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June 06, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-06

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Insurance Is Ruled Interstate


y Court


Decision Is
Conspiracy Is Charged
tinder Aniti-Trust Law
WASHINGTON, Jtne 5.-(P)-The
Supreme Court, overturning a 75-
year-old decision, ruled today that
the insurance business is interstate
commerce and therefore subject to
regulation under the Sherman Anti-
Trust Law and the WVagner Labor Act
The decision in the anti-trust case
upheld indictments charging a group
of fire insurance coipanies with
conspiracy to restrain interstate tade
arnd paved the way for similar actions
against other companies which the
Justice Department has said it wOuld
start if the indictments were sus-
Legislation Called for
Legislation is pending in both hous-
es of Congress specifically to exempt
the insurance business from the anti-
trust laws, and supporters said they
would press for quick action. Rep
Walter (Dem., Pa.), author of a meas-
ure which has been approved by the
House judiciary committee, declared
legislation is "needed immediately to
,prevent chaos."
Rep.eHancock (Rep., N.Y.), author
of a similar bill, said the federal gov-
ernment has no organization to- take
over supervision of insurance. The
pending legislation would leave such
supervision to the states.
Chairman Sumners Disagrees
Chairman Sumners . (Demi., Tex.)
of the House Judiciary Committee
said, "I don't agree with the Supreme
Court majority opinion."
However, Senator O'Mahoney
(Dem., Wyo.), who has long fought
the exemption legislation, predited
it would die in Senate committee. He
said the Court's decision now requires
the fire insurance companies to co-
operate with Congress and the states
"in revising the insurance system so
as to provide equitable treatment for
little business as well as big qusinss."
With the exception of Justice lob-
erts, who took no part in the dteci-
sions, the Court was unanimous ii its
belief that insurance is interstate
commerce and that the Wagner Act
But the Court split, four to three,
on the question whether insurance is
subject to the anti-trust laws.
60 Register- fo*
Four-Week Education
Program Is Begun
More than 60 have registered in
the four-week intersession program
offered by the School of Education
which began yesterday Dean James
F3. Edmonson announced.
The program is designed to serve
those who desire to complete some
summer study before July 1, to pre-
pare intensely for the counseling of
returned veterans and displaced war
workers, or for the work of the
visitingg teacher. b
"hose who need a longer period
than is provided in the regular eight-
week Summer Session which opens
Monday, July 3, will also find the
intersession program advantageous,
especially the graduate student who
lacks only a few hours on a master's
degree program as it will provide
opportunity to earn .ten or 12 hours
of wor, four in the Intersession and
six or eight in the Summer Session.
A special program has also been

arranged for guidance workers and
others who wish to prepare for post-,
war counselors and visiting teach-I
Dean Edmonson said that the reg-
istration this year exceeds that of
last year by 35.
emlester Child
Care Work Ends
"No more trips out to Willow Run
Will be made this year, and we are
stopping our Girl Scout and Proxy
Parent activities for the rest of the
semester" Dusty Miller, '45, Child
Care Head said yesterday.
"We wish to thank all the coeds
who have volunteered to work on
this project; the turn-out was won-
derful and all of the women did won-
derful job", Miss Miller continued.
A meeting will . e held at the
beginning of the summer semester
for those interested in Proxy Par-
ents and Girl Scout leading. No
work at Willow Run will be done
during the summer.
Lee White Will Address
'U' High Graduates Friday


Get Credit

Christian Scientists Chum
Freedom Is Spiritual Gift

Special to The Daily
Up For A pproval BOSTON, June 5.--While believ-
ing military might esential to an Al-
lied victory over anti-Christ claims of
The first list of students who have injustice and intolerance, the Chris-
received enough University credits to inusice Boance, teCrs-
graduate through training received .
in the armed services has just been phasized that freedom is really a
released by the Registrar's office and spiritual gift to be realzed only
will be recommended tothe Board of , -------
Regents for approval at their July"
Under the war-time plan, credit
toward graduation is being given by.
the University for educational work.
done in the Army or Navy on theI
university level and which fits into
the study program of the student. C
In addition, credit is being given.
for actual military and naval train-
ing. For years the University has
given courses in military and naval
science, the student receiving four ,
hours for basic training and eight or
more for advanced work. If the{
Army or Navy trainee has never had!
these courses, he may receive fourE
hours credit for his basic training
and a possible additional eight hoursi
if he has gone to Officer's Candidatej
School or taken comparable ad-
vanced work.I
ndThus far, applications for this
credit is coming chiefly from men A
who entered the service needing only TA SErEY id ofThe rs the
a few hours to graduate. Credits ,.c of tt i s-
already granted range from two' h"ch MasCh.is., Scientist, m Bos-
tox, litss.
hours to 29hhourseearned by one ____ ____ ____
soldier "who head been doing highly I
technical work in electronics. through spiritual understanding and
In order to maintain the Univer- attainment.",

I - - -

stedt (left) commander-in-chief of German forces in Western Europe
who will devise the strategy to Europe with the coming Allied invasion,
confers with the commander of the German division on the French
Mediterranean coast, according to the caption accompanying this
picture received through Portugal.

the world toward winning the peace.
"That is, making world peace so se-
cure that other wars will be preclud-
Reports from various departments
of the Christian Science movement
indicated a sharp turn to religion as
the mainstay of a war-torn world, it
was reported to the meeting. Lectur-
ers are continuing to go to Mexico
and, for the first time in five years,
to Great Britain. Some publications
of the church are finding their way
into Switzerland and even into some
occupied countries of Europe.
It was also revealed that the lead-
ing Christian Science periodicals and
Bibles have abtained the largest cir-
culation and sales.
Some Christian Science army chap-
lains arc now overseas and one has
becn honored with the Legion of Mer-
it. Another war activity is the work
cf relief committees sending clothing
in considerable quantities to Great
Britain, Russia, Malta and Greece.
WAA To old
~Figure Fitness
Good posture for every coed will be
the purpose of the Figure Fitness
Fashion Show, presented by the WAA
Board to be held at 4:30 p.m. tomor-
row at Kellogg Auditorium.
Correct campus fashions will be
modeled by women especially chosen
for their good posture. The fashions
will include those for classroom,
sports, date and evening. Pat Coulter
and Marge Hall will also model what
the modern coed would do well not to
wear. Old fashioned sport clothes
will be shown, with Shelby Dietrich,
President of WAA, modeling a bath-
ing suit of 1910 vintage.
Highlightof the program will be
the presentation and distribution of
the Physical Fitness Booklet, an 8-
page pamphlet showing correct exer-
cises with illustrations and diagrams
of the positions. Six sets of exercises
will be given, including those for hips,
shoulders, flexibility and circulation.
This booklet was prepared by the
past WAA Board and given the fin-
ishing touches by the present Board.
This is the first time that an all-
coed show has been given in the Kel-
logg Auditorium. This auditorium is
located in the new Dental Building
across from Barbour Gym.


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F 'ormer Instructor Writes of
if e as lrse in New Caledo8a
itor's Note: This is the first in a b,-but it's odd how, quickly one
s of letters received by members adjusts to living conditions. Hiking
.he School of Music ,faculty from aj~St iigCniin.Hkn
SLouise Cuyler, former instructor almost half a mile to the shower tent
heory here, who is now stationed for a nice ice cold shower, keeping
the American Red Cross in New water in a canteen for carnal uses
donia. Miss Cuyler obtained a like brushing teeth or rinsing off
e of absence from the University hands, doing all one's own washing
overseas uty with the Red Cross in a helmet, since the premises boast
Decemnber, 1943. neither Sink nor bowl--these really
wish you could see the sur- don't seem frightfully inconvenient
[ings as I write this. We were at all after a few days. Living with
mporarily quartered in a vacant the army is a sure cure for any
of the 27th station hospital, fussy or over-modest tendencies one
is constructed along a strip of might have.
no more than 30 feet back Hectic Social Life
the blue Pacific. F "As to the food, the hospital mes-
l army hospitals are of fairly ses are pretty unappetizing on the
rm structure over here-miles whole, but one gets along; because
eems) of covered ramps, with it's possible to have an invitation
sheds (wards) long enough to to one of the officers' clubs for din-
32 beds on each side jutting ner every night if you want to.
ie ramps at frequent intervals. "We women on the island lead the
are no doors or windows of most hectic social life you can ima-
rood and glass variety, because gine, and almost everyone comes to
ever cold enough to need them; the point of budgeting dates.
dday the wards are as hot as "It's hard to describe what war
." does to all of us who are here close
Tents Were Blown Away to it; but for the men in particu-
most all the hospitals on this lar this is a place where they come
I were housed in tents, but and wait shipment to combat zones,
were swept away in a tropical or where they return for rest and
cane which visited New Cale- recreation after a siege of the 'up
then. Except for places where north' business.
have made gravel paths and "In fact I believe that 50 per cent
he rzanps, the whole premises of the function of us Red Cross girls
me a sea of mud in the rains is just to be around for the boys to
were frequent through the mid- talk to and dance with-and don't
April. think that's all duck soup either.' It
r sanitary facilities would takes two days to recover from a GI
bly have appalled me, had I open dance, where someone cuts in
n exactly, what they were to every 30 seconds."
French Dinner 'e Luxe

sity's high standards, each case is
considered and evaluated on its own
merits. The appraisal is done with
the cooperation of the United States
Armed Forces Institute.
Long To Play
Tickets Are Now oti
Sale ati Un Io Des k

Before an audience of the annual
meeting of the Church of Christ,
Scientist, the directors cited the uni-
versal determination to win the peace
as advance evidence of a world-wide
realization that "righteous victory
under arms wil not suffice to guaran-
tee freedom to mankind."
It was pointed out that careful con-
sideration is being given throughout
hilel Study Group
Will 1101d Picnic *

of the Icennan???
Well, you needn't be.. . You,
too, can keep cool and fresh jn
a tubbable cotton from the
Se et rom a colleci n o
a variety of other materials--
in one- or two-piece outfits.
That's exactly how you'll re-
act when Glenn Miller sends
you with his album of all your
favorite smoothies. The RADIO
& RECORD SHOP also invites
you to listen to Will Bradley's
"Down the Road a Piece" and
"Celery Stalks at Midnight" or
a collection of oldies by T.,Dor-
sey and others
- ,
Lovely to look at .. . delight-
ful to own . .Luscious string
of pearls in pale pipk and blue
for something special. Give
themto t a e o
maybe onee iae bi.com-
pacts, earrings, or a lapel pin
-all at the CAMPUS SHOP,

II C ( /i

Tickets for Ships Ball, which will Members of the Hillel-Avukah
be held from 9 p. m. to midnight Sat- study group will end the semester's
urday in the Intramural Building, activities with a picnic which will
are now on sale at the Union desk be held today at Riverside Park.
and will also be sold at the door, it Members going on the picnic should

giTan weater'
ive To Open


Will Begin
in League

Collections of sweaters of all
shapes and sizes for the Send Our
Sweaters Drive, to }be given to the
underclothed Belgian population,
will begin tomorrow and continue
until June 14 in the Under Graduate
Office at the League.
Competition between dormitories,
league houses, and sororities and also
between individual houses will be
encouraged. Every woman is asked
to attach the name of her house to
the sweater or sweaters she is donat-
ing before she puts them into one of
the three boxes provided for dormi-
tories, league houses and sororities.
Deborah Parry, chairman of the
drive, emphasized that the goal has
been set at 1500 sweaters. "We have
set this goal high, because we know
that college women realize the des-
perate need for these articles and
will be willing to sacrifice at least
one of their many sweaters," Miss
Parry explained.
The Student Council of the School
of Music will have as its topic for a
panel discussion to be held at 8 p.m.
today in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building, "How Can
tta;;l~nlof Mtsi mov th

(In giving a brief resume of her
typical week in the "So-Pac" war
area, Miss Cuyler relates the details
of dinner with a French family on
the island.)
"It was an experience. We had
apertifs first - whiskey, ruin, or
brandy. Each place was set with 3
dinner plates, one on top the other,
a large soup plate being on top the
other three. First came a large tour-
een of delicious thick soup, served
with the hard bread which was
rolled in our napkins. A dish of new
peas cooked with little onions came
on next."
"Then came a platter of wonder-
ful chicken from their own flock,
cooked with a brown sauce, also
French fried potatoes."
"Dessert was a pie shell which was
about half an inch thick and crunibly
rather than flaky. filled with a lus-
cious custard; we had cognac with
thick, black coffee."
P ope Pis I
ROME, June 5-(AP)-Pope Pius
XII gave thanks to God before an
enormous crowd includiig soldiers
of the victorious Allied Fifth Army
tonight that Rome was spared the
ravages of war.
The Pontiff also expressed thanks
to "both beligerent parties" for sav-
ing the city. His words, delivered
with his hands outstretched, brought
prolonged applause from the multi-
It was perhaps the greatest crowd

was announced yesterday by John
Larson, publicity chairman.
The dance, which will feature
Johnny Long and his orchestra, is
open to all Naval personnel, and
coeds are urged to bring Navy men
from out of town to the dance. The
affair will be formal.
Local Naval personnel not living
in the West Quadrangle, including
RONAGs and medical and dental
students, are also urgedhby Larson
to attend Ships Ball, the only all-
Navy formal to be given this semes-
Doris Reed Gets
Doris E. Reed, '46SM, of Ithaca,
N.Y. was awarded the $25 United
States war bond as the band member
who had made the most progress
throughout the year at the 31st an-
nual spring program of the Univer-
sity Concert Band Sunday afternoon
in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. William D. Revelli, director
of the band, announced the award
just before the band played the fi-
nale, Morton Gould's "AmericanSa-
lute," based. on the popular .tune,
"When Johnny Comes Marching
Home." Miss Reed is oboist with the
band; also a member of the woodwind
The war bond was a gift of Mr.
Frank Commanday of New York,
father of Bob Commanday, Co. D,
flutist with the band.
DETROIT, June 5,-IP)-Four per-
sons, three of them former employes
of the Ford Motor Company, were
indicted by the Federal Grand Jury
today on charges of defrauding the
government in the handling of sub-
contracts for machine tools usedin
building B-24 Liberator bombers.
Named in the indictment were:
Clifford C. Crysler, formerly in charge
of the mechanical designing depart-
ment at Ford.
Joseph C. Kalman, formerly assis-
tant to Crysler.
Sphinx To Meet
There will be a meeting of Sphinx.
junior honor society, at 7:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union, according to
George Kraeger, president.

assemble at 5:45 p. m. at the Hillel
The picnic supper, a weiner roast,
will be prepared by Mary Takahashi
and .Judy Jacobs. Pfc Gil Segel-
man, Co. B--3651 5. U., will provide
the entertainment for the occasion.

For DAD-
On aters~Da

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p resents


After- Shave -Ta ics
H airdressing
Fa t her's Day Gr



Bie Alert!.
to all the rapid geographical
changes the increasing war in-
tensity is creating. WAHR'S
offer the very latest informa-
tion in the new "War Atlas for
Americans" ,and the price
is only $1.00. Or if you prefer,
choose a globe from their new
completely restocked line.
,j,%'- .d


Ca rds


. . .. ,.,



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