and faculty
daughters 'attending' the University,
headed by Juliet Blum, '46, are aid-
ing the hostess in preparations for
the ai~ i xan tng homes.
hywii also $ ttem Obme of the
Sima Rho Tan
The last of the "stumpspeakers"
are looking for new members to carry
on the engineering speech group.
Every year University students
stop by the old stump near the Arch
to listen to the confident or quiver-
ing voices of the "stumpspeakers-to-
be" as they deliver their' tryout
These officers and old members
will meet at"-7:00 tonight in room 214
of the West Engineering Building to
discuss 'their plazis for the coming

the political and war news regularly.
His favorite magazines are Time,
Reader's Digest, and Newsweek.
Among his graduation presentsi
were a flannel bath robe, presented
jointly by the members of the Ki-
wanis' and King's Daughters' organi-
zations, and a year's subscription to
the Reader's Digest, a gift of the Hos-
pital personnel.
Congratulations are in order to Per-
cy for having achieved one of his
goals. He is now planning his ninth
grade program hoping to add a high
school diploma to his other achieve-
Lutherans .Plan
Conference on
Representatives from four univer-
sities and college chapters of 'the
Lutheran Student Association will
arrive in Ann Arbor tomorrow for a
week-end North Area conference on
reconstruction and churchmanship.
Acting as hosts, the University of
Michigan chapter will have charge
of the reception and worship ser-
vices 'to be 'held both tomorrow and
Schools to be represented at the
conference include Bowling Green
University, Toledo University, Michi-
gan State Normal College, and Michi-
gan State College.
Main speakers of the conference
include Sister Margaret Fry, deacon-
ess, at the Willow Run area, and Dr.
Carolus P. Harry, secretary to the
Board of Education of the United
Lutheran Church.
The conference will open at 5 p.m.
tomorrow with registration at Zion
Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington. Din-
ner will be served in the basement
and at 7 p.m. Sister Fry will open the
conference with a discussion on re-
An hour seminar on her talk will
foll'ow. Recreation and a worship
service will close the evening.
Sunday's activities include Bible
study at 9 a.m. in Lane Hall, church,
at 10:30 a.m., a business mneeting, a
talk and seminar on churchmanship
led by Dr. Harry, and a; closing wor-
ship service.
Lowell Hasel, '44E, president of the.
University of Michig.n, L. ,. will
welcome out-of-town representatives
and will introduce the speakers.

Leads Varied
Life in Army
Lt. Malloy Changes,
From Army Artillery
To Head Company A
From archeological research to
Army artillery to command of Com-
pany A is the story of Lt. William E.
Lt. Mulloy is here on temporary
duty and will leave in a short time.
When the war broke out, he was at
the University of Montana, Missoula,
Mont., doing archeological research
work and was inducted in March,
For three months after induction
Lt. Mulloy was stationed at Camp
Roberts, Calif., in an instrument and
survey battery. He was then desig-
nated to teach English to a special
training battalion composed of Span-
ish American soldiers who knew no-
thing but Spanish. Four months lat-
er he qualified for Officers Candi-
date School and received his train-
ing at Fargo, N.D.
Asked what he wanted to do after
the war is over, Lt. Mulloy said that
he wanted "to be a civilian first."
He plans to go back to the University
of Montana and continue in archeo-
logical research work.
Lt. Mulloy's home is in Mesa, Ariz.,
but he took undergraduate work at
the University of Utah, Salt Lake
City and graduate work at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, majoring in arch-
eology. His college activities includ-
ed wrestling.
Lt. Mulloy's wife. Emily Ross, was
a student at the University for two
years, but finished her college work,
and graduated from the University of
Mexico last year. Mrs. Mulloy is new
here in Ann Arbor with her husband.
Oil Firm Interviews
' ' Co-ed Geologists
Nine women, who will be gradu-
ated at the end of the present semes-
ter in the concentrated program in
petroleum geology, were being inter-
viewed by a representative of an oil
company this week.
"Other oil companies are, already
showing interest in the, ,girl geolo-
gists as future employes and are'
sending interviewers here," Dr. Ken-
neth , ;Landes, chairn'an of the
.epartmwntof Geology, said. TheI
group began last 'eruagpy and is ,the
first ; lassa j, tbe qnqCntrated pro-
gram to, be gradg4te fp m here.


Palmer Christian To Give
Organ Recital at HillSunday

Palmer Christian. University or-
ganist, will present the opening pro-
gram of the Faculty Concert Series
at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditor-
ium under the auspices of the School
of Music.
He is one of the outstanding or-
ganists in the musical field and has
appeared in recital and with major
symphony orchestras all over the
country. He -has been heard here for
many seasons in the Twilight Organ
Series and in the May Festivals. His
programs are always distinguished
by a scholarly insight into the best
of organ literature as well as by a
virtuoso prformance.
The first half of the program on
Sunday afternoon will be devoted to
the works of Johann Sebastian Bach.
The "Toccata and Fugue in D Mi-
nor," "Sheep May Safely Graze"
from the Birthday cantata, arranged
for organ by E. Power Biggs, the
"Concerto in D" for string orchestra
which Bach himself has transcribed
for organ, and climaxed by the mon-
umental "Passacaglia and Fugue in
C minor." This tremendous work
with its colossal fugue is without
question a masterpiece which has
no superior in all musical literature
for nobility conception. The second
part of the program is somewhgat'
more modern in style. The "Choral

Grand Rapids To Be
Site of Conference
Breaking a long tradition, the
thirtieth annual Michigan Highway
Conference this year will be held in
Grand Rapids instead of Ann Arbor,
Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the
Highway Engineering and Highway
Transport department, announced
Since 1915 when' the conferences
were first instituted, they have al-
ways been held in Ann Arbor, but as
facilities of the Michigan Union will
not be available this year, it was de-
cided to move the meetings to Grand
Scheduled for Feb. 28 to March 1,
the conference will feature one after-
noon devoted to traffic subjects and
another to simultaneous meetings on
highsvy engineering matters and
traffic ' discusti ns. Speakers and
their subjects will be announced lat-
er. , i: '
A smoker will be held Monday eve-
ning, Feb. 28, and on Tuesday, Feb.
29, there will' be, a luncheon and a
Rabbi Cohen To Deliver
Sermon at Night Services
Traditional Friday night services
will be held at Hillel at 8:00 p.m. to-
Services will be conducted by Har-
vey L. Weisberg, '46, and Elliott Or-
ganick, '45. Rabbi J. Cohen will de-
liver the - sermon.
A social hour will follow and re-
freshments will be served. Students
and servicemen and invited.

in D minor" by Andriessen "Inter-
mezzo" and "Cantabile" from the Michigan's Studies
sixth symphony of Widor. "Pense Of South America
d'Autumn" and the brilliant "Toc-
cata" by Jongen bring the program One of the newest, and most far
to a close. flung of Michigan Alumni grotup,
The next two recitals in this series "The Michigan Get-Together Club",
will be given in the Lydia Mendels- has recently been established in
sohn Theatre at the same hour. All Buenos Aires. Argentina.
the concerts are free of charge and The organization was founded by
the public is cordially invited. Dr. Hayward Keniston, on war leate
On Sunday, Nov. 21, Joseph Brink- from the University and now aetii
man, pianist and Wassily Besekirsky, as Cultural leelations Officer at e
violinist, will present the three sona- American Embassy in Buenos Ars
tas for violin and piano by Brahms. B. L. Beckwith, '21E,rwhomrepnt i
On Dec. 5 Arthur Hackett, tenor' and a British firm in South America; aX
Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will pre- Marcelino Pas, '13E, son of the editor
sent a program of Beethoven, Chaus- of La Preza, one of the world's 1 =
son, and Franck. est newspapers.
Thirty one people attended the
first meeting of the group which 4rs
held at the American Club. Dr.Ke1
iston gave a talk on what Mlin
was ding to develop latin-Aii-
Draws Commentl can cultural subjects and h*r
rapidly becoming an organied ee
From W om en ter for such study. He alsoa wl d
innumerable questions about chan
(Continued from Page 1) in the campus and told gradai'
bits of news of old Professors. A
save on electricity than having the gram of Michigan songs comple '
"very ridiculous" program in effect. the evening's program.
One of her :ideas was to have the According to a letter received by
corridor lights turned out after a the Alumni Association fro \r.
certain hour instead of leaving them Beckwith, the meeting provd g t
on all night. - success and plans for the fut" 'Of
Sorority Opinions Varied the organisation are going aa
Among the sororities opinions were rapidly.
varied about the sense of the pro-
gram, but it was generally agreed Teachers To Atted
that despite its possible merits, it
would be too hard to put into effect Health Conferenc
and too many exceptions would be
necessary.. Betty Whitehouse, Alpha Representatives from 18 to 20 -a.
Omicron Pi, considered "lights out" condary schools and health W
a "fairly good plan, which would have ments in communities throtyhet
to meet with plenty of exceptions." the state where schools are parc-
A Delta Gamma member said, "Many pating in the conunity service re-
of us chose the University of Michi- gati inteconeren-
gan because it lacked the regimenta- sect will attend a conference t3m r-
tion of smaller colleges. Having lights row in the School of Public e ,
The project is being off ere_,to
out at a certain time would be a teach 11th and 12th grade girls e
definite step toward that regimenta- thg a d th rad hat
tion." . thing about the resources and he hl
tion." 'facilities in their communities, tpli+b
Marion Dalby, president of Stock- ly hesth, child careand e
well, considered the plan "an ex- h th of th i idual
cellent idea if it will work," She Miss Mabel Rugen, Who is 4
added that of course the plan could from te fulty o th n
not be a hard and fast rule in such f P Hethwiult a a Dh e
a large dorm. A council meeting was discussion on thq V-etho y f .
e t tookwell' lsat migbt and the ng cou unityon e t meth d
resi ents Will 'have' ani opportunity tic health
toi vote on t proposal, this week. pracei for high cl satIipx
dch a phande; wer not giVAi mem- encesfor hgh ahoo ' A
bers of Jordan Hall, however. The _.
"lights out" rule went into imnediate '-
effect 'Wednesday' night 'with ut any
Ohsultation oh the part 'of the wo-
men. MAny Jordan members are de-
cidedly opposed to the program, but
were not given an opportunity to ".
voice their opinions. We need girls for typ
Opposite Viewpoint held nt and clerica wor
Holding the opposite viewpoint was' I
Joan Wilk, a Jordan freshman. "It's
a good idea," said' Miss Wilk, "and
the dorms' will be much quieter. Be- Monday thru Friday
cause of participation in war'activi-6 PM - 10'#M
ties, and studies, many students are
likely to neglect their health. I be-
lieve the plan could be worked out." Call at:
Marion Batchelor of Rochdale Co-
operative house reported- that the KI NG-SEELEY C001
plan was in effect there Wednesday I st and Williams St
night. She said, "The general reac- 2-2551
tion here was that it is a good idea
if abided by by all." 1
"Featuring Recordings of Our Coming Stas"
Bach - Sonata for Piano and Violin
No. 3 in E major DM 887 - Yehudi and Hephzibah Menuin
Beethoven - Sonata for Piano and Violift
I No. 9 in A major - (Kreutzer) DM 260
Yehudi Menuhin and Hephzibah Menuhin
Talo - Symphonie Espoguale c
DM 136 - Yehudi and Enesco

Mendelssohn - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
in E minor op 64 DM 531 - Menuhin and Enesco
Mozart - Sonata for Violin and Piae,
No. 34 in F major K 376 DM-791
Hephzibah Menuhin and Yehudi Menuhin
Schubert - Rondo for Piano and Violin in B minor
70 DM 901'
Yehudi and Hephzlbah Menuhin
Schubert - Aufenthalt - Victor 14210
Ave Maria
Bach -- Komm Suesser Tod - Victor 1939
Handel - Siciliana - Victor 1939
Saint Saens - Samson and Delilah
My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice
Love Come Aid My Weakness - Victor 18008
Brahms - Gestellte Sehnsucht -
Geistliches Wiegenlied - 18509
Negro Spirituals - Trampin' - Victor 1896
I know Lord Laid 'His Hands on me
I Don't Feel Noways Tired
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - Victor 1982
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny
My Old Kentucky Home - Victor 18314


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 0oc for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request





MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
ALPHA TAU OMEGA, 1923 Geddes,
will serve meals to a limited num-
ber of male students. Best cook in
Ann Arbor! "Where the elite meet
to eat." Those interested call 2-
3125 and ask for Mr. Bek.
CANARIES, Parakeets, Java Rice
Birds, Cardinals, Bird supplies and
cages. 562 S. 7th. Phone 5330.
'39, 61 O.V.H. Harley Davidson, new
battery. Excellent tires, 1;400 miles.
J. Pearce. Co. F-1, ASTP, Sigma
Chi House next to Union. Anytime
after 7:00.
FOR SALE: boy's bicycle. Victory
model. Call Ralph Dussault at
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
or full time work. Collection de-
partment. Dixie Shop Inc. 224 S.
Main. 9686.
WAITER, WAITRESS: 9 p.m. on.
Excellent pay. University Grill.
William St., 3rd from State.
STUDENT-Boy or girl to work in
soda fountain evenings and Sun-
day. Hours to suit your schedule.
50c an hour plus bonus to start.
Apply Miller's Dairy Store, 1219 S.
WANTED-2boys for dishwashing
at Chi Omega house. Call 24808 or
STUDENTS wanted for kitchen work
without one o'clocks. Meals. Call
DRASTIC MISTAKE Saturday night
at Bell. We got the wrong Ches-
terfield. Did you? Ours is straight

I iiIwl




Original Screen Play by
Ion McLellari Hunter and Bill Noble






Pf9 A ,f


I t



Ii Ii


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