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December 07, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-07

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4 ~Aii

Cloudy and Warmer



Allied Leaders Agree

To Crush Germany

Red Army
Starts New
Soviets Strike Inside
Dnieper Bend, Divide
Huge German Forces
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Dec. 6.-The Red Army
captured 22 hamlets in a powerful
new smash inside the Dnieper River
bend today, cutting the Smela-Zna-
menka railway to divide huge Ger-
man forces protecting those ter-
minals leading to the Rumanian

Russians Near ZnamenKa
The Russians last were reported
only six miles from Znamenka, a
crossroads for the Nazi rail supply
system .in the middle Ukraine, and
aboutthe same distance from Smela
in., an attack which had by-passed
The southwestward push of Gen-
eral Malinovsky's troops clearly was
intended to relieve pressure on other
Soviet units fighting in the Cherkasy
sector, where Berlin told of terrific
Russian attacks. It also was a flank-
ing move on Krivoi Rog, manganese
center to the southeast, where Ger-
man troops have been holdingfirmly
against weeks of Soviet assault.
Results of Collapse Foreseen
ollapse . of this central Ukraine
salient would send the Germans reel-
ing back along the network of rail-
ways leading to Rumania, 170 miles
away, and also imperil huge enemy
forces near the mouth of the Dnieper
river and in the Zhtomir-KorOstenf
sector west of Kiev on the road to
Berlin radio broadcasts admitted
deep Russan:penetrations under
f cover. of A raging snowstorm which
limited visibility.
New Year's
Dance Planned
'Final Spree of '43'
To Be Held in Gym
Billed as the "Final Spree of '43,"
this year's New Year's Eve dance-
the second such dance in Michigan's
106 year history-will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Waterman Gym,
it was announced yesterday.
This dance'will be the only campus
social affair of the evening and is
headed by co-chairmen Rey D. Bou-
cher and Rupert J. Straub of the
Union staff.
Tickets will go on sale Tuesday,
December 14, at the Union Travel
Desk, and only one will be sold to a
customer, Straub said. The price of
y the tickets and the orchestra for the
evening will be announced later this
In discussing the ticket sale, Straub
said, "Neither The Daily or the Com-
mittee will confuse the issue this
time. Tickets will be sold at the
Union Travel Desk only and one to a
"The announcements as to the
number of tickets and dates and
times of sale will be made in the
form of signs at the Travel Desk."
Women attending the dance have
been granted late permission until
1:30 a.m.
Jean Bisdee and Stan Wallace
comprise the rest of the committee
handling publicity.
Five Navy Officers
Inspect V12 Unit
An inspection party consisting of
five Navy officers visited the V-12
unit here yesterday on a routine in-
spection tour to look over physical
training and educational work being
carried on in the V-12 program.
Lt.-Cmdr. W. S. Thompson, col-
lege training division, Lt.-Cmdr. C. E.
Forsythe, athletic division, Lt. W. J.
Weber, personnel, and Lt. R. F.
Howes, curriculum, all from the Bur-

Americans I
Take Three
Italian Peaks
Armies Driving Nazis
From Mt. Maggiore,
Camino Strongholds
Associated Pess Correspondent
GIERS, Dec. 6.-American troops,
fighting yard by yard up slopes too
steep for supply mules, have captured
three more heights in the Mount
Maggiore area from which they can
look down upon the German strong-
hold of Cassino and the valley beyond
leading to Rome, the Allied Command
announced today.
U.S. fighter-bombers swept over
the hard-won positions two miles
west of Mignano to drop emergency
rations and munitions to Lt. Gen.
Mark W. Clark's warriors. British in-
fantry of the Fifth Army was rooting
the Nazis out of strong positions on
the equally rough slopes of nearby
Mount Camino and repulsing enemy
counter-attacks in bitter hand-
hand fighting.
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
Eighth Army, plunging doggedly on
after having cracked the German de-
fense line near the Adriatic Sea,
reached the south bank of the Moro
River, 10 miles beyond the Sangro
and only about 14 from the major
port of Pescara.
Fanatical "last man" resistance by
the Germans in the mountain keys
opening the gateway to Rome made
the progress of Clark's Fifth Army
slow and costly. Bad weather kept
the Allies fromn bringing their tre-
mendous air superiority into play yes-
terday, leaving the burden on the
slogging infantry.-
Official reports from the front were
meager, but a military commentator
gave this picture: .
'I. .
Execution of Ciano
Reported in Bern
BERN, Dec. 6.-(P)-An uncon-
firmed report from the Swiss-Italian
frontier tonight said that Count Gal-
eazzo Ciano, former fascist foreign
minister of Italy, had been executed
by a firing squad today as a traitor
to the old regime of Benito Musso-
lini, his father-in-law.
(The German news agency DNB
broadcast a denial, quoting "compe-
tent Italian quarters" in Nazi-occu-
pied Milan. DNB said ."the trial
against Count Ciano has not begun
'The frontier report, transmitted
by the Swiss telegraph agency, said
both Mussolini and his daughter
Edda, the wife of the count, refrained
from intervening in Ciano's behalf.
Greek Freedom Foreseen
LONDON, Dec. 6-)) Greece
will be free before this time next
year, Philip J. Noel-Baker, parlia-
mentary secretary to the Ministry of
War Transport, asserted today in
probably the first flat prediction on
the length of the war by any British
governmental official.

President Jovial at

Teheran Conference

President Roosevelt; seated between Premier Joseph Stalin of Russia (left) and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill of Great Britain on the porch of the Russian embassy at Teheran, Iran, appears in a jovial mood
during an interlude in their four-day conference on plans for Germany's defeat. Directly behind Stalin is Rus-
sian Foreign Minister Molotov and behind and between Roosevelt and Churchill is British Foreign Minister

Anthony Eden. Others are not identified.

Plans Laid for
World Family

Marshall Islands Attacked by
'Strong Carrier Task Forces'

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-(M)-The
Navy announced tonight that "strong
carrier task forces" attacked the.
Marshall Islands, northwest of the
recently conquered Gilbert Groups
last Saturday.
A P~acific fleet communique issued
simultaneously atWashington and
Pearl Harbor, said:
"Strong carrier task forces at-
tacked the Marshall Islands on Dec.
4 (west longitude date).
"Due to the necessity for radio
silence, details are not yet available."
(The Japanese radio earlier today
had reported that about 100 carried-
based planes had raided the Mar-
shalls, that 20 were shot down and
that damage to ground facilities has
been sustained.)
The Marshalls have been raided
recently by land-based, long range
Harmon's Parents
Receive Cablegraii
A cablegram from Lt. Thomas
Harmon was received yesterday by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A.
The cablegram read, "Arrived safe,
sound, healthy, thinking of you.
Don't worry. Everything in perfect
shape." It was signed Tom Harmon.
Mr. Harmon, Tom's father, com-
mented, "I feel very happy about
that. That's something I wanted to

bombers but today's communique,
despite its terseness, suggested this
was a much heavier attack.
There was no immediate indication
whether the action was just an iso-
lated raid or perhaps the heralding
of a more significant drive into an-
other Japanese stronghold of the
The reference to "carrier task
forces" might mean that the action
was intended only as a softening up
operation and that no landings had
been undertaken up to the time the
communique was issued.
The Marshall Islands suffered
their first heavy assault early in 1942
when a naval task force struck there
and also at the Gilberts with aviation
and naval bombardment.
Rep. Stockfish Is
Sought in Caunad
LANSING, Dec. 6.-(/P)-In Mich-
igan, and across thesborder in Can-
ada, police officials sought today to
locate State Rep. Walter N. Stock-
fish, Hamtramck Democrat, toksub-
poena him as a witness before a
grand jury investigating the legisla-
Grand jury officials said Stockfish
was aware that Judge Carr wanted'
to question him at an early date.

N 1e'w Britain,
Hit by Bombsd
Allies Strike at nemy
Positions in Solomonsg
With Sea, Land ForcesF
HEADQUARTERS, Dec. 7. (Tuesday)
-(P)-The 300-mile length of inva-
sion-threatened New Britain and the
150-mile length of invaded Bougain- t
ville have been blanketed by bombs t
of Allied planes in a new series of air t
blows, with guns of United Statess
warships adding to the destruction
in the Solomons.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Adm.1
William F. Halsey, in reporting thet
new assaults today, also announced
ground successes on the New Guinea
and Solomons wings of the Pacific
Australians Punch North;
On the Huon peninsula of New
Guinea, from which MacArthur is
only 70 miles away from New Britain,
Australians have punched farther
north alongthe coast above Finsch-
hafen, aided by tanks and attack
On the west-central coast of Bou-,
gainville, the Japanese forward ele-
ments have fallen back from the Am-
erican beachhead at Empress Augus-
ta Bay with patrols moving ahead on+
all sides without contacting the ene-
Student Victory
Group To Meet
A new antifascist group, the Stu-
dent Victory Committee, will hold
its first organizational meeting at
8 p.m. today in the Methodist
The Victory Student Committee
hopes to affiliate with the national
American Youth for Democracy in a
year. Its ideals are to promote all
democratic activities and to fight
against native fascist propaganda.,
Program for the first meeting in-
cludes discussion of the principles
which the Committee hopes to adopt
and the initiation of activities based
on these principles. The role which
the Victory Student Committee hopes
to play on campus, and a discussion
of what similar groups have been
doing in other colleges will be
touched unon briefly.

Winter Offensive
Seen as Result
Of Conference
Associated Press Correspondent
agreement of the Allied "big three" at
I'eheran on a master plan to defeat g
Germany may mean that Anglo-Am- S
xrican strategists will accept the ha- t
ards of a bad winter in order to r
trike hard on new fronts while the n
Red Army's winter offensive is at its e
>eak. t
ssaults Are Promised n
The official announcement today
>f the conference of President Roose- n
velt, Prime Minister Churchill and
MIarshal Stalin of course gave no hint t
>f time or place-it promised assaults
rom the south, west and east and '
gave assurance that "our attacks will f
e relentless and unceasing." t
This announcement of the Teheran
agreement focused attention on the A
possibility that the final three way
assault on the continent is imminent. s
nvasion Imminent i
This speculation took note of the s
sudden increase in Allied pressure c
gainst the Germans in Italy during s
the last week, the growing indications i
hat Turkey may join the Allies and s
hus open a direct route into the Bal-
cans, the repeated suggestions that f
General George C. Marshall might b
ot return to the United States from c
reheran but go to London to assume p
ommand of the invasion forces. i
If - winter invasions have been t
agreed upon, it means that the An- C
glo-American high command has a
concluded that winter weather in h
western and southern Europe, while c
resenting serious obstacles, offers no
disadvantages that ae not heavily
outweighed by the desirability ofs
aunching one or more major attacks
on Europe while the bulk of Hitler'sn
ground forces are pinned down inr
Security of World
Depends on Allies v
CHICAGO, Dec. 6.-(IP)-Secre- g
tary of the Navy Frank Knox said r
tonight he believed "the security ofe
the world depends in very large mea-f
sure upon Anglo-American leader-t
ship" I
In an address prepared for the
English Speaking Union on the eve
of the second anniversary of Japan's
attack qn Pearl Harbor, Knox said:
"The recurring blood-lust which
afflicts nations will only be cured
when it is caught in its incipienti
stages. It can only be thus detected,
and quelled, if there is maintained a
constant vigilance, alert to detect,
and swift to halt, the first signs of
"Obviously that is more than one'
nation can, or should do. The cure
would be as bad as the disease. The 3
need bespeaks mutual effort by the
nations historically dedicated to the.
principles proclaimed in the Magna
Charta or the Declaration of Inde-
"But, no matter how numerous
that company, no matter how vital
the part other nationsdmust neces-
sarily play in the detection, and
quarantine, of aggression, I unhesi-
tatingly affirm, as my studied opin-
ion, that the security of the world'
depends in very large measure upon
Anglo-American leadership."
Choral Union
Concert Will
Be Tomorrow

The First Symphony of Demetri
Shostakovitch, written by the com-
poser at the age of 19, will be the
major work to be performed by the
Boston Symphony Orchestra at the
Fifth Choral Union concert at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow.
In addition to the Shostakovitch
symphony, Serge Koussevitsky, its
conductor, will lead the orchestra in
compositions by William Schuman,
the young American modernist,
Claude Debussy, Modest Moussorgsky

Cooperation of All
- Nations Sought by
TIelran Meeting
AsociatedePress Correspondents
CAIRO, Dec. 6,-Leaders of the
reatest Allied powers-the United
tates, Russia, and Britain-in his-
ori, conference in ancient Persia
'eached full agreement to crush Ger-
nany by concerted blows from the
ast, west and south, it was disclosed
oday, and laid plans for a world Ia-
nily of democratic nations to "ban-
sh the scourge of terror of war for
nany generations."
This most significant of all war-
ime meetings, brmining Presden
R oosevelt. Prime Minister Churchill
nd Premier Stalin together for the
irst time, was held in Teheran, capi-
al of storied Iran (Persia) for four
lays, frnm Nov. 28 to Dec. 1.
Allies Mass Strength
The conference, further tipping the
cales of defeat against Germany lry
ncontestable unity of three chiefs of
tate said to have met "in exrezie
ordiality," came as the Allies massed
trength in the west and in theMe -
terranean, with Russia already pres-
ing in from the east.
Further indicating that the blows
rom west and south may not long
be delayed, the topmost milita~y
hieftains of America and Britin
pooled their genius again in meet-
ngs from Friday through todayn
Cairo after returning from Teherai.
Churchill joined them. The whe-
abouts of President Roosevelt s*n~e
fe left Teheran Dec. 2 were not dis-
Plans Are Laid
The "big three" and their militaEy
staffs at Teheran "concerted 1oW
plans for the destruction of the Ger
nan forces," declared the joint cor-
munique released here and signed
imply by "Roosevelt, Stalin, Chur-
The presence of President Ismet
Inonu of Turkey at the conference
with Roosevelthand Churchill su-
ested plainly that the newest of the
great series of strategic political
moves by the Allied leaders undoul
edly was based on the British-Turk-
ish pact of 1939-never up to now
fo aid Britain in event of aggression
eading to war in the Mediterranean.
* * *
lg reenent Seen As,
Big Rilow to Nazis
LONDON, Dec. 6.- (p)- The
three-power declaration issued at
Teheran, promising destruction of
Germany's military might through
synchronized, coordinated attacks
and pledging loyal post-war collab-
oration for an enduring peace, was
viewed in London tonight as a crush-
ing blow to German hopes for a ne-
gotiated peace.
Likewise there was encouragement
for those who see the future welfare
of the world dependent on British-
Soviet-American leadership.
The British foreign office withheld
Butthe authoritative Reuters dip-
lomatic correspondent hailed the Te-
heran communique as,"Germany's
military death warrane."
(In Washington, government fig-
ures and many members of Congress
hauled out their most glowing terms
thought of the conference but some
lawmakers, though not critical, in-
dicated they had their fingers
crossed until more details come
(The general tenor of much of the
comment was highly favorable, run-

ning the gamus of descriptives from
"praiseworthy" to "epochal.")
Move To Postpone
Subsidy Bill Fails
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. --P)- A
quiet move by Democratic leaders for
a 60-day postponement of the Senate
vote on the House bill to repeal food
subsidies Jan. 1 struck a snag today
when War Food Administrator Mar-
vin Jones declared such a delay
might create confusion and hamper

South Pacific Warfare Reviewed

Editor's note: The following review
of the second year of war in the South
Pacific was written by the comnmandr
of the South Pacific force and South
Pacific area; distributed by the Asso-
ciated Press.
The year of South Pacific war-
fare that ended on Aug. 6, 1943,
had been a difficult one for the
Allied forces. Looking back upon
it, frorli initial set-backs to the
moment when, at 3 p.m. on Aug. 5,
last, our combined Army and Ma-
rine units, supplemented by our
New Zealand, Australian and,
Fijian associates, completed the
capture of our second Solomon Is-
lands objective, Munda airfield, we
can take deep pride in the knowl-
edge of having achieved much
against great odds.
Taons eaA',,d ntar

ViceAdmiral Robert L. Ghormley,
U.S.N., accomplished its mission.
Guadalcanal, Gavutu, and Tanam-
bogo, were surprised in a perfectly
timed, well - coordinated early-
morning assault.
Perhaps ,we should have wished
to postpone our entry into the Sol-
omons until a later date- when our
strength in aircraft, ships and men
would have been greater.
In the prosecution of the Pacific
war, which encompasses almost
70,000,000 square miles from the
Aleutians to New Zealand, and
from the China Sea to the west
coast of the Americas, we have now
made an earnest offensive begin-
ning. Our first year of South Pa-
cific sea-warfare alone has ac-
counted for what can be regarded
as an impressive enemy fleet of
combatant and non-combatant-

planes of all categories. We can
say with pardonable pride' that, on
Aug. 6, this year, one American
was worth at least four Japs in
aerial combat.
As our forces grow, we have been
able to send heavier aerial concen-
trations into the skies against the
enemy. The final days of our un-
relenting onslaught against Munda
saw more than two hundred air-
craft bringing our wrath down
upon his head in the form of high
explosives, cannonfire and ma-
Early this year the South Pa-
cific force, which has always been
and remains an integral part of
the United States Pacific Fleet,
came under the strategical com-
mand of General Douglas Mac-
We have begun a new phase of

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