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November 04, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-04

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Vol. LIV No. 3








Attacks Nip
3 Destroyers, 8 Vessels
Downed at Rabaul in
Worst Jap Sea Defeat
By The Associated Press
HEADQUARTERS, Thursday, Nov. 4.
-Gen. Douglas MacArthur's air arm
inflicted the worst defeat yet admin-
istered to Japan's sea borne power
at the New Britain stronghold of Ra-
baul Tuesday, sending three enemy
destroyers and eight large merchant
vessels to the bottom of Simpson
The devastating attack accounted
for 94,000 tons of enemy shipping-
50,000 tons sunk outright and 44,000
severely damaged-and, in brushing
off frantic enemy interference in the
air, the Allied bombers shot down 67
Japanese planes. Nineteen of the
raiders were lost.
Marines Expand Beachheadj
Only 260 miles southeast of Rabaul
in the top-most Solomon Islands,
U.S. Marine assault forces expanded
their beachhead on the west central
shore of Bougainville where landings
were made at dawn Monday.
The raid on Rabaul nipped a Jap-
anese counterattack which was be-
ing prepared to contest the Bougin-
ville invasion, General MacArthur
The Allied flyers swept across Ra-
baul harbor shortly after noon. The
raiders, numbering . probably' 150
planes, struck with 1,000 pound
bombs at masthead height.
The Japanese sent approximately
an equal number of interceptors aloft
and the sky was filled with enemy
Yanks Attack Ships
boring through the opposition, .Al-
lied airmen swooped to masthead at-
tacks on virtually every ship in Simp-
son Harbor.-
At Lakuna air strip, one of several
defending Rabaul, seven enemy fight-
ers and a large bomber were destroy-
ed on the ground and two four-en-
gined flying boats were sunk at an-
At least 67 enemy planes were
downed for certain and probably 23
others were destroyed.
Nine Allied bombers and 10 fight-
ers were lost.
\ The Allied victory at Rabaul came
as Marines at Empress Augusta Bay
See MAC ARTHUR, p. 2
Income Levy
Stays at 20%
withholding levy on wages and salar-
ies was pegged at the present 20 per
cent rate today by the House Ways
and Means Committee, which also
removed toilet soap from the new
list of items subject to excise taxes.
Polishing off the new general re-
venue bill, providing $2,029,000,000 in
additional taxes against an Adminis-
tration request for $10,500,000,000,
the tax-framing group also voted:
1. That the Internal evenue Bu-
reau shall publish in the Federal Reg-
ister the names of corporations gain-
ing refunds and the amounts under
relief provisions of the excess profits
tax, and the amounts.
2. Tentative approval of a $10,000
ceiling on the amount of continuing
business losses that can be deducted
in computing individual income taxes.
3. Special treatment for accelerat-
ed production of timber, coal and

Fire Halts Work
At Dodge Factory
DETROIT, Nov. 3.--(P)-Produc-
tion was halted and approximately
12,000 workers sent home today when
fire broke out in a utility tunnel
servicing the main plant of the Dodge
Division of Chrysler Corp. in sub-
urban Hamtramck.
Six firemen and several plant work-
ers were overcome by smoke and
were hospitalized.
William Stocker, one of the fire-
men, said the smoke came from burn-
ing insulation on high voltage elec-
tric cables which thread through

Marion Ford Heads Daily's
First All-Girl Senior Staff

Dead Crewmen Lie on Cruiser's Deck

Men Return to Pits with
$1.50 Per Day Increase
Ickes, UMW Announce Pact; Miners Voice
Determination To Get Back to Jobs Quickly
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-A back to work movement in the nation's
coal fields started tonight a few hours after the United Mine Workers and
Secretary Ickes agreed on a wage contract terminating the three-day gen-
eral strike and giving soft coal miners a $1.50 a day boost in earnings.
Miners generally hailed the agreement and voiced a determination to
get back on the job as quickly as possible. Word of the settlement spread
slowly in some areas, however, and full operations in the mines possibly will
not be restored before the end of the

* * *

Managing Editor
(Additional Pictures on P. 6)

Allies Pierce
Second Line
Around Rome
Puncture of Massico
Ridge Threatens Nazis
With 14-Mile Fallback
GIERS, Nov 3-M)-The second of a.
series of major German defense lines
before Rome-the Massico Ridge
Bastion-has been punctured at two
points by Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's,
Allied Fifth Army, headquarters an-
nounced today, confronting the Nazis
with the imminent necessity of fall-
ing back at least 14 more miles to new
mountain positions.
Clark's fighters made serious
breaches in the enemy's front by
slugging their way onto dominating
heights both of Massico Ridge and
San Croce Mountain, four miles to
the north.
Fifth Hammers Enemy
Following closely behind the gre-
nade-throwing infantry, Fifth Army
heavy artillery moved onto com-
manding positions from which to
hammer the enemy's expected with-
drawel across the Gargliano River
Valley toward the 4,600-foot Aurunci I
mountain range.
Nazi defenses sprang another leak
on the Eighth Army's Adriatic front,
where British and Canadian troops
surged across the Trigno River an
undisclosed distance inland from, the
original bridgehead at San Salvo near
the coast.
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
forces were being forced to fight hard
for every yard they gained. Enemy
resistance was stiff in all sectors.
Nazis Say Attack Expected
The German military commenta-
tor, Capt. Ludwig Sertorius, said in
a Berlin broadcast that the Allied
Fifth Army had launched its "long
expected" attack along the coast of
the Gulf of Gaeta. Another Nazi
commentator speculated that the Al-
lies might attempt a landing from the
sea above Terracina and make a bat-
tlefield of the pontine marshes south-
east of Rome.

Petite feminine feet are filling the
shoes of the senior editors on The
Daily this fall as four girls carry on
in the top positions of the paper's
editorial staff.
History was made as Marion Ford
became managing editor; Jane Far-
rant, editorial director; Claire Sher-
man, city editor and Marjorie Bor-
radaile, associate editor.
When the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications announced the re-
cent appointments, the Daily ac-
quired its first staff composed entire-
ly of girls with the traditional print-
ers' ink in their blood.
During the summer months Miss
Ford also acted as managing editor of
The Daily, so the post of top man-
pardon us,-top woman, is not new to
her. A resident of Miami, Fla., Miss
Ford, '44, is a member of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, and includes Scroll, Student
Affairs Committee, and work as an
orientation advisor among her activi-
Miss Farrant, '44, of Grand Rapids,
is a member of Alpha Phi. Miss Sher-
man, '44, whose home is in Detroit,
is a member of Alpha Chi Omega.
Miss Borradaile, '44, of Adrian, is a
member of the executive board of As-
sembly and was president of her
house for two terms.
Betty Harvey, '44, of Woodmere,
N.Y., will continue fs Women's Edit-
Russian Troops
Race Toward
Black Sea Port1
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov 3-Russian troops
raced today to within 21 miles of
Kherson, Black Sea port at the
mouth of the Dnieper iver, as they
cleared the faltering Germans from
the vast steppes between the Dnieper
and Karkinit Bay on the Black Sea,
Moscow announced tonight.
More than 80 towns and hamlets
fell to the Russians, who advanced
more than 10 miles in the last 24
hours to sweep up the town of Bol-
sho-Kapany' on the Kherson-Pere-
kop railway in their most direct
threat to Kherson.
Don Cossacks, under plane cover
and supported by tanks, were wiping
out the last remains of the German
army fleeing in disorder.
Soviet forces to the north in the
Dnieper bend captured at least seven
more populated places southwest of
Dnepropetrovsk, said the daily Mos-
cow communique, secorded by the So-
viet Monitor.
{The communique for the second
day made no mention of the Crimea,
but German reports said the Rus-
sians, by-passing the sealed-off pen-
insula, were using amphibious com-
bat teams of land, sea and air forces
which wiped the Germans from the
Caucasus to attack the Crimea.
They reported a landing south of
the Kerch Peninsula on the Eastern
side of the Crimea, causing the Ger -
man 17th army considerable diffi-
culty. Berlin broadcasts admitted
stubborn resistance to the Nazi coun-
terattacks. Berlin claimed its forces
had reduced the size of the bridge-

The crewmen killed on the U.S. light cruiser Savannah when a
German bomb pierced a gun turret, lie wrapped in blankets on the deck
while other guns hurl shells into the German lines at Salerno.
fr. Vincent Speaks to Women
n Problem of War Marriage

"College is a very important stage
in the development of boy-girl rela-
tionships, and during this time a girl
should establish many' companion-
ships with the opposite sex and try to
find out what she is looking for in
a husband," Dr. Lee Vincent, psy-
chologist of the Merrill Palmer school
of Detroit said in a talk yesterday.
,She spoke to the freshman- coeds
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
and to the upperclassman women in
Rackham in the evening on "Mar-
riage in Wartime and Other Related
Don't Go Steady Too Soon
Dr. Vincent advised the freshmen
that it is not wise to start going
steady too soon. She said that during
their first few months on campus1
they should get around a lot and
meet a large number of men. Onlyj
by getting to know a large variety
of men will they later be able to dif-
ferentiate between a temporary love
affair and the real thing.
The failure of many marriages
Emanuele Tries
To Save Throne
ITALY, Nov. 3.-(P)-King Vittorio
Emanuele III today sought some
means of saving his throne in the
face of demands by parties of the
united anti-Fascist front that he
abdicate before they join the govern-
ment of Premier Marshal Pietro Ba-
(The Nazi-controlled Vichy radio
said in a French-language broadcast
recorded by the London Mirror that
the King had abdicated. There was
no confirmation of this in Allied
quarters and the broadcast may have
been a deliberate garbling of ac-
counts from southern Italy of such
a possibility.)

could be attributed to habits estab-
lished early in a girl's dating experi-
"I especially advise you freshman
women to go to various mixers which
are organized by the University au-
thorities in order that you can meet
a large number of men.
Reputation Made Early
"A girl's reputation is more or less
established during. the first few
months that sheis aTrapusstWhen'
a girl is at college having fun, it is
important that she consider her fu-
ture well being," she said.
The types of dating practices a
girl establishes determines the boys
she will go out with, the places she
will go and the things she will do.
Dr. Vincent also discussed the prob-
lem of the girls' relationships with
servicemen. She said that statistics
show that the percentage of failures
in marriage is greater if the couple
have known each other less than a
SNow or Never View Discouraged
She said that a large percentage
of the men will come back after the
war and girls should not get the
"now or never" attitude. The aver-
age marriage will last between thirty
and fifty years, and a girl should
have no doubt in her mind when she
is choosing a lifetime mate.
"We have found that what you as
a person do with college determines
what, you get out of it. One of the
most important things that you take
out of college is what you learn
about people, both men and women.
It is especially important that at the
present time you get eight hours of
sleep a night, adequate exercise and
have a good program of work bal-
anced by play. If you ruin your
health now, you will lessen your
chances of a happy marriage," Dr.
Vincent said.
She said that a couple should be
sure that they see eye to eye in basic
life philosophies before getting mar-
ried, and that six weeks to three
months of USO experience didn't
seem to her like a long enough peri-
od for a couple to get to know each
other that well.

Largest AAF
Force Smashes
Germant Base
Wilhelmshaven Hit
By 500 U.S. Bombers;
RAF Attacks Cologne
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov 3-The largest force
of heavy bombers ever sent out by the
U.S. Air Force probably 500 or more
Flying Fortresses and Liberators-
battered its way with Lightning
and Thunderbolt protection through
strong German opposition to smash
the important port and naval base
of Wilhelmshaven and other targets'
in northwestern Germany today.
Without detail, a DNB dispatch
broadcast by the Berlin radio and re-
corded by Reuters said the RAF at-
tacked Cologne, Germany's most
bombed city, after nightfall. The
Rhineland industrial center previous-
ly had been raided 22 times.
Yanks Destroy 34 Planes
. The American raiding force de-
stroyed 34 German planes, 18 falling
to the heavy bombers arid 16 being
shot down by the escorting fighters.
In other daylight operations over oc-
cupied France and Holland Spitfire
pilots knocked down 12 German
fighters, and Marauder bombers two,
bringing the total loss for the day to
48 for the Nazis.
The total Allied losses for the day
were five heavy bombers, two med-
ium bombers and three fighters, a
joint Air Ministry and U.S. Air Force
communique said.
The cross-channel air war con-
tinued after dark with a shirt alert
in London-indicatingnEngland's
13th German raid in 19 nights-and
German radio stations went off the
air, often a sign that the RAF is raid-
ing the continent.
Daily Tryouts
To Meet Friday
Business, womens 'and general
news tryouts for The Michigan
Daily will meet Friday at the
Student Publications Building.
The meetings originally sched-
uled for yesterday were called off
because of the meeting for all
freshman women.
The business staff tryouts will
meet at 4 p.m., womens staff at
4:30 p.m., and general news at
5 p.m. Friday.
All first semester freshmen are
eligible for work on student pub-
Hull, Eden Leave,
Moscow Reports
LONDON, Thursday, Nov, 4-(U)-
U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull
and British Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden have left Moscow after
completion of the tri-partite dis-
cussions, a Soviet radio broadcast
announced today.
A Cairo dispatch said that Numan
Menemencioglou, Turkish foreign
minister, arrived at the Egyptian
capital by train tonight and British
Ambassador to Turkey, Sir Hughe M.
there. This suggested that Hull and
Eden would stop off in Cairo, as they
did on the way to Moscow, and confer
with Menemencioglou.
Burke Resigns His
Position with OPA
:,,i..a. ., - T- o /O . ...

Typical of the miners' reaction
was that of Jacob Dennis, of Union-
"I'm going back in the morning.
The others will follow."
Quick action also was promised by
the War Labor Board which booked
consideration of the agreement as
the first order of business tomorrow.
The $1.50 figure-amount asked
by the union in the Illinois agree-
ment and disallowed by the War La-
bor Board-would be brought under
the WLB's formula ofallowable in-
creases by cutting in half the 30-
minute lunch period.
The agreement was announced
first by the United Mine Workers
policy committee which made public
a telegram instructing striking min-
ers to resume production of coal "at
the earliest possible moment."
Telegrams Announce Pact
Telegrams sent to local unions said
a "satisfactory wage agreement" has
been executed between the govern-
ment, through Secretary of Interior
Ickes, and the United Mine Workers,
effective immediately and continuing
'through the period of government
operation of anthracite and biturn
nous mines.
"Let every member recognize that
the nation's imperative need for coal
requires the most prompt action in
restoring the mines to full produc-
tion," the telegramsaid..
Lunch Time Used
They were signed by John L. Lew-
is, John O'Leary and Thomas Ien-
nedy, officers of the UMW.
The Interior Department ' then
made public a "memorandum of
agreement." It increases the soft
coal miners' earnings $1.50 as origi-
nally proposed in the Illinois agree-
ment. The War Labor .Board had
trimmed that sum by 37% cents a
day, which will be restored by using
half of the lunch period in produc-
tive work.
The agreement is subject to War
Labor Board review.
Travel Time Set
The agreement assumes for all
areas the same amount of under-
ground travel time-45 minutes-
that the WLB used in the Illinois
case. The board regards the amount
GOP Predicts
1944 Victory
Recent Election Coup
Encourages Leaders
Republican Party's sweep in yester-
day's off-year elections in New York,
New Jersey and Pennsylvania and its
close race for governor in normally
Democratic Kentucky encouraged
most G.O.P. leaders today to predict
victory for their party in the 1944
national elections.
Simultaneously, the stock of Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey of New York for
the Republican presidential nomina-
tion appeared to turn upward despite
Dewey's press conference statement
that nothing had happened to change
his intention not to be a candidate.
Jeffries Is Named
Third Term Mayor
DETROIT, Nov. 3.-(AP)-In win-
ning reelection in Tuesday's biennial
non-partisan municipal election May-
or Edward J. Jeffries became the first
man to be named for a third consec-
utive term as head of the city gov-
ernment here in more than 25 years
and the fifth to win such distinction
in nearly 125 years.
Jeffries was returned to office by
a margin of nearly 32,000 votes over
Frank FitzGerald, endorsed by the
powerful United Automobile Workers

Japanese Leaders Prepare for 'Last Man' Defense

(Editor's Note: The first detailed story
from inside Japanese East Asia to reach
the Western world since the prisoner
exchange cf July, 1942, was made avail-
able wednesday with the arrival at Port
Elizabeth, Union of South Africa. of the
Swedish liner Gripsholm with 1,500 more
repatriates homeward bound from Japa-
nese internment. The following dis-
patch, written jointly by two of these
repatriates, is a consensus regarding
Japan as she stands today after nearly
two years of war with the West. Ray-
mond P. Cronin was chief of the Asso-
ciated Press bureau in Manila when the
Philippines were invaded, and Russell
Brines.althoug~h captured like Cronin

Japan eventually will lose the war,
but the masses are kept in the
dark and preparations are being
made for a "last man" defense of
the new oriental empire with the
hope that Tokyo at the peace
table, by her show of strength, will
be able to remain a first-class
These are the salient points of
Japan's situation as we see it, based
on accounts of travelers recently in
Japan, upon advices filtering
through the strict Japanese censor-

The best evidence indicates that
the Japanese militarists are put-
ting all east Asia on a total war-
fare basis with a sharp eye out in
anticipation of attacks by the Al-
lies, constructing a series of de-
fense lines and using as fully as
possible the great manpower re-
sources of the lands they have
Japan boasts of having all the
raw materials she needs, but she is
sorely lacking in high octane gaso-
line and high grade lubricating oil,

big land smash against Burma but
expect no trouble from Soviet Asia.
Nevertheless large Japanese forces
are kept along the borgiers of Sov-
iet Siberia in a precautionary pro-
tection of the rear against Russia.
At home the Japanese are en-
gulfed by a wartime fanaticism
and jingoism which makes them
an effective part of the war ma-
chine, despite such hardships as a
wartime doubling in living costs,
meals poor even to these.normally
frugal people, and scarcities of
coal. clothing and other necessi-

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