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May 10, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-10

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Cloudy and 'h'irer



(To I
Axis Loses
In Crimea
FreesT oArmies
For Spring Drive
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 10, Wednesday.-
Premier - Marshal Stalin announced
early today the capture by storm
of the Crimean fortress-port of Sev-
astopol after a 24-day siege in which
thousands of Axis troops died at
their guns or perished in the Black
Sea trying to escape by ship.
At least 100,000 German and Ro-
manian troops were believed killed or
captured in the overall 31-day Cri-
mean offensive which began April 8
and ended late yesterday just a few
hours before Stalin's dramatic order
of the day.
Reds Freed for Invasion
The victory, gained after a final
three-day assault against the ex-
hausted Axis garrison, freed two big
Russian armies for the major main-
land offensive expected soon in con-
junction With an Allied invasion of
Western Europe.
The Soviet Black Sea fleet also
gained a valuable port for amphibi-
ous operations against Romania's
coast, 200 miles to the west.
Two Transports Sunk
In the dying hours of the Axis
struggle at Sevastopol swarms of
Soviet bombers and torpedo boats
pounced on enemy ships trying to
evacuate troops, sinking two trans-
ports totalling 7,000 tons in the open
sea and smashing other vessels in
Kazachya, Stretletskaya and Kamy-
shevaya Bays west of Sevastopol near
Cape Khersonnes.
Russian infantrymen scrambled
over the chalk face of the hill city
also blasted enemy troops in their
cave hideouts.
Commanders Honored
Stalin named 56 commanders for
distinction in the drive which com-
pletely cleared the last of the 10,000-
square-mile Crimean peninsula.
Among these was Marshal Alexander
M. Vasilevsky, chief of the Red Army
General Staff.
The order of the day was addressed
jointly to Vasilevsky and Gen. Feo-
dor I. Tolbukhin, whose fourth Uk-
raine Army toppled Sevastopol in a
final overwhelming of three deep
zones of steel and concrete fortifica-
tions laced with barbed wire and
mine fields.
Jap Reverses
Announced on
Oriental Front
By The Associated Press
Encirclement of 80,000 Chinese
troops in north China's Honan prov-
ince was claimed by Tokyo radio
Tuesday, but Allied reports from ev-
ery oriental fighting front listed
nothing but Japanese reverses.

Dispatches from Loyang, ancient
capital of China, said a counterattack
had hurled the Japanese back across
the Yi River in their strongest push
toward that gateway to Chungking.
This left the enemy spearhead seven
miles south of Loyang. Another in-
vading force was annihilated 45 miles
northeast of the city, Chinese news-
men said.
Most of the 80,000 Chinese soldiers
whom Tokyo claimed were trapped
presumably were east of the Peiping-
Hankow railway. Chungking report-
ed the Nipponese brought up strong
reinforcements in an effort to crack
stubborn resistance and close the
14-mile gap in the road, the only
escape route for defending troops in
eastern Honan.
Far East Will Be
Panel Topic Tonight
Far Eastern economic exchange in
the post-war period will be the topic
of a Post-War Council panel discus-
,-*- ,, -4. ?-QAnm n a + hAUnion.

lins at


IT. S. Returns


rmy Captures

Sevasto ot

Rock French
Invasion Coast
Nazi Rail Centers Hit
In 25th Consecutive
Day of Aerial Attack
By The Associated Press
.LONDON, May 10, Wednesday.-
RAF night raiders lobbed blockbust-
ers on the German-occupied coast
across Dover Strait last night-caus-
ing explosions which shattered win-
dows on the English side of the Chan-
nel-as a quick follow-up to exten-
sive daylight attacks by more than
4,000 Allied planes.
The violent blasts echoing across
the water from the French coast
roused residents from their beds a
few minutes after a huge fleet of RAF
bombers had passed eastward, dark-
ening the starlit sky.
The din lasted ten minutes with-
out a pause and the concussion was
so great that the ground literally
shook at Folkestone and neighboring
towns. Dishes rattled in cupboards
and furniture rocked as from an
The bombing appeared centered_
on Calais and Dunkerque-a scant
20 miles across the channel-but a
light haze prevented observation.
The daylight operations, spear-
headed by American heavy bombers,
dropped possibly 6,000 tons of explo-
sives on scattered enemy installa-
Roosevelt Gains
70 Delegates,
Nears Quota
By The Associated Press
While Ohio and West Virginia vot-
ers elected gubernatorial nominees1
yesterday from among 17 candidates,
President Roosevelt picked up 70 more1
claimed delegates in those states.
That ran his total to 525, only 64
short of the 589 required for renom-t
The chief executive added 52 to his
column from Ohio and 18 from the
mountain state. Ohio's went to him1
indirectly through state auditor Jo-<
seph T. Ferguson, who filed for theA
preference vote unopposed with the
understanding the delegation would1
be for Roosevelt. West Virginia's 18
were unpledged but described as pro-<
fourth term if the President runs.-
The fourth term was given another
boost yesterday. CIO President Philip
Murray told the United Steelworkers;
of America in Cleveland that an "ov-
erwheming majority" of the people
demand it.
Ohio's 50 Republican delegates
elected in yesterday's primary are
pledged to Gov. John W. Bricker, who
ran unopposed in the preference.
This gives his 56, counting Missis-
sippi's six claimed for him, and places
him second in the GOP nomination
race behind Gov. Thomas E. Dewey.
The New Yorker leads with 264,
pledged and claimed delegates, with
530 needed for nomination.
Anti-Poll Tax
Plank Opposed
Sen. Bailey Threatens
To Quit Democrats
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9.- In a
bristling attack on "pressure groups,

Senator Bailey (De., N.C.) served
notice in the Senate today he will
bolt the Democratic party if it adopts
an anti-poll tax plank in its 1944
Joining Senator Connally (Dem.,
Tex.) in opposition to a House-ap-
proved bill outlawing the tax as a
qualification for voting for federal
officers, Bailey declared:
"I hear that this whole program is
to be followed by an effort at the
Rnnhlican convention in June and

MARGE HALL, president' of the women's War Council, and Jim Plate
of the Union will be co-chairmen of the 24th annual Tag Day drive to
be held in Ann Arbor Friday. Held to raise $1,500 to send boys to the
Fresh Air Camp, the Tag Day campaign will appeal to students,
servicemen and Ann Arbor residents. Twenty-five social and case-
working agencies of metropolitan areas choose 240 boys for a month's
vacation. Graduates and sociology students may receive credit for
courses taken as camp counsellors. Nearly $1,400 has already been
received in contributions and pledges from Detroit and Ann Arbor
residents. - Daily Photo by John Horeth
Ruthven, Gov. Kelly To Talk
At Conference To Be Held Here

President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Gov. Harry F. Kelly will high-
light the meetings of the Adult Edu-
cational Institute to be held here
May 16, 17 and 18.
"The Education of the Returning
Veteran" will be Governor Kelly's
topic, while President Ruthven will
speak May 16 on "Adult Education"
and will"discuss his recent work in
Related to the talk by President
Ruthven will be a film, "ABCA,"
shown by the Visual Education De-
partment. This movie demonstrates
the work of the Army Bureau of Cur-
rent Affairs, part of the British
Army's educational scheme, and
shows the methods employed by the
ABCA in promoting a better under-
standing of all aspects, of the war.
Another film, "World of Plenty,"
will also be presented. Written by
Eric Knight shortly before his death,
it deals with some problems and pos-
sible solutions to the planning of
production, distribution and price.
A talk on "What Are the Men in
Combat Thinking" will be given by
2nd Lieutenant James R. Griffith of
Dance Tickets
To Be on Sale
The few remaining tickets for the
"Spring Swing" to be held from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday at Water-
man Gym will be sold tomorrow on
the center of the diagonal.
The University sponsored affair
will be highlighted by Sonny Dun-
ham and his orchestra and by the
appearance of Lt. Tom Harmon and
his fiancee, movie actress Elyse Knox.
Tickets will continue to be on sale
at the League and Union lobby dasks
and at the local bookstores. Service-
men may purchase their tickets at
the University office outside of Rm.
2 in University Hall.+

the Percy Jones Hospital in Battle
Creek. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
University counsellor in religious ed-
ucation, will lead a panel discussion
on "Minority Groups," and Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history
department -will conduct a discussion
on "A Foreign Policy for the United
Nazis Retreat on
Adriatic Front
Anzio Allies Heavily
Shelled in Rear Area
By The Associated Press
NAPLES, May 9.- The Germans,
straightening their lines, have with-
drawn approximately nine miles in
the rugged mountain area on the left
flank of the British Eighth Army's
Adriatic front and have been followed
up by the Allies, headquarters an-
nounced today.
The Nazi retreat was south of.
Monte Maiella in the vicinity of
Palena, 25 miles inland from the
Adriatic on the little Aventino River
and 11 miles southeast of. Sulmona,
and near the village of Letto Palena,
which is two miles northeast of Pa-
The official report failed to give
the specific depth of the withdrawal,
but the villages named are nine miles
from the last announced line of the
Eighth Army in that area. It ap-
peared likely that Allied patrols had
been operating beyond these positions
in recent weeks.
Palena is 22 miles southeast of the
big Pescara River dam which was
blasted apart by Allied airmen last
Friday afternoon, flooding the coun-
tryside along Axis communications
lines, but there was nothing official
to indicate that the withdrawal could
be attributed to the bursting of the

Allies Advantce
Iii, New East
Indta Offetsive
Jap Counteroffensive
Crushed; Trap Faces
Enemy near Kohima
By The Associated Press
TERS, Kandy, Ceylon, May 9.-A
series of Japanese counterattacks
have been crushed with heavy losses
and the full powered Allied offensive
to destroy enemy invasion forces in
eastern India is going forward suc-
cessfully in every sector, Admiral
Lord Louis Mountbatten's headquar-
ters said today.
Allied infantry, strongly supported
by tanks, artillery and planes, mowed
down at least 750 Japanese in the
fighting around Kohima alone over
the past week-end, the bulletin an-
nounced, and has inflicted similarly
heavy casualties since.
A British officer reported that an
Allied column had cut through rough
hill country west of Kohima, com-
pletely outflanking Japanese forces
in that area, and now was driving
into Kohima from the south, along
the highway which leads to the sister
Allied base of Imphal, 60 airline miles
away. The move threatened to trap
all Japanese troops west of Kohima.
Evidence of Allied optimism that
the enemy invasion of India had
failed, was an announcement that a
corps of canteen girls had returned
to Dimapur Station on the Bengal-
Assam railroad, 35 'miles from Ko-
Hughes Talks on
Race Relations
Langston Hughes, noted Negro poet,
author and lecturer, spoke yesterday
before members of Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action and Inter-
Racial Association.
Mr. Hughes discussed what he saw
of race relations and racial conflicts
during his travels around the world.
During his first extensive trip in the
South in the early '30's he said that
he, as a northern Negro, was shocked
at the extent of discrimination and
segregation. Even in other sections
of the country he said he found it
hard to get a room in a good hotel or
a hot meal in a restaurant.
In the Soviet Union contrastingly
there is no discrimination or segre-
gation. They have solved their racial
and religious problems despite the
proportions which they reached in
Czarist days. This has been done, he
said, because there are definite laws
in the USSR which prohibit such
practices. And the essential thing is
that these laws are enforced. The
younger generation, of course, is be-
ing brought up to believe in the
brotherhood of all men, no matter of
what race or religion. What the Sov-
iet Union has done, he stated, in the
short period of its existence proves
that racial and religious problems
can be solved in our day.
In discussing the changes which
have taken place in this country re-
cently, Mr. Hughes stated that today
many more people are concerned
with the problems of race relations.
And perhaps more important, he
stressed, is the growth of the labor
movement and the CIO which is
helping to combat race prejudice by
organizing both Negroes and whites
in the same unions even in the deep

Avery Still Opposes
Closed Shop Contract
Final Count Shows Large Majority
Supports Representation by Union
By The Assoeiated ']vss
CHICAGO, May 9.-A CIO union at Montgomery Ward and
Company's Chicago plants tonight won a collective bargaining election,
balloting in which ended just as the U.S. government relinquished control
of the properties it had seized April 27.
The final count on the question of whether the CIO still represented
a majority of the employes-an issue which led to government seizure
of the properties-showed the union receiving 2,340 yes votes and 1,565

Foremen Sign
Conutract with
Ford Company
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, May 9.-An independ-
ent union of foremen, whose demand
for bargaining rights with manage-
ment has been disputed for more
than a year, today signed a one-year
contract with the Ford Motor Com-
The contract makes the Foreman's
Association of America sole bargain-1
ing agency for Ford foremen, and the
association in turn agreed it would
not affiliate with any other local or
national union.
Ford production workers are mem-
bers of the United Automobile Work-
ers (CIO) under a contract signed
three years ago by which Ford be-
came the first automotive company
to grant a union shop and dues
Today's contract was signed as
3,200 foremen in 12 other Detroit
plants remained on strike for bar-
gaining rights with the Briggs Man-
ufacturing Co., Hudson Motor Car
Co., Packard Motor Car Co., Murray
Corp. of America and Aeronautical
Products, Inc.
Only yesterday the National Labor
Relations Board ruled that super-
visory employes may not be discrim-
inated against for membership in a
foremen's union but at the same time
withheld recognition of such a union
as an appropriate bargaining unit.
Local Airline
To Begin Soon
Ann Arbor, Nearby
Cities To Be Served
Air transportation connecting Ann
Arbor with other state points will be
inaugurated within the "near fu-
ture," Eli Gallup, Superintendent of
Ann Arbor parks, announced yester-
Gallup revealed that Gerald Fran-
cis, of the Francis School of Aviation,
at Lansing, will maintain a daily air-
line service connecting Ann Arbor
with cities which included Lansing,
Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Flint and
Detroit. The service will use Gull-
Wing Stinson airplanes, capable of
carrying four passengers, a crew of
one, and some cargo, in flights twice
a day, Gallup said.
'Native Land' To Be Given
"Native Land," a documentary film
starring Paul Robeson, will be shown
at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rackham
Amphitheatre under the auspices of
Inter-Racial Association and Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action,
Margaret Stevens, co-chairman of
IRA announced yesterday.

no votes in the main unit and 100
yes votes and 28 no votes in the
smaller unit.
These developments came also on
the eve of a scheduled court ruling
on the legality of the government
seizure of the plant.
Avery OK's Union
President Roosevelt said earlier in
Washington that the election out-
come would "end the case" but Sewell
Avery, board chairman of the big
firm, said the President had made
a "misstatement." He said Ward of-
ficials would bargain with any .union
chosen by the employes but would
oppose any contract providing for any
form of "closed shop."
Avery later said he would return
to his office at the usual time tomor-
row morning, attributing the govern-
ment's action in returning the plant
to "the indignation of the public
which has risen like a balloon which
made it too hot for the administra-
Jones Issues Order
Secretary of Commerce Jesse Jones
in Washington issued the order re-
turning the property to company of-
ficials. He said the. company had
taken over the property pending the
election and added that the opera-
tion of the business was continuing
"in a normal way."
Commented Sewell Avery, chair-
man of the board of Wards, who was
carried from his office April 27 by
two soldiers when the government
took possession:
"I think it would be better if
Jesse, who is a very strong man,
would be here to carry me back from
where he .took me."
Petition May Be Dropped
Some legal observers speculated
that in view of the government's ac-
tion in returning the plant, it might
move for dismissal in federal court
tomorrow of its petition for a tem-
porary injunction.
*~ **
Ward Investigation
Will Be Continued
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9. - Rep.
Ramspeck (Dem., Ga.), head of a
seven-man committee named to in-
vestigate the government's seizure of
Montgomery Ward and Company's
plant in Chicago, said tonight the
return of the property to the com-
pany would not affect the investiga-
Ramspeck said the resolution cre-
ating the committee called for an in-
quiry into the actual taking over of
the property and that the govern-
ment's action in relinquishing control
"has nothing to do" with the inves-
tigation. He had not indicated when
it will get under way.
Hobbs Discusses
Pacific Islands

Says Bases Will Be
Established in China


Considers LimitingPresidential Term 'Illogical'

"I believe that in the future we
will continue our present strategy in.
the South Pacific and continue tak-
ing the chains of island fortresses un-
til we are in a position to establish
bases in China from which we can
successfully invade Japan," Prof.
William Herbert Hobbs of the De-
partment of Geology said in a lecture
"We can best understand the im-
portance of these island fortresses if
we understand how they come into
existence," Prof. Hobbs stated.
Atolls are reefs of plant or animal
coral which once grew around the
edge of a volcano. As the volcano
subsided, a wide ring of coral reef, or

"A constitutional amendment lim-
iting a President to two terms in of-
fice is quite illogical," Prof. J. E.
Kallenbach of the political science
department stated in an interview
Discussing his reasons for oppos-

of choice. An amendment of this
sort would definitely be a limitation."

Student Poll Held
To sample student opinion on
current issues, The Daily inaugur-
n -n-l "/7 PImvn actprdnov which

amendment. One argument is that
a President, if he has the power to
run for more than two terms, will
attempt to build up a personal
political machine to secure reelec-
To answer this, Prof. Kallenbach
satdt that the longer a President is

ment in the Democratic party ranks
at the present time is concrete evi-
dence of this fact."
Argument has been extended to the
effect that a President may use his
power to perpetuate his term in
office. Prof. Kallenbach presented
two counter-considerations to this


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