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February 04, 1944 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-04

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Rev. Mayne Will Speak On
'Adventure in Good Will' Today

Director of the Detroit Roundtable
of Christians and Jews, the Rev. Jo-
seph Q. Mayne will address the week-
ly fireside discussion meeting at 8:30
p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation.
His talk, entitled "Adventure in
Good Will" will follow Conservative
services at 7:30 p.m. and Reform ser-
vices at 8:00 p.m.
A/S Harvey Weisberg and Elliot
Organick will lead the Conservative
Services while Madeline Levenberg,
'46, will conduct the Reform Services
in cooperation with Rabbi Jehuda
Cohen, director of the Foundation.
Dr. Mayne, at present regional di-
World Day of
Prayer To Be
Held Feb. 13
Uniting with Christians all over
the, world, University students and
servicemen will meet at 8 p.m. Sun-
day, Feb. 13, at the First Congrega-
tional Church for the annual World
Day of Prayer.
This service, which is sponsored by
Inter-Guild- an organization of
Protestant student groups-will in-
clude music, responsive readings and1
a short talk.
Harry Daum will play the organ,
and Robert Waltz and Robert Dierks
will sing "Forever with the Lord."
Harriet Porter will sing the "Lord's
Prayer" by Malot.
A short talk on "Prayer and the
Real World" will be given by E. Wil-
liam Muehl, acting director of the
Student Religious Association.
The money received from the col-
lection at the service will be turned
over to the World Student Service
Fund, which is used to aid students
all over the world.
Members of the committee plan-
ning the service include Marjorie
Cavins, president of Inter-Guild, Lew
Howard, Ulysses Stoeffler and Ruth
$500 per Pair
CUMBERLAND, M.D., Feb. 3.-(P)
-Nylon stockings are selling in a1
local department store for $500 a pair
-in War Bonds. The concern an-
nouriced that 42 person already had
paid the price and that 58 others
could be accommodated.a

rector of the National Conference of
Christians and Jews, has a long re-
cord of inter-faith relation work be-
hind him.
A graduate of Otterbein College in
Ohio, he has worked as a pastor in

... to speak today
various midwestern cities, has been a
teacher, and is recognized as a paint-
er of merit.
OCD Calls for
More Typists
Volunteers Needed as
Regulars, Substitutes
An urgent call for typists to assist
in the work of Selective Service Board
No. 2 and the Boy Scout office was
issued yesterday by the Civilian De-
fense Volunteer office.
Volunteer workers are needed as
substitutes and also for regular as-
signments. The Boy Scout office
needs typists every week day from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the Selective
Service Board has requested volun-
teers each week day and from 7:30
to 9 p.m. Mondays.
The volunteer office needs about
50 per cent more workers than it
has been able to locate so far, ac-
cording to Miss Edith Bader, who
made the appeal.

C oir To Give
First Program
February 6
Afternoon Recital To
Feature Singers, Group
Of Organ Compositions
Featuring the University Choir's
first public appearance of the year,
the initial program in the February
series of Sunday afternoon organ re-
citals will be given at 4:15 p.m. Sun-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Palmer Christian, organist, will
present two groups of compositions.
The first includes Bohm's "Prelude
and Fugue in C"; Lully's "Air Ten-
dre"; Rameau's "Minuet and Gigue
en Rondeau"; Stamitz's "Andante";
and Bach's "Fantasy and Fugue in C
minor." Selections were chosen to
cover representative composers from
the two centuries preceding Bach.
The second group includes Bubeck's
"Fantasia"; Gilson's "Prelude on a
Flemish Theme"; and Mulct's "Noel"
and Toccata "Tu es Petra." Inas-
much as there are no organs in Greek
Orthodox churches, Bubeck is one of
the few Russian composers who have
written for organ. Gilson and Mulet
represent Flemish and French com-
posers, respectively.
The choir, directed by Dr. Chris-
tian, will present a set of three sacred
numbers: Kodaly's "Ave Maria";
Arensky's "Praise Ye the Lord in
Heaven"; and "The Beatitudes" by
Panchenko. The second part of the
program will include numbers by
modern American composers.
Numbers listed on the program are
three choruses from "Rosemary" by
Randall Thompson with lyrics from
Benet's "Tiger Joy," and William
Schumann's "Prelude for Women's
Voices"' with text from "Look Home-
ward, Angel" by Thomas Wolfe.
Organized as a School of Music
class given for academic credit, the
choir is at present made up of 50
women's voices. Membership is not
limited to music school students.
Carl Weinrich, organist and choir
master at Princeton University, will
appear as guest organist Feb. 20. Dr.
Christian and Prof. Hardin Van
Deursen, baritone, will conclude the
series with a joint concert Feb. 27.
All concerts are open to the public.
Prof. Hood A ids
In Workshop
Miss Marguerite V. Hood, assistant
professor of ,music education at the
University and supervisor of music
in Ann Arbor, is attending the Music
Short Course Workshop at Elkhart,
Ind., serving as discussion chairman
for both the grade school and senior
high school vocal music sessions.
The workshop, sponsored by the
public schools, Music Parents Club,
and Chamber of Commerce of Elk-
hart, is held for the benefit of in-
structors from Indiana, Illinois, Ohio,
and Michigan.
In addition to providing practical
information in methods and materials
for the less experienced instrumental
and vocal music teachers, the work-
shop is designed to help solve the mu-
sic problems of the small school.
Australian Doctor
Visits Health School
Dr. Frank Macfarine Burnett, Dir-
ector of Walter and Elisa Hall Insti-
tute in Melborne, Australia, has been
visiting the 'U' School of Public

Dr Burnett, who is an expert on
virus diseases, arrived in the United
States eight weeks ago to give the
Dunham lectures on virus diseases at
Harvard University.
Co. G Moves
Men of the company G of the
3651st Service Unit no longer live
in the Theta Xi Fraternity house.
The entire company is now quartered
at the Victor Vaughan House. Tues-
day night was the last night the men
slept at the fraternity house.


S O N G B I R D-Jayne Walton
(above) Fs the pretty vocalis,
with a popular dance band.

P 0 O R L I T T L E K 0 A L A.-This little Australian koala
bear had the misfortune to break both hind legs and one fore
foot, but J. Hallstrom, shown feeding it milk in his Willoughby,
N. S. W., home, is nursing it back to health. Tied to a rubber
cushion, "Taronga" has his injured limbs in plaster and supports
himself by an upright post.


WO R K R-Screen actress
June Allyson will wear this uni-
form for her part in the 1944 Red
Cross fund-raising campaign/f

In: . .i

F A N C Y -Wilie Hoppe, the
old master of billiards, shows'he
has lost none of his skill as he
executes a masse shot In a match
with- Welker Cochran in New
York City.

P R A Y E R O N B 0 U G A IN V1 L-L E-Marines kneel in prayer for their fallen comrades at
memorial services in a Bougainville cemetery in the South Pacific Solomon Islands.


CAl ei/4 291/ton Shop





Little Rayon Moire,*
You may be foregoing the orange
blossoms but you still want to look
like a bride. The trick is to marry in
moire. Herewith, our little two-
piecer tailored as forthrightly as a
suit - but with romantic ruffling

whipping around the
pockets. Bride's blue or

collar and
bride's rose.


hower (left), supreme commander of Allied forces in the European
theatre, and Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, commander-in-chief of
British land armies, confer in London on plans for the invasion of the
European mainiand.

O N TO U R-British playwright Noel Coward (left) wears a
U. S. soldier's uniform as he talks with Rear Adm. A. G. Robin-
son, USN, at the Naval operating base at Trinidad during a tour
to entertain Allied fighting men.

'round the corner on State

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