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December 07, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-07

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Photographer Helps Wounded
Marines in Tarawa Landing

Dead Marines on Tarawa Beach

tict Wa

Miss Rusby Calls Cadet Corps
Fascinating Branch of Service

Editor's note: This is the story of
- W& Jrfiran Pia, Associated Press
photographer, whose sensational pie-
tures told graphically the story of
havoc and blood on%arawa. His own
cameras were wrecked as he waded
tiirough Betio Lagoon, helping a
woundel Marine ashore while others in
one of the first waves of Marines to
storm the mid-Pacific island were
mowed down on either side of him by
withering Japanese machinegun fire.
Filan spent his first three days on the
island helping the wounded until he
could borrow a camera and produce
some of the most outstanding photo-
graphs of the war.
FLEET, Dec. 2. - (Delayed)-('P)-
vIve foot, six inch Frank Filan says
li didn't do much at Tarawa. He
j;u-t went in. and stayed ten days,
helped a wounded man ashore,
helped carry out wounded, went 36
liors without food or water, and
stayed until the island was secured.
was still there when the admirals
and generals came to see what the
aetioTn had been like.
gust now, in what few clothes he
"ianaged to salvage from Marine
stocktiles and dead Japs, he looks
tirrible. But he swears he actually
wnesd his 136 pounds under the
oitniare conditions of the Tar-
a atack. .
i12n, Associated Press photog-
rapher formerly of Los Angeles, has
represented the still photo pool in
the Pacific for the last seven months.
?or the last six months he hasn't had
rest, but now it has been forced on
him because his cameras gave out
befbre he did. He thrived on Tarawa
but his cameras couldn't take it.
A!t Photopragher Tells Story
This is his story:
"I went on a boat in the third
wave at Betio. We started in long
before dawn on a Saturday. (That
was Nov. 20). That's the only day
I am really sure about any more be-
cause the rest of the days all sort of
ran together.
"The boats had to go a long way
from our transport to the rendez-
you point.rThere wasn't much
sond ashore except one big Jap
04 which was firing a while be-
f'te one of our battleships knocked
oit with heavy shells. It was
s it dark while our boats were go-
ij, arouind in circles waiting for
thh order to attack.
"When it came we caught hell.
thb t aaps had lines of machine gun
positions right above the high tide
line on the beach ahead of us with
coconut log barricades. Piers on
either side of the beach we were to
hit were just crawling with snipers
and machine gunners. They kept
shooting and machine guns and mor-
tars on the beach got our range.
Wears Camouflaged Outfit
"I was wearing the same clothes I
have on now. (This is an oddly cam-
ouflaged Marine- attack outfit which
he says he is getting right attached
to after living in it for 13 days.) I
also had a pack over my shoulder. It
had some rations and some camera
equipment in it. I was carrying it
over my shoulder because I wanted to
be able to drop it quickly when we
got to the beach. But we never got
to the beach.
"Im not sure whether our boat
was actually hit by a shell or
whether coral or something else
caused it to sink. It went down
q4ikkly. I had two cameras. One
I was using to get long shot pic-
tures of smoke columns and firing
on the beach. The other I was go-
ilg to use for close up when we hit
Marine Asks Help
"When the boat went down I held
the cameras above my head. The
water tas up to my neck. I still think
I might have made shore if it hadn't
ben for shell holes in the coral. I
would step into a shell hole and go
down clear over my head-it doesn't
take much to sink me. My helmet
and pack full of water would hold me
down and I just couldn't keep -the

cameras dry.
"I started toward the beach when
I came up with a wounded Marine.

He asked me to help him back to the,
boats because he was bleeding badly
and thought he would just die if he
didn't get somewhere so he could
stanch the blood: I don't know
whether he actually was that badly
hurt, but I can see how he would
think he was going to die. As a mat-
ter of fact I figured my own chances
of getting ashore were pretty slim.
"I started to help him back to
the boats. We went about a hun-
dred , yards and saw we couldn't
make it because the Japs really
had the range of those boats by
then. I told him:
"'We can't go out there. You'll
just get killed out there. We'll have
to try to make it to the beach.'
"He said all right and asked me to
nelp him, so I did. I guess it was
about 900 yards. It was kind of bad.
You'd be going along and seeing men
fall on each side of you. There were
lots of bodies in the water.
Losses Camera
"I kept hanging on to my cameras
and to a shovel but had to let the
pack go when I fell in another shell
hole. It looked like it was the pack
or me so I quit worrying about the
"Finally we . got into shallow
water. We kept low down and most
of the gunfire was above us a yard
or so. We began feeling lots better.
I began to think maybe we were
going to make it after all. Then we
saw the barbed wire.
"That was one of those minutes
when you feel about as low as you
can. Just to see that beach and no
way we could see of getting to it.
The Jap wire was a little above the
level of the water at that tide so we
managed to crawl between the
strands just at the surface of the
"When we got ashore I was glad I'd
saved the shovel. A Marine had a
pickaxe. Between the two of us we
dug a fox hole for the wounded man
and a little fox hole for each of us.
Then we got down in them.
"My wave was the last one to get
in for hours. The Uap fire on the
landing boats was too tough for
the others and at least one of them
with another correspondent aboard
was out wandering around on the
water for 18 hours before it got to
the beach.
"I looked at the cameras I'd
brought ashore but when I opened
them water and sand ran out so they
weren't much good. It was too bad
because I kind of think I may have
had some good pix made on the
way in.
Nobody Had Rations
"I still had some water in two can-
teens but one of them got lost-I
still don't know how it got off my
belt-and I was afraid to.drink the
water in the other because I didn't
think there would be any more for
at least 24 hours. Nobody had any
"For the first day nobody got
beyond the beach. Some of our me-
chanical equipment got up to the
barricades, but most of it burned
out there with dead men inside.
"I moved about some on the
beach but was so damn sick about
wrecking my cameras that I didn't
even want to see all those possible
pictures I could have made. The
first night we just slept there on
the beach, dead men alongside liv-
ing men.
"The firing went on all night and
during the darkness some of the Japs
got out to some of our wrecked boats
and equipment and hid in them. In
the morning they opened up a mur-
derous fire from those positions. We
were being fired at from all four di-
rections-from both piers, from shore
and from the wrecked boats.
Shells Land Near Beach
"Finally some Marines went out
and killed all the Japs on the
wrecked boats and a small warship
moved in to shell one of the piers and
destroy it. That was bad because
their shells were landing on the pier

only a short distance from the beach.
"A dozen Marines lay in front of a
Jap machine gun they were trying to

Several U.S. Marines lie dead on the beach at Tarawa in the Gilbert
Islands where they were mowed down by heavy Japanese machine-gun
take and finally some of them did. I saw one rifle which a Jap major
The others never got to it. fixed up with a string on the trigger
"There was one Jap blockhouse so he could shoot himself easily.
which still had some Japs in it but Borrows Camera
they couldn't fire out. So one of "Anyhow, I stayed around for three
the Marine officers set up a com- days before I managed to borrow a
mand post right at one corner of camera. I did it by showing *Coast
it. We had guards all around the Guard Lt. Williams (first name and
house. I don't know how it hap- home unavailable) my wrecked
pened, but all of a sudden there cameras and working on his sym-
was a Jap right in our'headquar- pathy. In the meantime I helped
ters. He had his hands crossed on carry some of the wounded out to the
his chest. Everybody was so sur- end of the long pier from where they
prised that they scattered away were being evacuated.
from that one little Jap. Somebody "On the second night a Marine
yelled, 'Look out, he may have a had a can of C rations which he
grenade.' But one of the Marines shared with me. I guess that was
rushed up to him and grabbed his about 36 hours after we landed. I
hands and tripped him but found also drank some water then be-
no grenades, or anything in his cause there was a good report more
shoes which they made him take water was being brought in.
off. Finally they led him away as
a prisoner. "Everything was confused. I got
"In a few minutes there was an some pictures but when the defen-
explosion inside the house and it sort sive forces began replacing troops I
of came apart. I guess that was the figured I was about finished so I
rest of the Japs inside committing came out.
hari kari. "I didn't do much at Tarawa. I
"I heard about lots of other similar don't even like to think too much
instances and saw some Japs who about it. Now all I want is a chance
had held grenades against their to get some clean clothes and read
chests the same as they did at Attu. the mail from home."

Simons Sounds
Peace Warning
Dean Says We Must Set
Fate of Leaders Now
"It is absolutely necessary that
when we march into Germany we
have a pre-conceived idea about how
we are going to deal with the leaders
that present themselves," Dr. Hans
Simons, Dean of the School for So-
cial Research in New York City stated
in a lecture here yesterday on "The
Problems of German Reconstruc-
"No national governments should
be recognized at the time of military
occupation for these two reasons," he
continued. "First, any existing gov-
ernment is more than likely to be a
camouflage for National Socialism;
secondly, should a government exist
which does recommend iteslf, it
should not be subject to the political
responsibility for any harsh terms
which may be imposed during mili-
tary occupation."
Citing the example of the exper-
ience in Italy, Dr. Simons stated that
the situation i Germany could not
and should not be handled in a si-
milar manner. "In the case of the
invasion of Italy," he said, "fortun-
ately there existed a trueAllied ar-
"However, if Germany is invaded it
will undoubtedly be from more than
one front. For this reason a military
government where every official is
interchangeable is difficult to con-

Kelly Defends
State Farmers

Kelly today

Dec. 6.-(!P)-Governor
entered the discussion

Letters ae stl1 rol lin in from
Army camps 1t o Q11 iu what foiner
University men in se ice are doing.
Aviation Cad tJon iM.Cox is now
receiving the asic iutas oi his flights
training at the Aimn Air Force Piloto
School at Cor tlaml A my Air Field,r
Courtland, Ala. While a student on
campus, Cadet Cox was a member ofc
the Engineering Council. Honor
Council and other campus organza-
Another former University stu-
dent receiving' ba ,flight trainingr
at the Courtland Air Field, is Avia-
tion Cadet Wi'llham 1.I0orrance,f
affiliated with TeIa Chi fratern-
Pfc. Richard M. Kopel was recently
graduated from the Headquarters.
Technical School of the Army Air
Forces Training Command at Truaxs
Field, Madison, Wis. as one of the
honor graduates of his class. He isi
being assigned duties in connection
with radio activities in one of the Air
Force units.-
Aviation Cadet Lorn D. Wicks ar-
rived at the Greenwood Army Air
Field recently to continue training as
a student in basie. Cadet Wicks re-I
ceived preflightitraining in Maxwelli
Field, Montgomery. Ala., and pri-
mary at Albany. Ca. While in train-
ing at Greenwood. he will be trained
in combat fighting.
Aviation Cadet Robert I. Gold-..
smith is now receiving basic train-.]
ing at Courtand Amy Air Field,
Courtland, Ala. While attending
the University, Cadet Goldsmith
was a member of the Scimitar and
active in campus activities. On
completing his flight training he
will attend an advanced school
prior to receiving his wings and
Lt. Robert A. Orndorff has re-
ported for duty at ite Carlsbad Army
Air Field, Carlsbad. N. Mex. Lt. Orn-
dorff was commissioned on May 30,
1942, at Ann Arbor, upon completion
of R.O.T.C. training.
Aviation Cadets William T. Downs
and Frank Whiteouse, Jr.have re-
ported to Maxwell Field, Ala., pre-
flight school to begin the third phase
of their training as pilots in the
Army Air Forces expanding program.
Cola Watson Wl
Speak to JAGS
Col. Joel F. Watson, staff judge ad-
vccate of the Wetern Defense Com-
mand, will arrive tomorrow to speak
at the Judge Advocate General
School here, Lt. George P. Forbes an-
nounced yesterday.
The topic of the speech will be "A
Staff Judge Advocate with A Defense
Col. Watson is making the trip
from Presidio, San Fransisco, Calif.,
where his headquarters are located.
His visit will probably include an in-
spection of various phases of training
the Judge Advocate General School.
Born in Mt. Vernon, Ill., Col Wat-
son graduated from the University of
Texas law school and entered the
Army in 1917. Since 1927 he has
been in the Judge Advocate General
Department and has held in succes-
sion all the ranks from second lieute-
nant to colonel.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)

$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST-Beta Theta Pi pin. Name P.
Hogg on back. Call 2-2547.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S
your discarded wearing apparel
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
TUXEDO-Size 40. Perfect condi-
tion. Including all accessories, $20.
Phone 3064. Mr. Sheon.
FOR SALE: One suit men's dress
tails, size 38, excellent condition.
Reasonable. Phone 2-4258 eve-
1' 11'c

'The United States Cadet Nurse
Ccrps is a fascinating branch of the
service because it offers women an
opportunity to work with other peo-
ple besides preparing them for a
profession in the future," Miss Dor-
othy Rusby, representative of the
Corps, said yesterday.
"All over the world today-in Afri-
ca, in the Pacific, in Alaska, in Eur-
ope, in the United States, American
nurses are serving their country and
its people and responding to the call
for nurses in the armed forces," she
said. "It is expected before the war
is over one out of every four nurses
will be in the armed services."
Nurses Needed at Home
Miss Rusby stated that more nur-
ses were also needed at home to com-
bat. diseases caused by crowded liv-
ing conditions and inadequate eat-
ing places. "Keeping workers in
factories also calls for a large group
of individual nurses."
"If men on the battlefields are
going to have peaceful minds," she
said, "they must be assured that
their families back home are receiv-
ing adequate nursing care in times
of illness."
Because of the need of nurses both
at the front and at home, the United
States Cadet Nurse Corps was estab-
lished by the federal government last
June. The program allows a girl to
learn a profession that can serve her
Talks om Food
Care To Begin
The University Health Service and
the Ann Arbor City Health Depart-
ment will sponsor two lectures on the
fundamental principles of food han-
dling to be held at 8 p.m. today and
Tuesday, Dec. 14 in the auditorium
of the W. K. Kellogg Building.
Slides will be included in these lec-
tures demonstrating the correct ways
of washing dishes and cooking and
handling food.
"In peacetime health officers
found that maintenance of adequate
standards in food sanitation requires
con stant supervision," Melborn
Murphy, sanitary chairman at
Health Service, said. "But during
wartime, intelligent cooperation be-
tween proprietors, employees, health
officials and the public is absolutely
All persons concerned with food
service and those who have not pre-
viously attended are urged to come to
these lectures. The public is also in-

a lifetime and at the same tine help
her country in the vital wai need.
The nursing: corps provides tuition,
living expenses, uniforms and
monthly allow ance for the training
period of 24 to 36 months with the
obligation that the student remain
in essential nursing for six months
after the duration of the war.
Opportunities Expanding
"Opportunities for a nurse are ex-
panding," Miss Rusby said. "Gradu-
ate nurses may serve in hospitals,
community agencies. public health
institutions, or in industrial districts.
They can work for the government
at home or in health relief and re-
construction work overseas.",
Army and Navy nurses, who hold
relative rank as officers, receive pay
and allowances, travel and living ex-
pense, equal to those of officers of
equivalent rank in their service. In
public health, in nursing school and
in community health work, graduate
nurses have the opportunity to earn
salaries as high as $6,000 to $7,500
a year. ,
Post-War Profession
"As a post-war profession. nursing
offers opportunities which have been
greatly expanded by the war," she
stated. "There is now evidence that
there will continue to be after the
war, a great need for nurses not only
in hospitals and in other institutions,
but also in public health nursing.
Miss Rusby will hold conferences
from 10 a.m. to noon, and from 2:30
to 4 p.m. today in the Kalamazoo
Room of the League for all women
interested in obtaining information
about this branch of the service.
There will also be an informal meet-
ing at 4:15 p.m. in Henderson Room.
Appliances in
1944 Possi0ble
NEW YORK, Dec. 6.-W)---If the
surplus of metals left over from war
supplies continues to grow, American
housewives again may be able to buy
electric irons and washing machines
in 1944.
A survey of the metals industry
shows that steel, copper and even al-
uminum is beginning to pile up as
the result of military cutbacks, and
industry leaders feel that government
limitation orders will be eased on
household needs as soon as the war
production board (WPB) decides
some urgent civilian wants can be
supplied safely.
One comptny estimates that the
immediate demand totals 2,000,000
electric irons, 1,000,000 washing ma-
chines and another 1.000,000 refrig-

concerning disclosure that the Col-
umbus, O., officer of the War Relo-
cation Authority had told Japanese-
Americans in Relocation Centers
they could teach Ohio and Michigan
farmers and seasonal workers the
value of daily baths.
In a formal statement Kelly said
"I am deeply resentful of any
aspersions upon the Michigan farm-
er. This year, in the face of the worst
weather conditions in memory, and
of manpower and equipment short-
ages, he made an outstanding contri-
bution to the war effort. He has dem-
onstrated his faithfulness and his
willingness to work far beyond the
ability of the Japanese to teach these
Continuous from 1 P.M
-------Now Playing-


At 2 P.M. and 4:10 P.M.
Sest evt sue/t.Ai e& /'&et
.'-e "'-


Have a "Coke"= Swell work, Leatherneck

. ... - [JI cA a S1EJIE s fl -lc .Dece~idKV bR

w }, WARNER hMtt

.. or how to ceteLrate a victory at home _
- LL~'af..:V


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