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November 06, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-06

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FiftThird Year
4 e:^7r 1 -
Edited and mrnged b udents of the University of
Michigan undr e aut ifty o Ue Board in Control
of Studen.t Ptietes
Pblh ye Moday duzring the
regular Univerty year and every moring eeet Mon-
day and 'u ay dlr a e er
Member of Th'I AssociatedI Press
The Assoiqted r is lively entitled to the use
for republication of al news dpatches credited to it or
otherwise credited In this newpapdr. All rights of repub-
1ication of all other mates herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail mer.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by in all $5.25
(ie Pikcm Rereentative
420 rSON A v. Nw Yorn. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Ed;orial Staff

F -~ . _________________


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Marion Ford . . .
Jane Farant
Claire shermn .
Marjorie r'u .: dofli .
Betty Hrey:. . .
Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter.
Martha Opsion

. . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associte Editor
. . Women's Editor
ness Staff
Business Manager
. . Ass't. Bus. Managers
Ass't. Bus. Managers
one 23-24-1

Editorials pnlished in The Michigan Daily
are -written by im'e/ers of The Daily staff
and represent the riews of the writers only.
COMON ) . 1):
Wac2Drive Needs
Studeits' Actie Aid
its conclusion, but there is still much to be
subscribed by Ann Aibor residents before the
goal will be reached.
In years past we have had this drive, that
drive, and still another drive, all drives working
for the common good.
This year we have one drive, one attempt to
collect all the money that used to be collected
in smaller, less painful amounts.
This year we have more to do. This year we
have to subscribe more thai ever before. AND
Students do not have much to spend, you
say. There is little doubt that we have less
than our parents, but this is not to say that
we have so little that we cannot forsake the
movies a few times to give to such a cause.
While we may not le fighting this war, we can
do our every ait at home.
This year we have a Job to do. This year we
are going to do our best. The students at Michi-
gan can do their part ... they will!
-Al Raymond
]ROMINENT puble alt hleaders from North
and Latin America are gathering in an inter--
American conference Monday in the Univer
sity's Public Health buildings to exchange ideas
on how to promote pblic health.
Attempts to promote international solidaity
have been formula ed and expouded in every
field, but health. We have suggested everything
from establishing an international university to
a linking highway, but as yet there has never
been a working foanula suggested on how to
raise the health standards of the Arkansas
sharecropper or the groveling peon struggling on
the summit of a Mexican mountin range.
Have you ever seen the shacs for homes in
the southern United States neatly pasted with
newspaper? Have o ever toured Mexico's
mountains or even deserts and seen whole
famils dwelingnder a thatched roof?
This modern age has a vast amount of primi-
tive activity dominating its structre. There are
individuals who still hike miles for water and
carry it to their hornes in earthen jugs, over
shoulders and bodies infested and racked with
WHERE is all this medical progress, science
"rampages" about? Why isn't there an ex-
tensive health proram caried ovem to aweak
society ilourishinggreatly in po ety and dirt
with never a mention of sanitation or medicine.
The fact the t s4uc a conference is being
held here, not only to eromote public health
but also to focus attention on post-war public
health problems is extremely important in the
light of future solidarity between the Ameri-
cas. Such a conference brings home the need

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.---Most people don't
realize it, but the new wage boost granted the
miners (which John L. Lewis didn't like) makes
them the third highest paid wage group in the
On Jan. 1, 1941, the miners ranked 20th, with
weekly earnings of $26. In August. 1943, they
had shot up to 11th, with a weekly average wage
of $46.24. The new Illinois compromise agree-
ment will put them at $54.74. The average wage
paid in all manufacturing industries is $43.43.
Only wage groups getting better pay than the
miners are (1) auto workers and (2) transpor-
tation equipment workers, which means aircraft.
shipyards, locomotives.
War Labor Row ...
Some pretty hot words were exchanged pri-
vately among members of the War Labor Board
during the coal wage dispute. They were chiefly
attacks by AFL members, led by George Meany
against the WLB members representing the pub-
Meany, two-fisted secretary-treasurer of the
American Federation of Labor, tore into patri-
otic Chairman Will Davis so roughly that Davis
later confided to friends that he didn't know how
much longer he could stand being kicked around
by both sides.
Meany's gripe was that Chairman Davis. Dean
Wayne Morse of the University of Oregon, and
other WLB members representing the public
were dominated by the White House and Eco-
nomic Czar Vinson. He claimed they did not
approach labor problems impartially, but took
orders from above.
The AFL members felt so strongly on this that
they issued a dissenting opinion publicly accus-
ing WLB members of being "dominated" by
other "government agencies." This brought a
hot rejoinder from hard-working Wayne Morse,
who challenged the AFL to show "a scintilla of
evidence which supports their charge."
Real fact is that WLB members representing
the public are so strongly sold on wage stabiliza-
tion they don't have to get instruction from Eco-
New USO Is Answer
To Servicemen's Needa
ANN ARBOR citizens are to be congratulated
on their recently announced plans for open-
ing a community conducted USO service club
in Ann Arbor. The club, which will be located in
rejuvenated Harris Hall, will be open at all times
to soldiers, sailors and marines stationed on
campus and Ann Arbor men who are home on
For a long time men in uniform have la-
mented the fact that there has been no place
for them to go where recreational facilities
are readily obtainable.
Soldiers have said that the YMCA and Ameri-
can Legion were the only organizations in town
that conducted regularly scheduled social activi-
ties for servicemen with the exception of an
occasional dance at the League or sorority spon-
sored open house. Now they will have a club of
their own with coeds and Ann Arbor girls acting
as hostesses.
r HE NEW SERVICE CLUB, which is spon-
sored by a country-wide organization and
financed by national and Ann Arbor funds
through the War Chest, should satisfy the pleas-
ure-seeking .servicemen whether he is in the
mood for a rousing good time, intellectual in-
spiration or a quiet pl'ace to study. Ping pong,
bridge and backgammon, organized study and
language groups, dances and special parties are
all included in present plans.
Up until now a serviceman who didn't
want to dance, but who wanted to sit down
with a magazine in a place he could call his
own has had no refuge but his room. Campus
attempts to entertain these men have helped
to some extent, but more has been needed. As
the influx of soldiers, sailors and marines bas
grown greater, the need for a community USO
has been more and more evident. The citi-
zens of Ann Arbor deserve a big hand for

taking this badly needed step.
It was slow in coming, there's no doubt about
it. We've been at war for two years and some-
thing should have been done a long time ago.
But at last the ice has been broken and men in

nmic Czar Vinson. This column was in error
recently in stating that Vinson had given "bare-
knuckled" instructions to WLB members not to
accet the original Illinois coal agreement.
Vinson had had various conversations with
WLB members, and although he let them know
his general views on wage stabilization, they
were already just as thoroughly sold as he.
Meanwhile the dispu'to between labor and
public WLB members continues to boil.
What diplomats are especially watching about
the Moscow agreement is the follow-through.
While not as enthusiastic a the paeans of praise
in the press, they hope that upon the skeleton
wo ked out at Moscow may be hung, some per-
manent. health flesh.
Whether this can be done will depend on who
does it. As usual in diplomacy it is a question of
1 personnel. American diplomatic personnel has
been one of our weakest points; British and
Russian personnel among their strongest points.
The Russians, for instance, have taken most
seriously the special political council which is
to function in London. On it will sit the man
who someday may succeed Premier Stalin-An-
drei Vishinski. He helped frame the constitu-
tion of Russia, prosecuted the Soviet purge trials.
was a friend of Lenin, engineered the Kaunas
agreeriient which brought aout the political
delivery of Lithuania into Russian hands in 1940.
Vishinski has a mind like a needle, is a match
for the keenest legal-statesman in any country.
But to match wits against him on the Mediter-
ranean Council, Secretary Hull originally sent
Ed Wilson, U.S. Ambassador to Panama. Wilson
has been in the diplomatic srice for 23 years,
is an A-1 man, but not the type who, like Vish-
inski, might ever lead his count .
So the thing diplomats are watching is whom
FDR picks from the threadbare assortmnent
available to carry on and build up working peace
machinery from the foundation laid in Moscow.
(Copyright, 1943. United Features syndicate)
S Fire Votes Save T own
From jinmt Crow Fate
SERE FIVE VOTES at the last meeting of
the Wayne County Board of Supervisors pre-
vented the carrying to the polls of a proposal
which would have changed the village of Inkster
into a Jim Crow town the likes of which it would
be difficult to duplicate in the deepest of the
deep South.
Proposed as a solution to the Detroit race
riet problem, the Mlan would have detached
four fifths of the present village of Inkster
leaving the remainder ponulated almost ex-
clusively by Negroes, without most of the com-
munity's public service and utilities.
The evils presented in the plan were best
summed up by Councilman George Edwards
who denounced it as, "the most undemocratic
he had ever heard of in the history of Wayne
County. In my opinion," Edwards declared, "it
couldn't be anything but unconstitutional and
fraudulent. Not only would the proposal divide
a governmental unit strictly on racial lines, but
it would allow a narrow majority of the people
to take with them into a new village nearly all
the important public improvements in the com-
- imunity, and it would leave the minority of the
population saddled with the whole bonded debt
undertaken previously by the whole population."
a EGREGATION is no solution to the race prob-
lem which confronts the Detroit area. The
division of the forces at issue into geographic as
twell as racial groups would only serve to inten-
sify the animosity.
Encouragin as the vot mn the inkster
question is it is alarming tha only five votes
prevented the carrying o'the election issue.
Faced with the problem of racial cooperation,
the Wayne County suervisors should never
have even copsidered such an alarming pro-
The defeat of this proposa1 markcs an impor-
tant but unfortunately narrow victory for the
forces of toleration and democracy.

- Monroe Fink
uniform should find Ann Arbor a friendlier,
more enjoyable place to be stationed.

Post-War Planning...
AS THE TIDE of victory rises and
promises to engulf the world in
the greatly longed-for peace, inquir-
ing and thoughtful students are be-
coming increasingly aware of the
need for intelligent post-war plan-
Grabbing at the chance to clarify
the issues and problems involved in
post-war planning, students are read-
ing, listening and discussing these
topics by themselves, with friends,
and at meetings. One such important
meeting is going to take place here
in Ann Arbor Sunday, Nov. 7, at the
Congregational Church at 3 pn.
Sponsored by the caristian Mis-
sion for World Order-a united
church effort for peace-and en-
dorsed by our own Michigan Post-
War Council, this mass meeting
brings to the fore three eminent
leaders on post-war planning, who
will endeavor to assist every think-
ing person or group of persons in
inaugurating :effective post - war
programs of study and action.
Here is an opportunity for students
to ask experts to come down to brass
tacks and give their opinions on spe-
cific post-war items. Since the road
America will take TOMORROW must
be determined TODAY by an in-
formed public awake to the need of
a decent world order, every thinking
person is urged to attend and partici-
pate in this meeting.
-Barney Lasehever
Post-War Council
I WISH to inform you that one of
your writers, in the Nov. 4 issue of
The Michigan Daily, resorted to pla-
giarism. How your department can
plagziarizethe works of a professional
witer and not expect to be called
to task is more than I can fathom,
Perhaps it was oversight. Neverthe-
less, an editorial department cannot
afford to become so occupied that
it misses articles in current peri-
Valerie Andrew'st article, "More
Race Riots?" was taken almost ver-
batim from Earl Brown's piece in


P ~
'After the crime stories he ,i ars on th radio, you wouldn't think he'd
raise such a fuss about a little thing like someone
robbing his piggy bank!'

VNII 'F VLP 1 u ttof

November Harper's. On pave 48 and which his letter indicates he would
following pages of that inue sprin- have noticed that the "enumerated
ed "The Truth aboutthe Drot poits of reform" which are so sim-
Race Riots." If you will otin that ilar to Mr. Brown's are directly at-
issue and read that aiiele. yu cn- tzibuted to Mr. Brown. We reprint
not help noticing the e xt i e nim- mrom Miss Andrew's editorial)
larity in ideas. especlly in the larl Brown, a noted political
enumerated points for rerm. wniter, has suggested in an Article
-Edwin L. Rasmusen, Jr. in "Harper's" that as the only way
to promote cooperation and prog-
(Editor's Note: If Mr. Ramusen ress between the whites and blacks,
had taken the trouble to read Ms the following things should be
Andrew's editorial wi th the care done:'

". .


SATURDAY, NOV. 6, 1943
Vol. LIV No. 5
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Conservation of Public Utilities:
It is urged that every member of the
University community, faculty, stu-
dents, clerks, and other employees,
constitute himself or herself a com-
mittee of one to contribute in every
reasonable way to the end that there
shall be no waste of electricity, wa-
ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica-
tions or transportation service. This
notice is in behalf not only of the
University administration but of var-
ious United States Government au-
To All Heads of Departments:
Please notify Mrs. Burns in the Bus-
iness Office the number of Faculty
Directories needed in your depart-
To save postage and labor the
practice of mailing directories is-dis-
continued. Any staff member may
have a copy by applying at the Bus-
iness Office, 1 University Hall.
The Directories will be ready for
distribution Nov. 11.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Michigan Daily: There. will be o
house delivery of The Daily for the
fall term. All faculty members and
others entitled to receive The Daily
may sign subscription blanks at the
Business Office, 1 University Hall,
for delivery of the paper to their
departmental offices.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Library Committee: All requests
and proposals which are to be sub-
mitted to the Library Committee of
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, at its meeting early
this month, should be in the hands
of the Director of the General Li-
brary not later than Monday, Nov. 8.
Warner G. Rice, Director
Sunday Library Service: On all
Sundays during the Fall and Spring
Terms, except during holiday periods,
the Main Reading Room and the Pe-
riodical Room of the General Library
are kept open from 2:00 p. m. to 9
p. m.

blanks must be signed by the adviser
and the original slip returned to
Room 4, U.H., at once.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Girls Co-operative Houses still have
vacancies. If interested in rooming
and boarding, make application for
membership through Beulah Horo-
witz from 9 to 12 this morning,
or Roberta Chatkin from 3 to 5 Sun-
day afternoon, at 816 Forest. Phone
Academic Notices
Qualifying Test for Army-Navy
College Programs: Students whose
eligibility for the test has been certi-
fied are requested to report to the
main Lecture Hall in the Rackham
Building at 8:45 on the morning of
Tuesday, Nov. 9. At that time each
man must present his admission and
identification blank completely filled
out, signed, and certified. Two lead
pencils will also be required for the
Information bulletins and admis-
sion cards for the test are still avail-
able at the Office of the Dean of
Students, Room 2 University Hall,
and certification of eligibility can be
secured during University office
hours until 4:30 p.m., Monday, Nov.
String Orchestra: Under the direc-
tion of Gilbert Ross. Music of the
17th and 18th centuries. Rehearsals
Tuesdays and Fridays, 3 to 5, Lane
Hall. Open to all University stu-
dents. Violinists, violists, cellists,
and string bass players are invited.
See Professor Ross, 606 Burton Mem-
orial Tower.
Cleveland Orchestra Concert: The
Cleveland Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf,
Conductor, will play the following
program in the first Choral Unien
Concert, Sunday, Nov. 7, at 9 p. m.:
Bach Chorale, "O Haupt voll Blut
und Wunden"; Schubert Symphony
in C, No. 7; Siegfried's Rhine Journey
from "Gotterdammerung" by Wag-
ner; and "Porgy and Bess", A Sym-
phonic Picture, by Gershwin.
This concert will be broadcast over
the Mutual System. The audience
should arrive promptly as there will
be no opportunity to be adrirted
after the concert starts.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society. Bur-
ton Memorial Tower, daily except
Sunday. On Sunday, Nov. 7, the box

- Ray Dixon


MilkgSubsidy ,y°es Ar? U i csr
Producers' Federation (Of a &od ernate

1N OPPOSITION to President Roosevelt's sub-
sidy policy, the Milk Producers' Federation
has asked that the price ceiling on milk and
other dairy products be lifted to allow an in-
crease in prices of one cent per quart of milk
and six cents per pound of butter. The over-all
increase in profits to producers would be about
$600,000,000 per year.
This is the plan which leading milk produ-
cers' cooperatives have advanced to insure dairy
farmers the profits necessary to continue pro-
duction at a rate which will meet the present

to take upon itself the additional task of doling
out some $500,000,000 from the Treasury when
the consumer population could absorb this sum
at only a slight increase in milk prices.
1HE PROPOSED INCRA in milk prices
would not abolish the inf tion-curbing ceil-
inu but it would allow the milk industry to solve
it own problems at a minimum expense to the
Tha the publi cn well afford such an
increase is ilustrated by the fact that unem-

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