-. ....-
SATURDAY, NOV. 6. 1941
A G E I S 111 I X Ill S
Soldier Finds Natives
Aren'tAll Movie Queens
"The fellow I bunked with when I --
Navy Gunner' Post War .. .
Takes Over (Continued from Page 1)
was in the South Sea Islands didn't
want to bother digging a foxhole
when we first got there, but when the
first raid came about 3 a.m., he start-
ed to dig-and fast," Pvt. Gordon
Adams, one of the Marines who ar-
rived in Ann Arbor this week, said
"Lots of the fellows didn't dig their
foxholes deep enough so that they
were completely covered. By the end
of the first raid all the holes were
deep'" he added.
"Natives often charged as much as
five dollars for doing our laundry,
and then they would pound the
clothes in a creek on a rock instead
of actually washing them. Pretty
soon all the buttons would fall off
your clothes. The natives know that
dollars are worth more than coins, so
all their prices are in dollars. They
might charge five dollars for a bunch
of bananas which they will exchange
for three or four packages of cigar-
No Dorothy Lamours
"My idea'of the South Sea Islands
was greatly changed during the ten
(Continued from Page 4)
Service. Sermon by Mr. Redman on
"Realistic Peace."
10:40 a.m. and continuing through
the period of the Church Service:
Unitarian - Friends Liberal Church
3:00 p.m. Mass meeting at Congre-
gational Church. 4:30 p.m. Tea and
discussion for University students.
All those interested in becoming
a wrestling manager report to the
Field 'Iouse at three o'clock any
day next week. Award sweaters
are given to all junior and senior
Ray Courtright1
Wrestling Coach
months I spent there. I didn't see
any Dorothy Lamours around, and
the islands themselves aren't what
they're played up to be in magazines.
"Last Christmas five of us decided
to attend a dance which the natives
were having. We dressed just like the
natives, wearing lava lavas. The girls
were pretty good dancers, but, as they
don't wear shoes, I was in continual
fear all evening that I was going to
step on one of their toes.
Bachelors Dye Hair
"Some of the natives on the canal
are almost like cannibals. The bache-
lors die their hair red and most of
the men use lots of perfume.
"I found the people in New Zealand
very hospitable during the six weeks
I spent there. We Marines taught
some of the girls to do the Lindy
Hop," Adams said.
Pvt. Adams has been in the Marine
Corps for 21 months. He enlisted in
February, 1942 in New York and re-
ceived his training in Parris Island,
South Carolina and at New River,
North Carolina.
He was trained as a telephone man.
Before he was transferred to Ann,
Arbor, Pvt. Adams was a corporal,
but like all other men in the program,
he had to give up his rating when he
came here.
Enrollment of 2,125
In Extension Classes
Enrollment in regular extension
classes in Detroit this fall exceeded
previous records, with a total regis-
tration of 2,125 reported.
The department of languages drew
the heaviest enrollment in this pro-
gram sponsored by the University
Extension Service. Six sections of
beginning Spanish were opened, and
about 50 students are taking Rus-
sian. Beginning Chinese and Portu-
guese proved popular. Japanese,
German and Italian also are being
The new Grand Rapids center has
an enrollment of 510 students.
U. of M. Campus
Little Brown Dog Makes
Headquarters in Quad,
Adopts Only V-12 Men
For over two months now Gunner,
a little brown dog, has been the unof-
ficial mascot of the V-12 unit on
Between halves at every home foot-
ball game, Gunner can be seen run-
ning around the field wearing the
blanket coat which was purchased
for him by the cheerleaders. The
coat which is brown with a blue
block and gold letters on it says
"Navy" on one side and Michigan on
the other.
Gunner seems to have no special
pedigree and very little is known ofT
his history. When he first came to
the West Quadrangle several of the
boys got together and purchased a
license for him.
Gunner has an annoying habit of
chasing automobiles. About a month
ago he was hit by a car and the boys
were afraid that he would have to be
destroyed. In fifteen minutes they
collected about $15 to pay for doctor
No dog is supposed to be inside the
quadrangle and of course this ruling
applies to Gunner too. Every night
he is locked out but in the morning
he is inside. Navy officials haven't
discovered as yet how Gunner gets
Gunner adopted allhthe Navy men.
When he is on campus he will follow
only Navy men. He will play with the
Marines in the quadrangle, but when
on campus he can't distinguish their
uniform from the army uniform.
During the day Gunner divides his
time between the campus and the
based on the principle of the sover-
eign equality of all peace-loving
states, and open to membership by
all such states, large and small, for
the maintenance of international
peace and security.
"That, pursuant to the Constitu-
tion of the United States, any treaty
made to effect the purposes of this
resolution, on behalf of the Govern-
ment of the United States with any
other nation or any association of
nations, shall be made only by and
wih the advice and consent of the
Senate of the United States, pro-
vided two thirds of the Senators
present concur.
Beating down a series of amend-
ments, the Senate passed a double-
barreled. resolution incorporating a
portion of the -Moscow Four-Power
Agreement in an historical action
that marked a new high tide of sen-
timent for international cooperation.
Passage came after 10 days of de-
bate, some of it acrimonious.
The resolution, which stands as
an expression of the Senate's views
without reference either to the House
or the President, records the Senate.
as urging that the United States,
acting through its constitutional pro-
cesses, join with free and sovereign
nations in establishment of inter-
national authority with power to
prevent aggression.
After publication of the Moscow
Document, the resolution was amen-
ded to provide for Senate recognition
of the necessity of establishing a
general international organization.
Also added was a statement that any
treaties made to effect the purposes
of the resolution must be submitted
to the Senate for ratification.
The final vote was 85 to 5.
Col. Miller Says
Ordnance Men
Are Necessary
"One answer to 'what does a large
university do in wartime?' can be
found in the ordnance classes of the
engineering school," Col. Henry W.,
Miller, head of the Department of'
Mechanism and Mechanical Draw-
ing, said yesterday.
Explaining theneed of inspectors
graduated from these classes in air-
craft ordnance inspection, Col. Mil-
ler went on to say, "The only way
American industry makes things is
to make the products all alike. A
lean working on an assembly line
does not know into what machine
the part he works on will fit, hence
the need of inspectors to see that
each part be precise so that it will
fit into any one of the finished prod-
ucts. Inspectors must see that the
jobs are done not only rapidly, but
"During the last war there was no
need of inspectors. The great de-
mand for them in this war is largely
a result of the Lend-Lease Program
to supply fighting equipment for the
Allies. We supply engineering aids
for tank arsenals, shell arsenals, and
machine gun arsenals."
Speaking of the engineering draw-
ing department, Col. Miller stated
that the engineering drawing de-
partment has had its heaviest load
in twenty years this past summer.
IEduardo A. Salgado, a native of the
Philippine Commonwealth, will pre-
sent an exhibition of his Mexican
paintings in the mezzinine gallery of
the Rackham Building starting today.
The exhibition is sponsored by the
International Center and will be pre-
sented through Nov. 30.
Salgado, whose exhibition on Phil-
ippine life was shown here in 1940,
is a graduate of the School of Fine
Arts of the University of the Philip-
pines. He has also spent some time
in Mexico City and other parts of
Mexico, where he found the suojects
for the present exhibition. Some of
the paintings shown in 1940 will sup-
plement those to be on exhibition this
It has been said that this artist ex-
E. A. Salgado, Filipino Artist,
Opens Painting Exhibit Today
periments honestly and intelligently
with a variety of media of expression,
that he attempts to fit the technique
to the type of subject he is portray-
ing. His energy and indefatigability
as a painter, his wide range of sub-
ject matter and his versatility have
been acclaimed by critics.
Of his work J. Raleigh Nelson
wrote, "This exhibition of the tire-
less effort of Eduardo Salgado to pre-
pare himself for leadership in his
special skill in the happier days to
come is just one beautiful evidence of
the consecration of his generation to
the task before him."
Comingo our party?
Michigan Christian Fellowship invites all Servicemen and
Students to an evening of fun and eats-
We'll see you tonight-
LAN E HALL...,8 P.M.
- - - - - - - - - - 1
. I
athletics building, but at chow time
he is also at the quadrangle hoping
that some of the boys will leave some-
thing on their plates.
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
Sunday, November 7th
10 a.m. University Students
Bible Class. Ted Groesbeck,
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
The Rev. P. B. Fitzwater,
D.D., director of the Pastor's
Course of the Moody Bible In-
stitute of Chicago, will speak
on the subject: "The New
Testament Church."
4-6 p.m. Open house at the home
of the pastor, 248 Crest.
7:30 p.m. "Practicing the Pres-
ence of God." Dr. Fitzwater
235 South State
This electric light
a a e
1511 Washtenaw
(Missouri Synod)
Sunday at 11:00 A.M. Divine Service. Sermon
by the pastor, "The Uniquenessof Christian-
Sunday at 5:30 P.M. Supper Meeting of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
William and Thompson Streets
Sunday Masses,.8:00, 10:00, 11:30 A.M.
Mass Daily, 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M.
306 North Division St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. Robert M. Muir, Student Chaplain
Nancy Plummer Faxon, Musical Director
Philip Malpas, Organist
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon by Dr.
3:30 P.M. H-Square Club, Page Hall.
5:00 P.M. Choral Evening Prayer and Com-
mentary by Mr. Muir.
6:00 P.M. Canterbury Club (for students and
servicemen), Page Hall. Buffet supper.
Speaker: Prof. Preston Slosson. Topic: "The
Church's Part in Post-War Reconstruction."
(the beginning of a series of discussions on
this subject.)
Wednesday, Nov. 10 - 8:00 A.M. Holy Commun-
8:00 P.M. Open House at Chaplain's residence,
408 Lawrence Street.
Thursday, Armistice Day - 8 A.M. Holy Com-
munion (church).
11:00 A.M. Holy Communion (church, war
Friday, Nov. 12: 4:00-6:00 P.M. Tea at the
Counsellor for Women's residence, 1327 Wil-
mot Street.
423 South Fourth Ave.
Theodore Schmale, Pastor
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr.
Royal Hall of. Albion College. Topic: "The
Christian Foundation for Permanent Peace."
6:00 P.M. Student Guild.
sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church - E. Washington St. and
S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon
by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church - E. William St. and
St. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon
by the Rev. Henry O. Yoder.
The Lutheran Student Association
4:00 P.M. Open House for students and service-
men in the Zion. Lutheran Parish Hall, 309
East Washington Street.
6:00 P.M. Supper with program following. Prof.
Erich Walter, speaker.
1432 Washtenaw Ave,,
William P. Lemon, D.D., Willard V. Lampe,
Franklin Mitchell, Director of Music
and Organist
10:45 A.M. Church School. Junior, Intermediate
and Senior Departments.
10:45 A.M. Nursery, Beginner and Primary De-
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. "From Victory
to Peace" subject of sermon by Dr. Paul
State and William Streets
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister
Rey. H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student
William Sawyer, Director of Music
9:15 and 10:30 A.M. Church School.
10:45 A.M. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will speak
on the subject "Let It Begin With Us."
4:00 P.M. A mass meeting in the church with
visiting speakers on the "Christian Mission
on World Order."
5:30 P.M. Ariston League for high school stu-
7:00 P.M. Student Guild - refreshments and
social hour. Address by Dr. Henry Lewis of
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Subject, "Re-
ligioY of the Post-War World."
State and Huron Streets
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Saturday Evening, 8:00 P.M. Social Dancing and
Games in Unity Hall.
Sunday, 10:40 A.M. Unitarian-Friends Liberal
Church School.
11:00 A.M. Church Service with Mr. Redman
preaching on "Realistic Peace."
3:00 P.M. Mass Meeting at Congregational
4:30 P.M. Discussion Tea for Unitarian stu-
Masonic Temple
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
10:00 A.M. University Students Bible Class. Ted
Groesbeck, teacher.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. The Rev. P. B.
Fitzwater, D.D., director of the Pastor's
course of the Moody Bible Institute of Chi-
cago, will speak on the subject: "The New
Testament Church."
4:00-6:00 P.M. Open House at the home of the
pastor, 248 Crest Street.
7:30 P.M. "Practicing the Presence of God."
Dr. Fitzwater speaking.
512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00 A.M. Rodger Williams' class meets in the
Guild House.
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. President Harley
L. Smith of William Woods College will speak
on "Resources for Peace."
3:00 P.M. "Christian Mission on World Order,"
in Congregational Church.
6:00 P.M. Rodger Williams Guild Fellowship
7:00 P.M. "Christian Mission" seminar at the
Baptist Church.
409 South Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00,
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject:
"Adam and Fallen Man."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public reading room at 106 E. Washington
St., open every day except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays
until 9 p.m.
120 South State Street
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, Ralph G. Dunlop
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
9:30 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments where young
children may be left during worship service.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Henry P. Van
Dusen, of Union Theological Seminary, will
speak on, "Will Christians Count in the
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