AZ ;~c'T,. ZI.: 1~44
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J. .[1 L'.._______14-._Ll_1. C L L 114 .1WJA RI L T
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ba 11 t 1 0 A &-0k .Dw ,2 U
oday Is WAVES' Final Day
In.Lea gue Information. Booth'
The opporhunity for women toi talk
with Lt. (~. Helen M. St (wart and
Harriet M. Simonson, Spg. (R) 3c
about joining the WAVES wilt end
atf 5 p.m. today when He infor-ma-
Lion booth if) the- o lobb of t,( Michi-
gan Le'ague closes.
inexplaining the procedure to)be
followed by a wvonhan who applies for
offieer candidacy, Lt. Stew art s aid,
"upsa Ao-MWT,- rria.nin Februa-ry and wishied to ;apply f"o)
a commi:s-ion in theo WAVE;S. First,
.fhe «would .secre aniiaplicartion
eithler from u is while we are' hereo0-
from the Detroit office, 0(f] Floor,
Book Bldg., 1249 Washington Blvd.
"Th'is application, togeth4er with
her birth cerificate, tran cript 01f
credits, three letters of recoinrenda-
tion, plus one fromt the facuilty selec-
tiion comm~'ittee, rmu.t Ybe senitback
to Detroit. Jr she a;ppea rs to be
(Iualified, she i s shedtuled t) go to
Detroit for interviews and tests. The
WAA ToVHol--Id
"All-Girl Hoste
Trip to Sal Iine
"Leaving the WAB at 2:30 p.m.,
with Saline Valley Farm as our des-
tinat ion, the first all-girl hostel trip
will take place tomorrow," Barbara
Fairman, presidenit of the WAA Ourit-
ing Club, announced yvesterday._
"All coeds on campuws Ciro inivitecd Ito
come and participtiniiithis feinu-
ine affair," continueod Miss Eimn
"We will bicycle out, and stay ~vovfer-
*night at the fa<rmi, cooking ourow
supper and breakfast, anid retun on
. Sunday in time for diner. Blainkets
* will be furnished, but l, enty-.vof%r ar
clothing should be worn. Anid awthte
pond is frozen, there will porobabitly
be Ikating, .so rit woufld be a giood
idea to bring. yor skate's."
A nomninal foe will b)e (,harged o0fo t
-the overnight s;tay, and for the meals),
Any wornaii wish ig frthei rin-'
:formation may call MUiss "pari~rmaat
Engagement Tole
Annoncemnenthas een imade of
the engagem ent ;of TMiss 1',Jva M.
Stokinger tio Lt, fReed F7,'(L ar;ver,
'USA, son of Ml and Mrs, Raym onrd
D. Garver of Washingtoniu IXCc' by
- her parents, Mr. an ria u. -William i f:
Stoldng1er 0ofEt~) Walpol~ie. ,
Tb1'10bridc-e-10 is a.,m<i lo-fO 'of
Alpha Gama De vit I_,1:. G,-rver.
tended ythe Unjiversty and is of filiaft-
ed with Phi Fta Sigmta, Aila Phi
Omega, Sigma A/lphat 1';i lonl, anrd
Scabbard and ;Blade.
(ests ,given mnesure natural ability
ill verbal comprehension, clerical and
Mechanical tasks. A physical examI
is also given at this time," L~t. Stew-
art continued.
"If she passes these tests, her file
is forwarded to Washington, where
her final -a:cception or rejection is
deter mined," Lt. Stewart concluded.
The procedure is slightly different
for enlisted women. The applicant
knows wheth-er she has been accep-
ted or rejiected at the end of her
appiointment in :Detroit. Also, she
may( bce sworn into the service on the
same daytnt}.
Officer candidates have two
mont hs of indoctrination training,
after which they receive their com-
missions; then they are either as-
signed to specialized training schools
or to active duty. Enlisted women
have six weeks of boot training and
then are assigned to further training
or to active duty.
USC) Regiment
USO5 Junior Hostesses of Regiment
X, under Ruth Edberg, will present
their first organized formal dance at
8 p.m. tomorrow in Harris Hall.
A night in. New YFork, the theme
of the dance, will be carried out in
the various rooms of the club.- Each
will represent a well-known place in
New York, and music will be provided
by Frank Shirley.
Junior Hfostesses are requested to
be in Harrisi Hall by- 8 p.m. and will
not bie allowed to leave uintil mid-
Tuie Canteen Unit of Red Cross
is in charge of the U SO Canteen and
wi l l have two trained workers in the
Canteen at the times refreshments
<iref served to suipervise the volunteer
Cantr teen! staff.
IDifferenow.iijran itonS in Ann Ar-
bor h ave, been aisked to calendar a
ngt to serve refreshmenits. The
Michigan Dames provided refresh-
ments f or the Coffee Hour last Sun.-
USOTo Hold Bridge
Tournament Sunday
A duplicate briidge tournament will
be held t 2 p~m. Sunday in Harris
f'jll, sponso~cred by the TJS0.
: rvice(me'n, faculty aind towns-
jpoo jle 4lreasked fto Colnewith'ior
waihout partner, A small fee will
UJSO workers are seeking two or
thr11ee card tables for use in connec-
tioni with the tournaments. TPhis has
berten necessitated by the large atten-
dance ,it last week's tournament.
War Couicd
Appoints Threc
To Epy1&t
Vacancies caused by the March
graduation of three members o1f the!
Wom1en's War Counrcil have rest ted
in1 the appointment of Marilyn Matiy-
er, '44, to the chairmanship or .,Jni-!
diciary Council, Harriet Fishel, '45),
as head of the Surgical 'Dresing
Unit, and Carol Evan ris, '46, a-ts the'
chairman of St. Jfoseph's Hosp;titail
Voluinteer Service, a (-crdin, {.g toilin
Me~c,.illan, retiring presidew o! .1ti -f
diclairy Council.
Miss Mayer, Kappa K pp Gw m
ma, who succeeds Miss Mncwiilla,1,
has been a member ofdiciatry
Council for the past year' and <a half,
has been a Daily tryout, has orked(r
on the various clas s Pro.ic t:., iandis
a member of Scroll t'nd W Vyvrn, lhon-
orary societies,
Miss Fishel, who replaces Jrean
Whittemore as head of the Surgical
Dressings Unit, is a member of Chii
Omega, 'is in charge of selling bonds,
in the League, has worked ow las
lrojets, and is a memb wer ofWy
W-vein, junior womnu.'s honlorariy so-
Miss Evans, Colle-Liate orosis, .suc-
ceeds Barbara Stern fels Levy 4and is
taking on the St. Jo,: h's Hospital
prciject in addition I(o the work' atz
the University Hospital whe~re she
heads Sophomore Project.
These appointments will be in ef'-
feet until the new War Council is
formed in April.
Surgical Dressing's
Unit Asks for More
Workers for Today
All women who have not fulfilled
their pledge this week to work at'
least one hour a week at the Surgical
Dressing Unit in the League will. beI
able to work from 1 F) p.n'i
today, accordingc;to IHaiet fshl
new hread of the eUgt'iiit.
House groups aeecina'dto,
come together, ast ehe O Uni i nw
able to take care of alarge nuw!nber
of volunteers. No volunteer shall be
turned away from lack of room. add-
ed Miss Fishel,
The Unlit was commended by the I
local Red Cross authorities who s;tat-w
ed recent~ly that it, had inmproved hi
the quality and qluatoti ttyof it5rs c s-
ings consider-iably.
All women iaire asked t!o [brilz or
wear cotton smocksrshr:; nonI
to wear nail polish as ;the nallture of
the work. calls for t bsolute freed of
from any harmful woo l en lint~ or
fingernail polish (chips.
For Child Care.
Th le child care cominittee ofr the
War Council is at this time especial-
ly in need of volunteers for two fields
of activity, according to Naomi Mil-
ler-, '45, and R";uthi Whittesley, '44,
cliirn~ien of playground activities
Eand Wviilow Run +work, respectively.
M ,i ; -,Vi it11cr repot S a nreed for vol-
,nce ork-ers to assist ins the Ann
Auror chool progrra of Services for
Chiildre~n of Working Mothers. Vol-
unteer's will assist regular workers in
caring for young chfildrten during an
11:260tam. to 12':30) pin, or a 3:30i
p. to 5:30 P l.m. period on week-
(la,,s, t AnAlm rbiorpublic schools.
Lac x'hincerisasked to give two
hotur .i aweek to the projiect.
Miss Miller- has..partircularly re-
qusticd thIatwomniwith experience
in rec*reatio na l leaidership, child care
andtr the like apply for those positions
as, thle work;_ will consist chiefly of
supterintending [lteplay of youn("
cli ildren~t.
iSlndlayS chol Tea thi lif
MvissWhittecsley:asked for coed
voluniteers to)teach Sunday School
in eith]er of two Lu1theran churches
e"ver eek. Pupils wkill range from
3 to 12 ecars and the tcher need
not be of the Lutheran denomina-
Volunteer teachers will travel to
and from Willow Runl on busses
leaving Ann Arbor at about 10:15
a.m. on Sunday morning, Transpor-
tation from the bus stop at Willowv
Run to the Sunday schools will be
providedl by the churches.
Interviewing IXedlnesd.-ty
lUoth Miss Miiller and Miss Whit-
tlit sl. wll itrview', those 10,who vol-
tiiiteer-itiat' LlndIgllraduate Offices
of theLeague fom 2:30 parm. to 3:30
p.m. on Wedtnesday. They request
that those intecrested in either the
i(rcreato1i o progr or the Sunday
school work wuho are not able to see
tHem at that time, reach them by
telephone during the week at 24514:
Moshr Hall To Hold
Servicemn's karty
Tomorrow Evening
Mosher Hall will entertain service-
men tomorrow at a "Heaven 'n Hell"
party. which 'will be held in the dorm
from 8:30 p.m. to midnight,
The therme, "Heaven 'n Hell,"f will
l)'C:1 ( )tl' L io t inl the decorations,
andiC Et ine will lbe 'etertinrmeti
fowl, ali squae nin.All set'-
vi('ein(i''n :ire inv 'l°ite o comne and
mewelt. [liNoi 1ie1:i* an els>'
M4rs. 'tliii :lafnd MissSulivanwill
e'haipel'oni, lie pitrt y and several lhunn-
ded .'icif :iepecte tio it t
Soph Project- Needs
Volul t eEr lWorkfei
For Two Il1uspitci
St. Joseph's !Hos pil io ps ry
to work in the operaing linen room
and for generail floor duty," Carol
EVans5 , 6, hea of Solph Projiect,
-tiiilounced yesCItei rday.
The ccentrl cominttee of Sopd,
ProjeCt has6 (renlIy 1taken over theI
direction of St. Joseph's volunteers
as. well as workers as University Hos-
pital, "Week-day posts iat University
Hospital are fairly well filled iat pres-
ent," Miss Uvans said., "but more vol'-
ute(ers a)re neede-d on Monday
nigl its andl on \v((k-ci id days and
St. Joseph's volunteers do not wea-,r
uniforms, but are asked to wear light,
rcolored blouses. University Hospital
volunteers must wear wvhite, black,
or navy blue skirts, white blouses
and hose.
Coeds may bid for victory, in Jun.-
ior Girls Projecc s frst ": ta lrl
bridg-e" tournament at 2 p.m. torpor-
Re(en tkl Doc'k !l 1.1(-isMcManon
lectured onl'"Vie C~uiic ~wChun-I
~Ind Totallilarianistin" There were
--,I7ro i t(ely 50 liltcrested people
onl campus~i- a few houlse m1others,
an ArmiY officer, a1 reporter or two,
aend students in genlerl, Where were
the members of the philosophly de-
p artment? Where were the English
professors? Wher e t rce mien
veho teach politica;l sc(ience in a
-'hanging world? Where, in fine,
Ver'e the plet who ~l',a;re suppos"ed to
be interested itits I Y happen> ring "to
"Ile vai'i'deenu'ni 2 0c 1 t r o iey
We do not, pr'ojpols to accouint forl
lie glaring absence o1f1tle missing.
WVe mean, tether', to lpoinit out that
re have on, this campuots a group of
i ndividuals who ci t her doo not readt
ntewspap~ers, or do not particularly
(}are what makes the news that goes
into them, Thiese individuals, many
of the men who profess to a trans-
ferable knowledge of the world, many
of them students who profess to a
dlesire for the attainment of such
knowledge, proved by their c'omplete
tackl of ihterest, that they neither
icsess nor c(ovet that knowledge.
_. _ _ _. _. .. _... .. _ _. _ w
: 1 7
tion ito the world in which we ive.
th e princiles wekniow ,to ibe guiding
the mnost despicable men or our time,
>the t ti- whIich at. this very mloment11
takies from usithe', young men 1101' l
Perhaps we are beinig unfgir to
souse people on cimpuis, who, th~ough
generally interested in lectulres of the
s -ort, found it imiposs;ibfleto attend--
who, though loyal readlers of m1any a
newspcqaper, never haid a chance to
prove it to its, Jr t:hatis theIllcase, twe
re1O1 ,ppred to ta tewiout the
sligXhtest mleasure of douibt, that these
people alre inl a definite millority on
this; campus-that they aire oultnum-
be,-kd to .a surprising degree by the
apathetic_ -that, they are, indeted, too
few in number to make lip for the
ones whose minds are too-w ell soaked
in erudit ion to absorb anythting wh
amoulnts to current, events,
All of which adds up to the fact,
that no one on this campus has any
right to hoot in indignation at ae-
eILsations of apathy. We are either
too preoccupied or too small to be
bothered with the worries bestowed,
by a chaotic world. And no mnatter°
Show many pints .of blood we've given,
no matter how many bonds we've
bought, no matter how many volun-
teer hours we've put in at, the h1os-
pital, we have done wliat adds up to
approximately nothing. Until we can,
match physical contribution with in-
tellectual, we must each of us survey
the main part of our academic body
row n te Gax Rapds oom of'rIle credo 1iy sm Exall ttndnceat
rowhe teage, cciranto Masroom 01 a ltueothtsrw iiciv
the eage, acoringto Mry riv of a larger trendi-a tred which af-
cm', '45, of the JGP Central Comnmit- firms vigorously tht- accusations of
tee. I .hose who say that we are essentially
Since purchasew~ of a 25c ware statmp aipathetic. The fact that the lecture
plus a 10c stamp for the "kitty" will B inged mainly upon the question of
be admission to the duplicate bridge the stand of t he Catholic Church has
tourney, Michigan women may feel tittle to do with the matte]'. It dealt
they are not letting uip on their watr with the Catholic Church in x'ela-
work bny speriln Im an lal ornoon at
L Echwomeln's house tilmol rtut;is 1
asked to send at least two teams of
two persons each to the contest, and
entrants are to sign up by today If.
possible in the Undergraduate Office.
with shame and misgiving,
1; A
. . rte,. ,, js
1'A( K fill A1TACK !
Buy an Extra Bond
during the
4th War Loan Drive
wVth the savings
from shopping here.
Michigan TIha/re bldg.
. , ,.
, _:.
l ti
4 y
l(3fY n
} [pproN
I }}
a #' /
. S
J ;, 1}t
j9. b
# # by
s i
f ;
of hlack or l -own 2abamdiine that Ycou'll IvM in all (Lay
priame vithdrss a;xvell as suits. 'their wcar-resced
synthetic soles wvill o utwear leather,
0016 lo
SUITS... in the woudelf 1d fabrics loomed by
to we.-114now Under your cat; to pair with a harmonimz.
inn topper, to wear alone come Spring!
ASSE S' sizi. ,
f~ z
ii~( {
Lit the cold winds blow' Your
feet wiN be toasty in these sznaa't,
warm boots . . .with uppers
of sturdy Elk Skirt dn d Reversed
Leather ... cornpletely
intsuloted inl luxurious lamb's wool
N%'w crt-igan-neckline jacket suit in doeski t-
wnoo/h "Cricket Cloth," -sunnyl southcolors...
Classic ill-wool she/lands . ,.00O
I'iu,-p~oiu/ii:sepherd checked wvoo! . . . 45.00
(: hall,-I ri/wi r,* weirs tear f[taIN N'i-, intle-breas/i
rd laillc ur . . . 49.75
Silk yyi/ai,iiios ih haud-pick. (''II5,n/na
alit!/ors'. F 59.501
T AILI) bIn the traditional manner, with
mnOtlded shoulders and skillful drape.
'WPt tlcs 1111d hAP'vtotr furix at f ow. It wilt
"-, -no...