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April 20, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-20

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Baseball Squad To
Fort Custer Saturd
Army Team Has Three Veterans; Vars
Reds Trounce Second String Blues, 12

Coach Ray Fisher's diamond crew,
which was rained out of the season's
opener against Oberlin, will once
again attempt to start the 1944 cam-
paign in a doubleheader with Fort
Custer there Saturday.
The Fort Custer squad has had
plenty of experience for everyone of
the team has played either semi-pro
or professional baseball before don-
ning khaki. The team's chief draw-
back is not lack of ability but finding
time for outdoor practice. All of the
men have been on ten-hour duty
which has necessitated holding prac-
tice at night, indoors.
Won 37 Games in '43
During the 1943 season, the team
won 37 of their 45 games which in-
cluded two wins over the House of
David ball club. Although Fort Cus-
ter lost eight of their regulars from
last season to overseas duty, the line-
up still includes three veterans.
Among the veterans is Fort Cus-
ter's ace pitcher, Corporal Bill Ev-
ans. Last year "Wild Bill" turned in
a record of 15 wins, two losses, and
two ties. He has a record of six years
of professional baseball and has play-
ed in several first classminor league
The other half of the battery on
the Post team is Sergeant Harry
Wang who is also the coach and
Reds Trounce Blues
In the daily intra-squad game the
Reds thoroughly trounced the Blues
by a score of 12-0 which featured the
pitching of Jack Olson, a freshman
civilian for the regulars, who was on
the mound 'for the first time, and
some very excellent fielding in the
background by the varsity. Olson
went the whole nine innings and gave
up two hits and no runs. He received
practically perfect support in the
Varsity Pounds Schmidtke
Fisher's ace right hander, Dick
Schmidtke, pitched three innings for
the second stringers, and the varsity
pounded him for seven runs and sev-
Mel Ott's Homer Gives
Giants Second Victory
NEW *YORK, April 19.--(P)-A
home run by manager Mel Ott, his
first of the year and 464th of his ma-
jor league career,- enabled the New
York Giants to win their second
straight over the Boston Braves, 2-1,
Ott's homer came in the first inn-
ing with George Hausmann, who had
walked, on base.

Meet Browns Take
Second Straight;
i Nip Tiger's 3-4
0 Sundra Chucks Three
Hitter; York Knocks
'Homer for 1,000th Hit
DETROIT, April l9.-( P)- Big
Rudy York joined the American
League's exclusive 1,000-hit club to-
day by belting a home run, his first of
the season, but it was the only run
the Detroit Tigers got as they
dropped their second straight game
to the St. Louis Browns, 3 to 1.
Steve Sundra, 33-year-old right-
hander who is awaiting military call,
pitched a three-hitter against the
Tigers. York's homer was the first
safety, and catcher Bob Swift singled
in the fifth. The other blow was
pinch hitter Chuck Hostetler's loop-
ing single in the eighth.
All told, only seven Tigers reached
base, three on hits, three on walks
and one on Don Gutteridge's error,
the only miscue of the game.
Meanwhile, the Browns took ad-
vantage of rookie Ruffus Gentry's
faulty control to score enough runs
to win. Gentry yielded seven hits
before giving way to a pinch hitter in
the eighth, and Johnny Gorsica al-
lowed one hit in the ninth. Gentry
walked eight and Gorsica passed two.
The Browns left 14 runners stranded.
Two walks, a wild pitch and Gene
RD '--one of Moore's looping single scored a run
erine baseball in the first. The Browns got another
Ly be shortstop run in the fifth when Hal Epps drew
ho as a soph- a pass, advanced two bases on George
third base last McQuinn's single and scored on Ver-
printer on the non Stephens' fly.
he indoor sea- That was enough to win, but just
pond combines to make sure the Browns scored again
d fielding abil- in the sixth. Milt Byrnes opened
racted several with a double and beat Roger Cram-
er's throw at third base on a close
play after Mark Christman's fly.
Byrnes scored on another fly, this
lg Bill Gregor one by Frank Mancuso.
a-base blow of York, starting his ninth season in
he first inning. Detroit uniform, belted the first pitch
Hackstadt went in the fourth for his homer into the
mst tevars lower left field seats. He thus gained
me hit. Ralph admission to the club whose mem-
mound and fi- bership consists of a dozen other
and two hits in players now active in the league. The
Lndtwohit in1,000 -hitters include teammates
Cramer and Pinky Higgins.
In two games the Tigers have
has looked very scored two runs, both on homers.
pnsition, turn- Higgins hit one in yesterday's opener
performance of with two out in the ninth.
our hits out of The Tigers will attempt to salvage
u hthe last game of the series tomorrow,
put his number with lefty Hal Newhouser opposing

Pro Footballpwz's
Hold 3=Day lleeot j
For 19 4-4 Draf t,
The National Football League tackl-
ed the manpower problem today and
wiped out most of the restrictions
that would have hampered the pro-
fessional clubs in their efforts to re-
plenish depleted rosters through to-
night's draft of college players.
Opening their three-day spring
meeting, the club owners devoted
about nine hours to discussing an el-
igibility rule that would permit a
wide choice of players without en- 1
croaching upon the rights of col-
leges, and came up with a resolu-
tion that says in effect that they
may sign any athlete who isn't ac-
tually playing college football.
'They agreed that any player whose '
class has graduated from college is
eligible to play pro football and that
players who have left school or whose
colleges have discontinued football
also may be signed for the coming
season with the permission of the
league office. Graduation will be
regarded as taking place four years
after matriculation in any college,
including junior colleges, regardless
of whether the player still is eligible
for intercollegiate competition.
Under 1944 rules, a player who fin-
ished college in less than four years,
r through an accelerated course of
study, will have his choice between
playing professionally or, in many
colleges, returning to take more
courses and to play more football.
Arne Andersson Refuses
Bid To Run in America
STOCKHOLM, April 19.-(I')-Ar-
ne Anderssoh, Swedish running ace,
announced today he would not ac-
cept an American invitation to, ap-
pear with his fellow-countryman,
Gunder Haegg, in the Randall's Isl-
and meet in New York in June be-
cause there was no' guarantee he
would be able to return to Sweden
within a mopth of his departure.

GEORGE ME'I'KC3VICII--Stellar Red Sox first baseman, slides safe
on third on Ford Garrison's burst in, the first inning of American League
opener with World Champion New York Yankees at Boston.

the brightest Wolv
stars this season ma
Bruce Blanchard, w
omore played regular
year. He was a sp
track team during t
son, and on the diar
speed with hitting an
ities that have att
major league offers.
en hits. Hard-hittin
bagged the only extr
the day, a double in th
Left hander -Jack I
for two innings, again
and held them to of
Strem then took the
nished the game whic
sity make five runs '
the ninth.
Infielders Work Out
Mike Farnyk, who)
good at the third base
ed in the best hittingi
the day by getting f
five trips to the plate.
Coach Ray Fisherp
one infield combina
Swanson, Charlie K
Blanchard, Mike Fa
Stevenson through as
finish 'off the afterno

Greene Signs
With Packers
John Greene, burly tackle on last
fall's Wolverine football squad and
outstanding Big Ten heavy-weight
wrestler, has cashed in on his grid-
iron ability and last night signed a
contract to play with the Green Bay
Packers in the National Football
Greene, who was rejected from mil-
itaxy service because of a punctured
ear-drum, was made offers by the
majority of the clubs in the league,
but finally signed with the Wiscon-
sin team where Ed Frutig and Bob
Ingalls, both former Michigan stars,
had played pro-ball.
The Packers finished second in the
Western Division last season, and ac-
cording to early reports have not
lost too many men to the Armed
Forces. This fact is a good indication
that they are good threat to the
Divisional crown and the Playoffs
which follow.

Major League

American League
St. Louis ..........
Chicago ............
Philadelphia, .......


Boston ............. 2
New York .......... 1
Washington ........ 0
Cleveland .......... 0
Detroit ............ 0
National League
New York .......... 2
St. Louis 1
Chicago ............ 1
Philadelphia ........ 1
Cincinnati ......... 1

t 0
I 1
I 2
I 2
I 2


Cole Outlasts
_ effy To Win
3tA Marathon
Close ]Dual features
26-Mile Boston Grind
BOSTON, April 19.-OP)-=Wiry
Gerard Cote, of Montreal, outlasted
i plucky Johnny Kelley, of West Acton,
k in a gruelling duel through the last
five miles today to win his second
successive Boston A.A. Marathon and
the third of the last five of these pa-
triot's day classics.
The pair ran almost shoulder to
shoulder the last five miles"after Kel-
ly had overhauled the flying French-
man in the heartbreaking hills of
The lead changed constantly with
neither holding more than a yard"ad-
vantage at any time as each jockeyed
for position and for the hoped-for
spurt which would leave his rival be-
I hind.
For a time it seemed that this was
at last the day for Kelley, who has
been "so often a bridesmaid" since he
won the event in 1935.
Tradition, too, was running with
Kelley for no one has won the event
two years in a row since the legend-
ary Clarence Demar, absent from the
field for the first time in years, ac-
0 complished the trick well nigh two
0 decades ago.
6 Before Demar, only J. J. Caffrey, of
3 Hamilton, Ont., was able to duplicate
0 his 1901 triumph in 1902.
0 White Sox Trim Tribe
In Belated Season Opener
} CHICAGO, April 19.--- R) --The
0 Chicago White Sox handed the
0 Cleveland Indians a 3 to 1 trimming
in the delayed season opener at Co-
o miskey Park today before 5,705 fans,
0 as Orval Grove held the Tribe to sev-
0 en hits.
0 Chicago ......100 010 10X"--3 10- . 1
0 Cleveland .....000 000 010-1 7 0
0 Smith, Harder, Calvert and Mc-
Donald; Grove and Turner'
Dodgers Win on Single
PHIT APEIPHIA, April 19.-(A',)-
Paul Waner's pinch single in the
t tenth inning scored Connie Smyers
J with the wining run as the Brooklyn
Dodgers defeated the Philadelphia
- Blue-Jays 5-4, today, to even the
I series.


Brooklyn ...........
Boston .............


Nelson, MeSpaden, mood, Byrd
Form Big Four in Tournament

CHICAGO, April 19. - VP) - The
Professional Golfers Association of
America is mapping a ten-tourna-
ment summer program-the richest

tion of Elmer
etterer, Bruce
rnyk and Bob
stiff workout to

rookies Sigmund Jakucki or Newman and probably the most cut-and-dried
Shirley. Detroit then goes to Cleve- in the game's history.
land for a four-game series and to War bond prices estimated at $150,-
Chicago for two before returning 000 will be awarded during the three-
home to meet Cleveland. month campaign starting with the
$17,500 Philadelphia Invitational
I . June 8-11. A combine of four play-
H il.chcocii D ies ers-Byron Nelson, Jug McSpaden,
Craig Wood and Sammy . Byrd -
n 'lane Crash threatens to monopolize the bonan-
zas. They are the only outstanding

attle talk

Polo Star Reported
Killed over England
NEW YORK, April 19.-(9)}-Lt.-
Col. Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., one of
America's famous polo players of all
time, was killed in an airplane crash
at Salisbury, England, yesterday, his
family announced tonight.
A member of the family said the
crash occurred during a routine
flight, and not in combat, so far as
was known here.
Hitchcock was assistant military
attache for air at the American em-
bassy and commanded a P-51 Mus-
tang group in the 9th Air Support
The polo player's nephew, Thomas
Hitchcock Clark, of Westbury, N.Y.,
recently was reported missing on a
bombing raid over Europe.
The polo player, known as "Tom-
my" to thousands of sports fans in
the United States and England, was
engaged in his second war.
As the youngest member of the
Lafayette-Escadrille in World War L
he shot down two enemy planes. He
was shot down and slightly wounded
himself, was captured and later es-
caped to 'Switzerland.

VOL. LIV Na. 114
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
t p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Honors Convocation: The 21st An-
nual Honors Convocation on Friday,
April 21, at 11:00 a.m., in Hill Audi-
torium, will be addressed by Viscount
Halifax, British Ambassador to the
United States. There will be no aca-
demic procession. Faculty members
will assemble in the dressing rooms
in the rear of the Auditorium and
proceed to seats on the stage. Aca-
demic costume will be worn. Re-
served seats on the main floor will
be provided for students receiving
honors for academic achievement,
(Continued on Page 4)

championship contenders remaining
in circulation, and, among them, won
seven of nine meets on the revived
winter tour which paid off $100,000
in bonds. McSpaden took four of
the titles.
Also on the Golden Summer Trail
will be such "name" boys as Willie
Goggin, Johnny Revolta, the Texas
Open Champion, Toney Penn, Harry
Cooper, Jimmy Hines, Ed Dudley,
Gene Sarazen and possibly even
Walter Hagen.
From time to time such service-
men as Chick Harbert, Jim Turnesa,
Dutch Harrison and Clay Heafner
may get furloughs and strengthen the
entry lists. But the PGA will be
able to guarantee the appearance
1 of only ten "big shots" headed by
the Nelson - McSpaden-Wood - Byrd
Red Sax Take Double
Header f roan Yankees
BOSTON, April 19.- VP) -Tom
Yawkey's farm system outshone the
New York Yankee variety today as
George (Pinky) Woods and Emmett
O'Neil, two Louisville products, hurl-
ed the Boston Red Sox to a double
patriot's day victory, 6-1 and 5-2,
over the world champions. Crowds
totalling 17,026 saw the usual am and
pm routine.
New York ....... 010 000 000---1 9 3
Boston .........001 005 0-0X-6 6 1
J. Johnson, Turner (6), Page (7)
and Garbark; Woods and Conroy.

Riddle Hurls Three Hit
Ball To Stop Chicago Cubs
CINCINNATI, April 19.- (IP)-
Backed by Elmer Riddle's three-hit
hurling, Cincinnati's Reds trimmed
Chicago today, 2-1, on the strength
of Ray Mueller's fourth-inning dou-
ble with two mates on base, and
evened the series at one game each.
Don Johnson, a sparkplug in yes-
terday's opening day Bruin triumph,
doubled in the sixth for his team's
only extra-base blow, advanced, on
Phil Cavaretta's fly to right and
scored on Bill Nicholson's drive to
Dain Clay in center. Attendance was
1,766, against yesterday's 34,154.

Spri gait a its rQ'sSwnp Time!
0 Best Values Obtainable at whatever price you wish to pay!


Let us cut and blend and shape
a hair style to fit yt ur person-
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F i000A!o"".



u r ,.\,*t I r,
THE CURTAIN RISES - Quentin Reynolds.. .
D DAY - John Gunther .....................
THEY SHALL NOT SLEEP - Leland Stowe .. .
U. S. S. R. - Walter Duranty .................



Battle Talk? .:. that is what he handles on this portable,
switchboard. Close behind our advancing troops, he holds
the life lines of men in combat. Through these lines, lloNv
reports from outposts, orders from command pasts--help-
ing to win objective after objective on the road to Victory,
Home and Peace.
As the nation's largest producer of electronic and com-
munications, equipment for war, Western Electric is sup-
plying vast quantities of telephone and radio apparatus
for use on land, at sea and in the air. Many college gradu-

........ 3.00
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There's plenty of fine all wool quality in this store ... the sturdy
kind that's ready to meet the toughest wear assignment you can
give it ... the supple all wool quality that calls for the smart
styling and expert needle work we give it. And, of course, it
saves because it endures so long that you buy less often..
:52.50 to $39-50

THE RAZOR'S EDGE - Somei set Maugham .........
LIBERTY STREET - T. V. Morris ................... .
HIGH TIDE AT NOON - Elizabeth Olgivie .........
BEDFORD VILLAGE --- Hervey Allen .................


;: i

Odd Trousers
If- -I -° -- '-- - TVT_ ---'-- A

1 !,I

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