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June 06, 1944 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-06

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Bill S

by Jo Ann Peterson
LAST FRIDAY marked the anni- always driving ahead, no matter how
versary of the death of one of poorly the team appeared to be doing
the most outstanding athletes ever at a chosen moment.
to play Big Ten football, and one ofr.e
the finest sportsmen that ever com- ULIe hlsbalcareerowher
peted in Western Conference play. he could always be counted on to
Nile Kinnick, a member of the bounce back, Ensign Kinnick's crash
University of Iowa football team, and gave him no chance to come back
an All-American halfback in 1939, again. He was several miles from
disappeared into the ocean just a his, carrier in a fighter plane on
year ago, and although his death June 2, 1943 when he was forced
was perhaps not sadder or more down, due to mechanical failure. He
important than the deaths of hund- and his plane sank swiftly without a
reds of others, it did bring the war trace.
closer to all colleges in the Big Ten Kinnick was a brilliant scholar as
conference-and especially to the wel as an unusual athlete, nd
athletes who had had an opportunity would undoubtedly have had a great
to compete against the wily halfback. future in law. Kinnick's death'
Kinnick was selected an All-Amer- brought the war home with a terri-
ican halfback in 1939, and the same fic impact to both teachers and
season, was selected 'athlete of the coaches who had watched his rise'
year', which title implies that the with interest.
athlete selected is outstanding not Kinnick's death came as such a
only as a skilled performer in his shock to the men who had known
own sport, but also, shows marked him, and respected him, that it was
qualities of fair-mindedness, good determined that he should not be'
sportsmanship and something of forgotten. As a result a campaign
that elusive quality called "crowd for a fund of $50,000 is now being'
appeal." carried on by the Iowa City Junior
Kinnick was all of these things. Chamber of Commerce, to award
He was expert at all the intricacies Nile Kinnick Memorial Scholarships
of football or he wouldn't have been to those University of Iowa men
placed on the All-American team. found to possess the Kinnick quali-
However, it was a certain extra ties in as close a measure as possi-
something that gave him the 'athlete ble. The fund, even in these difficult'
of the year' status. That something war times, already totals $6,000
extra was an ability to get up when donated by organizations, alumni
he'd been knocked down, and to and football followers of Kinnick.
carry through his function in every It is hard to see how any good
play with as little hitch, and as can come out of the death of a
much agility as possible. Tacklers young man as promising as Nile
often flattened him after he had Kinnick, but at least in this case
launched a forward pass, but Kin- it can be said that future genera-'
nick aggressively bounced up again, tions of young men will benefit
ready for more action in the same from the Scholarships, which is a
play. He was like Michigan's great fitting tribute to so excellent a
guard Julie Franks in that lie was person and athlete.
Browns and Cards on Top in
Both Major LeagueCircuits
NEW YORK, June 5.-()- St.-
Louis showed them how it's done in Indians failing to manage a .500 clip.
both major leagues with the Cards While the Browns took over first,
and Brownies pacing the west to dci- Detroit had a seven-game streak and
sive inter-sectional victories in the Chicago spun a six-game skein that
second east-west series which ended has not been broken.
with Sunday's doubleheaders. Pre-season dopesters labeled the
Billy Southworth's Red Birds eastern clubs as the class of the
played .15 ball in taking eight of 13 American League and the west tops
starts as the National invaders cap- in the National. So far, they have
tured 28 and lost 24 in their tour of been half right. The senior loop has
the east, a tabulation today shows. been dominated by St. Louis, Cin-
The New York Yankees and Wash- cinnati and Pittsburgh but the Har-
ington Senators flopped badly on ridge circuit has only the McCarthy
their first long jaunt and not a single crew from the east in the first divi-
eastern club in the American was able sion. Washington, an early choice,
to win as many as it lost. plummeted to the cellar by losing two '
Although the Yanks had a two and Sunday but the race has been so tight
a half game lead when they headed that a couple of ball games could
west, they lost eight and won only shuffle the standings.
five in sinking into second, a game Qnly five and a half games separ-
and a half back of the Brownies, who ated first from last in the American'
took ten of 15 for a giddy .667 pace. as all clubs in both loops enjoyed an
Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and St. open date in their schedules. Wash-1
Louis handed the visitors a bad shel- ington lft home in third place and1
lacking, 33 games to 23, only the returned in last.

Varsity Nine
Faces Purdue
On Saturday
Wolverines Need One
Wi To Clihe Western
Conference Crown
Michigan hopes for coasting home
the leader in the Big Ten baseball
standings were considerably en-
hanced Saturday with the double
defeat of Minesota, the hitherto
runnerup team, at the hands of
Northwestern's Wildcats.
By virtue of their 3-1, 6-3 victories
over the Gophers, Northwestern
climbed into the number two spot
with a record of eight wins to two
losses against the Wolverines' six
and nothing record. Minnesota was
spilled to a place among the also-
rans with five games in the win col-
umn standing opposite three defeats.
The Wolverines meet Purdue Sat-
urday in a home doubleheader, and
if the Michigan nine can cop only
one game, they will breeze into the
title. However, if they fail to win
either contest against the Boiler-
makers, they will lose out to the
Wildcats for the championship.
Purdue Anxious To Win
The boys from Purdue are evi-
dently very eager to take the Wol-
verines in both ends of the twin bill,
and have sent word that they will
be bringing a 20-man squad to Ann
Arbor. Although they are out of
the running, the Boilermakers would
like to upset the Western Conference
applecart and beat out a Fisher-
coached team, similar to the ones
which have won eight titles in the
Wolverine mentor's 24 year tenure
Meanwhile, the Michigan nine is
recuperating from the 10-1 defeat
administered by Notre Dame Friday
at South Bend. Although the Wol-
verines came back Saturday to take
the second contest of the series from
the Irish, 6-4, echoes of the Rambler
bats were still ringing in the Michi-
gan ears.
Bowman's Record Spoiled
The losing pitcher in Friday's
debacle was lefty Bo Bowman, who
had a record of five wins and no los-
ses before the trip to South Bend.
After an abbreviated warm-up period
for the Wolverines, the contest
started just 15 minutes after the
Michigan nine had arrived at the
Bowman retired the side in the
first two innings, after the initial
batsman to face him had tripled, but
was touched for five runs in the
third. With a possible double play
in sight, second sacker Charley Ket-
terer booted the ball and loaded the
bases with one out. At that point,
the Irish broke out in a rash of hits,
and pounded the southpaw merci-
lessly for five runs.
Wiese Unable To Stem Tide
Bowman was replaced in the
fourth by Bob Wiese, who, although
he scattered the Irish runs, allowing
a pair in the fourth, two in the
fifth and one in the seventh, was
unable to stem the tide.
In Saturday's contest, Elroy Hirsch
emerged the winning hurler, holding
Notre Dame to four runs. Hirsch was
hit more freely than in any of the
four previous contests which he has
won, allowing the Ramblers to col-
lect eight hits to the Wolverines 11.
Irish shortstop Bob Klein and sec-

flume Twins Set New
Michigan Mile Record
Time of 4:14.6 Betters Mark by Oine and
EiIht-Tents Seconds Prepare for N.C.A.A.
By BILL LAMBERT unattached Michigan men fared well.
Saturday marked another success- Martin Again Cops Hurdle Tilt
ful day for Michigan tracksters, as Jack Martin, conference low hurdle
the Hume twins, Ross and Bob, tool champion, won 220-yard low hurdles,
the Central Collegiate mile run in Jim Pierce and Dick Forrestal fin-
their usual dead-heat style at Great ished one-two in the 440-yard dash,
Lakes, and ten other Wolverine thin- Dick Barnard placed first in the half-
clads running unattached grabbed mile, and Charlie Birdsall copped the
five firsts in the state AAU. meet at two-mile to round out the individual
Ypsilanti. firsts.
The Humes, who were the only A mile relay team composed of Mel
Maize and Blue representatives, turn- Detwhiler, Barnard, Pierce and For-
ed out a performance which was restal stepped out in front to place
clocked in 4:14.6, thus bettering the ahead of the field in this event. Gene
16-year-old Michigan mark for this Moody, Max Kelly and Warren Bentz
distance by one and eight-tenths finished two, three and four respec-
seconds. tively in the pole vault, while George
Best Mile Run This Year Vetter ran third in the mile and
It was by far the best mile ever run half-mile.
outdoors by any Michigan runner, This Saturday the Hume twins and
and in this case runners. Following some other Wolverine runners, who
the race Coach Ken Doherty com- as yet have not been named, will be
mented, "Whenever weather, compe- competing in the National Collegiates
tition and track conditions permit the at Milwaukee, in what promises to be
two to go all out, they should be able the finalhappearance of Michigan
to better 4:10. As fine as this race runners this year.
was, they can do better." In looking
at other Michigan records, it can be CleVeland Pitcher
seen that the only mile performance I StillSpended
which betters their time was the in-
door time 4:14.4 turned in by Ralph CLEVELAND. June 5.-( )-Pitch-
Schwartzkoff in 1940. er Vernon Kennedy of the Cleveland
While the ex-captain and the cap- Indians remained "suspended in-
tain-elect were turning in such a definitely" despite a conference today
brilliant showing in the Central Col- with manager Lou Boudreau.
legiates, 10 of their teammates were Charging Kennedy with "insubor-
out running on their own at the AAU dination and conduct detrimental to
meet in Ypsilanti. Although William the club," the Cleveland manager
Watson, former Wolverine track star, imposed the penalty between halves
stole the show while his Detroit Po- of a doubleheader with the New York
lice team copped the team title, the Yankees yesterday.

Tebbetis has
Best Army
WACO, Tex, June 5..-UP)-Birdie
Tebbetts, who knew about baseball
farm systems while catching for the
Detroit Tigers, has found the Army
with one that's- both efficient and
From it he ha pt togthea
couple of clubs comparable in at
with the majors. As manaer n of the
nine at Waco Army Air Field, Birdie
as good or better: it has taken nine
games and the state semi-pro title
last year.
Now he's back with one that looks
as good or better; it has taken nine of
ten games.
Birdie's "farm system" is the intra-
mural sports program. Tebbetts
watches the squadron games and gets
plenty of material. H is system is
more convenient than the kind in the
majors because he can just walk
across the lot and recruit ball players.
No scouting, no waits, no contract
Al Kasparek tossed an intramural
no-hitter His next appearance was
with te WAAF team. Second base-
meanPat Padgett, catcher George
same coursea si olo h
On Tebbetts' squad are such fellows
as Sid Hudson, former Washimigton
ace who won 18 games last season and
has taken three this year without
allowing an earned run; Buster Mills,
ex-big league outfielder; Hoot Evers
property of the Tigers, and man
others of known pro bail ability
Baseball at the air field comes only
after heavy demands of Army routine
have been met.

ACE SLUGGER-Bruce Blanchard,
third sacker on the Wolverine base-
ball team, again paced the team in
the Notre Dame series, also adding
his first home run of the season to
his total.
ond-basemnan Ray Carlin were par-
ticularly effective at the Plate against
both Michigan hurlers.
Blanchard Stars at the Plate
On the other hand, the Maize and
Blue batsmen teed off on hurler Jack
Barrett, to bunch its blows for
double tallies in the sixth and eighth
frames. Shortstop Bruce Blanchard
collected a round-tripper in the first
inning, and also pounded out a pair
of singles in the latter part of the
Catcher Bob Stevenson also had a
successful day at bat as he garnered
three hits. The big backstop has
been especially adept afield all
season, but has failed to come
through at the plate. His outburst
Saturday holds promise of an ef-
fective performance against Purdue
in the coming tilts.
Oku~b Stisi
IM Soitbull Ti!'lt
The inter-co-op softball league
closed Sunday with a real slug fest
when the' Michigan Co-op trounced
the Robert Owen Co-op 25-7.
Even though the tilt was charac-
terized by an overabundance of extra
base hits, there were some sparkling
fielding plays, mainly made by Seichi
Okub, shortstop for the Michigan
Co-op team. Okub covered his posi-
tion like a demon. He was all over the
field, executing double plays and
picking up sharp grounders like a
veteran. Before coming to Michigan,
Okub was badminton champ at UCLA
and now he is a junior in engineering
Rudy Haflee and pitcher Ken Scott
of Robert Owen also turned in admir-
able performances but received little
assistance from their teammates and
were subdued by a superior team.

There's a character who's got a
heart like his name. To him a Nip
K .
n the trees is a notch in his gun.
Me, I've got the hottest pin-up
collection in the Pacific but does it
get me anywhere with Trig? No!
Even when I try to mooch one of
his Chesterfields I have to find him
a whole nest of Nips to pick off.
But then .*. the Colonel says we
make a swell Combination...
Remember Chesterfield's
_ Key-words
For Mildness, Better Taste 2
and Cooler Smoking
'1\ ,- -



from 1 P.M.


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of lOc for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on .Request
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
by Army pre-med student each
Saturday leaving about noon. Will
pay all expenses. Contact Box 6,
Michigan Daily.
WANTED-A second-hand canoe, in
good condition. Phone 24561.
WANTED--Cook at University of
Michigan Fresh Air Camp. Camp
opens June 26. Call 6354 or Univ.f
ext. 571.

LOST-Delta Chi fraternity pin. Re-
ward. Call 4478.
WRIST WATCH-Gold lady Elgin,
lost Sunday morning. E. Huron
St. Reward. Please phone 22901.
LOST: Pair of tortoise shell-rimmed
glasses in brown leather Uhtemann
case. Reward. Mary Cochran,
LOST-Brown alligator wallet con-
taining valuable papers of one sad
sailor. Lost in vicinity of canoe
boat house. Reward. Contact J.
I. Davis at West Quad.
ROOMS FOR 5-16 weeks students
for the summer term, 3 meals a
day. Call 22539 Alpha Delta Pi
able at the Pi Beta Phi House, 836
Tappan, for summer session stu-
dents.. Three meals will be served
daily. Call 6543.
wants to meet beautiful girl with
washing machine. Box 20.
FOR SALE: $6,000 contract-6%
interest-all due in 5 years. Oril
Ferguson, 928 Forest. Phone 2-

Week Days 30c to 5 P.M.

The most
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