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Fifty-Fourth Year
i* 54E iris. r.mnl ...........
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank .
Bud Low
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall
Marjorie Rosmarin
. . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
* . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
iizabeth A. Carpenter
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Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use.
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5,25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-4 4
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
'So You've Given Up the Violin, Eh?'
Invasn Calls for rayer
THE NEWS for which freedom loving people
the world over have anxiously waited since
the fall of France in June, 1940, came at 3:32
a. m. today. Allied landings On the coastal
ports of Hitler's European Fortress are now a
Even as this is written, thousands of young
men in the Allied Liberation Army, keen for
action after months of waiting, are swarming
on the northern coast of France. Each of us
knows someone who may be in this initial drive
to free Europe from the mad "tyrant. Each of
us knows someone who, at this moment, may
be giving his life that we may live in freedom.
This is no time for jubilation-it is a time for
The price of the invasion in human life
and endeavor will dwarf the blood, sweat and
tears that have been sacrificed to date in this
universal holocaust. Yet the invasion itself
does not mark victory. It is only the initial
stepĀ°' i the liberation of Europe-and its
success is not certain. The Allied nations
have come a long way since the black days of
June, 1940, but there is still no time to rejoice.
Ve believe that truth and freedom will tri-
Jobs for All
in their studies deal with problems which
are social in character. Some of these men
refuse to recognize this fact, however, and
treat all problems, whether those of feeding
the starving millions of Europe or of decipher-
ing a'papyrus about ancient Egypt, exactly alike.
But when human desires, needs and emotions
aTe concerned no such ivory tower attitude
can be permitted.
The proclamation by DLr. Emerson P.
Schmidt, economist for the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, in the Juie issue of Nation's Busi-
ness reveals just such an attitude. Dr. Schmidt,
examining the question of post-war employ-
nent, declares that the demand for full-
employment "represents an impossible ideal."
He states that the term "has become a symbol
like the flag .. . though no one knows precisely
what it means." However, in stating alternative
meanings for full employment, such as "every-
one has two or three job offers open to -him at
all times; everyone quitting or losing his job on
. given day can be reemployed the next morn-
ing; wages must be as demanded etc," Dr.
Schmidt himself gives the definition most com-
monly accepted, namely, "that everyone able
and willing to work has a job."
That "everyone able and willing to work
has a job!" Is that such an extravagant.
demand? The income of society and' the nation
depends entirely upon the amount of work
which the people do, If all the people who
want work can have it, the income of society
will be that much increased. In the boom days
of 1929, the Brookings Institute estimated that
in the United States the unused production
capaeu y was about 19% of the total.
Dr. Schmidt also declares "The demand
that' private eniterprise provide a job for every-
one just won't stand examination." This is a
nice, high-sounding statement, calculated to
impress some of the reader's of Nation's Busi-
umph, but before that day of victory, the cost
in human flesh and suffering will mount
As developments of the invasion are flashed
over the world let us pray for the safety and
success of our troops on the French battle-
grounds. Let us also pray that each of us w4il
be capable of practicing love and tolerance once
victory is won so that the truth and freedom
for which our loved ones are dying Shall never.
again be trampled to earth.
WASHINGTON, June 5-Mrs. Roosevelt's
blunt press-conference remarks about Winston
Churchill's recent speech in .the House of Com-
mons brought out publicly what .those around
the White House have known for some time--
that the First Lady never has been too enthusi-
astic about the Prime Minister.,
Last summer, Churchill came to Washing-
ton after Quebec and, together with Harry Hop-
kins, occupied one section of the' White House.
There, military conferences continued day and
night, with the Prime Minister walking up and
down the White House cozidors iii flapping
bedroom slippers and a great gold-and-red silk
At that time, Mrs. Roosevelt is said to have
telephoned from New York to a member of her
family in the-'White House and to have tactfully
"Is that man still there?" (She was not
referring to the President).'
It is not the way the Prime Minister dr'essed
or made himself at home in the White House
that bothered Mrs. Roosevelt. But, according
to friends, she did feel that Mr. Churchill wore
her husband out with his long hours. (He
often sleeps from noon until about 7 P. M.,
then stays up until about 3 A.'M. Meanwhile,.
the President had to face his regular routine
all day long).
Also, Mrs. Roosevelt. to her intimates,
has made no secret of her belief that Mr.
Churchill is living in the political past as far.
as the Empire is concerned. She has enter-
tained atler liberal viewsSon India and other
British possession, such as Hongkong. There-
fore, it was no surprise to friends when
Mrs. Roosevelt, asked about Churchill's
speech and his references io Franco Spain,
"The speech was very characteristic 9f
Mr. Churchill."
"Mr. Churchill has thought a certain way
for sixty years."
I R ther
Be Righ
By Sauel u Graufton
-Is e e eei
NEW YORK, JUNE 5-The Political Action
Committee of the CIO is not going to be
squashed like a fly, Nor will it be blown away
like a puff of smoke. Nor yet will it be destroyed
by laughter. Its opponents think it is import-r
ant, but it. is more important than they think
it is.
,. , . .
There is no country in the world in which
labor has not entered national politics after
become conscious of itself as labor, and to
suppose that America is ezempt from this
process is to suppose nonsense. To fight an
inevitability of this sort with petty ordinances
is akin to fining history $2 for parking by a
fireplug, and it will not work.
If we had a large body of philosophers in
Congress, which we do not, there might even be
a certain measure of discreet joy produced in
their ranks by the appearance of the PAC, for
they would realize that by choosing the methods
it has, the PAC has subscribed to the American
way, of ballots and representative government.
It has, in fact, turned its back on violence,
disorder and revolution, and has accepted to
play the game without changing the rules. A
true conservative should not be altogether dis-
pleasure might be tempered by the reflection
pleased by that, .even though his philosophical
that it is his skin the PAC is after.
It is only men who have read books, how-
ever, who will find any such mitigating circum-
stances with which to comfort themselves. Yet
those who have read a book or two will know
that there are many choices labor can, and, in
other countries, has made, running all the way
from anarchism to communism.
rJHE QUESTION of how labor is to use its
power'm is an old question and a fierce
question. There is nearly a century of debate in
labor annals, between those who have favored
such methods as the general strike, and others
who have favored contemptuous indifference
to all instrumrentalities of government, and still,
others who have favored the way of ordinary
democratic political action. Surely there are men
alive who remember the I. W. W.
Such men will realize that in countries, as
in England, where labor has chosen the course
of standard political activity, it has by the
same decision, turned its back forever and irre-
vocably upon violence and revolution. There is
no returning.
Once labor is thoroughly involved in demo-
cratic politics, why then, that; is where labor
is, in democratic politics; and once in, .it will
stay in."
I acdlit that this is the large view, and that
it may perhaps not appeal to individual Con-
gressmen who find themselves pulled off the
roost by the PAC. Yet even these men, if they
really cherish representative institutions, ought
to realize that labor's decision to work through
the medium of representative institutions is
"EY, EDIE, how do you make
prune whip?"
"I don't know. I've never made
it. Why don't you look it up in the
cook book."
"Okay . . . You know, sometimes
I think 'I've learned more about
cooking in the co-op than I have
about any other subject since I've
been in school."
"Well, that's certainly not the co-
ops fault in YOUR case! You make
out the work schedule yourself, and
you only work five or six hours a
week like the rest of us. Your trou-
ble is that you like to stay up all
night in bull sessions instead of
"Maybe so. But I've learned a
darn sight more that way than I
would have if I'd plowed through
that dull sociology textbook."
"Agreed, Remember that night we
all gave our impressions of "Strange
Fruit"? You thought it was better
than "Native Son", and all the
northern white kids in the house
were very impressed with it?"
"Yes, and how Joyce, who knows
something about the problem of
being a Negro in America, said that
she didn't think the book was as new
and remarkable as all that . . . she
was much more interested in Lillian
Smith, the author's, list of things
people can do about the race prob-
lem in the south today. She divided
the things into Those for Timid
People, Those with a Little Spunk,
and Those Willing to Get their Necks
in Trouble."
"That's one thing I've learned in
the co-op: about the races of man-
kind, and how much absolute hooey
most people believe without ever
looking into the scientific facts."
"I heard that a new girl in one of
the co-ops didn't catch on, though,
and seemed to think that the Roch-
dale principles on hich our co-ops
are based are just on the books. She
was amazed when she found out we
live up to the theories the Rochdale
weavers worked out a hundred years
ago in England."
"I know. Most people seem to
have trouble understanding that we
actually do have; democratic govern-
ment, with one member-one vote,
and that we don't discriminate in
membership, and that there is a
basic equality in all the houses."
" was thinking the other day how
funny it is. We are all brought
up to believe in individual initiative
and private enterprise and Always
Watch Out for Number One. But now
we're in a war and' everyone is sud-
denly talking about cooperation and
unity. 'Cooperate to abolish the
black market.' 'Be neighborly-share
your ride.' 'Disunity is bad for the
war effort: Work Together.' And
that's what the co-ops have been
talking about all along."
" THINK that after the war, the
co-op movement can go a long
way in this country, especially in the
colleges. There are going to be a
lot of returning soldiers who will
want to go to school as inexpensively
as possible ... "
"Yes, and they'll know how to
make their beds, wash windows, keep
accounts, AND some of them will
be able to make prune whip ",
"Sometimes we forget that there
are co-ops all over the world. In
the Soviet districts in China there
is quite a bit of heavy production
which is co-operative. There are
a lot of consumer co-ops in Eng-
land, producer co-ops in the Baltic
states, and in Russia the collect-
ive farms and many of the indu-
stries are completely co-operative."
"Maybe after the war when we
start up some of the fellows co-ops
on this campus again, the co-operat-
ive movement can be more recog-
nized by the University . . . in the
an endorsement of those institutions;
and there have been strong labor
leaders in the past who would have
condemned so amiably orthodox an
approach to ,politics on the part of
labor as being pretty sissy.
The important point is not that
the PAC has got Mr. Starnes of
Alabama between the eyes, but
that the most leftward wing of
American labor has chosen to use
precisely the methods which the
Republican Party 'uses, and no
stronger nor stranger ones.
It has endorsed the game, as it
stands, and, thirty years from now,
that decision may turn out to have
been more important than the out-
come of the election itself.
These are long perspectives, and it
is a little hard to ask candidates to
take time out of a hot primary for
a long perspective. But anyone whose
faith in America is more than a
mere verbalism will not feel that
the PAC means the end of our civi-
lization. He will feel that old insti-
tutions have won a new endorsement.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
classroom, I mean. Certainly sociol-
ogy and economics and government
classes could -well use our co-ops as
practical examples of the theories
they're presenting."
"Yes, and our American Lit.
courses too. They could use our
co-ops in contrast with the Utopian
bits of heaven like the Brook Farm
of Emerson and Thoreau."
"Maybe that's the answer to your'
not studying enough' if we can get
them fitted into your courses, you
won't need to read your texts, and
will be able to go to class and spout
about our conversations on man and
society, from the co-operative point
of view."
"And the fun there is in working
together, and the pride of workman
ship Carlyle talks about."
"That's right. Say, how is that
prune whip coming? It's almost
time for first call for dinner."
-Ann Fagan
VOL. LIV No. 153
All notices for The Daily Official Bil-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding Its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Hygiene Lectures: If sufficient in-
terest is shown, there will be a repeat
examination for the required Wo-
men's Hygiene Lectures. Sign up by
Wednesday at the Health Service.
Petitioning: Positions on the sum-
mer Women's War Council, including
the president, personnel administra-
tor, secretary, treasurer, Surgical
Dressings chairman, and Judiciary
Council, will' be open to senior and
second semester junior women. Posi-
tions on JGP, Soph Project, and
Frosh Project are open to women in
these respective classes and three
USO colonels will be chosen from
women in any year. Petitioning will
continute until 5:30 p. m. Wednesday,
June 7, at which time all petitions
must be turned in to the Undergrad
Office at the League. There will be
no interviewing.
Hopwood Contestants should call
for their manuscripts at the Hop.
wood Room on Monday or Tuesday.
The American Youth Hostels, In-
corporated are sponsoring a bicycle
trip to Mexico from July 2 through
Aug. 18 at a total cost of $155.00.
More detailed information may be
obtained from Miss Janina Diedbala,
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination fov Pai Chu-
an Hu, Engineering Mechanics; the-
sis: "Influence Lines for Redundant
Trusses," Tuesday, June 6, 406 West
Engineering, at 3 p.m. Chairman,
J. A. Van den Broek.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
thosewho for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Events Today
Panel Discussion: The Student
Council of the University School of
Music will sponsor a panel discussion
"How can the School of Music im-
prove the caliber of its students?" at
8 o'clock this evening in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. Panel members: Professors
Lowell, Revelli, Case, Mattern anal
Ross; students Harriet Porter, Mary
Laughlin, Robert Waltz and Herb
Eidemiller; recapitulation by Regis-
trar Robert Williams. This discussion
will be open to anyone interested.
La Sociedad Hispanica. There will
be a meeting of the Sociedad Hispan-
ica at 8 p.m. in the Michigan'Union
A program has been arranged and al
members and their friends are urged
to be present.
The Phi Kappa Phi initiation of
new members will be held tonight at
8 o'clock in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. A reception will follow. Al
members are invited to attend.
J.G.P. Representatives from League
Houses and Sororities must turn in
their unsold stamps and money from
3 to 5 this afternoon in Miss McCor-
mick's Office in the League. This is,
absolutely the final collection period.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting in the chapel
of the League at 8:15 p.m. The stu-
dents and faculty are cordially in-
Sing Swing: A great success is theI
Worth Saving
IF THE Rural Electrification Ad-
" ministration is set free from
Washington departmental bureauc-
racy, as the Senate subcommittee in-
vestigating its affairs has decided
should be done, it can be one of the
most powerful of national agencies
for economic progress when the war
is over. It can provide widespread
employment; it can set in motion a
current of business activity extending
from the 40-acre farm to the huge
manulacturmg plant.
How important this contribution
can be was indicated by the statement
of Harry Slattery, REA Administra-
tor, read to a recent St. Louis con-
ference of representatives of Mis-
souri's 39 rural electric co-operatives.
Only about 25 per cent of Missouri's
farm are now receiving electric ser-
vice. Extension of this service after
the war in accordance with plans
drawn up by REA would involve a
line-building program costing $22,-
500,000. And, said Mr. Slattery, the
wiring of farm buildings and the pur-
chase of electrically-operated appli-
concurrent business in the way of the
ances and machines probably would
call for expenditure of an equal
Hereis a ready-made program for
post-war development which could be
started quickly and which would pro-
vide a volume of self-supporting bus-
iness of approximately $45,000,000 in
Missouri alone. It would have com-
parable dimensions in other states.
But the inauguration and suc-
cessful operation Hof this program
can be expected only if Congress
protects REA from the political
spoilsmen and incompetent bureau-
crats of the Department of Agricul-
ture who are trying to destroy it.
Why can't Congress act speedily
and courageously to restore REA's
independent status so that it may
operate as efficiently as does TVA?
Unless REA, and the people, are given
this protection, one of the soundest
of the New Deal enterprises is doomed
to tragic crippling.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Building. Dr. N. J. Kreidl, of the
Research Laboratory of Bausch and
Lomb Optical Company, will speak
on "Glass Research Turns to Crys-
tal Chemistry". The public is cor-
dially invited.
The Research Club: The final
meeting of the year will be held in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building at eight o'clock, Wednesday
evening, June 7, 1944. Professor John
W. Bean will read a paper on "oxy-
gen Poisoning" and Professor Harold
E. Wethey on "The Cathedral of Cuz-
co, Peru." Officers for the ensuing
year will be elected.
Cercle Francais: The last meeting
of the Cercle for this semester will be
held Thursday, June 8, at 8 o'clock, in
the League cafeteria. Come and havo
refreshments in French at the long
table at the end of the room.
Fun and Frolic: You bet, a Wednes-
day Night Dance has been added to
the USC program because of the
many requests from you men. The
Junior Hostesses will be there and
there will be plenty of fun and re-
Crayon Drawings: Don't be jealous
because your friends have a good
crayon drawing of themselves to send
to their family or best gal. Come to
the USO and have one made your-
self. There drawings are done very
well, and in color. Make an appoint-
ment for any hour from 1 to 5 on
Friday afternoon.
Dancing Class: If you didn't know
before, you know now that the USO
has dancing classes every Friday
night from 7 to 8 p.m. These lessons
are under the direction of Lt; Flegal-
and let us tell you that you'll really
know how to dance when you get
Friday Night Fun: Another USC
Friday night dance. If you want some
fun and variety for a Friday night
this will fill the bill. Junior Hostesses
to dance with--and if you don't care
to dance, there are a ,lot of other
things to do. Dancing from 8 to
Saturday Session: The USO does it
again with a gala Saturday night
dance. Dancing from 8 to midnight.
Fun-refreshments, and Junior Host-
July 8 (Saturday) Picnic !Fifty
men invitecd. Sign up at .UFO Club
FROM a letter in Yank, the Arm
weekly: "Here is a question tha
each Negro soldier is asking. Wha
is the Negro soldier fighting for?,.
Myself and eight other soldiers wer
on our way from Camp Claiborne
La., to the hospital here at Fort Hua
chuca. We had to lay over until th
next day for our train.
The only place where we could b
served was at the lunchroom at th
railroad station, but of course we ha
A Pixey this size! How could
any work he's able to do make
the praduction araoh of that
By Crockett Johnson
Glad you're back, John-Can't
stop! Awful mess! The boss is
wild! The plant's in a panic!- _
But what's the matter? With
the production record you've
all been setting, I expected-
' i . :..