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November 06, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-06

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TU1RDA c.NOVi 6, 1943

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Pan-Hel President
fnnounces Rules
For Rush in eason
Sorority Women May Not Enter Dorms,
League Houses To Meet Independents;
Honor System Replaces Silence Period
"Women may sign up for rushing from Nov. 17 to Nov. 29 at a special
booth in the League," Mary June Hastreiter, '44, president of Pan-Hellenic,
announced yesterday, as coeds at last learned of what the current rushing
rules would consist.
A revelation in rushing policy came to light with the announcement
that although no sorority women may enter a dormitory or league house
where independent women are living, make any pre-arranged date with
independents, or meet them with the4>

USO Hostesses Heed Advice of

Mother, D u

*V ; kHo_ or

H ospital Corps

THE ADVENTURES of a USO hostess can be many and varied for the'
clever ones who will make the most of their opportunities, but when you
stroll into Harris Hall, take care. The counsel of Dorothy Dix, Emily Post,
and Dale Carnegie is to be heeded, of course-but there's more. The famed
three are very profound, but they have never been, at least officially, service
men's entertainers.
Your success will depend on a number of very subtle little things.
Above all, your attitude toward your job must be a selfless one. You are
there to entertain, not to be entertained, and therein lies the difference
between.your dates as a free agent and as a USO hostess. If Jim can't
dance, you don't give him the brush-off; and when GI Joe steps on your
feet, you smile your most charming smile and suggest playing bridge or
gin runmny.
ANOTHER pitfall is being over-anxious. Be casual not predatory. Until
all else fails, and even then think twice, wait until the stunning one
over there' asks you to dance. In manner and dress, be your most feminine
self, but save your siren moments for your favorite furlougher. Wear com-
fortable shoes, because you're going to dance a lot, but saddles are not
acceptable for week-end dances.
THEY'RE gentlemen at heart and since they can only ask you to
dance, they won't want to insult your friends. Moral: Packs scare
them, so be a lone wolf. Neither the rules nor ethics require you to be
exclusive in dispensing charm. Unless you're more than normally in-
trigued, circulate.
Remember your duty as a hostess means that you want your guests to
have the best time possible. You can have fun yourself by seeing that you
are a good hostess.
THE PROBLEM of entertaining servicemen is a war problem which coeds
can solve. - Betty Roth
Figure Skates, Minimum Ability
Are Passwords into WAA Club
I"All that is required to aecmea

f tU


intention of rushing or discussing
sororities and sorority policies, there
will be no silence period as of old.
Honor System in Effect
The system to be relied upon this
year is the honor system, and with
this in mind it will be possible for
sorority women and independent wo-
men to speak when meeting. These
rules go into effect immediately, and
any violations of them will be re-
ported to Pan-Hellenic.
At the time that women sign up to
rush, they will be given booklets ex-
plaining sorority policy, rushing
rules, and a variety of other details
they will need to 'know before they
invade sorority row. These booklets
will be available at the rushing booth
Rushees To Meet
A meeting for all rushees will be
held Friday, Nov. 26, in the League,
and every woman who plans to rush
must attend the meeting. It is ex-
pected that many of the problems
which annually confront women
planning to rush will be cleared up
in this way before the r.ushing period
Sigma Delta has been admitted to
Pan-Hellenic Association as a new
member this year and will be eligible
to rush along with the other sorori-
ties already established on the cam-
pus, Miss Hastreiter also announced.
Jacqueline Cochran
Is New Director of
Army Women Pilots
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-(lP)-The
appointment of Miss Jacqueline
Cochran as director of women pilots
in the Army Air Forces and special
assistant to Maj. Gen. Barney M.
Giles, assistant chief of air staff, was
announced today by the War depart-
Since September, Miss Cochran
has been director of women's flying
training of "the air forces' flying
training command, and the program
she devised already has graduated
approximately 150 pilots, with hun-
dreds more in training.
At the same time, the department
announced that Mrs. Nancy Harkness
Love, organizer and senior squadron
leader of the women's auxiliary ferry-
ing squadron since last September,
has been assigned as an executive to
the staff of Col. William H. Tunner,
commanding officer of the ferrying
division, air transport command, with
headquarters in Cincinnati.

New Unit Hits
'M' Campus
47 Corps To
Rake Leaves
A new corps of 94 specialized ser-
vicemen has just hit campus.
The uniform is anything %raarm,j
anything durable. The special wea-
pon is a complicated mechanism
made of wood and wire. The particu-
lar enemy of'the corps is the litter of
leaves and papers that persist in
cluttering the campus.
Yes, it's the '47 Corps composed of
servicewomen not men. They are
freshmen women who want to do
their part to sink the Axis by helping
at home.
Fun Compensates for Wages
Formerly University coeds kept the
campus neat by working on the
ground crew for a fixed hourly wage.
Now the freshmen have taken over
and are working for fun, fresh air,
and physical fitness, not for money.
"This class of '47 is ea1sn ambi-
tious," Marcia Sharpe,''44A, tempor-
arily chairman of the Corps, com-
mented yesterday after working with
them for three days. "As soon as pos-
sible they will be working under their
own leaders. Until then orientation
advisers are serving as foremen."
Operate in Divisions
The Corps is composed of several
divisions. Each division has a speci-
fic part of the campus to keep clean.
For example the seventh division is
responsible for the appearance of the
general library grounds.
Besides wanting to keep the camin
pus clean for the satisfaction of the
student body, the '47 Corps has ano-
ther objective. "Have the campus
looking neat for President Ruthven
when he gets home" is what these
freshmen coeds are working for.
GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 5,-(P)-
The Republican Women's Federation
of Michigan will meet here Nov. 17
with Mrs. Bertha Baur, of Chicago,
National Committeewoman from.Ill-
inois, as main speaker. Mrs. Mildred
Richards, Lansing, president of the
Michigan group, will preside over the

Carol Evans, '4. harman O
.phorei'. proijet. said ycsL rdas.
Women of he soph%'e cla s
amr sponsoring work a t the hospit al"
'e ad, "but University women from
( ' sas are neededi as volunteers"
A booth has b'een set no i he lob-
by of i.e League where cods( may re-
cex inmformat ion about the ditties of
a volunteer icpital vworker and can
sign for immeditate- duty.
Volunteers interested in working
wih people should specify that in-
s and tley will be assigned to
ward or room duty. Volunteers who
pieer another type of xork will be
aosiened to clinics or to the Galens
A hoi tage of regular hosial staff
Bnni's was the factor w h ich
lthln.,ed Oph lcabalre t inl'to theVGl-
uni..r I-oSl)ital Service. During the
tland spring semesters of 1942-43
S iatel 300 wokes lu-
'C ed ver 0,00 our1(iit Duringthe
~ umrn cn tem0 workers v olunteer ed
.Nurn' and doctors it en say they
a'e unable to express their appreci-
alcnfr the nivalui-ae servie ren-
(leed y the volunteers:." is vn
'ilhe girls themselves feel that they
are learning while they ar worig,"
:he contiied. They like to wear
the a-ttractive blue jackets: furntishled
cy the hospital, and feel t lhat the? are
doing vitally import nt work."

Miss Connie Jean MurYm now Iaie> Q d an
her mother recently reecivut tin e i d
Cross nurses' aide unit. This is the firs. lie -ata.d augh-4
ter have completed the our nes
They have also earned heir rplane
spotters. MissMrh'sfte aa rh a vyrKran
her brother, Brian, is now inF he_: avy

member of the Figure Skating Club'
is to possess the ability to skate for-
wards and backwards and to own a
pair of figure skates," Nancy Upson,
'44, club manager, revealed in an-
nouncing the first meeting of the club
at 5:00 p.m. Monday, in the fencing
room of Barbour Gym.S
"Although no attempt is made to
teach absolute beginners," Miss Up-
son added, "we encourage women
who have mastered the primary ele-
ments in ice skating to work toward
becoming competent in the figure
skating department.'
To Skate at Coliseum
Members skate at the Coliseum
weekly and develop skill continuous-
ly with the end in mind that they will
be able to participate in the annual
Spring Ice Carnival. Miss Upson has
already made arrangements for the
club to present at least one number
in the carnival, and it is possible that
two or more will be given by the Uni-
versity club:
Plans for the year will be formiulat-
ed at the introductory meeting Mon-
day, and definite skating times will
be, arranged.
Miss JJpson Is Teacher
Miss Upson, a figure skater of great
ability, has already proved herself to
be a competent teacher, has appeared
'Take Controls

in skating carnivals all over the
country and has received several pro-
fessional offers, so the novice figure
skater may rest assured that she will
be receiving the best in instruction.
As in all campus activities, fresh-
man women are eligible to participate
in the Figure Skating Club, and Miss
Upson urges all women with even a
minimum of skating experience be-
hind them to attend the meeting.
Slacks are still a matter of personal.
JGP Petitions
Due Today
"Pettions for the two vacancies on
JGP central committee must be in
the undergraduate offices of the
League by today," Deborah Parry,
'45, announced yesterday.
The two vacancies are at the head
of the house and dormitory sales of
war stamps and bonds. Interviews
will be held between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
on Monday and Tuesday. The names
of the women receiving appointments
will be posted in the League.
JGP is sponsoring the sale of war
stamps and bonds to all University
women. The aim of the central com-
mittee is to sell at least $1 worth of
stamps each month to every coed on
campus. Sales in dormitories and so-
rority houses will be directed by
house presidents. Salesmen will be
appointed to canvas their houses at
regular intervals.
"Although JGP is a junior project,
it is the responsibility of every Michi-
gan woman to make it a success."
Miss Parry said. "Our goal this year
is to raise $30,000 and we cannot do
this unless every coed does her part."

TWedding s
(N .and r
Engagemen ts

IK I.t 1 . I. M. uW A t's ('Il
i X~i '. !l~r.and u's I~f J.Col-
lu n us Nll uxuean
x r il i sc a 3''iQ




Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rothblatt of
New York City and Toronto an-
nounce the engagement of thei
daughter Hilda Flexner Rotnblatt to
Dr. Seymour Taffet, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Taffet of Belleville, NA.
The prospective bride is a 1943 grad-
uate of the University of Michigan.j
Dr. Taffet attended Albion College
and received his M.D. from the Uni-
versity of Michigan in February. On
the completion of his internship at
the Newark City Hospital in Janu-,
ary, he will serve as a First Lieu-
tenant in the United States Army
Medical Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. William Crafton of
Forest Park, Ill. announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Joan
Du Puis, to Air Cadet Thomas 3.
Latina of Berwin, Ill.
Cadet Latina, a former Michiga
student, is at present stationed a
Hatbox Field, Muskogee, Okla.. aud
expects to receive his commi;sio
shortly. Miss Du Puis is affiliated
with Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She
will be graduated in February from
the University, and the wedding will
take place in March.
Algiers Restaurant Patrons
Provide Glasses, Silver r
ALGIERS, Nov. 5-P)-Sign '
reading "Bring your own knives," and
"Bring your own glasses" )iave ap-
peared in Algiers restaurants as a re-
sult of the silverware and glassware

Ado knt mn.e you
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',e'ci~nO~cL-pes and
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Si{)i-~. x Luznt~: I .

--- .





IOf Trolley


235 South State

$1.26 Carton
plus tax
Lucky's, Chesterfields, Old Golds,

The prosaic trolley car-its death
knell seemingly sounded by the sub-
way, the bus, and the automobile-is
getting a new wartime lease on life
with women motormen as a practical
solution to local transportation prob-
lems arising from manpower short-
Fifteen women, who might be the
vanguard of New York City's femin-
ine operators, began in earnest yes-
terday the business of learning how
to operate the lumbering trolley car
at the instruction school of the BMT.
A grandmother, several young mo-
thers, housewives and factory work-
ers went to work with a will on dum-
my controls, street car equipment,
motor switches and routes, to fill the
depleted ranks of the Board of Trans-
portation. This first group of stu-
dents is anxious to make good, and,
accgrding to W. E. Box, superinten-
dent of instruction, if their initial en-
thusiasm is any indication, they will.
A Variety of Reasons
The women responded to recent
pleas by the Board of Transportation
feeling that they too should do their
bit toward winning the war. Some
came because it offered an opportuni-
ty to fulfill a desire long held to be at
the controls of one of these hissing
and rumbling behemoths, while oth-
ers applied because of sentiment and
family traditions.
Take Mrs. Ruth Phillis, 22 years
old, of 54-16 Sixty-ninth Place, Mas-
peth, Queens, who comes from a fam-
ily of street car motormen. Her hus-
band, John, has been a street-car mo-
torman for three years, and her fa-
ther-in-law, Charles Phillips, recent-
ly resigned after forty-four years of
service in the field.
"Every time I ever rode on one,"
said Ethel Womble of 632 Throop
Avenue, Brooklyn, "I was dying to
be at the controls. I've just always
wanted -to run a trolley."
Mrs. Helen Ramsey of 108 West
103rd Street whns huand .Tak. is

- 4
It's catching ... that young, light-94
hearted note captured by the R us s e t
stylists of DE LISO DEBS in these' C ailf -
new Carefrees. For the casual
side of your life, these soft flex- - .-
ible charmers are as easy
on the eyes as they are on
your feet. No wonder we '
vre predicting you'll go
diead-over-heels for
YO IIT-f -

O a nd EN!DS mn Better
Priced for Quick CIeoranc?
5() RESSES - Wooids, Crepes, Rayons
Sizes> 9]4
ALI~i ~SB~
r 2g'
WC"~ #~'' It


2 2

Raleighs, Dunhills, Viceroys, Fleetwoods,
Cort, Chelsea, Mint Julep, All American
Phillip Morris, Tarytons, Phantoms,
Regents, Pall Malls, Spuds
Only £1I Cartonz
plus tax
Marvels, 20 Grands, Wings, Avalon,
Paul Jones
Only $11Carton

.. _ C.: .. .x _ .

g- - - 4:,_~ F~(C (' 0
;_ a - '-''~ ~ ~ IB E
O n e r n _. . .- .... < '3Y T 1 A C E TS J


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One Group mf a T
Ccauai and drcssmncker types
e m A Amer <irnmnker tvnes Black and color tweeds


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