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November 06, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-06

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Indiana Plays
Here Before
Small Crowd
Bo McMillan's Tea
Made Up Entirely of
Civilian Players
(Continued from Page 1)
still be packing plenty of power.
Bob Derleth, a letter winnerrlast
year but ineligible for Michigan's
first four games this season, will be
at Pregulman's old spot in the line.
Bob Wiese, who was the Maize and
Blue's leading gainer as a fullback
in his sophomore year but played
quarterback to make way for Daley
this year, will start at fullback
against the Hoosiers and Jack Wink
will start at quarterback. Wally
Dreyer will begin the game at right
half just as he did against Illinois.
Wiese Adds Deception
Although Wiese hasn't Daley's
power, he will add deception to
Michigan's attack via the spinner,
one of Coach Fritz Crisler's favorite
Wink and the other starting tack-
le, Bob Hanzlik, both Marine trans-
fers from Wisconsin, have been
named the Wolverines acting co-
captains for the game at the request
of White.
Indiana's attack will be built
around freshman star Bobby Hoern-
schemeyer, the nation's leading
ground gainer to date, and one of
the best passers in the Big Ten. It
was Hoernschemeyer's pass to Pihos
that beat Ohio State in the last 30
seconds of last Saturday's game, and
so far this season Hunchy has hit
his receiver 49 times in 110 attempts.
Hoosier Defense Impressive
The Hoosiers have piled up an im-
pressive defensive record also in win-
ning two, tying two, .and losing one
so far this season, and that one lossj
came when they were edged out by
Northwestern, 14-6. McMillan's char-
ges have allowed their opponents'









Experts Pick
Irish over
Army Cadets
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK,'Nov. 5.-There have
been nothing but dismal statements
from the Notre Dame campus all
week and few words of any kind from
West Point, but scalpers are asking as
much as $40 for a pair of $4.40 tick-
ets to tomorrow's football game-and
crying because they haven't enough
to go around at that price.
Despite the frantic fr tting of
Frank Leahy, coach of the Notre
Daie team, the Irish were rated as
12-14 points better than the Cadets.
Notre Dame, with numerous Navy
trainees on its roster, won't arrive
until about five hours before tomor-
row's 2 p.m. kickoff.
Army, meanwhile, arrived at the
Knollwpod Country Club in West-
chester County in time to continue
to the Yankee Stadium for a brief
limbering up. Coach Earl Blaik in-
dicated that Doug Kenna, his ace
back out most of the year, would not
start but would see plenty of action.
With Johnny Lujack installed 'as
the Irish quarterback in place of the
transferred Angelo Bertelli, Leahy
had to revise his backfield

Wisconsin Man Co-Captain


Crippled Penn
Team Battles
Navy Gridders
By The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 5.-Penn's
football team, which has been march-
ing along nicely using two Kanes'
may limp into the Navy game with
just one tomorrow.
Coach George Munger, seeking to
patch the worst-riddled lineup he
has faced this season" found him-
self leaning heavily on his right half-
back Kane, Hurricane Joe, whon he
has selected to captain the Red and
Blue against the Middies. Joe's team-
mate-Frank, no relation--has been
idle all week because of a shoulder
separation complicated by a cold. He
probably will not play tomorrow, with
Walt Bubien getting his starting as-
signment at right end.
Further deepening the gloom
around Munger's office was left tac-
kle Les Zetty's cold, which may keep
him on the sidelines, and force a con-
siderable lineup shift.
Joe Kane, who until Army stopped
him last week was the East's leading
scorer, will carry a big share of the
Penn offensive load, aided by' the
brilliant Bob Odell who came through
the bruising game with the Cadets in
good shape.
An even bigger crowd than the
72,000 which saw Army in anticipat-
ed, all seats in Franklin Field having
been sold with the SRO sign hanging
for three days.
The Navy gridders will arrive by
train at noon tomorrow. The corps
of Midshipmen is due in by boat
about the same time to parade
through the downtown section to the

Strack Plays for Michigan Again;
Cage Season Opens December 4


Veteran Star of 4243
Season Begins Practice
As Michigan's basketball team looks
toward the coming season you can
rest assured that the Wolverine
coaches are mighty pleased that once
again the familiar face of Dave
Strack will be in the starting lineup.
Dave, a very steady and clever ball
handler, waslastbyear voted Michi-
gan's most valuable player and was
presented with a gold basketball by
Station WGN in Chicago.
Strack hails from Shortridge High
School in Indianapolis where he star-
red in football and basketball. In
football Davemade all city end and
was on the same team with George
Kraeger who is now Michigan's first
string guard. Strack then turned to
basketball in the winter and for two
years was the school's outstanding
player. In his senior year Dave was
chosen first string on the all-state
Indiana five, a fitting climax to a
brilliant high school career. In ad-
dition to these many honors Dave
was elected captain of the basketball
team in his senior year.
In his freshman year at Michigan,
Dave decided to concentrate on bas-
ketball and won his numerals in that
sport. Last year Strack elevated him-
self to a starting position on the
varsity quintet and was the only
sophomore in the starting lineup.
Throughout the season Dave's very
steady play was a constant source
of enjoyment for the Wolverine cage
followers and few people will forget
that game against Wisconsin when
Dave rose to his greatest heights. It
was in that memorable encounter
that Strack held John Kotz, Wiscon-
sin's great star to a mere seven
points, the lowest that Kotz had pre-
viously scored in a conference game.
When asked to comment about


Cagers To Open Season
Against Unknown Team

The Wolverine cagers will open the
1943-44 season on Saturday night,
Dec. 4, at the Yost Field House with
an undisclosed team.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan said that
final arrangements would be com-
pleted within several days and that
the Maize and Blue opponent would
be announced at that time. The
Michigan basketball team will travel
to Romulus two nights later to play
the Romulus Air Base cage squad.
The only other team that has been
definitely scheduled is Western Mich-
igan who will come here Dec. 18,
while the Wolverines will complete
the home-and-home series by going
to Kalamazoo New 'Year's Eve. Since
the Conference schedule has not been
fully arranged at the present time,
no ngn-Conference games can be
scheduled after the first of the year
until Major John Griffith and his
aides finish drawing up the Big Ten
In an effort to play as many serv-
ice teams as possible, Oosterbaan is
also trying to book a contest with
the star-studded Great Lakes out-
fit during the second or third week
in December. The Varsity cagers will
have to keep their non-Conference
road games down to a minimum,
however, because of the Navy restric-
tion regarding the number of hours
a trainee can be away from the unit.
Central Michigan and Grosse 1le
undoubtedly will be included on the
Wolverine schedule for next month,
but as yet nothing definite has been
this year's squad, Strack was pretty
enthusiastic over the team's chances
for a successful season.

Bob Hanzlik, who wears the same number, 77, as the famous Red
Grange wore is a first string tackle on the Wolverine squad. He and
Jack Wink, both former Wisconsin stars, are co-captains today.


Pitcher Is Inducted

Taking It Easy ...



Rudy Smeja LE
Bob Hanzlik LT
John Gallagher LG
Fred Negus C
George Kraeger RG
Bob Derleth RT
Henry Olsh'nski RE
Jack Wink QB
Elroy Hirsch LHI
Walt Dryer RH
Bob Wiese FB

Frank Hoppe
Joe Kemipf
J. C. Coffee
John Tavener
Frank' Ciolli
Jesse McCune
Pete Pihos
John Cannady
Don Mangold
Jim Allerdice

an average of only 132 yards gain
per game, the best record in the Big
Ten. They are also third in offensive
power in the Conference. ,
The Wolverines, on the other hand,
are tops in the latter field, but third
defensively, having allowed their
previous foes approximately 139
yards per tilt. They also have the
best punting record of any team in
the league, with Wiese and Elroy
Hirsch averaging well over 43 yards
on each boot.
Other Games Shut-Outs
If the game lives up to the record
of earlier battles between these two
squads, the loser willsbe shut out.
Michigan won the first five games
in 1900, '01, '02, '03, and '25 by over-
whelming scores, but Indiana scored
its first victory of the series in 1928
when it edged out the Wolverines,
6-0. Michigan came back to triumph
22-0 in 1931 and 7-0 in both 1932
and 1935.
Thus nine games of the rivalry
-went by before both teams scored in
the same game, and the Hoosiers
were victors in that, the last previous
encounter, 14-3 in 1938.
Jim Allerdice, Indiana's starting
fullback, is the nephew of Dave Al-

" IMAGINE that I am the luckiest individual in the world . ." These
opening words of a column written by Tom Harmon for The Daily three
years ago expressed the Gary Ghost's philosophy of success better than any
others ever printed.
It was on Nov. 7, 1941 that Harmon took time out from football and
classes, to write a column for Don Wirtchafter, Daily sports editor. There
was no hint in the air of United States participation in World War II at the
time, nor was there any reason to believe that Harmon would be in the
headlines twice on the same count.,
Michigan gridders were going through their last practice for Harmon's
final game with Minnesota when he came out with his bit of philosophy.
Let us quote Tom's own words .
"I think that I should tell you a few of the reasons why I am the chosen
son of the chosen son. Let us look into the past a few scant years ago.
"The time is the fall of 1937 and a rawboned freshman is looking on as
the Varsity prepares for the opening game with Michigan State. Suddenly
a man taps this freshman on the shoulder and says, 'Tom, I want you to
meet three boys who will be playing with you the next three years." The
voice was that of the fireball of Michigan's freshman coach, Wally Weber.
The names of Paul Kromer, Howard Mehaffey and Jack Meyer were spieled
off in usual Weber fashion.
"There were four of us starting together and all hoping for success.
We had great things planned after we beat the Varsity the first time we
met, and with 'Evy' there it seemed that the day would not be far off when
we would be wearing gold footballs, emblematic of Conference champion-
". ..Our first season was well on its way and we were still undefeated
when tragedy struck the first of our group of four. It happened in the Yale
game and "The Jeep" (Mehaffey) was on the receiving end .. .
"Good old kind-hearted 'Mac,' the fightin'est heart that ever wore the
Maize and Blue. He played out the season and never played again. We
dropped only one game and that was because I had fumbled at Minnesota.
"We tied Northwestern in the history-making goal line stand and then
came our traditional rivals, Ohio State. We lined up for the kick-off and as
I looked down the line I saw the 'Keg,' good ole Jack (Meyer), his face filled
with anxiety as he knew that in the Buckeye stadium the Meyer family and
all of his Ohio friends were watching. The ball boomed down the field and
Jack was racing to make the first tackle.< As he shifted to make the tackle
his knee buckled and was shot.
"This accident was the second of the bad breaks to the group of four.
If Meyer had been at Illinois on the fatal day to give 'Iron Evy' (Evashevski)
relief we might not have lost. This ended our sophomore year and the
careers of Mehaffey and Meyer ...
"Then came our junior year. The first game against Michigan State
proved to be the third strike against the 'fatal four.' Paul Kromer was re-
turning a punt when a terrific tackle snapped his knee. We battled on
through the season and in the Illinois game 'Evy' cracked his ankle . . . Two
years had passed and still 'no gold footballs.
"Now comes the senior year . . . So far we have been undefeated . . . For
three years I have been lucky enough never to get hurt. For three years I
have been lucky enough to wear the Maize and Blue of Michigan. For three
years I have been lucky enough to play football with the greatest gang in
the world ... Look at that summary and you will see why Thomas D. Har-
mon is the luckiest guy in the world today ..."
When Tom called that freshman quartet "the fatal four" he certainly
was not thinking or dreaming that his "break" might come in a game
much bigger than football. Kromer, Meyer and Mehaffey are still around,
but Tom is lost somewhere in China. It seems prophetic, but we can't help
feeling that "the luckiest individual in the world" has run out his string.



CAMDEN, N.J., Nov. 5.--GP)-Ed-
gar Smith, 29, Chicago White Sox
baseball pitcher, was inducted into
the Army yesterday with a contin-
gent from Burlington County Draft
Board No. 4.
He will report for active duty at
Fort Dix on Nov. 24.
Tryouts for anyone, including
coeds, interested in writing on The
Daily sports staff will be held at
4 p.m. Monday at the sports desk
of the Michigan Daily.





lerdice, Michigan's:

1909 captain,


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