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January 06, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-06

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Russian Armies


Kiel, Bordeaux, Tours
Hit by Heavy Bombers
AAF Spreads Planes over Extensive Front,
Blasting Wide Range of Targets in Big Assault


Flying Fortresses Pound Nazi Assembly Plant

By The Associated Press Y
LONDON, Thursday, Jan. 6.-U.S.
heavy bombers and escorting fighters
blasted 95 German planes out of the
sky yesterday as they ranged across
a record 800-mile front to strike the
Kieh shipyards, airfields at Bordeaux
and Tours in France, and industrial
targets in western Germany.
Duesseldorf was reported by a Ber-
line radio broadcast to have been
among the bombers' objectives.
It was the biggest day for U.S.i
Army Air Force gunners since the
Dec. 11 raid on Emden, when 138Nazi
Germans Rush°
To Complete
Line in Italy
Leese To Command
Eighth Army; Nazis
Plan New 'Siegfried' 1
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Jan. 5.-German engineers
are rushing to completion an Italiant
"Siegfried Line" several miles deep
and as powerful as similar Nazi for-1
tifications in western Europe, Ger-
man prisoners reported today ast
headquarters disclosed that Lt.-Gen.
Sir Oliver Leese, a tank expert, hadI
taken over command of the British
Eighth Army in its drive up Italy's
Adriatic coast.
Intent on keeping the Allies fromc
Rome ss long, as possible, the Nazis
were said to be installing their for-
midable new defense system only a
few miles from the present battle
line withits strongestfeature .0.-
cated in the neighborhood of Cassino1
opposite the Fifth Army and inlandr
from Pescara, Adriatic seaport which1
Canadian forces ate nearing. t
In addition to forging the new line,t
the Nazis were reported forming re-
serves of mobile defense units backc
of the fighting line and to be rein-
forcing their troops at the front with
crack mountain regiments.
Canadian troops celebrated an-
nouncement of the appointment of
Lt.-Gen. Leese as the new comman-
der of the Eighth by storming and
capturing "Point 59," .a strongly-de-
fended hill about three miles from
Ortona and overlooking the coastal
highway to Pescara.
Wars Caused by
World Rivalryz
Present Life Has No r
Cure, Prof. White Sayst
"Warfare will last just so long ast
international rivalry lasts," Prof.t
Leslie White of the anthropologyt
department stated as a conclusion to
his lecture yesterday at the Union.
The lecture "Is War Inevitable?"
was sponsored by the Postwar Coun-
cilsas one of a series of panel discus-
sions. Harvey Weisberg acted as mo-
From his scientific study of war
and its causes .Prof. White drew the
conclusions that "a nation goes to
war to preserve its existence as a na-
tion." He added that there has al-
ways been struggle and competition
for the resources of nature. A second
cause for war is that conflict has ac-
complished something which the New
Deal had failed to do-it has tempo-
rarily solved the problem of unem-
ployment and overproduction, Prof.
White said.
"Our system of life has no cure for
these diseases during peace time,"
Prof. White added. "Nothing would
preserve our way of life better than
'Turning to the question of condi-
tions necessary for a truly permanent

peace, Prof. White stated that per-
manent peace could only happen
when and if the world should become
a single political unity.
GMC Contract Fight
Remains Unsettled

ufighters were bagged. The wide-
spread operation cost the attacking
force 25 heavy bombers and 12 es-
corting fighters.
To reach their targets the bombers
knifed through a strong defense
which included rocket planes and
ME-110s towing what appeared to be
new-type anti-aircraft bombs.
One of Great Daylight Raids
Gunners on the Flying Fortresses
and'Liberators accounted for 62 of the
German planes downed while Thun-
derbolt and Lightning pilots got 33 in
the far-ranging operation which in
scope became one of the great day-
light assaults of the war.
Claiming that German losses dur-
ing the day's aerial battles were "re-
markably light." The German news
agency DNB in a broadcast dispatch
said "more than 50 British-American
planes, of which at least four-fifths
were four-engined bombers, were
destroyed-23 of them over France.
Targets Far Apart
The blow at the Kiel shipyards was
the third one in three weeks
Never before in a major operation
has the U.S. Eighth Air Force been
able to attack targets so far apart
as Kiel and Bordeaux or been able
to execute so many diversionary
thrusts. The airline distance from
Kiel, a German North Sea port, to
Bordeaux, in southeastern France, is
800 miles.
There was no immediate announce-
ment on the number of aircraft lost
or the enemy planes destroyed.
Second Attack on Kiel
It was the second attack in two
days on Kiel.
The Vichy radioleft the air, to-
night, indicating that the aerial bat-
tering might be continuing.
The British-based U.S. Flying Fort-
rges apd Liberators were escorted
by American fighters on all. their
missions today except the foray at
Bordeaux, which involved a round-
trip flight of almost 1000 miles. In
the Bordeaux operation they were
given withdrawal support by Ameri-
can and RAF fighters.
Political Article
Brings Pravda
Blast at Wilkie
MOSCOW, Jan. 5.-(M)-Wendell
Willkie, who was warmly received in
Russia during his 1942 round-the-
wof"d trip, was attacked as a "politi-
cal gambler" by a writer in the Com-
munist party organ Pravda, and was
scolded for having discussed the P-
lish and Baltic questions in a recent
newspaper article.
The writer, Dmitry Zaslavsky, ac-
cused Willkie of "muddying the wa-
ters" in an effort to entice presiden-
tial support from persons who do not
trust the Soviet Union as well as win
-sympathy from those who do. He re-
ferred to an article -Willkie wrote for
the New York Times entitled "Don't
Stir Distrust of Russia."
Taking particular offense at Will-
kie's discussion of the status of Po-
land and the Baltic states, the arti-
cle said the Baltic question was the
business of the Soviet Union and one
in which "Mister Willkie should not
"As to Finland and Poland, without
mentioning the Balkans, the Soviet
Union knows how to deal with them
and does not need the help of Mr.
Willkie," Zaslavsky said.
(Willkie, in an article published in
the New York Times magazine sec-
tion of Jan. 2 said "our principal ob-
jective must now be to persuade Rus-
sia to accept and give the guarantees
of a general organization, in which
she and we are both members, rather
than to seek her own protection by
political and military control over
adjoining territories.")

Rail Junction Is Key
To Poland, Rumania
Former Nazi Headquarters Will Increase
Access to Soviet Communication Lines
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 5.-The Russian First Ukrainian Army today captured
the railway junction of Berdichev, pivotal bulwark of the German lines pro-
tecting Poland and Rumania, after five days' fighting, Premier Marshal
Joseph Stalin announced in a special order of, the day tonight.
Berdichev, 25 miles south of 2hitomir, is the former headquarters of
German Field Marshal Gen. Fritz Von Mannstein. Its capture increased the
communication links between the Russian westward drive into pre-war
Poland and southwestward drive toward the Rumanian frontier.
Town on Railway Line
The Germans ,earlier, had admitted evacuating the eastern portion of
the manufacturing town which had a pre-war population of 51,000. It i
on the trunk east - west railway* *
from Kowel in Poland to Kazatin
and connects with the Kiev-Vinnitsa Russians T k
railway 45 miles north of Vinnitsa.
The capture gave the Russians use I
of the lateral railway from Zhitomiri German.Line
to Kazatin in the south, where an
important Russian force was pound- On SlQ111River
ing toward Rumania in hopes of cut-
ting off the Germans remaining in
the entire Dnieper bend area. MOSCOW, Thursday, Jan. 6.-()P)
More than 60 other towns and ham- -The Red Army was reported today
lets were captured by Gen. Nikolai to have taken the German Sluch
Vatutin's Ukrainian forces during the River line.
day, said the delayed Moscow com- (The Sluch River presents a north-
munique, recorded by the Soviet mon- south line in that portion of its 30-
itor from a broadcast.
90 Towns Taken in North mile course between Polonnoe and
To the north in White Russia, Novograd Volynski. The river is east
where the Russians were advancing of both of these towns and the Rus-
along the railroad toward Novoso- sians already have announced the
kolniki, more than 90 more towns capture of Novograd Volynski, across
were captured. the river.)
Moscow dispatches said the west- (The dispatch did not saywhere
ern front of Vatutin's attack which the river line had been broken. The
crossed the pre-war Polish border Russians were reported earlier to
Tuesday had penetrated deep into have rossed the border in the area
Polesie in the direction of Sarny." of Olevsk, a pre-war customs station
Sarny is 35 miles west of the former 45 miles east of Sarny.)
frontier. Polesie is the largest coun- A ispat o teMsy.)
tyofr-arPad A dispatch to the Moscow News
nof pre-war Poland. said the troops which took this line
Meanwhile, erlidn announced an had penetrated deep into the Pole-
important new Soviet drive in the sian province (of pre-war Poland) in
area southwest of Krichev in White the direction of Sainny, 35 miles in-
Russia. It said the attack began side the former frontier.
Tuesday with violent artillery prep- d rn .

U.S. Flying Fortresses bomb the German Focke-Wulf assembly plant at Marienburg, as rising Allied
air might presses the attack on Hitler's "fortress Europe."

Ma rnesPushi
Eastward on
New Britain
Stiff Jap Resistance
Faced in Drive Inland
From Cape Gloucester
TERS, New Guinea, Thursday, Jan.
6.-UP')-United States Marines at in-
vaded Cape Gloucester, New Britain,
have driven east of there, headquar-
ters reported today.
Utilizing tanks, guns and planes
a strong force of Marines, attached to
the U.S. Sixth Army, pushed in the
direction of Borgen Bay against stiff
Japanese resistance.
Borgen Area Hit
It has been in the Gorgen Bay area
that the enemy has put up its prin-
cipal opposition and several counter-
attacks have been repulsed there.
Today's war reports told of the quel-
ling of Japanese air and ground
counter blows in the Cape Gloucester
Westward on New Guinea at invad-
ed Saidor, where American forces
have driven a wedge into the Japan-
ese coastal supply line, Yank patrols
moved inland and, extended their
holdings along the shore.
5 Nip Planes Shot Down
Five Nipponese planes were shot
down while attempting to attack
nearby shipping.
A bomber of the South Pacific Air
Force scored a direct hit at Kavieng,
New Britain, on a cruiser. Two
heavy cruisers were severely damag-
ed, if not sunk, by South Pacific
bombers in a carrier plane strike in
that same area a few days ago.
Northwest of Australia at Koepang,
Timor, Mitchells flown by the Dutch
and Beauforts manned by Austral-
ians blew up two Japanese freighters.
6 Y I
Yanks Bomb
Marshall Atolls
PEARL HARBOR, Jan. 5.-P) -
Heavy, medium and dive bombers of
the American Seventh Army Air
Force struck at the Mili and Jaluit
atolls of the Marshall Islands Jan. 3
and 4, it was announced today, re-
suming the daily schedule of raids on
those strategic Japanese outposts
north of the American-held Gilbert
The new raids cost one American
fighter plane but two bomb hits were
made on an enemy cargo transport
ship in the Jaluit lagoon. No men-
tion was made of enemy interception,
indicating the Japanese may have
been caught by surprise.

Capt. Cook To
Lecture Tonight
On Navigation
Capt. C. R. Cook, veteran of 51 fly-
ing missions over enemy territory,
will deliver a University lecture on
"Navigating a Bomber over Europe
and Africa" at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Graduating from the Army Navi-
gation School at Kelly Field a year
ago last summer, Capt. Cook was with
the first group of heavy bombers to
reach England from this country. He
participated in the first All-American
raid over Germany and later was
transferred to Africa where he flew
with the first- group of heavy bomb-
ers against Rommel.
The Distinguished Flying Cross, the
Air Medal, and 11 Oak Leaf Clusters
are among the medals which have
been awarded to Capt. Cook. While
serving as gunner, he was credited
with bringing down two German1
fighter planes.
At the present time Capt. Cook is
with the Army Air Force Engineering1
Division stationed at Wright Field.
Dewey Ignores
National Issues.
Asks for State Profits
Freeze Until After War
ALBANY, N.Y., Jan. 5.-(P)--Gov-
ernor Thomas E. Dewey, often men-
tioned for the 1944 presidential nom-
ination, ignored clear-cut national
issues today in opening the state
legislature but advocated cures for
many post-war problems including
the freezing of a predicted $140,000,-
000 state treasury surplus.
Indications were plentiful that the
Republican legislative majority will
agree to "lock up" the surplus for
use after the war in constructing
public improvements and creating
employment opportunities.
Dewey, in a press conference, said
party leaders had indicated satisfac-
tion with his program. Last year they
enacted every one of his numerous
major recommendations into law.
Today -they applauded loudly as the
governor entered the assembly cham-
ber to read his annual message.
The governor, in advocating the
fund freezing, said "either tax reduc-
tion or increased spending would, in
my judgment, be unsound and irre-
When the men in our armed forces
and the workers in our war plants
return to their peacetime occupa-
tions they have a right to expect that
we, at least, shall have done our part
to help create employment oppor-

Rail Negotiation
Is Limited to
Overtime Issue.
Non-Operating Labor
Fears Reconsideration
Of Increase in Wages
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-Non-op-
erating railroad employes apparently
won a new point. today in their cam-
paign for more pay as President
Roosevelt resubmitted their claims to
an emergency board in language that
seemed to limit the issue to that of
The unions had contended that on-
ly this issue should be open to dis-
cussion; they had balked at reopen-
ing a wage increase previously recom-r
mended for them.
Clerks Case Sent' Back
The White House announced that
the case of 1,100,000 clerks, shopmen
and others who do not actually run
trains, had been sent back to the
board for consideration of "payments
for or in lieu of overtime."
The statement at another point
mentioned "unsettled claims for wage
adjustments of the non-operating
employes which were not presented"
at the time the board made a pre-
vious report recommending- sliding
scale increases in regular time pay
ranging from 4 to 10 cents an hour.
Board Limited
Spokesmen of the unions said that
language seemed to limit the board
to consideration of overtime pay
claims, but they said the actual pres-
Strike Halt Asked
PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 5.-P)--
Warren H. Atherton, national com-
mander of the American Legion,
telegraphed General George C.
Marshall today that the right to
strike should be suspended for the
duration of the war.
Atherton advised the Army Chief
of Staff that the Legion supports
the statement, attributed 'to Gen-
eral Marshall by some newspapers,
that labor troubles in this country
have prolonged the war by lending
encouragement to Germany.

aration after which several Red Army
divisions and a large number of tanks
smashed in on a comparatively nar-
row front. Heavy fighting raged all
day and continued Wednesday, Ber-
lin radio said.
Kelly To Submit
Plan for Vote'
Elections Commission r
Adds Soldier Affidavitx
LANSING, Jan. 5.-(P)--Governbr
Kelly's plan for allowing servicemen1
to vote in the 1944 elections will be
submitted' to the special session ofj
the legislature with additions recom-
mended by the state elections com-f
The major addition is a provisiont
allowing servicemen to execute an
affidavit on the absent voter's ballot
envelope in lieu of the usual voter's
The commission also proposed that
applications for ballots sent by ser-
vicemen to the Secretary of State be
forwarded by that official to county
clerks, who would separate them by
cities and townships. The latter
would mail the ballots to the service-
men with return envelopes and the
voted ballots would be delivered to
precinct election boards on election
day and would be posted in a sep-
aratedivision of the pool book or in
a separate book.
The commission endorsed Kelly's
suggestion to move the state primary
from Sept. 12 to July 11. the county
political conventions to July 20 and
the state political conventions to
Aug. 1.
170 Navy Men
To give Blood
Registration for the Union blood
bank was given a boost today as more
than 170 Navy men signed up at the
The bank, sponsored by the Union
and its Council, will be open between
12:30 and 4:15 p.m. on Jan. 13 and
14; registrations can be made at the
Union desk from 3 to 5 p.m. every
day except Sunday up to Jan. 10.
Donors will be excused from PEM
classes on the day they donate blood.

Poles Asked
To Aid Soviet
LONDON, Jan. 5.-(.4)-The Polish
government in London called on its
underground in Poland today to give
the right of way to the advancing
Russian armies and to continuie re-
';istance to Ihe Germans, but an or-
der to cooperate with the Russian
military commanders was withheld
pending resumption of Polish-Soviet
diplomatic relations.
In a declaration handed to all th
United Nations with which it has dip-
lomatic - relations, the government
moved to avert any clash of Poles
with the Red Army pouring across
the pre-war Russian-Polish border,
but it claimed the right to rule the
country as soon as it is liberated.
Victory Croff
To Meet Today
Committee Will Vote on
Constitution, Officers
Formed for the pigrpose of "acti-
vizing alert student opinion on issues
of the day," the newly-formed Stu-
dent Victory Committee will hold
a mass organizational meeting at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The purpose of the group, as stat-
ed in the proposed constitution drawn
up by the temporary organizational
committee, maintains that the group
shall "take action for the preserva-
tion and extension of American dem-
ocracy." It emphasizes that essential
to the spirit of democracy are "racial
equality, religious freedom, the eli-
mination of fascism and the exten-
sion of social, political and economic
Included on the agenda for today's
meeting are discussion and approval
of a constitution and program of ac-
tion, election of officers and the se-
lection of a name by the membership,
Committees to deal with specific
problems will be set up, and those
programs for education and action
approved by the group will be under-
taken at once. Dorothy Kinley, '44,
txil11 air__m n - +Iaaic

idential order resubmitting the case
was less specific. .
The "order recited the history of the
negotiations, in which the 15 unions
at first refused the regular' time in-
crease, then accepted' it' at the time
a year-end strike was called off, and
at the same time presented the new
claim for overtime compensation, It
mentioned that the carriers and the
non-operating employes had not been
able to agree "with respect to such
additional claims," and at another
point said the special panel was re-
called to consider "the unsettled
claims for wage adjustments."
The question in the minds' of work-
er spokesmen was whether that lan-
guage went as far as the White House
statement in limiting the issue.
Navy Announces Loss of

McMahon Will Speak Here Tomorrow

Dr. Francis McMahon, formerly of
Notre Dame and now in the philoso-
nhv denartment of the University of

a disagreement with the administra-
tion over his public speaking activi-

ural sympathy for Fascism in the
Catholic Church.
Followin- the lecture, the audi-

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