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February 06, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-06

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SUMMAT. r M., 19. 1 a44

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Dr. P'ollockTo Speak at Center Today

Prof. James K. Pollock of the polit-
ical science department will speak on
"Some Aspects of the German Prob-
lem" at 7:30 p.m. today in the Inter-
national Center.
Prof. Pollock has made a number
of study trips to Germany and has
spent considerable time in the coun-

He said he has not made definite
plans for what he will say in his talk
today; that he will Kather fit the
speech to what he judges the inter-
ests of the audience to be.
Dr. Hans Wolff will be honorary
chairman and will introduce Prof.

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Beauty. ;iiferal the stuff of dreams can be wonder-
fully enhanced by.Elizabeth Arden Pink Powders.
Just as an artist creates a. base tone in a portrait and

Local Churches
WVill Present
Varied Talks
Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick's book
"On Being a Real Person" will be
reviewed by the Rev. Charles Mitchell,
graduate student in psychology, at
the Roger Williams Guild meeting at
5 p.m. today at the Baptist Church.
Beginning a series of talks on
"Building a Christian Home," Mr.
and Mrs. A. K. Stevens will address
the Westminster Guild on "Boy Meets
Girl-But How?" at 6 p.m. today at
the Presbyterian Church. Supper
will precede the meeting.
Prof. Hsing-Chih Tien of the Ori-
ental language department, will speak
on "Religious Philosophies of China
and the Post-War World" to Congre-
gational-Disciples Guild members at
5 p.m. today. A supper will follow the
"Churchmanship" will be the topic
of Rev. Harold Yochum's talk to the
Lutheran Student Association at 5:30
p.m. This was one of the Ashram
themes studied at the last conference
of the National Lutheran Church at
Lake Geneva, Wis.
Continuing the series of discussions
on belief, Wesleyan Foundation will
hold panels on "What I Believe about
Prayer" at 5 p.m. today in the lounge
of the Methodist Church.
Gamma Delta will meet at the
Lutheran Student Center for supper
and social hour at 5:30 p.m. Cath-
olic students will hold a Sunday night
supper at 5:30 in the club rooms of
St. Mary's Chapel. A discussion on
Lent will be given at the Canterbury
Club meeting at 6 p.m. at the Episco-I
pal Church with the voluntary work
projects completed afterwards.
Group Seelks
Subsidy .limit
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.--(A)- A
$500,000,000 a year program of food
subsidy aid limited to low income
families was proposed today by a
group of senators opposing the ad-
ministration's $1,500,000,000 system
of general food subsidies.
Designed to restrict consumer sub-
sidy aid to families having annual'
incomes under approximately $1,600,
it is a modification of the Aiken-
Lafollette food stamp bill which the
War Food Administration estimates
would cost $3,000,000,000 annually.
Senator Aiken (Rep., Vt.) an-
nounced the modified version will be
offered as an amendment to the bill
by Senator Bankhead (Dem., Ala.),
which would abolish food subsidies
outright. The Sepate expects to be-
gin consideration of the Bankhead
measure next week.
Indicating he might support the
Aiken proposal, Senator Tydings
(Dem., Md.) said he approved the
"principle" of the stamp plan and
described it as worthy of "sympa-
thetic consideration."

At' , ggSt ,te . .
A globe-circling caravan of girls,
songs and entertainment forms the
unique idea around which Kay Kyser
has built his new screen offering
"Around the World." the new show
opening at the State today.
The film's story starts in Australia,
where Kay, with his band, Mischa
Cunty Near
War Bo nd Gopal
$35,325 IPurha~sed
By Army Utiits to Date
A $548,861 addition to Ann Arbor's
bond purchases since Friday's audit
has pushed the county total to $5,-
640,226,75, according to figures re-
leased by Auditor Dana Seeley yes-
This leaves Washtenaw County
with $1,836,774 to go toward its goal
of $7,477,000. There are nine days
remaining in the Fourth War Loan
drive, which ends Feb. 15.
No additional figures have been
released by the University since an
audit Thursday night showed that
the campus drive has passed the
$100,000 mark.
The Army units are keeping up
their good record of bond purchases
with a total of $35,325 to date. Corn-
pany A leads with $12,200. The sta-
tion complement is next, and Com
pany G stands in third place.
"Bond Belles" have been on duty
this week at the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's School. Recently a member of
the school, who has been emptying
small change from his pockets into
a bag for several years, called the
League office and told the "belle" on
duty that if the coeds would count
his bag of silver he would buy bonds
with it.
The "belles" and two candidates
spent 25 minutes counting the 24-
pound bag of dimes and nickels to
come out witn three $100 war bonds.
He kept for future use the one slug
in the collection-a Washington, D.
C., bus token, which closely resembles
a dime.
TheodoI(e I oo4se vCI I
An exhibit of material on Theodore
Roosevelt including originals of let-
ters written by the famous "Trust-
Buster," a linen map which he used
while fighting in Cuba with his
Rough Riders, his portrait, and a
medal given him as President may
now be seen on display in the Wil-
liam Clements Library.
A nearly complete collection of the
many books written by Roosevelt
and about him are also on exhibit.
COP Files Candidates
CHICAGO, Feb. 5.- (A)- The
names of General Douglas Mac-
Arthur, Southwest Pacific comman-
der-in-chief, and Col. Robert R. Mc-
Cormick, Chicago Tribune editor and
publisher, were filed today as Repub-
lican candidates in the Illinois ad-
visory presidential preferential pri-
mary, although neither has ap-
hounced willingness to run,

Auer, Joan Davis and eight other
Hollywood beauties are entertaining
the boys at the bases down under.
Mischa and Kay are busy collecting
souvenirs on the side, and the troupe
features the popular new Australian
marching song, "Waltzing Matilda",
and its new hit, "Roodle-Ee-Doo"
before flying on to Chungking. Marcy
McGuire, a stranded American
youngster, stows away on the plane
and is adopted by the troupe.
Blackstone, the magician, with his
complete show of 1001 wonders will
be featured in person at the Michi-
gan together with "Henry Aldrich
I Haunts a House," in the new show
opening today.
Starring Jimmy Lydon as Henry
Aldrich, the picture once again finds
this popular character of screen and
radio in a mess of comical situations.
Charles Smith and Joan Mortimer
are featured in the supporting cast.

II ___ -_R Ito I '/S I

YOU have a date 0
with Cupid Q
e have a larye, ilion of bean-
0ti/I omic u lland f e ntanI c!ards
}t 723 North University
723 North University 221 South FOurth

...flying the globe to our fighting men.. on a tune-filled
trip with a happy gang ... hitting all fronts with a plane-
load of laughs that echo from ivuna to Cairo . AND

then gives it life by adding another shade, dust Renoir
Pink Powder for daytime or Paradise Pink for evening
over Mat Fonce. It helps to ban h the look of
strain and fatigue ... adds new lustre to loveliness.
Renoir Pjnk Powder forlDaytime, 1.75 and 3.00
Paradise Pink for Evening, 1.75 and 3.00
Mat Fonce to use under thorn, 1.75 and 3.00
Radiant Peony Lipstick, wonderful with these
powder shades, 1.0 and 1.50
All Day Foundation Creani, Light, Rosetta Bronze, 1.00
Eye Sha-do, Opal Blue and Soft Brown, 1.25
Eye Cosmetique, Brewn, 1.0 prices pu sae
On State at the Head of North University.




Dit II (TO



S.40 per 15=word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 wo 4s.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
adlditional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
FOR RENT: One nicely furnished
room, private bath. Kitchen privi-
leges, electrically equipped. Phone
3403. 1339 S. State St.
FOR REiN1 One single and one
douible room for men.. 931 Green-
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
ALTERATIONS on ladies' garments.
Phone 226 7. Alta Graves, 402 Ob-
servatory Street, opposite Stock-
your discarded wearing apparel.

R K it v pN eC
ADI Ie s1







Orcginal Story and Screen Play by Ralph Spcnce Special rnater~ialby C.,Ilfrncrd
rStarts Today
Jr~rt~hI~n~rflC, IMMEDIATE



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C .,P.ue

f 1 ow 1.. - I 1.:,! I Prices E

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