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January 27, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-27

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McMaster Sextet To Replace

Buffal for

Michigan-Buckeye Cage
Tilts To Start at 8 p.m.


The Michigan Athletic Depart-
ment has announced that the two
basketball games with Ohio State
Friday and Saturday evenings as
well as all home tilts for the balance
of the season will start at 8 p.m. in-
stead of 7:30 as previously.
The time change was made be-
cause it is believed that the new
hour will accommodate more fans
than the old starting time. At the
same time it was also announced
that both contests with the Buckeyes
will be preceded by preliminary
games involving the Wolverine re-
serves and service teams on the cam-
pus. These games are slated to begin
at 6:30 p.m.
Reserves in Two Tilts
Friday night the Michigan re-
serves, under the tutelage of' Assist-
ant Coach Bill Barclay, will face a
squad from the Naval Architect
school and Saturday go against an
Army, quintet from Company E. The
Navy team is currently competing in
an intraniural league, while the
Company E outfit is the same team
which annexed the championship in
the Army-Navy loop which finished
competition some time ago.
Both squads boast several former
high school and college performers
and should give a good account of
themselves. Against them, Barclay
will have an array of players com-
prising the lesser lights of the Maize
and Blue squad. The bulk of the
team will be made up of freshmen
and includes Bruce Hilkene, Tom
Paton, Art Renner, Al Pertile, Bud
Rankin, Bob Rutledge and Bill Or-
en. The games will give these boys
an opportunity to see some action
acd gather experience for future sea-
The whole squad went through a
light workout yesterday in prepara-

tion for the tough assignment of
beating the Ohio State on successive
nights. Coach Oosterbaan is giving
his boys a letup this week from the
hard work done earlier in the sea-
son, explaining that his team is now
in good condition and needs only to
keep in trim.
It was apparent as they ran
through several shooting drills that
the Wolverines are in high spirits
and have not lost their splendid ag-
gressiveness because of the recent
heartbreaking losses to Big Ten foes.
For almost the on1ly time this year
the team. is in top-notch physical
condition, with only center Elroy
Hirsch on the ailing list with an in-
pured ankle. The injury, however,
is imprbving and will probably be en-
tirely healed by game time Friday.
Michigan at Top Strength
Michigan will have to be at top
strength to cope with the high-flying
Bucks who have amassed 258 points
while winning three and losing one
in Conference competition for an
average of almost 65 per game. Their
record includes two victories over
Indiana by scores of 62-43 and 72-46,
an 82-44 rout of Chicago, and a close
42-40 defeat by Northwestern.
The mainstay of this machine-like
offense is forward Dan Grate who
has averaged 21 points per contest in
running up a total of 85 to tie for
the Conference individual scoring
lead. Grate, a first-year man, did not
show too well in pre-Conference play,
but has since become a sensation on
the hardwoods.
The games this weekend shape up
as battles of height with the Buck-
eyes having an advantage of about
four inches per man. Michigan will
have plenty of trouble on the lback-
boards with' such giants as Ohio
State center Arnie Risen, 6 ft. 8 in.
tip-in artist, to cope with.


copli' cd, Oi ,qt r= tr' d rd r yr

ii Ihne Me(4
Varty siu< ld f1141
(:,rew 'Fo Stihbiti*0

Naturday'S Match
AA U Refuses Th Allow
Scheduled Buffalo Tilt

... Michigan's 400-yard relay team which turned in amazingly
fast time in conquering Northwestern and losing to a superior Great
Lakes squad. They are favored to cop their specialty against Purdue
Wrestling Squad Makes Ikehut
In Purdue Matches Satumday



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Daily Sports Editor

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Open Letter to 'A Michigan Rooter'
YESTERDAY'S mail brought a letter of-complaint. It seems that someone
didn't like my "Marginal Notes on Michigan Basketball" in Tuesday's
Daily. It is difficult to figure out why a straightforward presentation of
cold facts should irk anybody or anything except a guilty conscience. Here's
what he says ...
"A look at the column (referred to above) and I begin to wonder-
You must have something in that head of yours so why don't you use it?
If I knew as much about basketball as you did I certainly wouldn't wise
off. You don't even know what goes on in a practice be cause you're
never out there. If you don't know about a thing please don't print it.
You're always printing what some one tells you and someday some
person is going to get hurt-and it won't be the persons your cracks
are aimed at. Just keep this in mind Ed. You may be a fine fellow
but in our (underlined three times) opinion you're making one big heel
out of yourself." (The errors in grammar and punctuation are not ours).
AND SO I'll answer "Michigan Rooter" in an open letter . . . "Before
making any comments on your letter, I would like to make one remark
about your failure to sign your name. Perhaps, you had a reason for with-
holding it. Newspaper editors are morally bound to withhold a name, if
asked to, and it could have been done in your case. It's just like a blind
man fighting someone in the dark.
"Your letter infers that I know little or nothing about basketball.
I have never claimed to be a cage expert, but I am entitled to an
opinion just as much as you or anyone else is. I have played, read and
watched basketball for 15 years, so I feel able to make a few comments.
"You say that I don't even know what goes on in a practice, because
I'm never there. Brother, you're shooting without powder when you make
a remark like that. I've watched several practice sessions every week since
the squad came out, so I do know what's going on.
"There's another statement in your letter that was made without
authority and has not sufficient backing. You accuse me of ALWAYS
printing what someone tells me. Every writer has to use a certain
amount of second-hand material, naturally, but a. greater part of it is
his own. There are things that I can't possibly know first-hand and
use because I trust the source and believe that the material is of
general interest. But any statement I made in the column in question
was done at first hand.
"I have seen every one of Michigan's home games, plus the numerous
practice sessions. My opinions are based on these observations solely. It's
obvious that you are accusing me of something, which your letter proves
you guilty of. And your concluding reference to our opinion indicates that
you received help in formulating the opinions expressed, or that you weren't
guided solely by what you thought.
"Ordinarily, a letter such as you sent to me would never have been
printed, because it was not properly signed. However, since you did
stick your chin out and make remarks that didn't hold water, an answer
was necessary."

Michigan fans will get their first
glimpse of the Wolverine wrestling
squad this week when they meet un-
defeated Purdue at 3 p.m. Saturday.
The Boilermakers have scored im-
pressive triumphs over Northwestern,
Illinois, and Wheaton College, and
will provide the first big test of the
season for the Maize and Blue grap-
plers; who have only participated in{
one match so far this year-a victory
against the Buckeyes of Ohio State.
Coach Claude Reeck, Purdue men-
tor, said that he hoped his team
would make a good showing against
Michigan, intimating that even with
the power-laden team he is bringing
here, he respects the potential power
of the Wolverines, who were rated
In 119 League
The All-Campus Intramural League
swings into its third round of compe-
tition Saturday at 1:30 p.m. with
the Phi Delta Theta Blues, favored
contenders in league number 1, meet-
ing Theta Delta Chi, and Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon tangling with Nu Sigma
,Nu at 2:30 in league number 2's feat-
ure game.
In last Saturday's play, the Sigma
Alpha Epsilon team ran wild against
the Alpha Tau Omega, routing them,
95-24, and thus setting a new scor-
ing record for the league. The Phi
Delta Theta Blues topped The Mich-
igan Daily, 25-7; Theta Chi lost to
Phi Alpha Kappa, 33-13; Nu Sigma
Nu took the Acacia, 37-13; and Phi
Chi won over the Phi Delta Theta
Whites, 35-21.
The balance of this Saturday's
schedule pairs the Sigma Chi's
against Theta Chi, The Michigan
Daily against Phi Alpha Kappa at
1:30 p.m. At 2:30 p.m., Alpha Tau
Omega plays Phi Delta Theta Whites,
Acacia meets Phi Chi, and Nu Sigma
Nu battles Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Delta Tau Delta opposes Phi Gam-
ma Delta at 3:30 p.m., Sigma Alpha
Nu plays the Naval Officers, and Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon has scheduled a prac-
tice session.

as one of the pre-season favorites to
cop the Conference title this year.
Purdue came in third at the Con-7
ference meet in Evanston last year,1
and just missed second by threet
points, being nosed out by the Maize1
and Blue matmen. Therefore, the
star-studded aggregation from La-
fayette should be "carrying a chip"
on its shoulder when it hits town,
and the outcome of such a match
should prove to be quite interesting.
Sy d Hoe Ce s ( lose
To 200-Goal Mark'
DETROIT, Jan. 26.-UP)-Now the
biggest goal-producer in Detroit Red
Wing history, the veteran Syd Howe,
needs only one more goal, it was dis-
closed today, to reach the National
Hockey League's coveted 200 mark.
Howe bagged his 199th last night
in Detroit's 6 to 3 triumph at Boston,
and he hopes to get his 200th over the
week-end, against Boston here Satur-
day or at Chicago Sunday. Club of-
ficials said Howe would be the 12th
player in league history to get into
the 200 class.

The Wolverine swimmers will face
Purdue in the first home Conference
meet of the season at 2:30 p.m. this
Saturday in the Sports Building pool,
and from all indications Michigan
should find little trouble in once
more hitting the win coluni after
differing two uCCsiVC ieats at
the hands of Gret Lakes.
The Boilermtkers did not have
much of a team lst .year, and this
season't squad seems even worse.
The Gold and Black natators are
coached by Dick Papenguth who was
a diver and sprinter here in 1923 and
1924. Although Malt Mann was not
coaching here at that time, Papan-
guth was one of his proteges, for the
latter used to go to Detroit to be tu-
tored by the present Maize and Blue
Lost Only Big Ten Meet
" So far this season the Boilermak-
ers have had but one Big Ten meet,
losing that by a 60-24 score to
Northwestern. On that basis alone
the Varsity should have little trouble
in downing the Riviters, since the
Wildcats succombed to Michigan two
weeks ago.
Matt has been especially pleased
with the performances of his fresh-
man breastroker, Heini Kessler, who
has shown almost miraculous im-
provement since the beginning of
the year. It was just a few months
ago that Kessler's time for the 200-
yard breastroke was 2:59. Last week
against Great Lakes Heini took one
of the Wolverines' two first places by
"butterflying" the 200 yards in 2:36.3
for his best time so far.
Divers Improve
The divers have also'shown a lot of
improvement, and since this has been
one of the weak spots of the team
since the start of the season, one
would get the impression that the
Wolverine swimmers have nothing
to worry about-and that is just
about the situation. After all, the
best team in the country beat them
by only 12 points last week, and the
prospects for the future look quite
The meet this week is being held
in the afternoon in order that the
Purdue swimmers may catch a six
o'clock train for West Lafeyette.
Everyone, including students, will be
admitted for 40 cents.

Due to an official AAU ruling.
which refuses to sanction the me,
Michigan's hockey team will not
meet the Frontier Blue Banner sex-
tet from Buffalo, N.Y., in the tilt
scheduled for saturday night.
Coach Eddie Lowrey received wor'd
yesterday the AAU officials could
not permit the game to be plaved,
and have ruled the contest out on a
Instead of the Buffalo squad Los
rey is r.ow making contacts with the
McMaster University team froit
Hamilton, Ont. to arrange a game.
in order to fill the vacancy in the
hockey schedule. Last nig11t plans
were practically completed and it'
transportation can be arranged t he
McMaster team should be ready for
action at 8:00 p.m. Saturday night.
Buffalo Has 'M' Manager
The Frontier Blue Banner teaii
originally scheduled to play Satur-
day is managed by a former member
of the Michigan hockey team, Reetd
Low, who played defense and goalie
on Lowrey's squad for three years
while he was here. It has been
mainly through the efforts of Low
that the game has been arranged, as
he has been angling for some timte-
to fix up a game with his former
Until the past few days there has
been no question about the game,
and it has been on the books for
several weeks. Consequently, Low-
rey was caught in a stiff predica-
ment when AAU officials refused
permission to hold the game. How-

i ". " r

Let'sKmake this the

ev er, Ie alealy had had a lead from
Mevi aster University coaches, and
:as been able to make satisfactory
arrangements for this week-end.
CGane Should Be Interesting
The Michigan squad did so well in
last Saturday's game with the Fingal
ECAF sextet, that fans will be espe-
cially interested in this week's con-
test to see whether the team is able
to maintain the high level of that
last performance.
No minormation has come in as yet,
rearding the abilities of the Mc-
Master team, but like most Canadian
('rew, itwill be manned by players
who have been playing the game
;ince ey were able to walk, a fact
wich always makes games with
Canadian clubs quite crowd-pleas-
Starting Lineup To Be Same
Lowrey is planning to start .his
forward line of Vince Abbey and
Johnny Jenswold at wings and Ted
Greer at center. Tom Messinger and
Bob Henderson, stellar 60-minute
men, will be holding down the de-
fensive posts as usual and Dick
Mixer will be in the nets. The second
line, composed of Bob Derleth, Jack
Athens and Gordie Anderson, will be
used as frequent substitutes for the
first string line.
JAN UARY 14 - 31






Bu an extra war bond
On the battle fronts, our men are putting
every last ounce of effort into the grim
job of ending the war at the earliest pos-
sible moment. We at home can do no less.
YOUR fighting can take the form of war
bonds. Every extra bond you, buy is an
added blow against the Axis. Every dol-
lar you put into the Fourth War Loan
Drive is one more weapon in a mighty
arsenal to overwhelm the enemy and
bring a decision sooner.
In this crucial battle, let's concentrate
everything we have. Let's make this the
knockout punch. In the words of our fight-
ing men, let's "pour it on" to hurry the
day of Victory!


Major League Baseball Outlook
Not Bright for Coming Season




NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-(IP)-Major
League club owners, each with his
own private problems, sympathized
with Sam Breadon's pessimistic view
of the prospects for the 1944 season
today but only a few wanted to use
a corner of Breadon's crying towel.
The Cardinals' president said yes-

Dewitt, vice-president of the St. Lou-
is Browns, and Roger Peckinpaugh,
vice-president of the Cleveland In-
dians, approached Breadon's pessim-
Dewitt expressed the belief that the
majors would have to make a formal
decision on whether or not they


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