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January 27, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-27

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Fifty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
iication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablishers Repesentative
cHicAGO * BoSron * Los AeuLs * SAN IASCISCO
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman .
Marjorie Borradailo
Eric ZalenskI
Bud Low
Harvey Frank .
Matry Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin-
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuent ..
M~olly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter.
Martha Opsion

ditorial Stafff

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
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. . Associate Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
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Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Indicted Lawmakers
May Vote, Keep Seats
OUR STATE legislature does funny things.
Within the last two weeks, about 14, and
more likely to come, of our able state legislators
have been indicted by Judge Leland Carr's one-
man grand jury for accepting bribes or seeking
Due to a precedent set in 1937, when a state
senator was allowed to keep .his seat after
being convicted of fraud and imprisoned, in-
dications are that these new offenders will be
permitted to keep their seats and vote in the
It now comes to light that the 1937 precedent
was the result of a political trick played by the
Republicans to prevent the Democrats from ob-
taining a majority in the state senate.
Let it be understood that we are firm believers
in the principal that a man is innocent until
he is proved guilty. But when 14 of our legis-
lators are charged with a crime which reflects
upon their fitness to serve in Lansing as repre-
sentatives of the people, it seems laughable that,
they are allowed to continue in the job that they
are accused of exploiting.
While these men should notPe immnediately
ousted, it seems only, reasonable that they
should be temporarily deprived of their seats
and votes until the verdict of the court is
Michigan's legislature has been a party to nu-
merous shady deals. Most people have closed
their eyes to the follies of our lawmakers.
It's about time that the people of this state
stopped laughing at that outfit in Lansing and
elected a group that the taxpayers won't have to
feed in our many penal institutions.
-Bob Goldman

Pd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK--Jan. 27-That was a strange
Town Meeting of the Air last week. The subject
was the national service act. The debaters were
very neatly selected. Mr. James Carey, secretary-
treasurer of the C. I. O., attacked national ser-
vice. Mr. Warren Atherton, national commander
of the American Legion, defended it. Two
knights representing opposing camps. But by
what authority did they meet to break lances?
The question is important, for that radio
program dramatized the split between labor
and the service men. It almost made the split
official. You could actually see it. There
stood Mr. Carey, representing labor, and op-
posing national service. And there stood Mr.
Atherton, of the Legion, defending national
So it was worker vs. soldier; labor union offi-
cial vs. American Legion; a picture drawn in
black and white; an animated over-simplifica-
Why Mr. Carey should have lent himself to
the manufacture of this cartoon is not clear.
And it was a cartoon. In camps throughout the
country, and, in posts around the world, Army
men are being told, or are beginning to feel, that
they have a quarrel with labor. So Mr. Carey
obligingly helps to stage the quarrel on a coast-
-to-coast hookup.
And regardless of all qualifying statements
made by the debaters as to the official or un-
official capacities in which they spoke, regard-
less, also, of Mr. Carey's wonderful statistics con-
cerning labor's record, the residue left in the
public mind is that the service men want a
greater degree of national service, and that they
have said so, through their champion, while
labor holds back, and that it has said so, through
its champion.
Mr. Carey should have stood in bed, rather.
than lend himself to the manufacture of this
incredible radio Disney.
For actually, the line-up pro and con nation-
al service is extremely intricate. It is not a
case of workers vs. soldiers. If the opponents
of national service had sat in a cluster of
chairs around Mr. Carey, they would have in-
cluded Colonel McCormick, Senator Reyn-
olds, and, probably, most of the Republican
National Committee. None of these have much
fondnkss for Mr.Carey.
In their number would have been included all
those Senators who want a severe anti-strike
law, instead of national service; and if they had
been present last Thursday, they would probably
have been seen smiling little cat smiles while Mr.
Carey made their job easier for them.
In Mr. Atherton's corner, upholding national
service, there would have President Roosevelt,
the arch-Republican (but also arch win-the-
war) New York Herald Tribune, and also most
of the liberal press of America.
It is labor's duty to choose its place in this
complex struggle with the utmost care and ex-
actitude. The speed with which labor has leaped
gaily into the precise role its enemies have cast
it for in this dispute raises the most serious ques-
tions. One of them is: By what authority have
Messrs. Murray and Green, and such of their
subordinates as Mr. Carey, been permitted to
help reduce this complicated situation to a crude,
black-and-white, worker vs. service man car-
I do not question the motives, of Messrs.
Murray, Green and Carey. I do say that they
are nervously and innocently playing the game
of their opponents. The worst anti-labor
forces in America could not have bought a
better radio show than last week's Town Meet-
ing, even though it was not planned that way.
It made it all so clear that labor and the ser-

vice men are opponents; it did it with precisely
that spurious, animated-cartoon clarity With
which clever men are even now working on the
minds of service people. Its enemies have handed
labor a masquerade costume to wear; it has
obligingly put it on and is posturing in it.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Rome's Iminittent Fall
Poses Badoglio Issue
AY3E we've finally decided what to dto with
Badoglio and the king.
We must have if we've decided to take Rome,
and it seems as if we have.
When we landed i Italy, Badoglio knew
he had to do something quick or be exiled by
his people. The result: "I will resign as soon
as the Allies reach Rome." Immediately, then,
he ran to General Clark and said, "You need
spiritual leaders to keep the people from riot-
ing. The king and I can completely control
the Italian people." So the State Department
thought it was a terrific idea and we swal-
lowed it, hook, line, and sinker. And all of
a sudden it became an almost impossible job
to get to Rome.
But the other day a few of the boys were out
fishing and got blown onto shore only a few
miles from Rome, (too bad it wasn't Rome's
seaport) and through no fault of their own were
forced to drive the Nazis back.
So we've either decided how to handle the
king, or we'd better figure something out quick,
because in spite of everything, we're going to
take Rome. -Don MacPherson
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27-Young Nelson Rock-
efeller is a son and heir of the wealthiest man
in the U.S.A. His father's fortune is tied up in
various Standard Oil companies. One of these
has had extremely rough treatment at the hands
of Bolivia, which cancelled outright its conces-
sion in that country.
Yet, in the present Bolivian revolution,
young Rockefeller, as US. Coordinator of
Latin-American Relations, has taken a stand
in favor of the revolutionary Government,
despite the fact that a member of the new
Bolivian Cabinet, Carlos Montenegro, is au-
thor of "Standard Oil's Gold Against Bolivia's
Rockefeller takes this position despite the fur-
ther fact that the State Department frowns on
the new Bolivian Government; also despite the
fact that the revolutionaries, according to their
statements, are revolting against the tin barons
of Bolivia who ordinarily would have a lot in
common with Standard Oil millions.
Inside the Diplomatic Corps, the Bolivian
revolution is considered one of the most sig-
nificant in years and of deep-rooted interest
to the American public, There are two rea-
1. The Bolivian revolt may be the forerunner
of others in other Latin-American countries.
2. The U.S. Government is split - the State
Department taking an unfavorable position; the
Rockefeller office and Vice President Wallace
taking a favorable one. This is the first time
the State Department has found itself with an-
other Government agency to countercheck its
Uprising Against Tin Barons,. .
The State Department claims that a gang of
self-seeking anti-American opportunists have
seized power in Boliva. But the Rockefeller-
Wallace, group claim that this is a deep-rooted
social economic uprising which springs from the
manner in which Bolivian tin miners have been
ground down by the big tin barons.
When Vice President Wallace was in charge
of the Bureau of Economic Warfare and the
purchase of strategic war materials such as
tin, he argued that the United States had a
right to make sure that a certain percentage
of the high price the U.S.A. was paying for
tin was passed on to Bolivian workers, not

pocketed by the tin barons. e
He was not very successful. Last year, a
BolivianImin strike culminated in a disastrous
shooting of many tin miners by Government
troops. And though President Penaranda was
invited to Washington pampered in the White
House, he has just been kicked out by a revolu-
tion springing from the tin workers.
WiidrIpis * *
fast spring, a 2:-year-old girl ad ated from
Trinity College in Washington. In spite of the
great demand for college-trained women in the
Government, she doubted that she could get a
job. Reason: She is blind.
'today Catherine Miley, a lovely brunette
whose eyes do not see, is working as a typist
for the War Production Board.
Usig a dictaphone, she types with steady
accuracy. The other day, an official gave her
a table of rainfall figures to type, column after
column. She made no mistakes.
Like all Government typists, she has to
make an original and three carbons, two on
white paper and one on green. She keeps the
different papers separate in her desk,. . and
never mixes them up. What's more, she never
reverses a carbon,
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

VOL. LIV No. 64
TIIURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1944
All notices for the Daily Official nul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Fourth War Loan Drive: To bu
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your ordei
and deliver the bond the next day
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committe
Registration Materials for Spring
Term: Colleges of L.S.&A. and Arch-
itecture; Schools of Education an
Music: Registration materials foi
the spring term should be called foi
now. Architect counselors will posi
a notice when they are ready tc
Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar
Graduate Students Expecting the-
grees at the End of the Current
Term: A list of all master's degree
applicants will be posted on the bul-
letin board in the Graduate School
office in the Rakham Building on
Tuesday, Feb. 1. If you expect a de-
gree and your name does not appear
on the list you should file an appli-
cation before Feb. 12. The Graduate
School will not be held responsible
for any onissions that may occur on
the degree list as a result of the late
filing of diploma applications.
C. S. Yoakum
Annuity Policy Holders: The fol-
lowing statement has been received
from the Teachers Insurance and
Annuity Association:
In the next few weeks TIAA will
mail to policyholders the statements
which have been sent each year to
furnish certain information regard-
ing retirement annuity contracts.
These statements have . heretofore
shown the amount of premiums cred-
ited during the preceding calendar
year and in most cases have shown
also the current amount of accumu-
lation under the contract.
Last summer it became apparent
that, because of an exceptionally
large volume of office work and a
shortage of experienced employees,
TIAA had better make some arrange-
ment to 1educe th'e large year-end
job of calculating, checking and
posting to the statements some 26,000
items representing accumulations as
of December 31, 1943. After some
investigation it was decided to "stag-
ge" this work, doing half of it this
t year, and, it is expected, half next
year. Under this plan it is antici-
pated that every holder of a retire-
ment annuity contract who has here-
tofore been notified annually as to
the current amount of his accumula-
tion will receive such notification
either this year or next, but not at
both times.
Accordingly, this year the state-
ments for contracts issued January
1936 to June 1941, inclusive, (num-
bered A15,064 to A31,624) will show
only the amount of premiums cred-
ited to the contract during 1943.
They will carry a brief explanation
as to why the amount of accumula-
tion is not shown and will offer to
furnish this figure, on request in
urgent cases, as soon as can be done.
This year's statements for all other
contracts will be of the same form as
they have been in the past.
TIAA's tentative plan for next year
is to show the amount of the Dec. 31,
1944 accumulation in statements for
the 1936-41 group of contracts, but
not in statements for contracts issued
before 1936 (numbered Al to A15,063
Statements for retirement annuity
contracts issued since July 1941
(numbered above A31,624) have here-
tofore shown the amount of fully-
paid deferred annuity purchased, ra-

then than the amount of the accumu-
lation, and no change is contem-
Ilerbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Choral Union Members whose at-
tendance records are clear, will
please call for their courtesy pass
tickets to the Marjorie Lawrence
concert between the hours of 10 and
12, and 1 and 4, Friday, Jan. 28, at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
No pass tickets will be issued on
Sunday, the day of the concert,
Seniors in Aeronautical and Me-
chanical Engineering: Mr. R. B.
Holmes of the Bell Aircraft Corpora-
tion, Buffalo, N.Y., will be at the
University on Friday, Jan. 28, to
interview seniors for positions in the
Niagara Falls' and Buffalo plants.
Interested men will please sign the

interview schedule posted on theI
Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
Board, near Rm. B-47 East Engi-
neering Bldg. Application blanks
may be obtained in the Aeronautical
Department office.
Academic Notices
History 11, Sec. 2 will meet in Rni.
102 Ec. Building for the rest of the
semester on Monday and Friday at
Seniors who wish to be eligible to
contract to teach the modern for-
eign languages in the registered Sec-
ondary Schools of New York State
are notified that the required exami-
nation in French, Spanish, German
and Italian will be given here on
Feb. 18. Those who wish to take this
examination should notify Professor
Pargment (100 R.L.) not later than
Feb. 12. No other opportunity to
qualify will be offered until August,


Building. The title of his lecture is
"Lecture Dramatique."
All servicemen are admitted free
of charge to all lectures.
Stuldenxt ecital: Virginia Holmes,
pianist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 31, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her
program will include compositions
by Haydn, Beethoven, Liszt, Brahms,
Chopin and Ravel. She is' a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Regular re-
hearsal, 7:30, Michigan Union.
The Surgical Dressings Unit of the
Hillel Foundation will meet today

- YOU CAN TOO ? .*.


By Lichty

- e}4& 40.
c -c
"You people respond nobly to appeas - vyou I bltoy 1Nd, collect salvage,
give away your blood - why canlt yon step forward in the car?"

Sentiments, A ctions of So thern Con gressie it
Show Allegiance to Controlling Few, Not Majority

CONGRESSMEN from a few Southern states,
particularly from Mississippi, seem to be a
mass of contradictions. It is very hard to follow
their reasoning in the soldier vote bill. Reluc-
tantly, faced by the anger of the entire nation,
they say, "Sure. Our boys are fighting for the
rights of free men, and we want theim. to vote."
"But it isn't practical!"
After it is carefully explained that it is prac-
tiCal, they stroke their chins for a few minutes
and then say, "Unconstitutional! That's it. It's
unconstitutional!" Again we carefully explain
how very, very constitutional it is. But again
they shake their heads. Like a jackass stub-
bornly blocking traffic while we desperately fan
the fire of facts that we've built under him.
Could it be that they really don't want our boys
to vote?
If the sentiment of these congressnen ex-

centralist groups could no longer control elec-
tions. This means that these states are against
the interests of the majority. The vote of
these states on the anti-lynching bill, the wage
hour bill, the NLRB anmendments, and any
and all others for the benefit of the majority
of the population, have all been for the bene-
fit of the controlling few.
They have used force when necessary to gain
their objectives. Likewise, we should literally
cram these measures down their throats-not by
physical force but by the united efforts of the
radio, press, and outspoken disapproval from the
people. -Selig Estroff

1944, when Summer School atten-
dance is a prerequisite for admission
to the examination.
Doctoral Examination for PI saela
Helen Lugoski, Chemistry; thesis:
"An Electron Diffraction Investiga-
tion of the Molecular Structures of
B~iphenyl, O-Terphenyl, Tetrapheny-
lene Hydroquinone, 1, 4-Divfuoro-
benzene, 1, 2, 4-Tribluorobenzene,
Trifluoromesitylene, and Benzotri-
fluoride," today, 309 Chemistry, 2:00
p.m. Chairman L. 0. Brockway.
By action of the Fxecutive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this exam-
ination, and he may grant peLmi5-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
- C. S. Yoakumi
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Edward Brockway, chemistry; thesis
"The Dissociation Rates of Certain
Pentaarylethanes," Friday, Jan. 28,
309 Chemistry, 4:00 pm. Chairman
W, E. Bachmann.
By action. of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite member-s
of the faculties and advanced doe-
tbral candidat.es to attri'rl fis ux-

from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Volunteers
will please wear a washable blouse
Or smock,
Tea at International Center is
M.rved each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American student friends of foreign
'The Post-War Council will hold a
public panel discussion on the ques-
tion "Can National Sovereignty Be
Limited?" ,oday in the Michigan
Union. Faculty members participat-
iig iin thie panel will be Prof. Kiss,
G(eograpily; Prof. Sellars, Philoso-
phy, and Prof. Shepard, Psychology.
Coming Events
Annual Spaish Play; Tryouts will
be held on Thursday, Friday and
Monday, Jan.27, 28 and 31, in Rm.
408 R.L. from 3-5 p.m. All those
interested please attend.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday. Jan. 28, at 4 p.m., in
Rm. 307 West Medical Building. "The
Metabolism (Oxidation) and Nutri-
tive Value of Ethyl A lenh"ol' will h


By Crockett Johnson

Gosh., The MnaGoi os'

F He does't weigh dowi hs ',lv

Isn'fthalmt hairder10rm be?

Cl3OWV ii WV

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