T1111 4 '111C]"ICAN DAILY
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Former Cage
Stars To Fill
Army Teams
T aSu'ad's JPotentialities
To Win Them Tentative
Schedule with Varsity
Two ten-man teams, studded with
numerous ex-college stars, will be
playing for Company C in the Army's
intra-company basketball league.
The starting five is composed of
John Steppling, St. Francis, and
George Kraw, University of Southern
California, forwards; Eldon Price,
Shaw, center; Ernest. Mahr, Ala-
bama, and William Lachell Wiscon-
Grouped around 6 foot 3 Price, the
soldiers represent lightning speed and
enough potential scoring strength to
win a tentative scheduling with the
University of Michigan varsity court
squad, according to Team Manager
Morris Blitz, former All-American
football guard at Boston College.
The second squad is even taller and
heavier than the first team. Members
are Paul Molnar, Duke, and Merton
James, Butler, forwards; Wesley
Fahrbach, Fordham, center; Carl
Schuler, Wisconsin, and John Swan-
son, DePauw. Outstanding on the
third team are Paul Bornet, North
Carolina, guard, and Frank Kolom-
botovich, Queens, forward.
Manager Blitz pointed out that no
member is assured of a permanent
position on the squad and that be-
cause of the wealth of material men
will be substituted freely.
Intra-company competition begins
Friday night.
COLUMBUS, OHIO, Nov. 18.-(iP)
--Coach Paul Brown and Ohio State
Buckeyes reviewed all the potential
scoring" plays the team possessed,
many of which have been overlook-
ed in the heat of combat. The
workout was capped by a defensive
drill against Michigan formations.
Determined Bucks Primed To Upset
Title -Contending Mich*igan Gridders
Cagers To
Battle Great
Landis To Investigate
Baseball Exhibition Puy
Only 45,000 Fans
Expected for Clasi
Paul Brown and his boys arescom-
ing to to'wn again, and at this mo-'
ment the goal predominant in the
mind of Paul, as well as the entire
Ohio State student body, is the up-
setting of Michigan's football filled
In fact, ever since the Buckeyes
and the Wolverines first met on the
gridiron in 1897 upsetting Michigan
has been the greatest joy of the men
from Columbus. It doesn't make
any difference how they make out
against the rest of their opponents,?
if they beat Michigan their season
is a success.
And of late this traditional battle
usually had a lot to do with who
came out of the year's gridironI
scramble wearing the Big Ten crown.
Coming at the end of the season!
with each team primed to throw ev-
erything it had at the other, the
clash has attracted an average of
over 67,000 howling fans per each ofj
the 21 games.
Game Will Be Close
However, this year with the Wol-
verines roosting at the top and the
Bucks near the bottom of the Con-
ference standings, not more than
45,000 spectators are expected to be!
on hand for the clash. Yet this
should turn out to be one of the,
Wolverines' closest tilts of the sea-
son. (Notre Dame was so long ago.)
Brown won't -have to work too
hard to bring his youthful charges
to a fighting pitch. Most of them
remember that day back in 1939
when Tom Harmon and company
routed the Bucks, 40-0, and they
set out to avenge that defeat every
year. The student body is helping
too by throwing a gigantic pep rally
the eve of the game.
Wolverines Are Calm
On the other hand, Michigan is
acting fairly calm about its season
finale. The half of the squad that
represented Wisconsin last year
hasn't had a chance to absorb some
of this traditional rivalry, and only
two of the probable starters, Bob
Wiese and Rudy Smeja, have ever
represented the Maize and Blue
against Ohio State.
Despite the fact that the Buckeyes
do have this psychological advant-
age, the Wolverines are still favored
by two or three touchdowns. If
they do it will be the first time a
Brown coached team has met defeat
at the hands of Michigan.
Wili Lead W olveries Ag1inst
... named acting captain for Saturdav's game. Wiese, now
playing fullback after starting the season at quarter, ranks third
among Michigan ground gainers with a total of 203 yards on 47
Lake s Twie CHICAGO, Nov. 17. - (P) - Major
League baseball players participating
in exhibition games in the Southern
It was announced yesterday that California Winter League for as
the Wolverine cage squad would meet little as $3 a game were under in-
the star-studded Great Lakes quintet, vestigation today by Kenesaw Moun-
at Yost Field House on Monday tarn Landis, Commissioner of Base-
night, 'Dec. 13, and on the 30th at ball.
Chicago. Leslie M. O'Connor, secretary to
Completing negotiations with the l the commissioner, said several of
Bluejackets brought the total num- the players undoubtedly would be
ber of basketball games definitely fined for violating the rule prohib-
arranged on the Michigan calendar iting participation in baseball games
to six. A revision in the Conference after the permissible ten-day period
schedule, which is already drawn up, following the close of the season.
will undoubtedly be necessary, and 'o
in all probability no more non-Con- O'Connor disclosed that Johnny
i rencecontea tbwily no mre non-d on- Lindell of the W orld's Championship
ference contests will be scheduled un- New York Yankees, whose cut of, the
til the Big Ten games are arranged. World's Series pie amounted to
As part of their regular practice $6,19, reported to Commissioner
session tomorrow, the Varsity will Landis that he got only $3 a game.
scrimmage the Company G five of the O'Connor expressed surprise at the
Army Medical Unit. The Army team, s 'Clnnortepeed
who has been practicing diligently smallness of the fee.
for the last several weeks, includes "Can you imagine a World's Series
such cage stars as Leo Doyle and player playing for that kind of
Morrie Bikoff, who roamed the hard- money?" he asked.
wood for the Maize and Blue last Among others asked to account
year. Bob Kolesar, who won three for their winter baseball activities
letters in football while an under- were Lou Novikoff, "Peanuts" Low-
graduate here, is also on the team. rey and Andy Pafko of the Chicago
Others on the squad are Dick Wal- Cubs; Gerald Priddy of the Wash-
ker, former captain of the Kalamazoo ington Senators; Steve Mesner of the
College quintet, Sig Zawacki who Cincinnati Reds; George Metkovich,
played for Detroit, Ed Chandler from Roy Partee and Skeeter Newsom of
Albion, and Frank Barrett, formerly the Boston Red Sox; Babe Dahlgren
of Creighton. of the Phillies; George Caster and
(Continued from Page 2)
IEvents Today
Zoology Club will meet tonight at
7:30 in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Mr. L. Edward Perry will speak on the
"Biology and Economic Significance
of the Peaknose Cisco of Bear Lake,
Idaho and Utah."
.I.Ch.E.will meet tonight at 7:30
in the Union. Dr. G. G. Brown, chair-
man of the Department of Chemical
Enginp erinr will 'nnnk All r.hbir, lC
A Red Cross Surgical Dressings
Unit will open at the Hillel Founda-
tion today, 1:00-5:00 p.m. To comply
with Red Cross regulations, each vol-
unteer must wear a washable blouse
or smock.
The Badminton Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 at Barbour Gym. Play-
ers must provide their own equip-
Comit, ; E' ent
r z .zzeL zu, Will .jec-L.. ,razzU11ezz.ca. ;The English Journal Club will me
engineering students are urged to ThMo nday shNov r2a ;4ub min tm e
attend. ' Monday. Nov. 22. at 7:45 p.m. in the
- West Conference Room of the Rack-
Varsity Glee Club: One regular re-l- ham Building. Professor Mentor L.
hearsal each week on Thursday at I Williams will deliver an address on
7:30 p.m. in Room 305, Michigan "Emerson's Individualism Reconsid-
ered." Graduate students and mem-
International Center: Regular bers of the faculty are invited to
weekly tea will be held today, 4:00 to attend.
5:30 p.m. All foreign students and
interested Americans are invited. Graduate Outing Club will attend
---d Da country dance Saturday evening.
Alpha Lambda Delta members willAlitrsedalJhnHfmnat
meet in the League today at 5:00 p.m. All interested call John Hoffman Sat-
.urday, 12:00-3:00 p.m. for further
Post-War Council business meeting information. Phone 2-2448.
today at 4:30 p.m., in room 302 Mich- Regular meeting for a hike Sunday
igan Union. New students and ser-I at 2:30 p.m. at the club quarters,
vicemen especially welcome.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for .each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
WANTED-Secretary. College girla
who is interested in part time sec-
retarial work. Hours at your con-
venience. Situation available for
entire college year. State capabili-
ties and experience in reply. Box
number 1705 care of The Daily.
HELP WANTED-male drug clerk-
good hours-top pay. Marshall
Drug, 235 S. State.
STUDENT-Boy or girl to work in
soda fountain evenings and Sun-
day. Hours to suit your schedule.
50c an hour plus bonus to start,
Apply Miller's Dairy Store, 1219 S.
MIMEOGRAPHING thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
ROOM - 2nd floor front, large
double room for men. Well furn-
ished. Mrs. Palmquist, 839 Oak-
LOST: Saturday's game-Sterling
identification bracelet inscribed
Whitney. 24514.
LOST - Rectangular silver chorus
wrist watch, in or near Gen'l Li-
brary. Reward. Herman Yueh,
Phone 3653.
l I
1 P.M. DA ILY --- 3 P.M. SUN C>AY
Rackham Bldg.( Huron St. entrance)
All graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are invited.
International Center: At the regu-
lar Sunday evening program and
snack hour at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Okechu-
kwu Ikejiani, first student from Ni-
geria in the University, will discuss
West Africa and the War. The talk
will be followed by the usual snack
hour. All interested are invited.
Your Military Nair Style
is blended, shaped, cut, to your in-
dividual features and equally stand-
ing inspection. It's your hair!!
Off State on Liberty
Sandwiches and Fountain
727 North University
Used Records For Sale
Shows Continuous from 1 P.M.
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TONIGHT. . .. :0
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. building nd keeping open the LlphonC lines
that help to coordinate attack an(- defeue in every
battle zone. Not only on land but alo at sea and in
the air, telephone and radio equipment made by
Western. Electric is helping .to bring Victory closer.
This Company-for 61 years the manufacturer fotf
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