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May 10, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-10

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EDNESD , MAY 10, 1944

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uFiftyForan eaily
Fifty-Fourth Year

Third Term Limitations Proposed

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-

day and Tuesday
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall.
Marjdrie Rosmarin

during the

summer session.

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
S. . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . Ass t Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
* .Associate Women's Editor
siness Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager


Elizabeth A. Carpenter
Margery Batt .

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No Panacea
ALTHOUGH it appears unlikely that the cur-
rent anti-poll tax bill will be passed through
the maze of obstructions which the Southern
Senators have at their command, it is interest-
ing to speculate what effect it might have should
it become law.
Supporters of the bill enthusiastically claim
that abolishment of the poll tax will give the;
great mass of Southern Negroes and so-called
"poor whites" great freedom in voting. They
apparently overlook the fact that the individ-
ual states have recourse to many and varied
means of suppressing "undesirable" voters, en-
tirely outside the jurisdiction of the federal
There are many laws, most of them moldy
with age and dating back to the Civil War days,
which can be found on the state statute books
that will effectively deprive the lower classes of'
the franchise. Most of them have not been en-
forced in recent years as the poll tax is a much
simpler way of keeping tle people from the
polling places. But these can be revived at a
momenit's notice, and new laws can be passed
through the state legislatures, which will be
just as effective as the poll tax.
With these means in the hands of the in-
dividual states, it is hard to see just what
revoking the poll tax will accomplish. The
poll tax, obviously, must be abolished, but in
addition, I would like to see some bold steps
taken toward halting these other abuses.
Maybe this can't be accomplished under exist-
ing law. If so, the existing laws must be
speedily altered. Perhaps complete federal
control of elections is necessary.
In any event, the situation can stand a lot
of cleansing, and the abolishment of the poll
tax is only the first step in a long line of much-
needed reform. -Bill Millendore

Editor's Note: The following is condensed from
an article by Harry Schernan that is to appear in
Saturday's issue of The Saturday Evening Post, by
permission of the editors. The Daily does not nec-
essarily support Mr. Scherman's view, but reprints
his article because it clearly presents one side of a
very important question before the citizens of the
United States today.
THE LID is now off personal political ambition
in the United States-therein lies the true
significance of our breaking the two-term presi-
dential tradition in 1940.
Most citizens have been too engrossed with the
exciting present to think about what this may
result in later. The prime fact about the age-
long record of rulers in history is that the ap-
petite for power, once acquired by any individual,
is insatiable. While it is immoderate to see an
eventual dictatorship in the United States as a
result of this momentous change, little less dam-
aging than dictatorship, to the long-term general
welfare, is control of a people achieved by a gen-
eral corruption of them, through that indirect
bribery that results from the control of public,
business by pressure groups.
Every President hereafter will be more tempted
than ever before to play with every little porkish
group that can squeak and every big one that can
grunt. All the tendency henceforth in this
country will be in the direction of unwise, inef-
ficient, wasteful, corruptive pressure group gov-
This demoralizing tendency-toward provid-
ing the people with the worst instead of the
best type of governmental management--is, it
seems, the soundest reason for limiting the
number of terms a president may seek. Soon
or late, th4 question will have to be dealt with
by the people in a constitutional amendment.
Ifit is to be done by this generation, which
broke the two-term tradition, one precaution
will have to be observed: not to involve President
Roosevelt in the proposed solution. If the pro-
vision be made that the amendment should not
apply to the incumbent in the presidential office,
this supremely important matter could be studied
and acted upon by the electorate solely on its
THE PROPOSED solutions one most often
hears would limit the presidential term to a
single one of four or six years, or to two terms
totaling eight years. Hereafter, any such rigid
proposal will have to meet a serious psychologi-
cal obstacle. The reasoning of many citizens
will, quite-naturally, go this way: "In 1940, fifty-
five per cent of the people decided that an 'em-
ergency' existed which justified a third term for
Mr. Roosevelt. Should we prevent the citizens,
for all future time, from meeting such a situa-
tion by an absolute prohibition in the law?"
This point of view can be answered. When
analyzed, it is merely a roundabout way of
advancing the highly perilous notion that in-
dividuals can exist who are irreplaceable in
our governmental system..
It seems it would be easier for the people to
approve of a constitutional amendment which
reasonably took account of this viewpoint; an
amendment which could be relied upon to do the
main job-namely, to put a salutary limit on
political ambition-and yet permit the people,
in exceptional circumstances, to meet what they
may consider a true crises.
A simple amendment which would neet this

double need would be one providing as follows:
"After a specified date-set in order to ex-
empt the present incumbent--no individual
should be allowed to serve more than two
terms as President unless he receives 60 per
cent of the popular vote in any election after
he has served two terms. If any such candi-
date should receive more than 50 per cent but
less than 60 per cent of the popular vote, the
election should be thrown into the newly elect-
ed House of Representatives, which could then
elect any individual as President except the
one who had been required to get 60 per cent
of the vote had failed."
This proposal would at least involve one
chance which few persons would be likely to
object to: it would mean scrapping the present
system of choosing the President through our
vestigial electors, and substitution of actual
popular vote.
Possibly, an overambitious second-term Presi-
dent might not consider a ten per cent handicap
prohibitive, but his party-upon which he must
rely for election-could be counted upon to be
more cautious. Not only would 60 per cent of
the people have to decide that an individual is
"indispensible" as President; this popular judg-
ment would have to be preceded by the cold cal-
culations of the President's own party.
One feature of this proposal worthy of atten-
tion is that it is fully in accord with the general-
point of view of our thoughtful Constitutioil
makers. They were keenly aware of the possible
hasty and damaging action of bare majorities.
ANOTHER provision of the proposal is quite
unrevolutionary-namely, to throw the elec-
tion into the newly elected House of Representa-
tives in case a second or third term president
receives more than 60 per cent but less than 60
per cent, of the popular vote. Our Constitution
already provides, in case of a tie, that the House
of Representatives shall choose the President.
What would be likely to happen, were any
president to run for a third or fourth term, with
such a constitutional amendment in force? In
the first place, both he and his party would
surely recognize the possibility of his losing, and
would therefore pair him with the strongest can-
didate for vice-president, so that in case the
multiple-term individual was defeated, the vice-
president would be a strong presidential candi-
date for the House to consider.
Also, all candidates for Congress would be
judged by voters largely with the possible
House election in mind, and would, in most
cases, find it advantageous to pledge them-
selves to vote for a specified alternate for
president, in case the multiple-term candidate
proved to be defeated. The result would be
that the predominant political party in the
country, as evidenced by the majority in the
newly elected House, would almost certainly
elect the new president.
This careless Pandora generation of voters,
which lifted the lid off personal political ambi-
tion and let loose for all the future the swarm
of troubles involved in multiple presidential
terms, almost has the duty to clamp on another
lid; and perhaps we are better fitted to do so
than any likely future generation. For at least
we are alive to the dangers in the situation.

Polish Def ender .. .
To the Editor:
One does not know what to wonder
at more-the ignorance or the au-
dacity of Miss Betty Koffman in her
article "Polish Army Practices Anti-
Semitism," in the May 7 issue of The
Michigan Daily.
I feel obliged to brand as a mon-
strous untruth Miss Koffman's state-
ment that "for many centuries Po-
land has been the blackest spot on the
map as far as the Jewish people are
The truth is, as anybody who knows
history is aware of, that for many
centuries Poland was the only asylum
for Jews persecuted in other Euro-
pean countries, England prominent-
ly included. Otherwise, how could
any person capable of logical think-
ing account for the fact that at the
time of the first partition of Poland
in the 18th century three-fourths of
all the Jews in the World were al-
ready living in Poland and that, even
in the greatly reduced Poland, after
the so-incorrectly-called First World
War there were still more than 20
per cent of the world's Jews in Po-
land, constituting ten per cent of the
Anti-Polish propaganda as an or-
ganized movement goes back to the
middle of the 18th century (conduct-
ed by Russia, Prussia and Austria,
but with notable contributions from
England and France) and it goes on
ever since, because during historically
critical moments, like great wars,
it is a very lucrative business.
It is not possible for me to go into
the reasons and details of such a
movement of two centuries' standing.
There are people in the world and
in this country who know about it
and who understand it, and that is
Concerning the "new" Polish Army
Anti-Semitism, it will suffice to say
that there is a faction in England
who would like the British govern-
ment to betray Poland, just as there
is another faction who would like
to make up with Hitler, so some of
them are making all kinds of efforts
to find some faults with the Polish
-F. W. Pawlowski
VOL. LIV No. 131
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Abbott and Fassett Scholarships:
Candidates for these scholarships
should apply at once through the
office ofrthe Dean or Director of the
school or college in which they are
registered, since assignments will be
made on or about June 1.
In each case applicants must have
been in residence at least one term.
The Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott
Scholarships are awarded to women

stud'ents in any degree-conferring
unit of the University who fulfill the
conditions prescribed by the donor.
The Eugene G. Fassett Scholarships
are awarded to worthy persons of
either sex in the undergraduate
schools and colleges.
Detroit Armenian Club Scholar-
ship: Undergraduate students of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit area who have earned 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship offered
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
Scholarships in Meteorology: The
U.S. Weather Bureau is offering tui-
tiop scholarships covering the nine-
months advanced course at the Insti-
tute of Meteorology, University of
Chicago, beginning June 19, 1944.
Applicants must be American citi-
zens,20-30 years of age, who have
had at least two years of college work,
including differential and integral
calculus and one year of college phys-
ics. Those interested may consult
Prof. Ralph L. Belknap (3054 NS or
108 MH), or write directly to Profes-

Got a Lot of Growing to Do





sor Carl G. Rossby, Director of the
Institute of Meteorology, University
of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
The Complete Announcement for
the Summer Session is available at
the Office of the Summer Session,
1213 Angell Hall or the Recorder's
Office, Rm. 4, University Hall.
The New York State Department
of Civil Service announces that there
are state positions open for the Al-
bany Area only-junior typist, junior
stenographer and stenographer. Ap-
plications for these positions will be
received up to May 26, 1944. For
further details stop in our office.
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
is accepting applications for Tech-
nical Aid, Ordnance Development
(Trainee), $1,970 a year. Positions
are located at the National Bureau of
Standards, Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C. Stop in 201 Mason
Hall for further details.
The Bureau has received announce-
ment of the California State Person-
nel Board Examination for School
Health Educator. The final date for
filing application is June 15, 1944 and
the examination date is July 8, 1944.
It is open to all U.S. citizens who
meet entrance requirements. En-
trance salary is $260 basic, rate, plus
$25 wartime emergency increase. For
details stop in the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
Mr. Brady of Eastman Kodak Com-
pany will be in our office today to in-
terview persons interested in Indus-
try mechanical, electrical chemical
engineering, physics, and chemistry
positions. Men must be between 22
and 26 with a 4F or 1AL draft classi-
fication. Call at our office, 201 Mason
Hall for appointments or phone, Ext.
371, Bureau of Appointments.
Song leaders from all dormitories,
league house zones and sororities
wishing to participate in Lantern
Night are asked to attend a meeting
at 5 Thursday in the Correctives
Room in Barbour Gymnasium. Draw-
ing for places in the Lantern Night
Sing will take place and additional
information and instructions will be
given. Please bring the name of the
song your house will sing; if the song
leader herself cannot come, please
send a substitute, since this is an
extremely important meeting.
Christian Science Organization:
Mr. Thomas E. Hurley, C.S.B., of
Louisville, Ky., a member of the
Board of Lectureship of the Mother
Church, the First Church of Christ
Scientist, in Boston, Mass. will speak
on Christian Science in place of
Judge Frederick C. Hill as before

ural Science. Chairman, F. K. Spar-
row, Jr.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi-
tion by artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association, in the galleries of
the Rackham Building through May
12, daily except Sunday; afternoons
2 to 5 and evenings 7 to 10. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
College of Architecture and Design:
Sketches and water color paintings
made in England by Sgt. Grover D.
Cole, instructor on leave in the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Ground floor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
9 to 5 through May 16. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Inter- Guild will have its weekly
luncheon at Lane Hall this noon. Mr.
E. William Muehl will be tne speaker.
Biological Seminar: Dr. Andre
Dreyfus, zoologist and geneticist,
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy,
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, will
speak on his recent research in "Sex
Determination in Telenomus" in the
Rackham Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m.
Botanical Journal Club: Rm. N.S.
1139, today at 4 p.m. Reports by Ruth
Chou, Papers on marine fungi; Mar-
tha Springer, Recent papers on nem-
atode-dapturing fungi.
The next meeting of the University
of Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held at 4:30
p.m. in Rm. 303 of the Chemistry
Bailding. Mr. Walter J. Mirphy, Edi-
tor of "Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry," will speak on "The
Chemist's Responsibility in War and
Peace." The public is cordially in-
Senior Engineers: There will be a
meeting at 4:30 in Rm. 348, W. Eng.
The Stump Speakers' Society of
Sigma Rho Tau will begin practice
for the national contests in the meet-
ing this evening in Rm. 318, Union.
Practice will commence at 7:45, and
it is extremely important that all
new members and those who plan to
take part in the contests attend.
There wiil be a meeting of the
Prescott Chllb in the East Conference





WASHINGTON, May 8. - After too many
months of Allied, super-patience, the Swedes are
in for a tough crackdown. At long last, the
State Department, the Foreign Economic Ad-
ministration and, perhaps more important, the
British have determined to pull together in tell-
ing the Swedes they will have to fish or cut bait

in sending vital war materials
especially ballbeatings.

to Germany-

idB ather Be Bight

NEW YORK, May 8.-It does not do for
politicians to speak a private language. The
campaigns against Senators Hill and Pepper, in
Alabama and Florida, seem to have been con-
ducted in pure Esperanto. Well-heeled politi-
cos went to work in both States against these
two pro-administration Senators.% Florida and
Alabama were swamped with violent anti-New
Deal literature. Hill and Pepper were called
"rubber stamps"; much was made of the Roose-
velt "dictatorship"; and, by way of letting the
voters rest their minds from these high philo-
sophical concepts ,there was a wholesale distri-
bution of photographs of Eleanor conversing
with Negroes.
The voters looked this stuff over, and seem
ta ha've decided it was corn.
That is strange, because in certain Congres-
sional and journalistic circles, this material is
practically sure-fire. An uncomplimentary ref-
erence to "rubber stamps" or to Eleanor is good,
in some quarters, for a yak-yak, or even a boff.
I have seen a bright young anti-New Dealer
utter the words "alphabet soup," with a coy and
"n-1-. Cm ~ ni at lhas been suitee~noug~h to

out give or compromise in them, men brought
together by hate, who have convinced them-
selves these last ten years that the whole world
talks as they talk; they have come to consider
themselves to be absolute cards, the funniest
fellows alive. They now face the shocking
realization that the language they have so
patiently learned, and with which they are
able to capsize fellow-members of the Down
With Franklin Club, turns out to be a private
language. It proves to be an unfamiliar tongue
to the commenalty, which prefers that form
of basic English in iihich the first word is
The public doesn't seem to see anything funny
in having been fed when it was hungry; others
may split their seams laughing, but it just doesn't
get the joke.
(Copyright. 1944; New York Post Syndicate)

The question of ballbearings involves the
world-famous SKF ballbearing company in Swe-
den, which operates a subsidiary company in
Hitherto secret, has been the fact that the
Swedes have supplied Germany with 70 per-
cent of certain, vital airplane ballbearings.
And when you consider that one bomber alone
requires up to 3,000 ballbearings, you realize
that this -is- the most important single com-
modity Germany is now getting from the out-
side world.
U.S. officials recently have unearthed informa-
tion indicating that the Nazis deliberately plan-
ned, well before the war, to use Sweden as their
source for ballbearings. A conversation report-
ed to have taken place with Air Minister Goering
has recently come to light, in which Goering
explained that he was not anxious to build up
the German ballbearing industry too much, since
it might be advantageous to have the industry
in a neutral country where it could not be
Hitherto, the State Department has pussy-
footed against cracking down on the Swedes. So
also have the British.
Result is that Sweden will be asked to place
a complete embargo on ballbearings. If she
declines, the United States intends to freeze SKF
funds in the U.S.A., black-list the SKF company
and, as a last resort, cut off all exports of es-
sential war materials to Sweden.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

L Room in the Rackham Building this
Lectures evening at 7:30. Miss Flora Hannahs
will lecture the group. Students and
University Lecture: "The Golden faculty of the College of Pharmacy
Chain of Concord, by Professoare cordially invited
Henry W. Taeusch of Western Re-
serve University in Rackham Amphi-3Tie Association Music Hour will
theatre on Friday, May 19, at 4:15 pre t the siingquartetverion o
p.m., under the auspices of the De- Haydn's "The Seven Last Words of
partment of English. Christ" at 7:30 this evening. Every-
one interested is cordially invited.
Acadilemic NoIices

Yes. I told everyone at the Elves
Leprechauns, Gnomes, and Little

By Crockett Johnson

All of them. Gnomes, Brownies,
Elves, Hobgol:lins, Salamanders,

It's just as well, Mr. O'Malley.
PFp isn't feeling well and Momr

Gridley, the J ~ y




The A.EI.E. will meet. thiseve~ning

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