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Prof. Price, Mrs. Vogan Will
Head Day's Musical Program
The final faculty concert of the
year, an informal carillon program
and a student piano recital will high-
light musical events here today.
Mrs. Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, or-
ganist, wil play at the closing faculty
concert sponsored by the School of
Music. A program featuring his own
work will be presented by Prof. Per-
cival Price, University carilloneur,
and Miss Betty Sue Lamb, '44SM,
will present a piano recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
a B.M. degree.
In a concert at 4 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium, Mrs. Vogan will play Leo
Sowerby's "Symphony in G major
for Organ." She will also play the
French composer Couperin's "Cha-
conne in G minor," Bach's "Two
Chorale Preludes" and "Fantaisie and
Fugue in C minor" by Bach. The re-
cital is open to the public.
Prof. Price's program at 3 p.m. from
Burton Memeorial Tower will include
his own "Fantisie for Carillon," "An-
dante for Haydn's "Surprise Sym-
phony" and Mendelssohn's "War
March of the Priests." His program
will also include six old French airs.
Miss Lamb's recital, scheduled to
begin at 8:30 p.m. in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, will open with the
Bach-Busoni "Organ Choral Prelude,"
followed by a Bach, Saint-Saens
"Bourree" and Bach-Rummel "Jesus
Christus, Gottes Sohn.". The pro-
gram is open to the public.
Iitchen Workers
Need ii Dorms
Dishwashers and cafeteria workers
are badly needed in University resi-
dence halls, according to F. C. Shiel,
acting director of residence halls.
Students are especially needed to
work in the West Quadrangle at any
hour during the day. A schedule of
working hours will be arranged to
suit the convenience of the student.
Workers may eat either one, two
or three meals a day while working
part-time. There is also a shortage
of full time employes.
Students who are interested should
contact Miss Catherine Richart, die-!
tician at the West Quadrangle. 2-
4401. .
Engineers To
Hold Meeting
Pro . Une.f e Will
Lca(1a Union Discussioni
"Shall Engineers Unionize" will be
discussed by Prof. Ferdinand Mene-
fee of the mechanical engineering
department at a meeting of Sigma
Rho Tau, Mechanical Engineering
Society, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in
Rm. 318 in the Union'.
The meeting will be conducted as
an Oxford Union discussion.
Student speakers are Robert Dangl,
'45E, Jerry Cardillo, '45E, Philip Sny-
der, '47E, Barbara Fairman, '46A, and
Patricia Ryan. '47E.
The topic was chosen by the mem-
bers of the society, who felt that this
problem was of the utmost impor-
tance to future engineers.
P3oy's Condition Goodh
The condition of Curtis Eastman.
901 Packard, seven years old, who
was struck by an automobile yester-
day, was reported fairly good by
doctors at University Hospital. Cur-
tis broke away from his parents and
darted 'across Huron into the path
of an automobile driven by Roland
Valentine, 32 years old.
Guild Groups
To Have Talks,
Suppers Tod(Va
60llgegal10t Wil l 1
At the Michigan . . . "Purple Heart"--the symbol of
bravery and courage-is the title
Out of World IT comes the 4iPipl)iachosen to represent the gallantry of
story of eight American fliers wx ho these fighting men,
are forced to abandon their planes . -
Hear Prof. (Vtaifiii after having bombed Tokyo.
At ChProf. iec ilUnable to escape the Japanese
At Church flthey are brought to Tokyo to stand
An open discussion will follow Prof. trial-not as prisoners of war-but
Peter Ostafin's talk on "Fear and the for murder.
Personality" at the Congregational- _ _ M/I RILYN S
Disciples Guild meeting at the Con-
gregational Church at 5 p.m. today.
Prof. Ostafin, of the sociology de-
partment, was unable to appear last
week. A cost supper will precede the 1
Bowling Party Planned
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will meet at 3 p.m. in the Uni-
versity Chapel for a bowling party.
The supper meeting will be held at
5 p.m.
Rev. E. C. Stellhiorn will continue
the discussion on the catechism at
the Lutheran Student Association at
6 p.m. in the Zion Parish Hall.
Roger Williais Guild will hear 4>
Rev. H. J. DeVries speak on "Funda-'
mentalist Aspects of Religion" at 5
p.m. The meeting will be followed
with a supper and a fellowship hour.
To Tell Travel Experiences
Experiences while recently visiting
South American rubber plantations
will be told by Dr. Hartley Bartlett,
botanist, at the Canterbury Club at
6 p.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church. Evening Prayer and Com-
mentary will be held at 5 p.m.
Miss Mildred Sweet, student coun-
selor, will discuss devotional litera-
ture at the Wesleyan Guild meeting
at 5 p.m. in the First Methodist
Church. Supper and fellowship hour
will be held afterwards.
Dr. Fosdick's book, "On Being a
Real Person," will be reviewed by
Rev. James Van Pernis for the West-
minster Student Guild at 5 p.m. in
the First Presbyterian Church.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Fireplace Room at Lane Hall.
as demonstrated by an English girl
in a Polish (ociety.
Ida Lupino marries -the Polish
count, portrayed by Paul Henreid, in
spite of the objections of his family,
who unsuccessfully attempt to separ-
ate the pair.
When war breaks out in Warsaw
to endanger the family estate, the
young couple bravely face the oncom-
ing Germans instead of fleeing.
At ,eState ,.
"In Our Time." is a powerful
drama revealing the great contrast
between democratic and feudal ideals
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