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January 06, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-06

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Best Letters ou'Religion inOur
Colleges' Will Win War Bonds
Two $100 war bonds will be award- not feed men sawdust when they want
ed to the ywriters of the best letters read " he concluded.
on the question of "Religion in Our Judges for the contest will be the
Colleges" by The Church Society for Hon. Charles P. Taft, Mrs. Harper
College Work, it was recently an- Bilbey, and Lt. Clifford P. Morehouse,
nounced. U.S.M.C.R.
Deadline for the contest is Jan. 15. Manuscripts must be typed, double

Russians Turn Tide Against Nazis i Iaule Near Stalhngrad TWOSEs OCCUPATION:


and any student, serviceman who is spaced, under 1,200 words, and mail-
enrolled at a college, or layman may ed to the Contest Editor, The Churchz
enter. Society for College Work, Bloomfield
The letters are to be written in Hills, Mich.?

reply to an article by William B.
Stout, who is a pioneer in the latest1
developments of the helicopter, ands
head of the Stout Research Division-
of the Consolidated Aircraft Corpora-
Writing to The Church Review
Magazine, Mr. Stout declared that
"the day of emotional medicine men
has passed-and the day of emotion-
al religion is almost out."
"The greatest safety for the boys
in this war is not in accepting man-
made laws and rules set down by
some. one Church or another, but in
knowing facts and initiative and res-
ponsibility, and the ethics and morals
which science enforces," he added.
"If the Church expects to carry on
with what they were handing out to
youth-when the war started, without
recognizing what has happened and
is happening to the world, they will!
get in return a group of emotional-
ists, a worship of tradition and a
holding back of progress," he main-
"Youth must have something or the
church as we now see it will die. Let's
S.q uirrel Is Pet
Of Army Men
Every morning, Army Headquar -
ters has a visitor when a certain
notorious squirrel comes to the win-
dow of the Adjutant's office. to be
fed his daily allowance of the onlya
food he will eat-peanuts.
Everyone in the office, including3
Col. Rogers and the privates, feed
him, and more than one staff mem-
ber has been bitten when the attempt
was made to deprive him of his ra-
tions. A staff sergeant of the Motor
Pool, it is rumored, can prove this.
The rambunctious rodent holds the
rank of Privileged Character in the
3651st Service Unit of the Sixth Ser-
vice Command-and that ain't pea-

All manuscripts will become the
property of the publishers and none
will be returned.
The annual prize award number
of "Poetry" came out in November,
and two of the six prizes went to
Hopwood poets. John Malcolm
Brinnin (major award in poetry,
1940) received the Levinson prize
of $100 for a group of eight poems
entitled "Spring Ritual" which ap-
peared in the April 1943 issue. The
Oscar Bluenthal Prize for Poetry,
also $100, was awarded to John
Ciardi (major award fi poetry,
1939) for "Three Poems" published
in the October 1942 issue, and "Five
Poems" in the April 1943 issue.
Three more poems by John Ciardi
were in the November issue-
"Night Piece for My Twenty-sev-
enth Birthday," "Mission," and
"Night Celestial."

In the outskirts of Stalingrad, Russian soldiers arimed with rifles fire from behind piles of rubble in
street fighting that turned the tide against the Germans and started Hitler's long retreat to the west.
In succession the Nazis were driven out of the vital Caucasus region and the important Russian cities of
Rostov, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, and Kiev.
- -- --- - - - --
OffiialsDiscss hiftto Pace rod ei

Pollock IBeieues I,. ernuiionual
Germai. (ontrcI Is N cessairy
A v raii t l Ped .I ) 1 titm Ia~ yrs thy wilI e.) reIdy to assun
tional centr ol in GSermany will be no- the complete task of seif-governmer
(e5-ary fcllwi'g I he w.r, acc'ordim'' Prof. Poilock stated his belief th:
t. o recet art ,ic . y Po. James K. with the aid of th Alihs, the Ge
Polio k in the> Miehigan Alumnus mans will domonstarto their mor
uar ,ov 2vi. memh and intellectual stamina to refori
Prof. Pcono eparmebe as wr~>i but cautioned that close attenti{
hntivcal iokst dand aticles deat- must be given that power-mad futu
wten erm an bHkit atce daig lers do not arise.
Contrl Toll(.li (irnioi -,
Ho u Sa in er-
man h ta a perio of con-
ist 'li ioest oa otha the Gcr-iev le( Io t
are now bing, drawn up by 1.e Mili- 1Good Dispiiictl 'il
tary Governen iion of the Pro-
ves M rsh ll G e er s ff ce f he D E T R O IT . Jan. - A n aud
Unied Saes Army and American of the Rex. , ' Young, form
slets in varius army camps are t-casu-er of te Otkland Coun
being trained how o make over Ger- :chapter. National Itcunr'tion for I
many ") fantile Palys. Abner E. Larne
CivilState Ch man of the Foundatic
Ca said in a formal stement today, h
During the mmitary occupation of1 revealed a shortae of M.724 in IV
Germany the buh ark of policy iOr- Yungs fnds
mation and issuing of orders will be as o rrd. Laned sa.
perifcr-med by Allied civil affairs of- to -make good, fom his pe'rsor
ficers, while their execution will be means, any items in dispute." a
entrusted to the German officials -to place in escrow the full sum of
and civilians who have demonstrated apparent discrewancies
'their loyalty to the United Nations Funds received by th1 e Foundati
- and their willingness to cooperate, from annual eelebr-ations of Prek
1 Prof. Pollock explains. dent Roosevelts birthday are used
r He goes on to say that as represen- finance research and relbilitati
i tative government develops the Ger- projects for prevention and cure
. man pecple will be allowed more and infantile piralyis
more contvrol c(er their own affairs M ' Young resined both his pa
until at the end of -"probably two torate at the l LI Congregatior
- -Church at Ryal Oak and his office
a ~~~the Fcoundation.(;ast m1o' th1. Ulee It
_ iN
City and B Rapids.
CA. C lo (fmpl
-"Old-time >shipbuiilderis have beeni' ~f~ XI ~eI
doing <iwonderful job building ships
for the present war and were the only
e ones euabie of furnishin plans and Rehearsals for Co. C's musi 'al pl
trained men fur the new mass pro- "Bidin' Our Time" will begin nE
e duction .yards" Li. Comm. Louis A. Thursday, under the supervision
I Baier, professor- oi naval architecture Corp. Hy Wolotsky, after the cast I
z and ma-inc engineeing, said in a been completed
- lecture last night. Although Co. C is away ffrom ca
Standardization of ships construct- pus on fu,,iough, lian for the p;
e, mammoth cranes 'and pre-plan- duction arc N being worked out. Thf
ned flow of ma'tcrials have enabled include getting a teater and setti
these new yards to set record times the actual dates for the performar
in costriuction. ie said. but the pre- es. It is planned that the show v
war- yin-Us which build small numbers be given somel hme during the I
of each type o' boat not adaptable week in February.
to mass-1)oduetio methods, can now
- build .hi i one thh-d the time it
took b ore te war. T
He sai(d welding and flame cutting
torches which cut plates and bevel TnxE11s 1 .s YIiOs) 1; I>OR'TS
- them at the same time to a close tol- P >1 ^ & BSINESS
erance have been one of the biggest
factors in tutting ship construction
n time.

A variety of new books has recentlyI
been added to thenHopwood library,
which now contains 3,200 volumes.
Among these are Betty Smith's "A
Tree Groves in Brooklyn," Sidney
Kingsley's "The Patriots," Jesse Stu-j
art's "Taps for Private Tussie," Mar-
tin Flavin's "Journey in the Dark,"
Christine Weston's "Indigo," Arthur
Koestler's "Arrival and Departure,"
Richard. Llewellyn's "None But the
Lonely Heart," Mary Ohara's "Thun-
derhead," and Robert Nathan's "But
Gently Day."

By W. 11. MOBLEY
Associated Press Correspondent how to make the change swift and
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-The two effective when guns are stilled-are
aspects of reconversion to civilian absorbing an increasing share of
economy-how to head off mounting official attention.
pi essure for .too precipitate action Batt, Tolan Speak
while war Yoods are still needed and The problem's dual phases were
taken up separately today, the imme-
diate one in a Chicago speech by Wil-
Sevente"en Nlen liam L. Batt. vice-chairman of the
tjWar Production Board who predicted
n , Enter that 1944 changeovers will present
ay E IC' more complex questions than those
of the shift to war production, and
Co. B-I Engineers Wait the long-range aspect by Rep. Tolan
(Denm.. Calif.) who offered a compre-
For Final Approval tensive program for blueprinting
and directing the ultimate shift.
Seventeen sanitary engineers from Batt told the Chicago Association

tralization of the national industria
effort and the appointment of a war
mobilization director, to which post
James F. Byrnes was named later
Reconversion Czar' Planned
Similarly, as the first item in a
10-point program, Tolan's plan pro-
vides for creation of a "reconversior
czar" to take over the planning job
Among other measures proposed
A board of directors to supervise
the administrator's activities, com-
prising three members each from the
House and Senate. and a representa-
tiv2 each from industry, agriculture
and labor.

Co. B-1 have been tentatively accept-
ed for admission to Medical Adminis-


9 Nickels Arcade


Of interest to Hopwood writersI
is the marriage of Maritta Wolff
(major award in fiction, 1940),
author of "Whistle Stop" and
"Night Shift," to Lt. Hubert Skid-I
more (major award in fiction,
1935), author of "I Will Lift Up
Mine Eyes," "River Rising," "Hill
Doctor," Heaven Came So Near,"
and "Hawk's Nest." They were
married on Thanksgiving Day at
Fort Myer, Va.
The Hopwood contest for fresh-j
men is now underway. In it, three
types of writing aide eligible: the es-
say, prose fiction, and poetry. In each
of these fields, three prizes of $50,
$30 and $20 are offered. Any fresh-j
man regularly enrolled in a compo-
sition course in the English De-
partment of the College of Litera-f
ture, Science, and the Arts, or in that
of the College of Engineering, is el-
igible for this competition.
"Spirit" has taken a poem by
Naomi Gilpatrick (major award in
fiction, 1943). Two critical essays
by Miss Gilpatrick entitled "Auto-
biograhies. of Grace," and "Gracei
in Total War" have been accepted{
for publication by the "Catholic

tration O.C.S.. it was learned recently.
They are Staff Sgt. John O'Connor,
Staff Sgt. John W. Palmer, Corp.
William J. Fajman. Corp. Seynourj
H. Henderson, Corp. James E. Mul-
ford, T/5 Clinton W. Allen, T 5 Hy-
man Kolkowitz, Pfc. Paul V. Bardzil,
Pfc. William A. Gardener. Pfc. Con-
stantine Kazmierowicz, Pfc. Murray;
B. McPherson, Pfc. Thomas J. Mah-
ler, Pfc. Edward T. Paiker, Pfc. Cail'

of Commerce that great pressures fo' An adviso'
return to civilian production will be 48 governors to correlate sectiona
generated by availabifity of materials needs and provide information on
in some areas and of manpower in opportunities for unemployment re-
others, as stockpiling of certain clas- lief.
ses of war goods permits cutbacks int----
their production. T ' ro essors V
Labor To Be Attracted
Jobs with a postwar future, he Broad(- ca Saturday
said, will pull labor, and peacetime g
markets and profits not subject to The Wranglers' Club, unrehearse
renegotiation will attract manage- round table discussion program. wil
ment, broadcast from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Sat
Despite cutbacks in certain war urday over station WJ.


goods lines. Batt said,.-war production
should level off this year at 10 to 15

G. Schwehn, Pfc. Mitchel Sokal, Pfc. per cent above present rates.
Henry E. Weingartner. and Pfc. Fran- There can be no reconversion inI
cis S. Weir. any industry, the WPB official em-
They have been approved by the phasized, until war needs are fully
officer's candidate board in Ann Ar- met.
bor Final approval must come from Tolan, chairman of the House
Washington, .Co committee on defense migration, of-
WashigtonD.C.fered his program as the answer to
All of these men had previous ex-
perience in the field of chemistry perhaps the most serious economic
n h -idf h -e problem the country has ever con-

Dean James B. Edmonson of th
School of Education will be a gues
on the program this week. The broad
cast is under the leadership of Prof.
John L. Brumm of the journalism
department. Others participating are
Professors Harold M. Dor, politica
science; Norman R. F. Maier, psy
chology: Willard C. Olson, education
and Clarence D. Thorpe, English.

.1 !

and chemical engineering. They have
just completed term eight here which
is the most advanced course in sani-
tary engineering.
If approved, these men will go to
Camp Barkley in Texas Jan. 21.
Rutbven To Speak
On WJR Sunday
: President Alexander G. Ruthven



will be the guest speaker on the radio
The "O. Henry Memorial Award program, "In Our Opinion," board-
Prize Stories of 1943," edited by Her- cast from Morris Hall over WJR from
schel Brickell and Buriel Fuller, was 12:30-1 p.m. Sunday.
published in November. Four of the The topic for discussion this week;
twenty-two stories in this volume re- will be "Post-War Education." Other
ceived prizes, among them Clara participants are Eugene B. Elliott,
Laidlaw's "The Little Black Boys" state superintendent of public in-
(summer award in fiction, 1942). struction, and Howard Y. McClusky,E
Miss Laidlaw's story also appears in director of the University adult ed-
the "Best Short- Stories of 1943." ucation program.


One Night Only!

It was Tolan's committee which
early in the war recommended cen-
Noyes A ward
Arlove Irene Silberge, a junior in
the literary college. has been award-
ed the Laverne Noyes Scholarship.
the president's office announced yes-
This scholarship award is made
annually to the student attaining the
highest scholastic rating in the Uni-
versity and provides a full year's tui-
Miss Silberge is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Silberge of Iron
Mountain and attended Gogebic Jun-
ior College before coming to the Uni-I
This scholarship is one of many
established by the late Alfred Noyes
of Detroit and is awarded only to
students who are children of World
War veterans.
Four Men of Co. G Win
Medals for Good Conduct
Four men from Co. G were present-
ed with good conduct medals by Lt.
Samuel Riesman, commanding offic-
er, at a formal review Dec. 18.
These men were Sgt. Deles Drucker,
T 4 Cornelius Doezma, T 4 Howard
Barc-low, and Corp. Victor R. Fox.
Lecture Postponed
The French lecture by Prof. Rene'
Talamon scheduled for today has
been postponed until Jan. 27.
The next lecture will be Jan. 20

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c. for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST: Sterling silver bracelet with
Chi Omega crest. Rewar'd. Phone
REWARD for information leading to
the return of needlepoint bell pull.
Lost Dec. 23 on State Street. Call
LOST-Between December 31 and
January 3: gold flower pin with
blue stones and pearl center. Re-
ward. Call 5028.


A < '
i , ..
{ - - - -

A triple murder mystery is ingen-
iously solved in -Sherlock Holmes
Faces Death." the new picture com-
ing to the Michigan Theatre today.
Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce
ate once again co-starred as Sher-
lock Holmes and Doctor Watson in
this melodrama based on a story by
Sir Arthut Conan Doyle.
An ancient English manor house
is the locale of the mystery. Among
the methods of deduction used by the
famous detective to trap the killer is
a living chess game, played by the
story' 4characters on the huge check-
erboard floor in the old manor house.
I_ Y


x-^ .

125 PEOPLE - A National Institution
Seats Now Selling at Box Office, 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Prices: $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 - No Higher



It"he D , A aysAF RCistma
inen thate our skpply rof relly
fine jewelry becomes lhiited.

MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S
YOUNG MAN for board job. Hours
convenient. Work light. Call stew-
ard at 23169.
WANTED: Boy for wgrk in kitchen
for luncheon and dinner for board
of three meals a day. Please phone

when Prof. Charles E. Koella will




{{ya [:






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