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November 04, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-04

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THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1943

MacArthur Friends of Japs
(Contin ued from Page 1) In-lIuanda xrea
on Bougainville Island first consoli-
dated and then enlarged their poti- A re Murdered
tions on that last major enemy hold-

. emerg ( ns Gic Cdrv !4lef iike Tda

Orgoanization To Dr. Treviranus
iscuss Peace Tells Faults of

ing in the Solomons. Japanese de-
fenders were driven back, the coMt-
munique said, leaving 135 dead on
the field.

Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr.,
whose amphibious forces seized a
500 yard beachhead at Empress Au-
gusta Bay on Monday truculently
challenged the Japanese to bring
their navy out of hiding and com-
mented that when they do "the
sooner we will march through To-
kyo." He implied that far bigger
blows were in the making.
MacArthur Is Hopeful
General MacArthur took a more
sanguinary view of the Bougainville
landing. In outlining briefly his plans
for meeting the Japanese counter-
attack which was gathering force
at Rabaul and being reinforced from
Truk Island, 700 miles northward in
the Carolines, the Allied commander
in chief indicated the battle for Bou-
gainville probably will be the blood-
iest since the battle for Guadalcanal.
MacArthur's statement was made
with the knowledge that the last and
greatest attack on Rabaul Tuesday
had given Japan .its worst setback
since the battle of Bismarck Sea last
Halsey Aids Marines
Halsey sent his torpedo bombers in
support of the Marines at Bougain-
ville. There were dogfights practi-
cally allc.day between Allied and Jap-
anese planes attempting to disrupt
the invasion.
Yanks Make Third Attack
At Buka, American naval air units
executed their third attack on the
Buka and Bonis plantation airdromes
Tuesday, 28 tons of bombs were drop-
ped on revetments, plane dispersal
areas and supply dumps. The entire
area was strafed and four Jap bomb-
ers were destroyed or damaged on
the ground.
Two medium cargo vessels off shore
were strafed and left burning. There
was no interception. A Jap recon-
naissance bomber was shot down af-
ter the attack.
Liberators, Dauntless divebombers
and Avenger torpedo bombers struck
the Buin area airdromes on southern
Bougainville on successive days, drop-
ping 143 tons of bombs on Kahili
and 46 tons on Kara. These fields
have been bombed repeatedly and the
latest raiders encountered no inter-
Jef fries
(Continued from Page 1)
coach of the University of Detroit
football eleven, and William G. (ill-
ly) Rogell, one-time shortstop of the
Detroit American League baseball
If theoJeffries victory was disap-
pointing to the UAW-CIO the big
union that organized the city's tra-
ditibnally open shop automotive in-
dustry found comfort in the reelec-
tion of . youthful George Edwards,
labor's City Hall spokesman, to the
council. Castator also was labor-en-
Jeffries'.reelection came with the
last 200 of the city's 1,057 precincts
to be counted. At one point in the
tabulation he was so far behind
FitzGerald that he was ready to con-
cede his opponent's election. Then
came the returns from the city's
most heavily populated wards to put
the mayor in the lead.
At almost the very end of the
tabulation came complete figures
from the 22nd ward. They gave Jef-
fries 33,778 to FitzGerald's 11,152.
The big 21st ward similarly contribu-
ted to the Jeffries victory margin
with 37,575 votes for the mayor and
22,251 for FitzGerald.


Nov. 3.-UP-A wave of sensational
assassinations and attempted kill-
ings, some carried out by bitter anti-
Japanese elements against Filipinos
and Chinese whom they accused of
collaborating with the conquerors.
swept the Manila area late last
spring and in the early summer.
The Japanese in turn executed- at
least 14 Filipinos and one Chinese.
Reports which reached me in
Santo Tomas internment camp
through channels I consider reliable
identified some of the victims.
One who survived an assassination
attempt was Jose P. Laurel, now the
Japanese-sponsored president of the
islands. As chief of a "Pacification
Commission" he Was responsible for
sundry drives against Filipino guer-
rillas opposing the Japanese.
Coal Strike
Continued from Page 1)
of travel time as a critical item and
there is a question whether it would
accept a formula which used the
identical figure for all mines.

Peace After Victory" will be the
topic for discussion at the mass meet-
ing to be held at 3 p. in. Sunday, in
the Congregational Church as the
highlight of the observance of the
Christian Mission for World Order.
Dr. Henry P. Van Drusen of the
Union- Theological Seminary. Presi-
dent Harlie L. Smith of Williams
Wood College and Dr. Paul Hutchin-
;on. managing editc: cf the Christian
Century will appear at the mass
meeting :lanned to discuss post-war
The three :peakers will preach at
First Methodist, the First Baptist and
the Fist Presbyterian churches at 11
a. m. Sunday on subjects connected
with the theme of the Mission.
P,. Van Deusen will also hold a
dcu~ssion group at 6:45 p. m. at the
First Presbyterian church, and Dr.
Hutchinscn will conduct a similar
discussion at 7 p. m. at the First Bap-
tist church. These evening discus-
sions will be open to questions from
the floor on current issues in keeping
with the theme of the Mission.
Sponsored by the Ministerial As-
sociation of Ann Arbcr, the Christian
Mission on World Order - a united
church front for peace-is endorsed
by the Michigan Pest-War Council.
The Christian Missicn for Worl.
Order to be held in Ann Arbor Sun-
day is one of a hundred such mission.,
to be held in cities all over the coun-
try this ncnth.

Pre-Nazi Rule
Lack of interest in government on
the part of the people and the ab-
sence of an efficient police force were.
the outstanding weaknesses in the
Weimar Republic, Dr. Gottfried Try
viranus said last night in a discussioi
of the rise and fall of the Republic.


'he Mm's Glee (Au. arictured ahcve, invites m6a on campus to a snn :: and song rehearsal to be
held at 7:'"; r:.m. ;onight and 1:30 p.m. on Sunday in oom i.,i of Cae N;cPigan Union. Servicemen and
all othcr men tsn : arr eligible to try out for mem irmship in the (iub at hs times. with the only lim-
itation being an :-,ceptabe singing voice. In form:' .ear's ilC Club ha. gve concerts from coast to

Travel time varies considerably. coast. Its first a.pmcrance this sea
In a portal-to-portal day, such as and regular serciades.
the bituminous coal agreement sets
up, the more time that is consumed EG
in traveling the less time there is GE I* I SIN(;OI
left for production. In some mines
the entire extension of the miners' s lee Clu
lay-from 7 hours of all productive
time to 83 hours of production and :
travel-might be consumed in travel Si
and hence no increase in production
would result.
Tile Lniv e sity ef Michigan TIe*
The so-called 8 hour day actual- Glee Club invites all mn cn canpus
ly becomes an 8% hour day by turn-
ing 15 minutes of lunch time into tonas. a music an
nr tieeve toug te ea~ re Isongs. pr cgr ae nt usic and prelimi-
rk tme, even though the elapsed nary try-outs for membership in the
tine underground or the starting Club at 7:?0 p. m. today and 4:30
-nd critting tine do not change. ;. m unday in Room. 305 Ci the
The lunch period was not included Michigan Union.
in the old 7-hour productive day or Michigan Unin.
f All Students Elig-illc
in the 811, hour portal-to-portal day All servicemen and freshmen, as
as previcu,1y. passed upon by thew
War Labor Board. Of the new % well as upperclassmen and graduate
hour day, 45 minutes is presumed to I students are eligible, the only require-
be travel time and the remainder mnt being an acceptable singing
actual production time, an increase Pro David Mattorn o the
of one full production hour. The
earnings of the miner receiving the
basic $1-an-hour wage would be re- Cd v
$.8.50 instead of $7. with time and a
half for the additional hour of work.
Steel Production Cut
The sections covering the anthra Ad
cite miners also provide for a similar I
reduction in the lunch period, there-
by adding 37.8 cents per day to the Last chance of the year for pre-
earnin s of all day and monthly men medical ctudents to take the aptitude{
in addition to the 32.2 cents increase tests required by the A5scciation of;
allowed by the War Labor Board last American Colleges for adnilsion to a
week. medical schcol will be offered fre -
Virtually all the 460.000 hard and ' P. n. to 5 . m. Lomnrrmw in the
soft coal miners had ignored today Rackham building.
President Roosevelt's directive for Any student planning to enter a
them to return tq work. Some mem- medical schocl who has not prevously
bers of the APL progressive mine taken the test should do so then. it
workers union joined, in fact, ii the j was announced through the office of
strike. . Dean C. S. Yoakum cf the graduate
Meantime, the shortage of coal school.
Scut into steel production. The Car- It was paintcd cut that the test
negie-Illinois Steel Corporation an- may be valuable to would-be medical
noun ced it had shut down 36 of its students .ince many local draft
open health furnaces in the Pitts- boards demand that some evidence,
burgh district mills. uch as the successful taking of this
Vuiel Shortage Acute test, be furnished then as a basis icr
By midnight at least-4P were ex- deferring premedical students.
pcected to be down, the company said. The medical aptitude test measures
With the shortage of fuel becom- ene's ability to learn material similarI
ing acute. the United States Steel to that which he will have in moed-
Corporation announced it would ical school, as well as the student's
bank within 24 hours nine blast fur- general infcrmation and scientific
naces in the Pittsburgh and Youngs- background and his ability to draw
town districts, and leave closed a accurate conclusions from a given set
furnace now shut down for repairs of Plata.
but due to come back into produc- Additional infornation on the test
tion. this week. The moves will cut may be obtained in Rocm 4. Univer-
its iron production 25 percent. sity Hall.

i w during orien [H% ici' and nctiv-iLi'S tSanned are ni all-campus sin-

ib To Be Hosts
Union Toay
School of Music and cnducto' of the
cluo statcd.
J egular rehearsals are held at 7:30
p. m. every Thursday. Mattern said
t!at a -econd section will ha formedt
for the t enefit of those who are un-
able to atttnl at this time.
Since its organization in 1884 the
Men's Glee Club has given concerts
frcn coast to coast and has become
an cstablished tradition at Michigan.
In former years the Club gave ccn-
('rts in Milwaukee, Chicago. and New
Yak City but its recent activities
hare been limited due to transporta-
tion difficulties.
Glb To IHold Sin~
The Glee Club made its first ap-
pearance this year during crientation
a week ago and they expect) to give
an all campus sing early in the semes-
ter. Regular ser'nades throughout,
the term have also been planned,
Prof. Mattern said.,
"The broadcasts made by the Glee
Club frcm Morris Hall will be con-
tinued." Prof. Mattern stated. "The
aim of the Club is to keep alive the
spirit of Michigan songs. 1-o concerts
and broadcasts will feature songs like
'When Night Falls Dear', ' 'Tis of
Michigan I Sing' and 'College Days'."

Hilel Discusses

Gov. Kelly Sets Nov. 10
C i SAs Marine Corps Day

T1he iille1 Foundation of the Uni-
Versity of Michian hold its firstl
council meeting of the new semester
last night to plan its po-sgm'am for the
coming season.
Stan Wallace '45. presidienL. con-
ducted the discussion. a':sisted bt'
Beverly Wittan. secretary.
Th, main purpue of the meeting
w as to discuss the forthcoming mem-
bership drive headed by student di-
rectcr. Elyse Gitlow '44. The drive is
scheduled to begin Tuesday, Nov. 9,
with a solicitor's meeting, and will
extend until Nov. 19 when it will cul-
minmate in a Membership Dance.
Chairmanships Assigned
Committee chairmanships were as-
-igned to varicus council members at
the meeting and plans were com-
pleted for a Freshman Mixer sched-
uled for Saturday night, Nov. 13.
The Foundation has planned a full
prcgram of coming events, placing
special emphasis on activities for
aivice men. There will be many
dances and open-houses. and all Hil-
l's facilitics, such as the record col-
icetion, library, and game and study
rocms will be at their disposal.
Helicopter Line

LANSING. Nov. 3---4A1-Governo'
Kelly. today designated Nov. 10 as
Marine Corps Day in Michigan, call-
ing on the public to mark the 168th
anniversary of the founding of the
U. S. Marine Corps in ccmmemora-
ticn of "those who died in service and
to signify our admiration for this ef-
ficient branch of the national de-

A member of the German cabinet
under Bruning fron 1930 to 1932. Dr.
Treviranus explained the conditions .
which enabled the Nazi regime to
come into power.
"The Republic suffered from, t
first hour in the people's lack of iin-
terest in whatever form of goverll-
mont was going to rule then,' ie"
stated. "and it was a definite den'i- .
ment to the Republic that there vere
no pclice to back tn the decrec;
Sthe Federal gcvernment."
"The short period of Bolsheild
rule in Munich enabled Hitler to get
his starrt." he said. Another fact
that permitted the Nazis to take ovei "
the former German cabinet mcnfei
explained, was the failure of the fd&
public to establish a stable econoiy
and redeem the bonds of World'War
l in the world depression of 1930.'This
together with various other fact&rs,
undermined the people's confid nec
in the government. Fronm March1930
to 1932 marked the critical period of
German history in which the Weifla,
Republic was dissolved and the new
Nazi regime stepped in.
However, he expressed a belief thit
the Nazi philosophy did not \epreeht
the feelings of a majority of Gerinas
and that a satisfactory post-war Ge
man government can be establishtd.'
Foresters Will
onvene Today
Group Wants Increase
fit Tinber Prod tn
Methods of stepping up production
of war needed timber will be dis-
cussed at the three-day conference
of the Society of American Foresters
which will convene here today.
Approximately 50 representatives
of state, federal and private agencies
in southern Michigan, Ohio, 'Iniana
and Illinois will gather for the 22nd
annual meeting of the Central States
Section of the Society.,
Progress of the government's new
timber production war project will
be reviewed by J. Herbert Stone of
the regional U.S. Forest Service at
I Milwaukee, Wis.
Under the project, state and fed-
eral forestry experts are seeking Ito
stimulate production by helping tin-
ber operators obtain labor and 'ff-
terial priorities.
Other discussion topics in e
woodland and wildland miae -t
and woodland cutting opera .
Among the speakers will be .
Garska, Dr. T. D. Stevens and .
Schoenman of Michigan State -
lege; Ilo Bartlett of the State -
partment of Conservation's g -
vision; Samuel T. Dana, Dean o, e
School of Forestry and Conserv n
at the University of Michigan,- d
Dr. Henry Schmitz, President of the
National Society.

Sat- uwuuIt Being Planned
ab Te -- .TT *


U'i" liu~en l l

EAST LANSING. Nov. 3.--(/P--
Mal-distribution of the existing but-
ter supply, combined with increased
consumer and government demands:
and a drop in production, have re-
suited in current nation-wide short-
ages. H. A. Ruehe, executive secre-
tary of the American Butter Insti-
tute. said today.
Recommending that butter be ra-
tioned by itself, or at least with fats
and oils rather than with meats and
cheoses. Ruehe said such a system

Greyhound Organizes
Great Lakes Skyways
LANSING. Nov 3-P)-Plans for
cperating a commercial helicopter
er vice to transport passengers,
freight and mail within Michigan
wvere disclosed. today as the Great
Lakes Greyhound Lines, Inc. filed
arti:les of incorporation and applied
for state permission to operate.
The new firm petitioned the State
Bubho Service Commission for desig-


THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1943
Vol. LIV No. 3
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day prec ding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University.
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Nov. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Members of the Uni-
versity Senate are invited to attend.
Agenda: Election of Officers; Es-
tablishment of Committee on Inter-
cultural Relations; Communication
on Physical Education for Women;
Reports of Standing Committees.
Louis A. Hopkins,
Continued on Page Four)

would result in more equal distribu- naticn as a common carrier and
tion because as it stands now, the asked the State Board of Aeronautics
demand is affected by the meat sup- 'for an operating permit.


_ . . _


- l Wyar Iond He"re"

25c to 5 p. m.

Continuous from 1 p. m.

Latin Am erican
Dentists Feted,
Students Will Return
TO Native (ountries
Twenty Latin - American dentists
who have been studying here on
scholarships were entertained at- a
farewell dinner Saturday night. Dr.
Daniel F. Lynch. chairman .of the
Pan-American Committee of the
American Dental Association of
WaV.;hingtcn, D. C. and Harry H. Pier-
son, acting Assistant Chief of the
Division of Cultural Relations of the
Department of State were the speak-
They will leave Saturday to spend
two weeks at Northwestern. two
weeks at the University of Pennsyl-
v- iania, and.then will return to t-heir
on countries.
The Department of State and the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation furnished
Sthe schclarships for these men who
were practicing dentists before they
camie to spend their 14 wreeks study-
ing in the Ke 'loggg Post Giraduatc
School of entiistry'.

ply. "The fact of the matter is, the
point purchasing power exceeds the
supply, even at 16 points." he stated.
Ruehe. on leave of absence from
his position as head of the Univer-
sity of Illinois dairy department,
addressed the dairy manufacturers'
conference which opened a three-
day session at Michigan State Col-
lege today.

The petition. signed by Manfred
Burleigh. proposed two initial routes.
One would be "to and from down-
town Detroit terminals and all air-
:cits now or hereafter located in
Wayne. Oakland. Macomb and'
Warhtenaw counties." The other,
would be from Detroit terminals to
Pontiac. Clarksten. Flint, Saginaw,
Bay City and intermediate points.

Sat. Eve. Only
On the Stage

- Also -


_ _ _. _
,. --- - __ . _ _ _.- _ _ --- _ _ ------ .d









Invites Freshmen, Upperclassmen, Graduate Students
and all Service Men on Campus to a
Rousing Sing and Tryouts for Membership




It, A A 1 AS mw I'l


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