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January 21, 1944 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-21

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THE MICHIG1EAN TYA sa ...a'. sa rA ,za ~

FRIDAT, JAN. 21, 1944

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Buck-Passing Is Blamed'
For Youth Delinquency

"Although Ann Arbor's law enforce-
ment officials have done everything
possible to curtail juvenile delinquen-
cy, difficulties have arisen because of
the manner in which the juveniles
are treated after they have been
turned over to the probate author-
ities," Undersheriff Fred Sodt stated
Sodt pointed to practicaly the same
weaknesses that the board of super-
visors brought to light at a recent
County Home Is Inadequate
The undersheriff reaffirmed the ac-
cusations of the board that there was
too much "buck-passing" anong the
probate authorities, and that the
Washtenaw County Juvenile Home
is liiadequate to house the juveniles
that are committed to the home.
There are probably a lot of chil-
dren who are learning new ways of
crime in the overcrowded home, Sodt
It was brought out at the board
meeting that 75 per cent of the youths
now taken to the detention home
should never go there but that their
cases could be cleared up by proper
action on the part of the probate
Action Is Called For
"Meetings and forums concerning
the delinquency problem have done
very little good thus far," Sodt ex-
plained; "none of the juvenile of-
fenders seem to concern themselves
with their wrongdoings."
He suggested that both the schools,
and the children's parents should
concentrate on methods. of keeping
juveniles sufficiently interested in
their everyday lives so that breaking
laws "will be a thing far removed
from their minds."
New and greater recreation facil-
ities are needed, he added..
G. H. Lewis, chief of the health
and welfare section of the state Office
of Civilian. Defense, recently estim-
ated that there are more than 80,000
children in Michigan who, due to

war disruptions in the home, are in
need of supervised community care.
Sodt said that in addition to the
need for greater government and par-
ental care for juveniles, statutes pun-
ishing parents for their children's
lawlessness should be more rigorously
Churches Plan
Social Events
Barn Dance, 'Broom
Shuffle' Are Scheduled
Among the student activities this
week-end at the churches will be
several informal parties planned by
the Guilds for tomorrow ,night and
discussion groups meeting on Sun-
A Farmer-Farmerette social is
planned by the Congregational-Dis-
ciples Guild from 8 p.m. to midnight
tomorrow with informal, "plaid
shirt" costumes. A portion of the
entertainment will include barn dan-
cing with Howard C. Leibee of the
physical education department dir-
ecting. The Roger Williams Group
will be among the guests.
Another unusual party will be the
Broom Shuffle held by the West-
minster group at the Presbyterian
Church from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
morrow. Dancing, games and re-
freshments will be available.
Catholic students and servicemen
are invited to the Sweater Swirl at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow. It will be held
in clubrooms of St. Mary's Chapel.
At the Wesleyan Foundation party
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow the group
will make plans for a monthly news-
-paper. It will be sent to the former
members of the Foundation who are
now in the armed services.
Unitarians will give their church
party at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow with
students, servicemen and faculty in-
vited to attend.

8 Hours Credit
May Be Earned
At Interlochen
Counselling Courses
To Be Given at Camp
In New 'U' Program
For the first time the Department
of Physical Education under the
auspices of the University of Michi-
gan is offering eight hours of Uni-
versity credit to undergraduate stu-
dents for courses in camp counselling,
physical education, recreational lead-
ership, and music interpretation to
be given this summer at the Inter-
lochen National Music Camp.
Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of
the Department of Physical Educa-
tion for Women of the University,
and Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, director
of the National Music Camp, stated
that as part of their training, the
students in this field will provide
leadership for recreational activities
at the camp.
Program Is Progressive
In making the announcement of
the new program Dr. Bell said, "I
look upon this as one of the me
progressive and stimulating achieve-
ments that has taken place in our
department in years."
In 1942 and 1943, University credit
was given for the courses at Inter-
lochen in music and radio drama.
This year these concerts will be offer-
ed in addition to the physical educa-
tion program.
Expenses Are Slight
The expenses will be no more than
the summer session program on a
campus, as the students will be able
to defray part of their expenses by
acting, as camp counsellors. Tuition
will be $30, board and room $100, for
the eight week period, and there will
be small fees for various camp priv-
. The undergraduates participating
in this program, beginning July 2, will
have the benefits of concerts con-
ducted by some of America's out-
standing composers and conductors,
radio programs, lectures, plays and
entertainments, as well as the use of
camp recreational facilities.
Music Camp
To Hold Clinic
The ninth annual high school
music clinic . for qualified teachers
and musicians, including a two-week
refresher course for music teachers,
will be held at the Interlochen Music
Camp this summer, the School of
Music said in a preliminary an-
The string clinic, held from July
10 to 24, will be directed by Miss
Elizabeth Green, of the Department
of Music Education in the School of
Prof. William D. Revelli, director
of the University Bands and head o
the department of wind instruments
will conduct the band clinic at Inter-
lochen from July 24 to Aug. 7.
From Aug. 7 to 21 the vocal clinic
will be instructed by Miss Marguerite
V. Hood, of the Department of Music
Education, School of Music, and
Supervisor of Music in the Ann
Arbor Public Schools.
Servicemen May Sign Up
For Union Cards Today
Servicemen may register for coin -
plimentary Union membership
cards through the noon and night
messes today at East Quadrangle
and during both messes tomorrow
at the Union and victor vaughn.



VALENTI N E-Film star
Ann Miller, all set for chill
weather in fur jacket and hood,
gives the boys a pictorial re-
minder that Valentine's day will
soon be here.

R U S S I A N G U E R R I L L A S R E S T-Russian guerrillas, operating behind German lines, relax in
a forest hideout somewhere on the eastern front after a long march.

Open 9:30 - 6:00
Monday 12:00 - 8:30

'Sk trt
. U,33ic

F R E I 'G IT E R S I N K S-The.Army freighter Nevada (above) is
shown a few. minutes before she disappeared from the surface of the
North Atlantic in December, after battling a violent storm for five days.
This picture was made from the deck of a Coast Guard cutter which
rescued 29 members of the Nevada's crew. Thirty-five others were lost,
including the captain, George P. Turiga of Beacon, N.J.

o N E - L E C C E D S K A T E R.--eve Zablotney. Waterbury,
Conn., war plant worker, demonstrates his skill on an ice skate.
Zablotney, who once managed a crippled boys' basketball team at
Passaic, N. J.. also is an expert roller skater.

with sweaters, skirts, and suits.
Most practical, comfortable
shirt for spring. In cotton and
rayon . . . white, blue, yellow,
red, and brown. All sizes.

From $1.39
345 Maynard Street

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Buy fingsNowA
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Of course you can give her the gift O
she wants most! EIBLER'S has beau-
tiful DIAMONDS in a handsome
i variety of platinum and gold settings.
With the future so uncertain and
the tendency for higher taxes, it |
is wise to buy diamonds SOON.

AI R C H I E F-This picture
of Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney,
USAAF, Allied air commander
in the Southwest Pacific, was
made when he made a recent
visit to the White Houseol

H E A D I N G F 0 R E U R O P E-Two invasion barges, built in Kansas, put out into the Missouri
River on the first leg of a trip under their own power to a destination for the invasion of Europe. It is
the first time the trip has been attempted in midwinter and was made possible by the release of water
from the Fort Peck dam more than 1,200 miles upstream, a month before. The navigable depth,
brought about by a two-foot rise, was reached at Kansas Caty. Other barges line the bank, ready to go.

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