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November 12, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-12

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Walkout Ends
At Willow Run
Bomber Plant
Union Asks Improved
Working Conditions;
Raise Referred to WLB
.All grievances in the Willow Run
bomber plant strike which ended yes-
terday morning when the wildcat
strikers returned to work for the 7
o'clock shift have been satisfactorily
settled for the union, Glenn Brayton,
president of Local 50 UAW (CI),
said last night.
Negotiations on the points in dis-
pute were begun immediately upon
resumption of work yesterday. Bray-
ton stated that regardless of the pre-
sent settlement, there would have to
be a big improvement in conditions
at the plant or he could not guaran-
tee that there would be no recurrence
of -the strike.
The union was granted the seniori-
ty respect they demanded, and re-
classification of die setters and press
operators. It was again agreed that
die setters shall operate any light
or heavy press when those employes
have no dies to set, the company add-
ed. A joint company-union recom-
mendation. for a five-cent hourly
wh e increase for press operators
Va8 sent to the regional War Labor
Bord, the company said.
The two men charged with insti-
gating the strike were reinstated in
their former positions.
"he 1,217 die setters returned to
wor t in response to an appeal from
ni nleaders, thus ending a two-day
work stoppage.
Rumors That
wuhen Will
uit Are Denied
Politicians Hint That
'Prent ' M. Brown
Will Be Successor
branding as "utterly false" reports
it.;itB irsintf te 'niversity, 151-
er . thven, would resign,
? it ficI ld fy denied last
e of a change of
!le report, publisheduin yester-
da's Detroit Timres, quoted both
IDeiocratic and Republican politi-
cians as saying President Ruthven
"Qt oon re lgn and named Prentiss
Y 'rown, former OPA administra-
torarid United States Senator, his
Prof. Marvin Niehuss, director of
Energency Training, declared last
night that "the story is groundless
and this is the first I have heard of
the president resigning." I
-lbr. Ruthven is in England survey-
ing educational methods at the re-
quest of the Federal government. He
left Ann Arbor four weeks ago and
is expected back within a few days.
John D. Lynch and David H.
Cr45wley, members of the Board of
Iegentsfrom Detroit, said the rumor
of fresident Ruthven's resignation
is n annual occurrence.
They said that no definite word
had been received from the president
and the Board of Regents had not
been notified of his intent to leave
the University.
Other University officials contac-
ted last night refused to comment
on the story directly, but all flatly
denied any knowledge that Dr. Ruth-
ven 'planned to tender his resigna-

Dr. Ruthven was unanimously
elected President of the University
by the Board of Regents on Oct. 4,
1929, succeeding Clarence C. Little
who had resigned earlier in the year.
Over 100 inter-plant truckers em-
ployed by the Chrysler Corporation
also ended their strike at noon today
and a Chrysler spokesman said nor-
mal operations were expected to be
resumed tomorrow morning at the
Dodge Truck Plant where assembly
lines werehhalted and 2,300 workers
were sent home.
Social Welfare To
Be Studied Here
The Community Fund Board yes-
terday set up a committee to study
all social welfare problems in the
Ann Arbor community, and to con-
sider methods through which the ac-
tivities of the fund relating to these
problems may be brought before the
public, Walker Geski, chairman of
the board, stated last night.



Editors Appointed to
Edit, Business Staffs

American Forces Win First Stage
Of Battle To Liberate Solomons;
Reds Drive Ne arer Polish Border

Two men and two women were
named to the senior business and
editorial staffs of the 1944 Michigan-
ensian when Sue Simms, managing
editor and June Gustafson, business
manager, announced appointments
yesterday following a meeting of the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
Edward M. Anthony, '44, of De-
troit, a member of Alpha Tau Omega,
and Betty Anne Kranich, '44, of To-
ledo, of Alpha Gamma Delta, will
take over the jobs of associate edi-
Clare Blackford, '44, of Findlay, O.,
a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma,
was named associate business mana-
ger, replacing the position of wo-
men's business manager. Griff
Young, '44, of Canisteo, N.Y., will be
the art editor.
Junior Positions Announced
Those holding junior editorial po-
sitions are Mickey Theilen, '45, of
Chicago, features; Pat Page, '44, of
St. Paul, Minn., organizations; Betty
Peat, '44, of Detroit, house groups;
Alfred A. Srere, '45, of Detroit,
To Be Speaker
Will Discuss Russian
Army and Its Strategy
Capt Sergei N. Kournakoff, who
served as a cavalry subaltern in the
Russian Imperial Army during the
first World War, will speak at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Auditor-
ium on "The Red Army and Its Stra-
tegy "
Captain Kournakoff comes from a
Russian family which has been iden-
tified with Russia's fighting forces

schools and colleges; Wally Schroth,
'44, of Webster Groves, Mo., sports.
New appointments on the business
staff were also made. These include
Rosemary Klein, '46, of*Caro, sales
manager, and Janet Gray, '45 of
Aruba, N.Y.I., accounts manager.
Junior assistants on the staff are
Jean Pines, '46, secretary, and Doro-
thy del Sienta, '45, publicity.
Published in Three Parts
"Something new will be tried this
year, Sue Simms said, when we pub-
lish the 'Ensian in three installments
to allow for distribution in January,
May and September. Each of the
three magazines will contain the pic-
tures of the class graduating at that
time, and all three will be put to-
gether as one complete yearbook
with a leather binder.
"Such an 'Ensian will have many
advantages," Miss Simms said. "It
will be more inclusive and less dated
than the ordinary annual; spring
sports, for example will have their
rightful place. Sorority pictures will
be published in the fall edition, and
pledges, hitherto not included, will
be pictured in the spring edition."
Ensians may be purchased, as one
complete book, or as separate edi-
tions. Copies will be mailed to those
who have left Ann Arbor before the
date of distribution.
Pictures Due ,Jan. 1
"We urge all seniors who plan to
graduate in February and who wish
to have their pictures included in
the Ensian to have their pictures at
the Publications Building before Jan.
1," Miss Simms said.
Public Health
Delegates Form
New Society
In a round table discussion the
delegates to the first Inter-American
and second World' Conference of the
Schools of Public Health, which ad-
journed yesterday noon, resolved
that public health' and preventive
medicine education in the Americas
should be promoted by the formation
of a permanent :organization, to be
known as the Association for the
Advancement of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine in the Americas.
It also recommended that a com-
mittee be appointed to formulate
definite plans for such an organiza-
tion by drafting a constitution and
Representatives from the various
public health schools in Argentina,
Br zil, Mexico, Uruguay, Cuba -md
Ch le asserted that since the needs
in public health are continental ra-
ther than national in character, the
development of adequate facilities
for the protection of public health
shouldebe a hemispheric problem.
The representatives also recom-
mended that the teaching of pre-
ventive medicine in schools of medi-
cine, engineering, and nursing be
continued and expanded.
The conference accepted the pro-
posal to promote a greater exchange
of informative data .between health
schools in the Western Hemisphere.
Other proposals that were accep-
ted were the development of a pro-
gram of studied tours for students of
public health from the various coun-
tries, the encouragement of Inter-
American Fellowships, and the full
utilization of available instruction in
the professions.
The next Inter-American Confer-
ence on Professional Education in
Public Health will be held in 1945, in
Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Pan-Ameri-
can Sanitary Bureau in Washington
under the direction of Gen. Hugh
Cummings will decide the exact date.

Nazi Forces
Face New Trap
Near Rechitsa
New Drive Liberates
100 Villages; Crimean
Gains Also Reported
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 11.-The Red Army
smashed through more than 100 vil-
lages today to within 25 miles of the
Korosten-Berdichev Railway in a de-
termined effort to snap that link
connecting the German northern
and southern Ukraine forces, and
reached a point only 85 miles from
the old Polish border.
With the Germans in the south
facing disaster and the threat of
being split into two disorganized
camps ripe for entrapment or anni-
hilation, the daily Russian commu-
nique also announced a new offensive
beyond the Dnieper at a point south-
west of Gomel.
A Russian column which weeks
ago crossed the Dnieper near Loev,
35 miles below Gomel, sprang ahead
and overpowered six German strong-
holds on the road northward to Re-
chitsa, 28 miles west of Gomel. Thus
the Russians were threatening to
topple that White Russian citadel
by snapping its westward feeder line
at Rechitsa.
Berlin military commenators grud-
gingly marvelled at the huge display
of Russian power on multiple fronts,
and one said the Red Army was try-
ing "to force a turning point of the
entire war..
Other Russian columns were re-
ported battling German reinforce-
ments hurled into action to stem the
Soviet southwestward swing toward
Rumania which, if unhalted, would
seal the fate of more than 200,000
Germans presently fighting frontal
attacks in the Krivoi Rog, Nikopol,
and Kherson areas far to the east.
South of Kiev Gen. Nikolai F. Va-
tutin's First Ukraine Army was be-
lieved to have linked up with ad-
vance units of another Soviet army
which weeks ago won a deep bridge-
head across the Dnieper beyond Per-
eyslav, 50 miles below Kiev.
U.S. Gets Aid
From Britain
$1,174,000,000 of
Lend-Lease Sent Here
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.- (P)-
President Roosevelt told Congress to-
day that the British Empire has sup-
plied $1,174,000,000 of reverse lend-
lease aid to the United States but
members critical of the program's
operations immediately demanded
more detailed information.
The President's special message,
covering British reverse lend-lease
through last June 30, included fig-
ures indicating it is steadily expand-
ing and advised that certain raw
materials, such as rubber and sisal
from the British colonies, for which
the United States has paid hereto-
fore are' being brought under the
program. It was sent to the Capitol
coincident with the British govern-
ment's issuance of a "white paper"
on mutual aid, as the program is
called there.
The British report placed the mon-
etary value of aid from the United
Kingdom alone to the United' States
as $871,000,000 but said there were
many items. tangible and intangible,
which could not be brought into the
bookkeeping. It also said that up to

the middle of 1943 the United King-
dom's payments to other United Na-
tions, in excess of sums received
from them, amounted to over $9,-
Men Prefer
Gob Suits, Too
The Navy easily whined the Army



for several centuries. His maternal
ancestor was one of the Tartar chief-
tains who settled down in Russia in
the thirteenth century.
Capt. Kournakoff is the author of
"Savage Squadrons" and "Russia's
Fighting Forces." He has written
many technical as well as popular
articles on the Red Army.
The speech was scheduled for to-
morrow night because this week has
been proclaimed American - Soviet
Friendship Week in Michigan by
Governor Kelly, and will be given
under the auspices of the national
Council for American-Soviet Friend-
ship. Prof. John F. Shepard is chair-
man of the Ann Arbor branch. Prof.
Everett S. Brown will introduce the
Proceeds from the lecture will go
to Russian War Relief. Tickets will
be onsale at Wahr's book store today
and tomorrow and at the box office
in Rackham tomorrow night.

of Ohio is the first Republi-
can candidate who has formally
announced his intention to enter
the presidential primaries although
Wilikie has made it clear that he
is seeking the nomination.
Hoover Replies
TO Blockade
Ex-President Wants To
Send Food to Europe .
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11-tm)-Re-
plying. to Britain's refusal to relax
the. blockade of Europe. Herbert
Hoover today emphasized that a
food-to-Europe program he is back-
ing would be confined to relieving the
hunger of women and children, par-
ticularly in western European demo-
cracies. :
In the House of commons yeste-
day Dingle M. Foot, Parliamentary
Secretary of the British Ministy' of
Economic Warfare, said that if food
were shipped to occupied countries,
the Germans would merely "create
more starvation and shortages." He
said the impression that the "whole
of Europe is in a condition of famine
is entirely misleading" and asserted
the British government has no inten-
tion of repeating the Hoover plan of
the last war, when food was shipped
to Belgium.
Former President Hoover, who
testified before a Senate Foreign Re-
lations subcommittee last week in f a-
vor of a resolution calling for imme-
diate action on the food shipments,
telegraphed chairman Thomas (D-
Utah) a spirited comment on the
views expressed by Foot.
He asserted that he had not con-
templated the large and systematic
relief of whole populations.
Allied Bombs
Bloch Passes
LONDON, Nov. il.(P)-U.S. and
British bombers apparently dammed
the Nazis strategic Brenner Pass and
Mont Cenis Tunnel entrances into
North Italy in crippling blows from
both Britain and the Mediterranean
area yesterday and last night, and
today American Flying Fortresses
based in Britain pounded targets in
Muenster for the second time in a
In yesterday's day and night as-
saultsthe Allied bombs were aimed
at bottlenecks on those trans-Alp
supply lines used by Germany to
move reinforcements into Italy.
Flying Fortresses from the African
Command shot down two Nazi fight-
,ers and chased off 20 or 30 more as
they loosed a shower of high explo-
sives on the railway center of Bolzano
below Brenner Pass, and the British-
based RAF did not lose a single plane
ma coordinated night blow 'across
France to the border town of Mo-
dane, at the mouth of the Mont Cenis

Two Italian1
Ports Being
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Nov. 11.-German engineers
have begun demolishing the big Ital-
ian ports of Leghorn and Pescara in
the face of an American drive which
threatens to crack their latest de-
fense line near the mountain strong-
hold of Mignano, the Allied Com-
mand disclosed today.A
American mountain troops yester- n
day stormed two strategic heightsf
near Mignano, including Mount Ro-
tondo, a mile-and-a-half northwestp
of that strongly-fortified enemy bas-
tion, and took up positions overlook-c
ing the broad valley leading to Cas-i
sino, a main highway point only 73w
miles from Rome.
(The German-controlled Rome ra-
dio reported Lt. Gen. Mark W.
Clark's Fifth Army "has again1
launched a powerful attack in theB
Upper Volturno Valley. A fierce bat-J
tle now is raging."I
(A broadcast by Robert Dunnet of
the British Broadcasting Corporationz
declared the fall of Mignano was im-t
minent. Radio France at Algiers saidt
Cassion, eight miles north of Mngna-P
no, was encircled by Allied troops.)
Though the end of the struggle in
Italy was far from being in sight toB
Allied troops battering forward
through mud and snow this Armistice2
Day, aerial photographs of Nazi de- 1
molitions at Leghorn and PescaraJ
provided a hopeful sign that the en-
emy was resigned to losing the penin-
sula at least as far as the Tuscans
Mountains, which form the last bar-s
rier to the Po Valley in northern Ita-
Leghorn, largest port between Na-
ples and Genoa, is nearly 250 miles upn
the western Italian coast from the
present fighting front, while Pesca r.
is some 25 miles up the Adriatic
coast from the Eighth Army's, posi-
tion along the Sangro River.
Dr. Furstenburg
Is Elected to
National Office
Dr. Albert C. Furstenburg, Dean
of the Medical School, was chosen
president-elect of the Association of
American Medical Colleges in a re-
cent meeting in Cleveland, O.
The first University of Michigan
man to be elected to this high post,
he will take office in October, 1944.1
Organized for the betterment of
medical teaching and medical re-t
search, this medical association ist
now working in close collaborationI
with the Army and -Navy in adjust-t
ing medical curriculums to meet theI
present day, needs of military ser-
vice. It is also cooperating with the
War Manpower Commission in the
selection of medical students, and in
the deferment of essential teachers1
in the medical schools throughoutI
the country.
Dr. Furstenburg is known as an1
authority in his field, both as scholar
and practitioner. He has built an
extensive practice in Ann Arbor spe-
cializing in the diseases of the ear,
nose, and throat.
'M' Coeds Obj
Panhellenic Li

Marme, Army
Troops Pierce
Enemy Lines
U.S. Forces Now Behind
Foe's Line in Position
To Cut Jap Supply Line
By The Associated Press
HEADQUARTERS, Friday, Nov. 12-
American Marines, reinforced by Ar-
my troops, definitely have won the
first round of the vital battle for
Bougainville and attempts of the Ja-
panese to becloud that fact by wild
claims of having sunk many warships
in the area are "without any basis
whatsoever," Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's spokesman said today.
In announcing that the six mile-
long beachhead at Empress Augusta
Bay-the opening wedge to drive the
Japanese out of the -last Solomons
Island before Rabaul-was "firmly
secured," the spokesman took cogni-
ance of repeated Tokyo broadcasts
that American warships had suffered,
their most crushing defeat "since
Pearl Harbor.
"Japanese claims of sinking, war-
ships and of a naval battle sube.
quent to the naval action reported off
Bouganville the night of November 1
2 are without any basis whatsoeve:."
the spokesman said.
In the naval action referred to a
Japanese cruiser and four destrogrs
were sunk, 'two cruisers and two .de-
stroyers damaged without loss qt'a
single American warship, headquar.
ters :.previously had reported. Tha
battle prevented ,a Japanese
force from getting closer than
miles to. the Marine beachhlad, pe
tablished several hours earlie...g;n
(The ...only comparatively reEgt
American warship .losses in the N-, '.
cific to be announced by the NaVy
were two destroyers.
(Tokyo Radio has been floodingth
air lanes with .reports of 95. Ae
war vessels. sunk by naval;and air
^,ction within a period of less than
two weeks, of the Japanese naval
commander-in-chief being congratu-
lated and of speculation that it will
be a long time before the American
Navy can recover from such an
alleged setback.)
Churchill Sets Up
Reconstruction Post
LONDON, Friday, Nov. 12.--P-
Prime Minister Churchill has created
a Ministry of Reconstruction with
the task of rebuilding Britain after
the peace, it was announced today.
Lord Woolton has been shifted' from
the food ministry to direct the vast
Creation of this over-all recon-
struction post, which had been fore-
cast for several weeks, is Churchill's
answer to long-continuing criticism
that he was neglecting post-war
The selection of Woolton was a
political surprise but it was almost
certain to receive public applause.
Col. J. J. Llewellin will be brought
home from his post as minister resi-
dent in Washington to become the
new Minister of Food.
ect to Proposed
.ghts Out Edict

coeds' benefit, was condemned °bY
Mary Essig, freshman resident at
Stockwell Hall. Describing the plan,
as "purely undemocratic," Miss Es-
sig added, "Being on one's own is
an essential part of going to college.
If people who are college material
don't know enough to get to bed eatly
and have their studies done, it's their
own fault if they become too tired
and ill."
While "lights- out at 11:30" may
comnel some airls to retire earlier.

Cpl. Dunn Fights for Life after
Accidentally Shooting Himself

A courageous soldier is fighting
the toughest battle of his life in St.
Joseph's Hospital today with a 50-50
chance to live.
The soldier is 18-year-old Cpl.
Robert J. Dunn who suffered a near-
fatal wound from a .22 calibre rifle
that discharged as he was holding it
between his knees Wednesday after-
noon in Milan. The bullet entered
his abdomen, traveled through both
walls of his stomach and pierced

never fully recovered from the loss
of his elder and closestrbrother. He
has three surviving brothers and
nine sisters.
Two years ago while the family
was living on a farm near Milan, the
house, on which the insurance had
just run out, was burned to the
ground by a midnight fire which
started when Mr. Dunn was firing a
coal furnace with kerosene. The
kerosene exploded. Mr. Dunn was

Reaction of Michigan coeds to the
new "lights out" program, unexpec-
tedly announced Wednesdayn at a
meeting for all house presidents, is
generally that the plan shouldn't,
couldn't and wouldn't be successful.
One of the main objections raised
by the coeds is the fact that the
11:30 p.m. "lights out" program was
literally dropped into their midst
without any chance for them to voice
their opinions. The "lights out" plan,
although passed by Panhellenic and


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