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February 04, 1944 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-04

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Scene of

Ships Bail'


Bob Chester s
Orchestra Will
Furnish Music
Betty Bradley To Be Featured
Vocalist; Navy-Marine Chorus
To Sing During Intermission
Announcing the final plans for the
"Ship's Ball" to be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight tonorrow infthe Intra-
mural Building, John Laursen, pub-
licity chairman, stated yesterday
that the "decorations will be mili-
tary, but simple, in accordance with
the University's wartime policy."
The dance, which is being spon-
sored by the sailors and marines of
the campus V-12 unit, is open to all
naval and marine officer and enlisted
personnel, including the members of
the V-12 medical and dental unit
and the Reserve Officers Naval Ar-
chitecture Group. Holding forth on
the rhythms will be Bob Chester and
his orchestra with Betty Bradley on
the vocals.
Chorus To Singn
During the intermission, the enter-
tainment will be furnished by Pvt.
Charles Benjamin of the Marine
Corps. and the Navy-Marine chorus.
The chorus will render its version of
"The Navy Hymn," "Don't Give Up
the Ship," and "Night and Day."
On the list of patrons for the eve-
ning's festivities are Gov. and Mrs.
Harry Kelly, President and Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven, Vice-Presi-
dent and Mrs. Shirley Smith, Vice-
President and Mrs. C. S. Yoakum,
Col. and Mrs. Edward Young, Col.
and Mrs. Frederick Rogers, Capt.
and Mrs. Richard E. Cassidy, USN,
Comm. R. Cuthbertson, Lt.-Comm.
and Mrs. Andrews and Lt-Comm.
and Mrs. E. F. Scott.
No Corsages To Be Worn '
The list continues with Lt. and
Mrs. E. J. Aylstock, Lt. C. E. Highlen,
Lt. Ray Moore, Lt. and Mrs. A. H.
Atkinson, Lt. and Mrs. Cyrus Brewer,
Lt. and Mrs. N. Pananides, Lt. and
Mrs. G. J. Jennings, Lt. and Mrs.
Oliver, Lt. and Mrs. Schellenberg,
Lt. and Mrs. Hoyt and Capt. and
Mrs. J. T. Hoffman, USMC.
In keeping with University tradi-
tion, the central committee under
the direction of J. Allen Mactier, has
asked that no corsages be worn to
the dance.
ICC Will Have Party
The Inter-Cooperative Council will
hold a 4th War Loan and March of
Dimes dinner to be followed by danc-
ing in Robert Owen House tomorrow.
Servicemen have been invited.

USO Clubs Celebrate Third Year;
Local 2roup To Hold Open H'tse

Joining the national USO Club in
the celebration of its third birthday,
the Ann Arbor USO will hold open
house from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow
and Sunday at the club house.
"It was on Feb. 4, 1941, that the
United Service Organization was in-
corporated with the other service
clubs such as the Y.M.C.A. and the
Y.W46.C.A.," said Charles I. Barnard,
national president of the USO.
"Since then, it has grown, to enor-
mous proportions. Over 2,809 indi-
vidual clubs have been formed in this
country, and we have sent 850 top
flight entertainers overseas in 170
troups. By offering their time, money
and services, the American people
have made the USO a real contribu-
tion . . . a people's service for their
fighting forces."
The Ann Arbor USO was officially
established at Harris Hall in Decem-
ber, 1943, and under the direction of
Mrs. Robert Burton, has sponsored
many events for the servicemen sta-
tioned on the Michigan campus.
Bridge tournaments, dances, ping-
pong tournaments, a lending library,
reading room and dancing lessons
are available for the men.
At the open house, entertainment
will be furnished by the different
companies of servicemen. Invitations
have been sent out, but all service-
men, townspeople and Junior 7ost-
esses are urged to attend.
Dance To Be Given
Regiment under Norma Cooke
will sponsor the "Fourth Year Jump"
from 8 p.m. to midnight tomorrow.
Posters and decorations will be in
keeping with the Leap Year theme.
All Junior Hostesses in Regiment
Z must attend, but other Junior
Hostesses may come also. Refresh-
ments will be furnished by the Beth-
lehem Ladies Group.
Hostesses Needed
More Junior Hostesses are needed
for the Sunday bridge tournaments.
Beginnipig at 2 p.m., the coeds may
act as partners in, the tournament,
or as teachers for the series of bridge
lessons being given at the USO Club.
Open House Planned
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority will
hold an informal open housetfrom
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the
chapter house. The party will honor
a group of ASTP engineers. Dr. and
Mrs. Clarence Crook and Mrs. Curtis
Schunemann will chaperon.

USO Anniversary

Lieutenant Margaret Noggle,
USMC, is one of the many service-
men and servicewomen who are
helping to plan the nationwide
observance of tht' third ansnive r-
sary of the USO on Feb. 4.
Coed. -Sales
Of War Bonds
Aid U's Drive
JunioGirls i P1ct sold a total of
$489.00 in bonds and stamps in the
lobby of Hill Auditorium before and
after the talk by Lt. Tom Harmon
Wednesday night, according to Cor-
nelia Groefsema, '45, JGP treasurer.
Twenty-five coeds were stationed
at tables at each door of the audi-
torium between 7 and 9:30 p.m. and,
although the buying was optional,
nearly everyone attending bought
bonds or stamps. Two hundred and
fifty dollars of the total amount
taken in was for bonds.
Wednesday night's sales were a
phase of JGP's aid to the University
War Bond Committee's $160,000 cam-
paign during the Fourth War Loan
and of JGP's own $30,000 stamp and
bond drive for the term.
Unit Open Today
Four houses have been invited to
the League Surgical Dressings Unit
to be open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Today's guests will be Stockwell,
Ingalls House, Vogt House and Van
Bexschoten House.

College Offers
Radcliffe Will Train Women
In Personnel Administration
Radcliffe College, Cambridge,
Mass., is offering two fellowships of
$500 each for the year 1944-45 to
women desiring to prepare them-
selves for positions in personnel ad-
The curriculum for training in this
field will be adapted to the objective
of each individual student. Instruc-
tion includes courses in the Radcliffe
Graduate School and special semi-
nars given by faculty members of the
Harvard University Graduate School
of Business Administration. Super-
vised field work experience will be
offered in industrial, business and
governmental organizations.
Enrollment is open to a limited
number of college graduates. Fur-
ther information may be obtained by
writing Anne Hood Harken, Director,
Training Course in Personnel Admin-
istration, Radcliffe College.
Michigan Coeds
Appear inMIL
Michigan coeds Martha Elliot, '44,
Pat Pawlicki, '45, Gloria McClure,
'44 Carol Misner, '44, Peg Morgan,
'44, and Ida Long are pictured in this
month's Mademoiselle in a College
Board article on college radio work.
The Mademoiselle. photographer
and reporter came to Morris Hall
before Christmas vacation taking
various shots of the classes in radio
The article accompanying,the pic-
ture tells why radio "is the industrial
jackpot of this generation." Accord-
ing to Mademoiselle, "Colleges are at
last coming around to stressing the
commercial part instead of just the
art side." Vassar, Radcliffe, Cornell
University and several other schools
are mentioned in the article with
6 Puppies Are Born
In New York School
PATCHOGUE, N.Y., Feb. 3.-UP)-.
A sign over the cafetera of Pitcho-
gue High School today said, "Quiet,
Hospital Zone."
It was put there because a name-
less, part Cocker Spaniel dog wan-
dered into school at 9 a.m. and set-
tled herself under a stove in the cafe-
teria kitchen. At 10 a.m. the first
puppy was born. By 1 p.m., there
were six pups. Mother and pups, now
in a carton under the stove, are doing

ames Will Be
Featured at Next
WAA Re&-Rally
WAA Rec Rally will be held from
8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12,
featuring such games as badminton,
volleyball, ping-pong, bowling, deck
tennis, shuffleboard, darts and cards.
Highlight of the evening will be
square and old-fashioned dancing
from 9:30 to 11 p.m. accompanied by
a grange orchestra and with the
different steps called out by Howard
Leibee of the Physical Education De-
partment for Men.
. "A special feature of this Rec Rally
will be a 'Parlor Game and Card
Room'," announced Barbara Fair-
man, '46A, who is in charge of this
function. "For those who prefer a
more quiet type of recreation we will
have checkers, dominoes and the
various card games."
All servicemen and students are
cordially invited to attend, and it is
possible to come either singly or with
dates. A small admission charge will
be made to cover the cost of equip-
ment. While street shoes may be
worn for the dancing and some of
the games, tennis shoes are required
for badminton and volleyball.

Streak of Humanism Changes

Tflie girl; or Collegiae Sorosis sor-
orit, wanted to buy a duckI but fear
of actio7 by th huanec,"iety
vetoed the Ilan, oci!iinally couiceivedl
for Bomber Scholarshi}1's "Michi-
bomber" carnival March 11 in Waler-
man Gymnasium.
The coed's "ducky" idea for a booth
at the "Michibomber" turned out to
be strongly reminilscent of a stunt at
the last "Michelodeon" carnival sev-
eral years ago, at which the city
humane society stepped in. This time
the ducks were to be plted in a
bathtub and ('ustomners were to vie
for honors at throwing rings arounl
the birds' necks.
In finding it necessary to duck this
plan, the sorority was victim of a
quack deal, unless feathers are more
to be considered than the human


-pidernis. At the -Michibomber."
customers can throw wet sponges at
girls, can drench men with ibatgs of
water, can endanger thelives of oth-
ers present by tossing darts from a
swivel-chair. But, they c in' toss a
ring around a duck.
Toroughly indoctrinatvd ith hit-
mianitrianism, the Sorosis girls have
decided to become a boon to mankind
and run a special telegraph service
at the carnival, whereby for a small
sum you can send a message to any-
one on the floor.
Sorosis might help you catch a
bird, after all.


's tMichibomber' Plans

Coeds To



For Children
At Willow Run
University coed volunteers will
work in the new community house
nursery at Willow Run tomorrow to
care for children while their parents
are at the opening dance of the
house, according to Lucy Chase
Wright, '44, chairman of the League's
child care committee.
The committee is asking for volun-
teers for another project, the newly-
formed Youth Club at Willow Run,
an organization of high school stu-
dents. According to Miss Wright, the
club meets every Tuesday from 7:30
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and is in need of
recreational leaders.
Willow Run playgrounds are also
asking for University volunteers, ac-
cording to Miss Wright, and the com-
mittee will enlist coeds as playground
directors next semester.
'Thumbs Down on
V-Mail Kisses' Post
Office Announces
The soldiers may want a paper
dolly but the girls at home like paper
kisses. At least that's the general
opinion of the post office officials
when they have to sort the innumer-
able V-mails with the ruddy but
rather messy lipstick lip-prints end-
ing the letters.
Until Valentine's Day these kisses
will be permitted to go through the
regular #-mail process, but after Dan
Cupid's day all such romantic tricks
must cease, announced the post office
Any lipstick print found in a V-
mail letter after Feb. 14 will cause
the V-mail to be sent in the ordinary
Frosh Dance Plans
Changed; New Event
Will Be Announced
Plans for the freshman dance orig-
inally planned to be held early in
March have been cancelled because
of conflicting events already sched-
uled for the first weeks of the spring
term, according to Estelle Klein, '47,
chairman of the '47 Corps.
Another big event to be announced
later will take the place of the dance,
Miss Klein said.


r '
The Little Suit
Vith The Greatl/
Big Buttons
E)r with superfine shoul-
and a waistline that
s. you a brand new look.
skirt his shallow pleats
ive it a wonderfully fit-

"V" BALL as couming...
_he Ships Ball and, I
)rdonto Ball are
he highlights ab
th is week-end
Even the small-
t budget will allow
r an exciting new
Select yours from
r new sh ipm ent. Sizes
isses and Juniors
to /

- - ---------------- -------

to g
teri 1


t \ 1
e " IJ ...... ....
r° L
a .
i f

Of Fine shetlands, tailored in
the Jacobson tradition. The
colors Wheat, Cactus Green,
Mellon, i lcand Air Blue.
Misses and Junior Sizes

Iii loon.



As skec ed;




____ _._ .


K w



shir~~ak d.S uisted
h his f :Imotls s rn blouse war~oe
col'trbt . to spring 6thluces
ct teckhne s wear' 5it wrs



a hinr OfteUV


you' stit

tI ~~

wwJe t

Red . . . green . .. casual
Connies. fresh as spring
colors . . with pert bows
to make your. feet prettily
small. The synthetic
soles wear as well as
leather (or better).
Also in navy or brown.



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