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February 04, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-04

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Fifty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.---It never leaked out
of the recent Sedate Republican caucus, but Sen-
ator Chan Gurney of South Dakota dropped a
boomerang idea for corralling Republican votes
in the U.S. Army.
Fellow Republican Senators didn't go for
Gurney's brain-storm, partly because they
thought it played down the same alley as the
Harrison Spangler boner when he announced
that he had had a poll made by Army officers
in England which he claimed showed they were
against Roosevelt.
Gurney stood up in caucus to warn Republi-
cans that Democratic Senators on the Military
Affairs Committee, among them Kilgore of West
Virginia, Wallgren of Washington, and Truman
of Missouri, were determined to block the per-
manent promotions of General Patton and Gen-
eral Somervell.
Both generals have been severely criticized,
the first for slapping a sick soldier in a Sicilian
hospital, the second for spending millions of
the American taxpayers' dollars on the contro-
versial pipe line through the Arctic wastes
from Canada to Alaska. Nevertheless, the
Army has tecommended both men for pernman-
eut promotion to the rank of major-general.
Gurney, after telling his, Republican colleagues
about Democratic opposition to permanent pro-
motions said :
"'This is a real opportunity for the Repubh-
cans to win the soldiers' vote, if we come out
for it. It calls for united action on the part
of all Republican Senators. And if we stick
together, we can put through these promo-
Note: What Senator Gurney didn't seem to
appreciate, however, is that it's the vote of the
enlisted men that really counts. And political
sharps believe the men's vote is generally oppo-
site to that of offices.
(Cpyrig] t, I 944. Uimted Features Syndcia1 e)
Closing of Dental Clinic
Creates Absenteeisn,

MarIn Ford
Claire Sherma7n
Marjorie Borradalilo
Eric Zaleriski .
Bid Low-. .
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson.
Marjorie Rosmarln
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz

. . . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
*. . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor


Business Staff
l Llly Ann Winokur . . . . Business Manager
,A 2abeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Willki Shuns Tradition
As Dewey Plays Politics
THE ISSUES at stake in the fight for the Re-
publican nomination for President cleared up
considerably- Wednesday when two of the strong-
est candidate, Wendell L. Willkie and Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey, came out with statements on
national problems.
These utterances brought the contrast between
the two men into focus. While Dewey was rais-
ing his voice against a purely federal ballot for
soldiers, as proposed by the Green-Lucas Bill,
Willkie stated that President Roosevelt's request
for more than ten billion dollars in new taxes
should be doubled.
Once more Dewey showed himself as the
tradition - bound, conservative Republican,
afraid of the ten million service votes, and
hiding behind the convenient screen of states'-
rights. But that's nothing particularly start-
ling, for almost everyone realized where Dewey
stood on such matters.
The real news comes in Willkie's statement.
Up until now most of the Republicans have
busied themselves with throwing up their hands
in horror over the so-called preposterous and
extravagant request of the President for a $10,-
000,000,000 tax bill, and they did everything in
their power to slash it down to a bare minimum.
But here is a Republican, and a Republican with
presidential aspirations at that, who takes the
opposite stand. He doesn't demand that the
President's request be cut in half; he asserts that
it should be doubled!
What brand of astute politics is this when
the prospective GOP nominee says ". . . we
must change our habits," while the party lead-
ers are promoting a campaign for a return to
"the good old days"? It looks as if this man
Willkie is sincere in his statements, standing
for what he knows is right instead of twisting
his ideas to conform with political expediency.
Such, a stand may not endear Willkie to his
fellow-Republicans, but it shows the public that
he is a more honest person than some of the
other candidates, who value political power more
than truth. -Betty Koffman
City Nears bond c oal
W HAT WAS a "kick in the teeth" to Lt. Tom
Harmon when he learned that Ann Arbor
had reached only 35 per cent of its war bond
quota should have been a kick in the pants to his
"source of information."
The fact is that Ann Arbor has purchased
$4,500;000 of the $4,1010,000 quota, according to
DE. Seeley, local war bond auditor.
However, lHarmon's sentiment, if directed at
the campus effort, would indeed have been in
place. There are 11 days remaining in the Fourth
War Loan Drive and the "U" quota is little more
than half filled. More than $60,000 is needed to
reach our goal of $160,0-00; or approximately
$5,500 a day. Servicemen and'faculty have done
their share, and more, toward fulfilling the goal.
e ho nme-gel drive-in.s now ,un to the ciilin,

I'd Rather
_Be Right
NEW YORK-Feb. 4.-We have told ourselves
for years that we need governments with which
we can deal in the occupied countries. Mr.
Churchill has said so, Mr. Roosevelt has said so,
Mr. Hull has said so. The remarkable result of
years of unanimity on this technical point is
that we have almost no governments with which
we can deal in the major occupied countries.
The Badoglio government in Italy is feeble and
unpopular, and therefore is operating on a short-
term lease. This expires, by its own promise,
when we reach Rome; i. e., there will be no
Italian government just when we will need one
The de Gaulle movement has a longer lease on
power, but we do not recognize it as a govern-
ment. So, after years of explaining that we do
some of the strange things we do because we
simply must have governments with which to
deal, we find ourselves without such governments
for either France or Italy.
We have apologized for our deals with some
of the dried sausages of European politics by
pointing out that we cannot afford to step
off into a political unknown when we invade
the Continent. Our officials have repeatedly
thumped desks, and given each other medals
and compliments, on this theme. We must
have governments with which to deal. So,
after years of this, we find ourselves about to
invade the Continent, and about to step off
into a political unknown.
The policy of finding governments with which
to deal, at any cost, has not even given us gov-
ernments with which to deal.
We found two men, one named Giraud and
the other named Badoglio, and we announced,
with many huzzahs, that here at last were forces
upon which we could lean. Of these two, one has
vanished from the political scene, :md tevoleA
is leaning on us.
I do not raise the question, now, of whether
our State Department and the British Foreign
Office favor reactionary elements in Europe or
not. I take them at their own terms. They have
done what they have done, they say, in order to
have governments with which to deal. Very well,
where are those governments? We have reached
a stage at which our State Department and the
British Foreign Office may soon have to confess
that they favor reactionary elements if only to
show that they make sense.
Please note that I am leaving out of this
picture all ideological considerations. I take
my cue from Secretary Hull. He has-said, often,
that as a practical matter, we must have govern-
mepts with which to deal, and that it is in-
appropriate to go into the question of the precise
political beliefs of the men with whom we work.
Very well, then, let us overlook de Gaulle's
political beliefs, let us forget that he is fiercely
anti-Vichy, and let us deal with him, as a prac-
tical matter. See, I throw ideology overboard.
Go away, ideology, I will have none of you; I
want a government with which we can deal.
It has been said, of Badoglio, that we don't care
whether he is monarchist or not. Fine, fine. I
will take some of that. Now let us say, of the
popular Six-Party coalition in Italy, that we
don't care whether it is monarchist or not.
If the Six-Party coalition is democratic, we
will just have to overlook that. If the people
of Italy don't want to be democratic later on,
we shall give them every chance to have Bado-
glio back. After all, we have a war on our hands;
we have no time for ideology; and we must have
stable governments with which we can deal. Ij
think that is the way it was first put to us, a year
or so ago. Do I quote you correctly, sir?
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Editor's note: The folowing artiele was written
by Dr. Otto K. Engleke, County Health Commis-
stoner. It is reprinted from The Citizens' News.
S'HE WILLOW RUN Dental Clinic in Ypsilanti,
up until it was closed Dec. 1, because of lack
of finds, was providing emergency dental serv-
ices otherwise not obtainable to war workers.
It kept men and women on the job turning out
the B-24 bombers. No other health project in
this area is doing as much directly to keep down
absenteeism. Everyone in the locality liked it.
It seems a shame that an excellent project
like this should be shut up for lack of federal
funds. In the First Supplemental National
Defense Appropriation Bill, 1944, item No. 4
of "Public Health Services-emergency health
and sanitation" contained a request for $1,000,-
000 for emergency medical care to provide
dentists for areas, principally war industry
areas, where the number of civilian physicians
and dentists is inadequate to give the attention
necessary. The following quotations are taken
from the report No. 822, House of Representa-
tives, on this bill:
Public Health Service-emergency health and
sanitation-The amount recommended is $1,350,-
000 under a budget estimate of $2,350,000. The
budget estimate contemplated four projects: (1)
$100,000 for venereal-disease control in the Car-
ibbean area, (2) $500,000 for malaria control
around military and naval hospitals and prison-
er-of-war camps, (3) $750,000 for major drainage
projects in connection with sanitation control
adjacent to war establishments, and (4) the
furnishing of doctors and dentists to areas of the
Uunted States unable otherwise to procure ade-
quate medical service for civilian poulations. The
first three projects are approved. The fourth
"The budget request contained an item of
$1,000,000 for emergency medical care to pro-
vide doctors for areas, principally war-industry
areas, where the number of civilian physicians
and dentists is inadequate for normal medical
attention of the population. The amount con-,
templated $573,000 for salaries and travel of
300 commissioned officers of the Public Health
Service for such assignments and $375,000 for
three months' pay ($750 each) and travel ex-
penses ($500 each) for the relocation of .(00
private physicians. Tfie coimmittee has not
approved this reqnest.
"Undoubtedly a critical situation exists in
many areas due to the recruitment for the armed
forces of approximately 50,000 doctors. The com-
mittee is advised that there are approximately
185,000 doctors in the United States counting
those up to 101 years of age. Of these, the
armed forces have taken 50,000 leaving 135,000
doctors in the country available for the civilian
population. An estimate made to the committee
by a prominent medical autthority indicates that
some 40,000 to 50,000 of the 135,00(1 are ineffec-
tive practi ionels Iavn approxinately 85,000
to 95,000 effectivo physici:as to do the work
formerly done by the larger number. The Public
Health Service advises that there are in the

~(ontiflue i fromu Page 2) -
would be overa and above thn regular
deductions underthe npayrol lsavings
jIplan. Those wxishinlg to use flats
mneiod should send written instruc-
tions to lh"Pay"oll Departmenti-
garding the amount of the bond and
the names and addresses in which it
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $18.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Department
not later than Feb. 15. War Bond
purchases made by this method will
be counted in the Drive.
University War Bond Committee
The Faculty of the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts wi
meet in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, on
Monday, Feb. 7, at 4:10 p.m.
Notices of this meeting and the
proposed agenda and reports have
been distributed through campus
mail. Edward 11. Kraus
Notice to Men Students: All men
students living in approved rooming
houses, who expect to move from
their present quarters at the end of
this term, must give notice of inten-
tion to move in writing to the Office
of the Dean of Students on or before
noon, Feb. 5. Students terminating
contracts must vacate their rooms
before 6:00 p.m. February 26, and
rent shall be computed to include
this date. Students may obtain forms
for terminating contracts atlin,. 2,
University hall.
C. T. Olmsted
Assistant Iea i of Students
The University Bureau of Appoint-
nents has received notice of the fol-
lowing civil service examinations:
United States Civil Service: Budet
Analyst, $3,200/year (plus overtime)
Regional Manager (Compliance D-
partment), $6,500/year (plls over-
timne, (Closinge date: Feb. 7, 1944);
Manpower Uliza tion, $3,2(- $st$,2G /
year (48 hour.
The Bureau has received the fol-
lowing announcements: Fellowships:
Two for study in personnel adminis-
tration at Radcliffe College, Am-
bridge, Mass. United States Civil
Service Commission, Wash., D.C.
Applications are now being accepted
for Junior Professional Assistants.
Salary $2,000 a year (Plus overtime).
For further details see the announce-
ments in the Bureau (f Appoit-
unents, 201 Mason Hall.
A Convocation for the members of
the Armed SAtvices in attendance at
the University will be held in Hill
Auditorium today at 4:15 p.m. Stu-
dents in the Army or Navy will be
excused from classes and laboratories
after 4:00 p.m.
J. A. Bursley
Dean of Students
All women students are reminded
that they must register any change
of residence for the second term in
the Office of the Dean of Women by
Saturday noon, Feb. 5. They must
also inform their househead of their
intention by that date.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
All professional and other societies
expecting to have their group pic-
tures in the June issue of the 'Ensian
please return their contracts and
make appointments for pictures to
be taken. Photographs must be re-

turned by March 15.
Academic Notices
Directed Teaching Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect DIND (Directed Teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-
ing examination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5,
at 1:00 p.m. This is a change from
the date as originally annouiced.
Students will meet in thie auditlor-uin
of [t lieniversity igh School. Th e
examination will consume about
four hours' time. *Promptness Is
therefore essential.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 4:00 p.m., in lim. 310
Wtest Medical Building. "Biological
Acetylation" will be discusse(d. All
interested are invited.
Qualifying examinations in short-
hand and typewriting will be given
at ten o'clock Saturday morning,
Feb. 5, in 2022 UlS. Students who
dii nk they are qualified to register
for the second semester courses in
shorthand and typewriting, as taught
under the Division for Emergency
Training, without taking the first

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U. S. Treasury Dept.
]Letters to the Editor
Letters to tihe Iittor nnt be t-v Most of us who subscribe to The
writen, oe-sed, on ine side o Daily cannot afford to purchase an-
the ~apt only an si ed with tih other paper just for the above infor-
Quetsfr- adms the wrer, Re- mation, and so frequently miss things
he met. that we would have enjoyed.
Your consideration of these items
Since the following suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
have been expressed oten by many Just a Student
laily subscribers, il seems at.l iloU
ought to know or them offically : Edit's note: A radio program time
(i) The addition of a rtii t ble is not Fringed in The Daily be-
, ; - (,:se ot lack of space. As the down-
Program Time Table; aid towi An Arbor theatres have never
(2) The addition of a complete felt it necessary to advertise in The
listing of all the movies in Anti Daily, movies running in these theatres
Arbor. are not listed in The Daily.
1 3,
"Really seems a waste of time washing them-they lick 'em so clean."


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United States at this time some 213 communities
that need physicians and dentists with a mini-
mum need of 295 physicians and 53 dentists.
Now we are told that Local Procurement and
Assignment and local agencies should handle
problems like this. All we know is that there
are no dentists here and granted funds we
know that the United States Public Health
Service could put dentists here. On the ratio
of one dentist to every 2,500 people (minimum),
the FPIJA project at this time should have at
least, four dentists. When fully occupied, this
project will accommodate 22,000 people. This
should call for seven dentists. We have no
hope of seeing seven dentists at the Willow
Run housing project. We do believe, however,
that these people have the right to expect em-
ergency dental care.
Here then we have a situation where all local,
state, and federal official and unofficial agencies
agreed on the necessity. of a project and agreed
on its merits. The local labor union also felt
the project was a good one. It was meeting a
real need and was preventing absenteeism at a
very important war plant. When all people
concerned were united in a request for an en-
largement in the services, it was completely dis-
continued because of lack of funds. The funds
in themselves were of little significance when
expenditures for other things in the area were

semester courses here, are urged to
take these examinations.
Doctoral Examiniation for Paula
Elkisch, Education; thesis: "Certain
Projective Techniques as a Means of
Investigating the Psycho-Dynamic
Status, of Children," today, East
Council Room, Rackham Building,
4:00 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Olson.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced (o-
toral candidates to attend this exaini-
ination, and lie may grant pernis-
sion to tHose who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Directed Teaching Assignments for
the Spring Term may be arranged
during the remainder4 of his week
with Miss Bell, Ri. 1437 University
Elementary School, daily from 8 to
12 and 1:30 to 4:30. All students ex-
pecting to elect Education D100 (Dir-
ected Teaching) next term must ar-
range for a practice teaching assign-
ient before making other elections.
Electrical Measurements, Physics
154, will be offered this coming Spring
Term in place of Physics 145. The
hours will be Tu. and Th. at 10, with
the Laboratory Sec. I on Tuesday'
afternoons, and Sec. IT on Wednes-
day afternoons, 1 to 5.
Master's Candidates in history:
The Tnguage examination for mans-

Palmer Christian, University Or-
ganist, and the University Choir, will
open a series of Sunday afternoon
programs at 4:15 p.m. on Feb. 6, in
Hill Auditorium. This is the first
public performance of the University
Choir during this term. The program
is open to the general public without
Events Today
Dancing lessons will be given every
Friday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 in
the USO Club Ballroom. The doors
of the ballroom will be closed at 7:30
p.m. Sunday afternoon dancing les-
sons will be held if enough men are
Coming Events
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:00 to
10:00 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 5, if the
sky is clear or nearly so. The planets
Mars and Saturn will be shown
through the telescopes. Children
must be accompanied by adults.
A diluplicate bridge tournament will
be held at 2:00' p.m. Sunday, Feb. 6,
in the USO Club. All servicemen are
invited as well as townspeople. Come
with or without a partner. Each week
is a comnlete tournnmnt A wsall

Whie Gus a nd t care suvyin

By CrIockett Johitson

No. Our unscrupulous opponent

But, invisible or not, that 1

Boarnobsy!.. . Th rowirq 'I F'

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