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January 21, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-21

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r. 770 U

Y h1T- ,i-Vi S4

FL f t y- ourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon.
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
1cation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rir $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194344

Marion Ford. .
Jane Farrant
.Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradalle
rErio Zalenski
'Bud Low .
j~avyFrank .
MaryAnne Olson
Marjorie RIosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .
Molly Ann Winokumr
}tlizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opston



. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
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* . . .Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
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. . Associate Sports Editor
As.. tWomen's Editor
* ., Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
. . . . . Columnist
Business Staff
. Business Man aer
A.s't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24.1
Editor il Iniblished in The Michigan Dai
are 'writen by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No One Can Afford Not
To Support War Loan
HE LETTER sent out to all members of the
University staff states: "This letter is to tell
you HOW to buy War Bonds, not WHY to buy
them. Certainly by now the real necessity for
.everyone's support in these War Loan drives has
en matde clear to all."
Fach citizen should by now realize that it is
truly to his own self-interest to buy War 1onds.
Each person in the Unite States is directly
involved in at least three different ways."
The first of these ways is protection of econ-
omic stability. Disastrous inflation can in great
part be prevented by draining off excess income
into the purchase of War Bonds. Second, one
Individual in failing to assume his share of each
\ Loan could, if the failure is multiplied by
tiiplions of other instances, endanger the prose-
but'ion of the war and thereby the military se-
curity of the nation and of himself.
It is also to the self-interest of every person
to buy War Bonds becatuse they represent one
of the safest and most desirable investment1s
that can be bodght. The third, way is that
by investing in Bonds, a, citizen can help to
guarantee the future security of his family,
his children and his country.
There is no person who can afford NOT to
buy War Bonds. And there are few who can
afford not to buy EXTRA Bonds-and keep on
buying -Jennie Fitch
Congress Has Delayed
Fight A gainst Inflation
CONGRESS has done it again! Wednesday the
Senate Banking Committee voted to outlaw
the Administration's food subsidy program and
confirmed its approval of two billion, instead of
10%, billion tax measure.
It would seem that the honorable Congress-
men don't know that there's a war on. The
probability of uncontrolled inflation result-
ing from the decreased supply of consumers'
goods and the increased amount of money in
the hands of the people apparently does not
concern them when they are making lelsl -
As early as April 1942 the Administration
recbgnized the tendency for an upward spiral
bf the cost-of-living and recommended a .seven-
point program to "hold the line." Two salient
features of this plan were higher progressive
taxation and Ihe stabilization of consumer prices.
Again in the five-point program presented by
the President on Jan. 11, he reiterated the nee-
essity of a high tax law and of a ceiling on retail
prices and a reasonale "floor" under farm
But what has Congress done either to make
these programs law or to initiate legislation to
accomplish the same purpose? high txes
It has recommended a. tax only one-fifth of
that asked for by the Administration. Sub-
sidies? The Banking Committee outlaws them.
The only substitute legislation proposed has

GVitm f P>/i& Nedr
Aid To Continatie Figi
E VERY JANUARY throughout the nation, bill-
boards and store windows display recruiting
banners which read: "Help Me Win My Victory,"
... "Join the March of Dimes,"."...Fight In-
fantile Paralysis."
These phrases are more than slogans. They
are in effect a national proclamation that Amn-
erica is determined to continue its fight against
infantile paralysis.
Just a few months ago our nation experi-
enced Its worst epidemic of infantile paralysis
in 12 years. In 1943, 12,000 Americans were
stricken, most of them children of five to 15
years of age.
The epidemic of 1943 caused serious inroads
in'to the backlog of funds upon which infantile
paralysis patients depend for services they need
and must have. Unfortunately infantile paraly-
sis will strike again this year. We mu is, he pre-
pared now to meet the assault.
The local "March of Dimes" drive will begin
this Tuesday. It is up to each and every one
of us to contribute as much as we can so that
the National Foundation will be able to carry
out its pledge . . . that no infantile paralysis
patient shall go without hospital and medical
Let's all join the "March of Dimes."
-Louise Conins
Germans Are Falling
Back on Religion Now
"BACK TO CHURCH" movement has been
decreed for the Germans by their Gestapo
head, Heinrich Himmler.
It seems that "Herr Wotan" has let them
down, and since the Germans are an efficient
people a new god must be elected in his place.
In his speech on the meaning of death, IHimmler
stated that the coming of Christ was "the birth
of a pew era establishing contact between our
earthly life and eternity."
The Hamburg "Fremdenblatt" explained that
"religion has again become modern," and suggests
that the Germans may fall back on the ciiirelh
to find solace and bolster their morale.
Perhaps the Nazis now realize that the meek
rather than the strong will inherit the earth,
and that the meek must have a religion to fall
back on.
-Agatha Miller
17? 6L
E HEAR it all the time, the unpatriotic at-
titude of labor in allowing strikes, and how
it may hinder the war effort. We don't intend
to di~pute such tatements here, but we would
like to present a few facts which *re less often
Seldom is mention made of the fact that
inanagement has frequently gone on strike in
this wartime too. Only its strikes ar not
announced 3 days in advance and taken to an
arbitration board like WLB. Instead, lobbies
work on Congress and through the press to
fight renegtiation of contracts, to defeat the
anti-inflation measure of $25,000- a year salary
limit, to hold up contraets until a "fair per-
centage o profit" has been included, and to
maintain discriminatory employment practices
1i the face of an acute labor shortage.
The Temporary National Economic Committee
said in Nov., 1940: "Speaking bluntly, the Gov-
ernment and the public are 'over a barrel' when
it comes to dealing with business in time of war
or other crisis. Government depends upon cap-
italist business for the means of defending its
existence. Bsiness apparently is not unwilling
to threaten the very foundations of government

in fixing the terms on which it will work, It is
in such a situation thatt he question arises
What price patriotism ?"
Next, Thurman Arnold, Assistant Attorney-
General in January, 1942, placed the blame
for production lags squarely on the "powerful
private groups dominating basic industries,
who have feared to expand their production
because expansion would endanger their future
Sontrol of industry z ..They have concealed
shortages by optimistic predictions of supplies
and talked of production facilities which do
not exist."
The third is the report of a meeting of 50
National Association of Manufac turers leaders
in September, 1942, where Lamnnot duPont (large
stockholder in both duPont industries and Gen-
eril Motors) said "The time is ripe for straight
talk . . . T say this war doesn't eluinate the
profit incentive. War or peace, profits must
remain . . . This is a sellers' market. They want
what we've got. Good. Make tlhem pay the
right price for it,"
AS FOR THE NO-STRIKE resolution so fre-
quently thrown up to labor unions - this
statement as passed by the War Labor Board on
October 17, 1942, declared not only that "no
grievance justified an interruption of war pro-
duction," but also that "Tlhere is an equally
solemn war obligation upon management not

II'd Rather
__ Right_
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-The Republican Party
is finding out that life is real, life is earnest.
With what glee did a majority of the party's
Senators help kill the Green-Lucas soldier vot-
ing bill, a bare six weeks ago! They never seem
to have had a moment of doubt about it. Of
course it was proper to kill the bill; wasn't the
big issue states' rights? "The big issue," as
Mark Sullivan explained, "is states' rights."
Colonel McCormick, of Chicago, thought that the
big issue was states' rights. Captain Patterson,
of the New York Daily News, also added his opin-
ion that the big issue was states' rights.
The big issue, you see, was states' rights. There
was something almost touching in the Republi-
cans' absolute faith that their own special and
private language, which they have used so long
among themselves in attacking the federal ad-
ministration, was also the common language of
the country.
But now the Republicans are worried. For the
soldiers don't seem to know what on earth the
party leaders are talking about. They want to
vote. And over the last week-end, alarmed
stories began to sprout in the press, to the effect
that maybe the party was hurting itself by
taking the "unpopular" side in the soldiers'
vote debate.
Something of the same sort has happened on
the food subsidy issue. Here, too, the Republi-
can top leadership acted in the implicit belief
that its own special vocabulary was also the
plain speech of the people. It denounced food
subsidies as "regimentation." In the same kind
of political pidgin-English, it attacked subsidies
as the work of "college professors"; and in this
private language "professor" is a terrible word,
a dreadful word. A good Republican blanches
when he sees it scrawled on a fence.
So the Republicans voted against subsidies
in a body. But now, again, there is a long
pause. The rest of the population doesn't seem
to react to these key words. I believe the Re-
publicans in congress are really stunned by
the amount of support that has been mobilized
on behalf of subsidies. They have been talking
their spcial language to each other so long,
they have come to believe that everybody
speaks a new kind of basic English, made up
of $00 words like "bureaucrat," "regimenta-
tion" and "states' rights."
The Republicans have been misled, by their
own special vocabulary of abuse, into awkward
poitionls on two key issues, soldiers' votes and
subsidies. Their eye is too much on Roosevelt;
their speech too richly larded with ref'rncmes
to him. He isn't that important,
What T mean is that even if President Roose-
velt should dry up and blow away tomorrow, the
plain people would still want the soldiers to vote,
and they would still want low food prices. If
there -had never been a Roosevelt, the people
would still want these things. The Republicans
have forgotten that; that is why they are a
little stunned to discover today that life is real,
life is earnest; that life has intruded into their
private game of get that man.
They saw only Roosevelt, wanting a federal-
ly-protected ballot for servicemen; but they
didn't see the service man himself, waiting for
his vote. They saw only Roosevelt, wanting
suhsidies; they didn't see the housewife, and
her need for low prices. This is a real world,
full of millions of people! Roosevelt really
isn't the only man in it'
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
to take advantage of the no-strike agreement."
This factor is seldom taken into consideration
when workers strike.

A quite clear instance of non-cooperation with
labor and government is the continued refusal
of management to help set up labor-manage-
ment eommi ttees, whose single purpose is in-
creasing production for the war. In January,
1943, three-fourths of the war workers still
had no chance to thus aid the war effort, al-
though where such committees have been set
up great advances in production totals have
been the almost immediate result, according to
a statement of Donald Nelson of the War Pro-
duction Board in October, 1942.
Management struck again in the matter of
hiring workers of certain races and religions.
In the year 1941, 51 per cent of the 282,245
openings in war industries were closed to
Negroes. At that time 1,000,000 Negroes were
available for such -employment, and 118,000 of
them were specifically trained for war work.
Although this situation has been somewhat
remedied through the President's Fair Em-
ployment Practices Committee, management's
record is still not wholly cleared.
So that, in speaking of management's part in
'the war effort, lines must be drawn between those
elements of big business which have gone on
strike and slowed down the war effort, and
those patriotic companies which haw'e gone "all
out." Neither all management nor all labor
can be condemned for the actions of some ele-
ments, when the groups as a whole are- doing a
good job.


WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-Seldom
has the Democratic National Com-
mittee, meeting this week in Wash-
ington, summoned its heterogeneous
members under such politically grue-
some circumstances.
If you talk to Senator "Cotton
Ed" Smith of South Carolina, or
Virginia's Senator Harry Byrd, or
labor leaders, farm leaders and
other who once helped elect Roose-
velt, the Democratic party appears
to have gone to pieces. It no longer
exists as a party. Pieces of it can
he seen scattered about the land-
seale, but they are not coordinat-
ing with each other.
Farm elements which once regard-
ed FDR as their savior have forgot-
ten the past. Now, not content with
merely voting Republican, they want
to work actively against him. Labor,
which has received greater benefits
from Roosevelt than in 150 years of
American history, now is beginning
to turn sour.
Meanwhile, some farm and bus-
iness- critics actually believe that
the quarrel between Roosevelt and
John L. Lewis is a front, that the
two men really are in cahoots.
Some even claim, in all serious-
ness, that the Administration plans
to prolong the war iorder to keep
itself in power.
There is no basic criticinsm of the
conduct of the war. In fact, general
agreement is that it is going well.
But, there is a fervid, vitriolic under-
current of determination to defeat
Roosevelt-or any Democrat if the
war, at least in Europe, is over by
Fully realizing that the tide is
running out, the Democratic Na-
tional Committee meets to elect, as
successor to placid Frank Walker,
a new chairman who must have
the courage to start a new and
pierhaps hopeless battle, pls the
tability to lick up all the broken
pieces and weld them together.
Not for eleven years has the Demo-
cratic National Committee picked its
own officers. Always they were
handed down from up above. During
the harmony days between FDR and
Jim Parley, there never was 'any
quarrel about this. But after the
third terim renomination at Chicago
when Farley stepped out it was a
different story
And at the last comittee meeting
in Chicago. when Ed Flynn resigned
in favor of Frank Walker, leading
(Continued from Page 3)
by representatives of Libby, Owens,
Ford Glass Co. today at 3:30 p.m. in
the auditorium of the school of
Architecture and Design. "Glass in
Construction in 194x," will be dis-
cussed by Mr. H. Creston Doner, and
"Glass-The Key to Post-War De-
signing," by Mr i FW nler he
public is iiiv tedu
A cm mig e ic otices
Biological Chemistry Seillinar will
meet today at 4:00 p.m. in Ri. 319
West Medical Building. "The Amino
Acids in Nutrition" will be discussed.
All interested are invited.
Seniors: College of L.S&A. and
Schools of Education, Music and
'PublicHealth: Tentative lists of
seniors for March graduation have
been posted on the bulletin board in
Rm. 4, University hall. If your name
is misspelled or the degree expected
incorrect, please notify the Counter
Clerk. . L. Williams

Democrats arrived at the meeting
with blood in their eye. So much so
that Pennsylvania's Senator Joe
Guffey warned rebellious Indiana
committeeman Frank McHale:
"We've collected the proxies and
we've got the votes, so don't start
any trouble. You'll get liecke."
Ii0mOCratie Lobbyists. .
Back in the early days of the New
Deal, a terrible hue and cry was
raised over the fact that certain
members of the Democratic National
Committee also carried on a remun-
erative lobbying practice on the side.
The issue received so much publicity
that the President denounced it pub-
licly and called upon all committee-
men engaged in lobbying to resign.
As a result, Bob Jackson of New
Hampshire, Arthur Mullen of Ne-
braska and Bruce Kremer of Mon-
tana all resigned from the commit-
Today, however, the White
I o, e and apparently the public

have lost their sense of smell. For
months, the same situation has
existed, but the White House has
said absolutely nothing. Oscar
Ewing, who represents the Alumi-
num Corporation of America, one
of the biggest companies doing
business with the Government,
holds no less a position than vice-
chairman of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee. Its secretary is
George Allen, executive of the
Home Insurance Company, one of
the fire insurance group whos4 gi-
ant lobby against the Sherm n
Anti-Trust Act has been vigorous-
ly criticized on Capitol Hill.
Treasurer of the committee is Ed
Pauley, who had the decency to sub-
mit his resignation when his business
put him in the position of lobbying
for a high-octane gasoline pl nt.
However, unlike the days when FDR
publicly demanded the resignation
of Arthur Mullen of Nebraska from
the committee, Pauley's resignation
has not been accepted.
(Copyright, 1944, Unite d Features Synd.)



igy Lichty

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7- '*" - en ea
"They're getting awfully independent--don't even give you that
old story about the car having been owned by an old lady who
never drove it much!"

Chamber Music Festival: The Uni-
'ersity Musica Society will present
the Roth. String, Quartet consisting
f Feri Rol-h, and Michael Kuttner,
violin;,JuliusShaier, viola, and Oli-
ver Edel, violoncello, in three con-
erts today and Saturday, Jan. 21
nd 22, in the main lecture hall of
he Rackhan Building. The p-Po-
rams to be heard are as follows:
Tonight, ):30: Quartet in E-flat
naioi Haydn ; Qartet, in F, Ravel;
QuarrefiD inor, Schubert,
Saturday, 2:30: Seven Chorale
Preludes, Bach; Quartet in F major,
Beethoven; 'Three Piece for Quar-
et Casehla -
Saturday,8:30: Quartet in F ma-
or, Schnanrn; Quartet No. 2, Har-
>ld Morris; Chorale and Fugue,
Brahims; it alian Serenade, Wo1ff.
A limited number of tickets are
,till available for the entire series or
y Crockett Johnson.
! -rnr~r t "a rv --n --~-i ia

for individual concerts, and are on
sale at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Events Today
Hillel Foundation: Religious ser-
vices will be held at the Foundation
tonight at 8:00. Elliot Organick and
Harvey Weisberg will conduct ser-
vices. Rabbi Jehuda M. Cohen will
deliver a sermonette entitled, "Can
Hate Be Outlawed?"
The Lutberan Student Association
will meet in Zion Parish Hall this
evening at 7:30 for a skating party.
If weather permits, the group will
go out to West Park for outdoor
skating; if it is too warm, they will
skate in the Coliseum. Servicemen
as well as students are invited.
Coming Events
U. of M. Chapter, A.A.U.P.: Open
dinner meeting at the Michigan Un-
ion Cafeteria Monday evening, Jan.

The American Association of Uni-
versity Professors will meet on Mon-
diy, Jan. 24, at 6:45 p.m. in the
Union Taproom. Members will carry
nheirtrays into the club room. Pro-
lessor Roy W. Sellars will speak on
"Re-Thinking Democracy." All mem-
bers of the faculty are invited.
International Center: Professor
Carl B. Guthe, Director of the Uni-
versity Museums, will speak at the
International Center Sunday at 7:30
p.m. on "Indians of the United
States." Honorary chairman for the
evening will be Dr. Gabriel Atristain
of Mexico, President of the Latin-
American Society. Refreshments at
9:00 p.m.
The Michigan Outing Clubis going,
on a :Hostel Trip for girls on Satur-
day, Jan, 22 to Saline Valley Fams.
Meet in front of the Women's.Ath-
letic Building with bikes and ice
skates at 2:30 p.m. For furtlr in-
formation, call Barbara Fairman,
The Congregational - Disciples
Guild will entertain the Roger Wit-


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