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November 18, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-18

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TUL1RDA~1NOV. 18. 1943



Food Subsidies Aid in
War Against Inflation
THE FOOD SUBSIDIES program, the only
successful way we have found so far to roll
back the menacing tide of inflation will, in all
probability, be one step nearer to destruction
after the anti-subsidies bill, vehicle. of all op-
ponents of Roosevelt, is voted on in the House
After months of unceasing effort, victory is
now in the grasp of the conservative Republi-
cans and their cohorts, the equally anti-liberal
bloc of Southe n Democrats.
On no major issue since the Social Security
program was under consideration has so much
misinformation been circulated and, what is
more unfortunate, been believed. The Presi-
dent's ten thousand word message to Congress
on the food subsidies issue, in which actual
facts proving the practicality of the program
were revealed, was slighted by the nation's
Instead of facts, all we have heard or read
is that simple but dangerously false statement,
what's the difference if the government does
reduce the price of a product a few cents, as
you pay the difference in taxes anyway.
which blinks us to the fact that by lowering
the cost of a few basic products a growing spiral
of inflation is prevented. This spiral results
from workers' demands for ,higher wages to
meet the higher costs of living, and it is food
subsidies which have helped roll back these
Facts revealed by President Roosevelt show
that even the inadequate subsidies program
which is in effect at present has brought about
a reduction of 2 percent.
IRowevet', the fact that food subsidies have
done their job well is not enough to help them
survive in view of the blistering attack which
is being launched on them by a biased press,
Ioosevelt haters, and various farm organiza-
tions who, if they had their own selfish way,
would abolish any forms of price control at

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43
Editorial Staff

PParion. Ford
Jane - Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorio Borradaile
Ed Zalenski .
Mary Atine Olson
Marjorie Rosnarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz. .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editot
. . . . Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Ass't Women's Editor
. . . Columnist
. . . . . Columnist

Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

. . Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager,
Ass't Bus. Manager
hone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by onemnbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Dondero's Views Hurt
U .-Soviet Good Will
TRUE AMERICAN-SOVIET friendship will
never be brought about as long as men like
Rep: Dondero of Michigan insist on planting
fears in the minds of the American people as to
the true motives of the Russian government.
For about a quarter of a century Americans
have had an insane fear of Bolsheviks. We
called anyone whom we didn't agree with a
Red.. During all this time Americans have been
fed on' anti-Soviet propaganda.
$en. Dondero is trying to feed us some
nore of this propaganda. He makes an
aisertion that Russian propaganda is being
sent to this country in our returning len-
lease vessels. He doesn't present an facts,
but 'simply says that their undesirable situa-
tion exists.
When asked if those publications were of-
ficial publications sponsored by the Russian
govenment. Rep. Dondero said that he did not
know who was sponsoring them. By this very
statement Rep. Dondero seems to be admitting
that he doesn't know very much about the true
facts involved in the case.
If he had considered it his duty to "inform
Congress" about all this propaganda that is
supposedly being sent to this country, one would
think that he would at least take the trouble to
find out what's really happening.
We must remember that before the war
started Rep. Dondero was a staunch isola-
WHEN CONGRESS endorsed the Moscow con-
ference. it committed the United States
to a policy of internationalism after the war,
which makes isolationism the deadest issue in
this country.
In a letter to the editor which appeared in
yesterday's Daily, John Timms expressed the
belief that each country should bury itself in
its own affairs and not concern itself with the
affairs of other countries. an attitude strange-
ly similar to Rep. Dondero's isolationist at-
Lee Williams in his letter to the editor which
alo appeared in yesterday's Daily expresses
the idea that we cannot trust Russia! Because
Japan professed friendship and then stabbed
us in the back, he seems to think that Russia
my do the same thing.
]There is no comparison between the type of
friendship which we had with Japan and the
type of friendship which we are now trying
to establish with Russia. Capt. Kournakoff
said in a lecture here last Saturday that true
frendship can be established only if two
countries are fighting together in the same
theatre of war against a common enemy. The
tkpp of friendship which we are building with
RUssia comes from having our men shed
their blood in the same theatre.
jHEN THE RUSSIAN government dissolved
the Comintern. they helped increase the
ties of friendship between the Soviet and Am-
erican governments. Since that time Stalin has
said that Russia is no longer interested in
world revolution, she has too much to do in
the internal development of her own country.
Mr. Williams said that it is not a question
of whether or not we should offend Russa,
butf whether a onnressman should tell Cone-

Only a major rallying of public opinion
hinzi the opposition to the anti-subsidies
can prevent the tossing away of our most
fective anti-inflationary weapon.
-Monroe Fink


4~ 1?ueotnt

LITTLE MAN sat in an open jeep
He said that wars are, just one way, beat
And that by soldiers who don't retreat
$ut now we know that story's old
It's women' here who must be bold
Wars 4re won more simply now
And it's Deans, not generals, who tell us ho
t's easy, any dean will say
To will a bloodly battle fray
Just turnrout your lights get eight hou
And6 e little man in the open jeep?
Why he can go home and play checkers
- or -
Electricity, we cannot see
it is a thing, apart
ne really wonder it can be
We're sure it has no heart
Bulbs, when placed in Co-ed's lamps
Apparently take a lot more amps
Than when they're lit by anything male
Or used by movies to make a sale

Job of War Production
Is Not Yet Completed
T HAT WARS ARE WON through cooperation
with the government should be brought to
the attention of such men as Charles E. Wilson,
executive vice-chairman of the War Produc-
tion Board, who wishes to resign his govern-
ment position and return to private, business.
Wilson, who left his position as president of
General Electric. has done a gratifying pro-
duction job in heavy bombers. Without his
help the conversion to war production could
not have been carried on so successfully.
He feels that his major work is done. Now
General Electric needs him for the tremen-
dous job of converting that industry back
to a peacetime basis.
Other big industrial concerns will need their
executives back for the conversion period, but
what will the government do in the meantime?
After all, the winning of the war must come
first for without total victory, peace time pro-
duction will be useless.
War equipment is still needed. Planes
are shot down every day. Ships are destroyed
or damaged. Spare parts are always in con-
stant demand. Crippling production now can
be compared to the gArmy leaving the battle-
field when the fight is only half won. What
would be our status in the war if everyone
followed Wilson's example?
Wilson is disturbed by the fact that people
are going over his head and that he isn't al-
lowed to run production in the way he feels is
best. How much more to the point it would be
if all producers of war materials would stick
together unt~il peace was finally declared in
spite of various interferences. Then instead of
adopting a "get all you can for yourself" atti-
tude the heads of the great industrial concerns
would cooperate so as to best utilize new in-
ventions and technical advances for the pro-
duction of civilian goods.
-Martha Schmitt
I'd 1Ra-1ther
Be~- Right
NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-Marshal Badoglio
keeps himself going only by repeated promises to
resign. His promises to resign are so popular
that they have won him a kind of following
within the republican opposition in Italy. When-
ever his poularity wanes. he saves the situation
by moving up the date of his projected resig-
nation. He now says he will quit when the
allies occupy Rome. This has pleased so many
Italians that he is safe for a bit longer.
Badoglio keeps his power by forever throwing
it away, which i to say, he has no real power.
He has been to Naples, to try to induce Count
Sforza and Benedetto Croce to join his govern-
ment. They refused. They will continue to
refuse until the King abdicates.
Since the King has not yet adopted the Ba-
doglio technique of increasing his popularity
by promising to resign, Badoglio is forced to try
to set up a government of under-secretaries.
That is, a non-political government of "im-
partial men," a government of sticks. Having
based his popularity on a promise to quit, he
bolsters it by a promise not to think. His plea
for himself is that he has no power; his plea
for his new government is that it has no ideas.
What do we see here? We see the Badoglio-
Victor Emmanuel combination drying up and
withering away.
This is strange. What has happened to the
doctrine of "legitimacy," of which we once
heard so much? We used to be told that in
each state there was a "legitimate" center of
power, established as such by legal inheritance
and common consent, and that we had to
work with such "legitimate" centers of power,

wherever we found them. That was Mr.
Churchill's plea, in July, in that strange un-
kempt speech, with more growl than bite to it,
when he, in effect, pleaded for the King and
But who's legitimate now, in Italy? Sforza
and Croce are not appealing to the legitimate
King and his legitimate Premier for support.
It is the other way around entirely. The King
and Marshal are appealing to Sforza and Croce
and they are appealing in vain. The plain
truth is that no government in Italy will be
"legitimate" until Sforza and Croce join it. The
strange quality of legitimacy seems to have
transferred itself to these two men. neither of
whom has any legal authority whatever.
They do not need the- King's appointment; he
needs theirs. Unless they dub him King all over
again, perhaps with a rolled-up copy of a pro-
democratic newspaper, he is not going to be
In jest the same way, no French govern-
ment is going to be "legitimate" unless de
Gaulle is in it. W'e do not have freedom of
choice in these matters. They happen. When
they happen, they are quite as inevtiable as
the birth of a prineeling. They happen
through the individual miracle by which a
man elects himself to do a hard job, and then
the popular miracle by which he gains support
in it. There is a kind of democratic legitim-
acy, too, a line of descent of power which has
nothing to do with who was the father of
whom, or who happened to hold possession of

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. - Some
outside businessmen coming into the
war government have doneA-m jobs;
some have been medium; some have
been complete washouts. Most out-
standing achievement is probably
that of Charles E. Wilson. president
of General Electric and production
wizard of the War Production Board.
If any man deserves credit for the
stupendous airplane production mir-
acle of around 100,000 planes a year,
it is Charley Wilson.
Now, he is leaving the govern-
ment. There are several reasons
why. One climaxing reason was
Wilson's recent visit to Dallas,
Texas, to speed up lagging pro-
duction of the North American
Aviation bomber plant.
When he arrived, James Kindel-
berger, president of North American,
took him up a high elevation where
he could get a bird's-eye view of the
great plant.
"One of the best exhibits of statu-
ary I've ever seen," said Wilson.
"What do you mean?" asked Kin-
"There's nobody moving," re-
plied Wilson. "They're statues.
No, wait a minute. There's some-
one lifting his hand."
North American had planned to
add 9,000 more men by Jan. 1, but
Wilson intruded a flat veto. He said
that the plant was wasting power,
wasn't using what it had, and gave
orders for economies which would
both save labor and speed up pro-
duction. He also took Dallas out of
the category of No. 1 war area, which
meant that other industries could
come in and compete with North
American for labor.
Then Wilson took a plane back
to Washington. When he got back,
the Army went over his head, tele-
phoned 'Dallas and reversed his in-
structions. Thus North American,
instead of saving labor, could get
those 9,000 more men.
North American was too smart
to accept the Army's reversal, but
this was the crowning climax for
Wilson. Shortly thereafter, he sub-
mitted his resignation.
'Air Secretary' Wilson . . .
For months, Wilson had battled
the Army on similar matters. Con-



stantly, the brass hats asked him
to speed production but refused to
give him authority. Army's latest
drive was to put Wilson in uniform.
They offered him the rank of lieu-
tenant-general in charge of airplane
production. This would put him on
a. par with General Bill Knudsen,
whom the Army also swallowed.
Bernie Baruch and Justice
Byrnes even talked of making Wil-
son "Secretary of Aviation." This,
however, would place him under
theArmy and he has consistently
argued that, once he was under
Army orders, he would have no
more independence than any other
brass hat.
So up until last week, Wilson kept
on needling the Army, bothering fac-
tory managers, boosting production.
His latest campaign was to decrease
costs by abolishing the cost plus
contract. But this seems to be the
last thing the Army and Navy want.
Finally, lack of authority, plus
Wilson's desire to get back to pri-
vate -business, culminated in last
week's resignation. When it came,
Justice Byrnes phoned him.

"Charlie, you can't do this," he
pleaded. "Nelson can't accept your
resignation. Only the President can
do it."
But Wilson demurred.
"You just tear that up," urged
Byrnes. "You've got to wait until
the President can consider it."
However, it looks as if the govern-
ment had lost one of its best men,
Briish-U.S. Sacrifices .
When Maine's hard-hitting Sena-
tor Brewster was in London recently.
he had a delightful visit with the
IDing and Queen of England, during
which Queen Elizabeth remarked on
the hardships of the war and how
everyone hoped it might be over
"Just think," she added, "some
of our boys have n of been home
for four years."
"I can understand that perfectly,"
replied Senator Brewster. "We
haven't been in the war quite so
long, but my boy hasn't been back
to his home in Maine for three
(Copyright, 1943. United Features ynd.)

By Lichty

- I 1 .-~2;~C0 -
"Confound it, Bascomb, can't you remember not to open that
closet? That's where I'm hoarding a few machinists!

.. .... . ....... . r .. _ ._ _
y Y - i ri.. lir W . ,. I II dbIWw



_. , .

,_. -;-

gHE'S FAMOUS NOW and we know her.
fHer name is inscribed in that gigantic vol-
umn, that bargain at twice the price, that blue,
cloth bound, , gold lettered-special at $6.50 with
a super-special November only membership re-
duction price of only $4.85-History's own key
to our time, the Who's Wh6 Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges.
Besides the book which she may purchase at
the special $4.85 membership rate, she is en-
titled also to, buy a special Who's Who Mem-
bership emblem, which when seen from a dis-
tance of several feet very closely resembles a
phi bate key. In gold, the key costs $10, in
silver, $5.
If she decides to buy both the key and the
book, she will receive absolutely free, at no
extra cost whatsoever, a handsome ceritficate
of Membership. "It is," the pamphlet says, "a
"a prized record of this honor to keep for a
And, with all this, with the key around her
neck,,that certificate on her door, and that book
in her bookcase;her condescension is marvelous.
She still talks to us.
In fact she even came over to get our help in
filling out the special bibliographical blank.
So, we sat down at our desk and together
we gave it our undivided attention. She said
she wanted to make a good impression.
mixture of an army alpha exam, a general
apttitude questionnaire and a Hubert Key to the
psychology of the sub-normal.
If left alone on an uninhabited isle, we would
want to have with us as reading material, Live
Alone and Like It, How to Tell Your Friends
Fron the Apes, and What to Do 'till the Doctor
"What," the questionnaire demands, "are
some unusual rules enforced at your university
or colege?"
Must salute Deans.

THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 15
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3;30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Satur-day when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Not ices
To the Members of the University
Senate: At the meeting of the Uni-
versity Council on Nov. 8 the follow-
ing actions were taken: Dean J. B.
Edmonson was elected Vice-Chair-
man and Dr. L. A. Hopkins, Secre-
tary, for the current year;~ Professor
John. B. Waite and Professor R.:G.
Rodkey were elected to the Board of
Directors of the Michigan Union; theI
President was authorized to appoint
committees to investigate the conges-
tion in the dining facilities of the
University; the name and functions
of the Committee on Latin-American
Relations was changed to the Uni-
versityCommittee on Intercultural,
Relations and its duties, defined as
1) To make a survey of the active
projects within the University affect-
ing its permanent intercultural rela-
tions, and, with a view to a continu-
ing service, to keep always informed
of the- development of such projects
or of new proposals that might in anly
Iway influence those relations.
2) To secure, if possible, a proper
correlation of all approved projects
in order to prevent duplication, over-
lapping, and conflict of interests.
3) To lend encouragement and ac-
tive cooperation in the development
of all such approved projects.
4) To formulate a general plan for
the systematic extension of scholar-
ships and fellowships.
5) To develop ways and means for
cooperating with all governmental
and other agencies working for closer
permanent intercultural relations.
The President was authorized to
appoint a committee to study physi-I
cal education for women and to ap-
point a special committee to consider
the needs of transfer students in the
orientation period. Louis A. Hopkins
Identification Cards are now ready
for distribution at the Office of the

the Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Cor-
poration, San Diego, Calif., will inter-
view graduating seniors on Monday
morning, Nov. 22, in Room B-47 East
Engineering Building. Interested menl
will please sign the interview schedule
posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-1
ing Bulletin Board, near Room B-47
IEast Engineering Building. Applica-
tion blanks are to be filled out in ad-:
vance of the interview and may be
obtained in the Aeronautical Depart-
ment Office.
German Departmental Library1
hours, Fall Term 1943-44: 1:30-4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday; 10:00-
12:00 a.m., Tuesdays and Saturdays,
204 University Hall.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Exami ations :
State of Michigan: Arts Mid CraftsI
Teacher, $180 to $220 per month;1
Elementary General Teacher, $180 to
$220 per month;. Kindergarten Sense
Training Teacher, $180 to $220 per
month; Manual Arts Teacher, $180
to $220 per month; Music Teacher,
$180, to $220 per month; Physical Ed-
ucation Teacher, $180 to $220 per
month. Closing date for above appli-
cations is Dec. 3, 1943.
Social Worker, $140 to $160 per
month; Liquor Store Clerk, $125 to
$140 per month; Manual Worker,
$110 to $125 per month; Prison
Guard, $140 to $160 per month;{
Steam Fireman, $145 to $189.75 per1
State *of New Mexico (non-resi-,
dents are eligible to apply): Director
of Maternal and Child Health, $400
to $535 per month; Assistant Direc-
tor of Maternal and Child Health,
$300 to $400 per month; Field Nutri-
tionist, $150 to $175 per month; Pub-
lic Health Nurse, $150 to $200 per
month. Closing date for above appli-
cations is Nov. 27, 1943. Further in-
formation may be had from the no-+
tices which are on file in the office
of tie Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall. office hours 9-12 and
Job Registration: All students who
wish to enroll with the Bureau for
teaching and other positions within
the following year may obtain regis-
tration blanksrat the office of the
University Bureau of Appointments

Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Will Rogers, Jr. will -speak in
Hill Auditorium tonight at 8:30 on
the subject "The United States in
Foreign Affairs." Season and single
admission tickets are still available.
Box office hours today will be from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2:00-8:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Fall Term.
Nov. 20 is therefore the last date on
which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student
later does not affect the operation of
this rule. E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the .close of the third week, even
though they have registered and
have attended classes unofficially,
will forfeit their privilege of continu-
ing in the College.
E. A. Walter
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, Nov. 20. Students must re-
port all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, University
Hall. Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instructor
are not official changes.
The special short course in speeded
reading will be given for students who
wish to improve their reading ability.
Those interested will meet Tuesday,
Nov. 23, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 4009,
University High School Building,
School of Education. At that time
the course will be explained and time
of meeting set. If you are interested
and cannot attend the organization
meeting, call Mr. Morse, Ext. 682, for
further information. There is no
charge for this non-credit course.
Make - up final examination hi
Physics 25 will be held in the West
Lecture Room Monday afternoon,
Nov. 22, beginning at 2 o'clock.
r._ __ _. t ., ..#.1 . .ac.i.. 1 ' fl J t

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