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April 23, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-23

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Bombers Hit azi Rail Hub, French Coast;






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Mass Filing
Revisal of Withholding
System Would Deduct
Most Tax Liabilities
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 22.- Re-
sponding to national clamor against
the intricacyeofataxation, the House
Ways and Means Committee ap-
proved today a tax simplification bill
to make it unnecessary for 30,000,000
of the 50,000,000 individual taxpayers
ever to file another income tax
Committee Chairman Doughton
(Dem., N.C.) said he would introduce
the legislation to the House Monday
with the view to putting it on the
statute books before Congress reces-
ses in June for the national Demo-
cratic and Republican conventions.
If enacted by Congress, the "pain-
less tax" measure would:
1. Eliminate the victory tax and
set new normal and surtax rates and
exemptions while keeping actual tax
burdens near their present levels.
2. Revise completely the withhold-
ing system against wages and salar-
ies, effective next Jan. '1, to deduct
from wage envelopes and salary
checks the full tax liability of persons
earning up to $5,000-thus relieving
the 30,000,000 from the necessity of
computing income tax returns.
3. Of the 20,000,000 who still would
have to file returns, 10,000,000 could
use a simple tax table showing their
entire tax, and the others would fill
out returns in more detail but sim-
pler than the present long form.
The new .rates would appy tqo.final
1944 tax reports, due next March 15,
but the revised withholding system
would not begin until 1945.
The revisions would mean larger
withholdings for most persons, but
Doughton emphasized that "in-
creased withholding is not increased
tax burden. Withholding is not taxa-
tion but a method of collecting
Radio Experts
Are Added to
Summer Staff
Four of the top men of the Colum-
bia Broadcasting System wil be on
the speech department staff to assist
in radio instruction during the sum-
mer session, Prof. G. E. Densmore, de-'
partment chairman, announced yes-
Coming to the campus are William
N. Robson, producer-director of CBS
and producer of "The Man Behind
the Gun"; Harry Marble, announcer
for "Corwin Presents"; Mortimer
Frankel, associate director of pro-
gram writing; and Charles S. Monroe,'
staff writer. Monroe is a University
graduate and has a master's degreeI
from the Yale Drama School.
Each man will present a series of
lectures in the field of his special in-
terest to the classes in radio and
will produce a radio program to be
broadcast from the campus.k
Prof. David Owen of the speech
department, who has just returned
from New York, made the arrange-
ments for bringing the men to Ann
Arbor. Before joining the University
staff, Prof. Owen was affiliated with1
CBS, originating and producing "Jackt
Armstrong," "Skippy," "Betty and
Bob" and other programs.
In the absence of Prof. Waldo Ab-t
bot, director of broadcasting, who

will be on leave, summer session
classes in radio will be under the di-
rection of Prof. Owen and Dr. Don-4
ald E. Hargis of the speech depart-
ment. Dr. Hargis was formerly di-
rector of broadcasting at the Univer-
sity of Oregon.
Lt.-Comm. Branson To
Be New Navy Executive
Lt.-Comm. John J. Branson, USN,
will assume duties as executive officer,
of fna NR(7TC: nit qn +he TUniversity i


Americans Strike at Marianas
With Land-Based Bombers


More Marshall Atolls Seized; Carriers
Operating in Indian Ocean with Allies

By The Associated Press
Japan's Marianas Islands, at the Pacific cross roads to the Philippines
and Tokyo, have been bombed by American land-based bombers for the
first time.
Four-engined Army and Navy bombers made an over water roundtrip
flight of more than 2,200 miles and shot their way through 25 interceptors
to bomb Saipan and Tinian, air and naval bases in the southern Marianas.
The raid was announced yesterday (Saturday) simultaneously with the
disclosure that the American flag has been raised over two more of Japan's
mandated Marshall islands in the Central Pacific, and an official announce-
ment that a strong United States aircraft carrier force was operating in
- 't the Indian Ocean with other Allied

House Group
Greatest Air Armada
Blasts Invasion Points
U.S., RAF Ships Drop 29,000 Tons
During Week's Offensive on Continent
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 23, Sunday.-Pre-invasion fleets or nearly 4,000 Ameri-
can and Allied bombers and fighters smashed the German rail center of
Hamm, coastal fortifications in France, and airfields in Belgium and France
yesterday in history's greatest aerial offensive, which apparently still was
under way early today after a week in which 29,000 tons of explosives had
been hurled onto Hitler's continental ramparts.
A U.S. Air Force bulletin issued early Sunday morning said "satisfac-
tory results" were achieved in the main strike at Hamm by nearly 2,000
Flying Fortresses and Liberators escorted by Thunderbolt, Mustang and
Lightning fighters, but failed to men<>
Lion any aircraft losses. Finns R efuse
The American communique termed
Hamm "one of Germany's most im-
portant traffic centers." Through its
huge freight yards Hitler must pour Soviet Term s
his central reserves to combat the
long-awaited Allied invasion in the For Armistie

Nip Advances
Threaten Rails,'
Wheat in China
Japanese Bomb, Shell
Suburbs of Chenghsien
In Attacks from East
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, April 22.-Japanese
attacking from the east have reached
the suburbs of Chenghsien which is
being shelled and bombed, the Chi-
nese high command announced to-
The communique also indicated in-
vaders from around the southern end
of the Yellow River bridge had ad-

warships striking at the opposite
flank of Nippon's southern empire.
Blow Hits near Guam
The heavy =bomber raid on the
Marianas last Monday was the sec-
ond American air blow at Saipan and
Tinian, 125 miles from Guam which
the Japanese occupied early in the
war. In the first strike, by carrier
forces, 135 Japanese planes were
wiped out, two ships sunk and nine
Both new atolls occupied in the
Marshalls-Aur and Erikub-are in
the eastern chain almost within ar-
tillery range of two of the four re-
maining enemy bases in the Marshalls
which have been the object of con-
tinued air sweeps along the Caroline
islands. Four islands in the Truk
lagoon were bombed by Army Liber-
ators Tuesday. Nimitz previously
announced two other air attacks on
Truk the same day. Ponape, eastern
outpost of Truk, was hit by Army
Mitchells Thursday for 23rd consecu-
tive day. A Navy search plane bomb-
ed Ulul, northwest of Truk.
U.S. Carriers Hit Sumatra
Southeast Asia headquarters an-
nounced an American carrier force
had joined British, Dutch and French
warships in last Wednesday's sur-
prise thrust at northern Sumatra.
United States fliers supplied 65 per
cent of the air power in the strike at
Sumatra and nearby Sabang. And
American Liberators preceded the
surprise raid with a successful diver-
sionary attack on the Andaman is-
lands, 300 miles to the northwest.
Allied southeast Asia headquarters
declared the Indian "situation con-
tinues to develop favorably." Allied
dive bombers were reported inflicting
heavy' casualties on retreating Nip-
ponese 30 to 35 miles niortheast of
Blokestein To
,Visit University

BOMBS OVER EUROPE-A B-25 medium bomber is shown abovet
leaving the smoking, ruins of Hitler's "European Fortress." This plane
was- one of the fleet of British and American planes which made more
than 24,000 flights and dropped about 29,000 tons this past week.
Responsibility for War Lies
With Education, Hambro Says
Dr. Carl Joachim Hambro, formerly president of the Norwegian Parli-
ament and of the League of Nations Assembly, told the final session of the
Schoolmasters' Club yesterday that education is one of the basic causes
of war.
"Wars," he said, "are not made by officers or politicians or diplomats;
they are made by teachers and university professors. The present war is
largely a result of the educational system in Germany."
"If diplomats had studied the teachers' manuals and the textbooks
in Germany, Italy and Japan, no nation would have been unprepared for

I hen 9h s ien 4'

Ic 'n
-Arrows indicate Jap drives at
Chengshien, junction on the Peip-
ing-Hankow railway. Shaded area
indicates area of Jap domination.
-A.P. Wirephoto
vanced westward to establish a road
block on a destroyed section of the
Lunkhai Railway, 25 miles west of
One Japanese column passed west-
ward across the Peiping - Hankow
railway, 25 miles south of Chengh-
The Japanese offensive, launched
April' 18 by 50,000 to 60,000 troops
spearheaded by contingents from
Manchuria, is aimed, the Chinese be-
lieve, at smashing the Chinese grip
of 150 miles of the Peiping-Hankow
railway, a step which permits the
enemy to link his north and central
forces in China.
Cpl. Witkowski Is
Given Navy Cross
The Navy's highest award, the
Navy Cross was awarded yesterday
to Marine Cpl. Henry J. Witkowski of
the V-12 unit for extraordinary hero-
ism in action during the U.S. landing
on Tarawa last November.
Capt. Richard Cassidy, commander
of Naval Forces on campus, made
the presentation after a parade of
the entire Navy unit.
Cpl. Witkowski also appeared in a
radio broadcast yesterday. The ac-
tion for which he received the award
was described in a sketch written
by marine students, Charles Ben-
jamin and Paul Davidson.

Will Discuss


Thomas Asks
Democrats Add.
Labor Platform
DETROIT, April 22.--(P)-Presi-
dent R. J. Thomas of the CIO's
United Auto Workers, expressing
concern over the attitude of "sections
of the Democratic party," demanded
tonight that it produce candidates
and a platform approved by labor.
"While labor knows what to expect
from the Republican party," Thomas
told a Wayne (Detroit) County CIO
political action conference, "It is not
as yet sure, on the other hand, of the
Democratic party.
"We know that the Democratic
party contains many fine and aggres-
sive progressives. But we also know
that there are sections of the Demo-
cratic party whose record of reaction
is in no sense different from that of
the Republicans."
The chief of the big auto workers
union said labor would "watch the
Democratic convention" and "study
the platform it produces." The plat-
form, he said, must assure "fair play
on the home front" and wage stabili-
zation "that is just to labor" as well
as give due attention to solutions for
post-war economic problems.
Nelson Creates Labor
Auto Advisory Committee
WASHINGTON, April 22.--(P) -
Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the
War Production Board, today gave
labor a voice in the planning for de-
mobilization of the automobile indus-
try by creating a labor advisory com-
mittee of unionists parallel to a sim-
ilar management body.

Word was received here yesterday
that Gerrit Blokestein, Netherlands
Minister of Education, will come to
the University Friday to discuss plans
for post-war exchange profesorships
and scholarships between the United
States and the Netherlands.
He will confer with President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and other Univer-
sity officials who have in recent
months manifested their interest in
such a program of post-war educa-
tion rebuilding.
Blokestein, who was made minister
of education just nine months before
his homeland was invaded, has com-
pleted a three-year detailed study of
the British education system.
Dr. Frank A. Robbins, assistant to
the president, indicated yesterday
that plans for his visit will be com-
pleted early this week and, that he
will remain in Ann Arbor over next

war," he stated. "But none of the
great powers had educational or
moral attaches in foreign countries."
Education Failed
Then stating that "reform begins
at home," he harged that, "we have
never succeeded in giving to youth a
true political picture of the world as
it is today. We have not even tried
to give them a sense of international
Dr. Hambro said that the problem
of post-war education will be that
of educating individuals to be free
and that it is not only a problem in
the Axis countries but also in our
own countries. "The hope of the
world," he stated, "will rest with the
educators of the world to a greater
extent than you perhaps recognize
today. And the way youth is directed
will decide the question of peace and
war for the next generation."
Nationalism Is Out
"There are three sides to every
question," Dr. Hambro stated, "your
side, my side and the right side. And
there will never be any international
cooperation or any peace until na-
tions begin to stress the right one.
There will never be any security of
peace until the idea of national right
is given up. This responsibility," he
added, "rests with every individual."
Practical .Men
To Make Peace,
Hambro Says
Carl Joachim Hambro, League of
Nations leader, said yesterday that
the fact that the International Labor
Organization is to be directly repre-
sented in the peace negotiations is
an indication that "we are moving in
the right direction."
In an interview yesterday after his
radio broadcast Hambro said that
this is a sign that practical men will
help frame the peace.
Questioned about the future o'f the
League, he said that "the League is
not dead at all." He stated that
agencies concerned with world peace
must cooperate with the League and
that the "experience of the League
must not be lost."
Rather than an international po-
lice frce. he csad. n internationali

Cologne Hit by RAF
While this powerful formation
touched off violent air battles over
Hamm, 60 miles northeast of smould-
ering Cologne which again was hit
during the night by RAF bombers,
wave after wave of American and
British planes beat a bomb tattoo
against the Axis Atlantic wall across
the Channel nearest England.
Approximately 1,000 American and
British light bombers and fighters
dumped at least 1,200 tons on the
French coast, making a total of 7,500
dropped there in six days. The heav-
iest battering of the mysterious em-
placements occurred Thursday when
3,000 tons crashed down there.
1,000-Plane Punch Thrown
Late today another 1,000-plane
punch, which included British Mos-
quitoes and American and Allied
fighter-bombers, was thrown against
the coast. Airfields and rail targets
in northern France and Belgium also
were dive-bombed, making a total of
4,000 Allied sorties, or individual
flights, during the day. It was one
of the largest cross-Channel strikes
ever mounted from Britain.
Hill Auditorium
Jammed for
Varieties Show
Before a jam-packed audience of
more than 5,000 soldiers, sailors, mar-
ines and civilian students, the second
production of Victory Varieties reg-
istered instant success in Hill Audi-
torium last night.
Braving rain and "usual Ann Arbor
weather," the campus filled the ajdi-
torium 15 minutes before the show
began at 8:15 p.m. to hear Eddy How-
ard and his band and the regular
Coca Cola "Victory Parade of Spot-
light Bands" radio broadcast at 9:30
Billed as a salute to the University's
service trainees, the Eddy Howard
show was the only part of this second
student sponsored Victory Varieties
productions remaining after the rest
of the show was cancelled when ob-
jections to it were voiced by Regent
Edmund C. Shields three weeks ago.
The full Board of Regents in their
regular meeting yesterday apparently
rebuffed Regent Shields and by a
formal resolution gave future student
entertainment shows the "green
light" without interference.
Cardinal O'Connell, Dean
Of Catholic Church, Dies
BOSTON, April 22.--(P)-William
Cardinal O'Connell, who rose from a
humble beginning as son of a New
England mill worker to become a
prince of the Church and dean of the
Roman Catholic hierarchy in Am-
erica, died today from bronchial
Most Rev. Richard J. Cushing,
Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, whowas
named temporary administrator of
the diocese for'an indefinite period,
announced that a solemn high mass
of requiem will be celebrated for the
Cardinal at the Cathedral of the Holy

Russian Claims Would
Place Strong Burden
On People, Impractical.
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, April 22.-Andre J.
Vishinsky, Soviet Vice-Commissar of
foreign affairs, announced tonight
that revised Soviet conditions for an
armistice had been rejected by the
Finnish government, bringing nego-
tiations to a close.
The Vice-Commissar said Finland
after two months of negotiations had
informed Russia April 19 through
Sweden that the Finnish Parliament
had decided the Russian terms would
impose a burden on the people ex-
ceeding their capacity and that some
of the terms were incapable of being
carried out for purely technical rea-
Vishinsky said the Finnish repre-
sentatives who came to Moscow
March 27 at the invitation of the
Soviet government included J. I.
Paasikivi. They met with Foreign
Commisar Vyacheslav Molotov.
These were the Soviet terms which
Finland rejected:
1. Rupture with Germany and im-
mediate internment of enemy armies
and warships, or their expulsion be-
fore the end of April.
2. Restoration of the Finnish-
Soviet treaty of 1940 and withdrawal
of Finnish troops to the 1940 frontier.
3. Immediate repatriation of Rus-
sian and Allied prisoners and civilian
internees. This repatriation to be
4. Fifty per cent demobilization of
the Finnish Army.
5. Reparations of $600,000,000 pay-
able in five years.
6. Soviet renunciation of its claim
to Hango without compensation.
Russian Lull
Believed Front
For New Blows
LONDON, April 22.-- ()- The
Soviet high command in its shortest
communique in months said tonight
that "nothing of any importance"
occurred on any sector of the eastern
front today, and Berlin apparently
believed the lull was preparatory to
a Soviet invasion of Poland.
Late Soviet dispatches from the
Crimea said the Red fleet was closing
in to join land forces ringing the big
base of Sevastopol in a final assault,
but this dramatic battle, last reported
rushing to a climax, was ignored in
the Soviet daily bulletin.
The communique, recorded by the
Soviet Monitor from Moscow's broad-
cast, reported only a Friday night air
raid on some shale oil refineries in
Estonia and the destruction of 87
German tanks and 54 planes on all
fronts during Friday.
Berlin's touted military commen-
tator, Martin Halensleben, said the
eastern front was going through "the
quiet before the storm." Although
the Russian drives have been
"brought to a standstill," he said, the
Red Army has massed trons frnn

Ask for United Peace Front

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 22.-Call-
ing for a United Nations front on

Connally picked Senators George
(Dem., Ga.), Barkley (Dem., Ky.),
Gillette (Dem., Ia.), Vandenberg

discussion as developments may
The chairman said the initial

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