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April 20, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-20

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Meeting Is Expected To

Draw 2,

500 Teachers

Series. of Panels, Discussions Planned for
Instructors; Event To Go Through Saturday

< ;-

(Continued from Page 1)

Co-operation will meet to discuss
methods of meeting the educational
needs of returning war veterans.
Two general sessions and 17 con-
ferences in special departmental
fields will be held tomorrow. Dean
Edward H. Kraus will discuss "World
Responsibilities in Education" at 9:15
tomorrow in Rackham Auditorium
followed by Robert C. Wallace, prin-
cipal and vice-chancellor of Queen's
This general session will be fol-
lowed by the Honors Convocation and
the address of Viscount Halifax at
11 a.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Peck To Talk
Willys R. Peck of the State De-
partment and formerly United States
Minister to Thailand will speak at
7:30 p.m. in Pattingill Auditorium,
Ann Arbor High School.
Departmental conferences will be
held throughout the day. The Art
Conference will meet at 2 p.m. in
Rm. R-24, Ann Arbor High School
while the Biological and General
Science Conferences will hold their
discussions at 1:30 p.m. in the small
auditorium of Ann Arbor High. A
luncheon at the Allenel Hotel for the
Business Education Conference will
be followed by a panel discussion.
The Classical Conference will meet
at 9 a.m. and at 2:15 p.m. in Rm.
2003, Angell Hall. The Conference
of Deans of Women and Counselors
of Girls will hold two meetings and
a luncheon in the League. The meet-
ings start at 9 a.m. and at 2 p.m.
Places Listed
The Education Conference will
meet at 2:15 p.m. in the auditorium
of University High School; the Eng-
lish Conference meets at 9 a.m. in
the Women's Lounge in the Rack-
ham Building, at a luncheon in the
First Methodist Church and at 2:15
p.m. in Pattengill Auditorium; the
Geography Conference at 2 p.m. in
Rn. 25, Angell Hall; the Guidance
Conference at 2 p.m. in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building;
and the Mathematics Conference at
2 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Six meetings will be held tomor-
row under the auspices of the Mod-
ern Language Conference. A lunch-
eon will be held at 12:05 p.m. in the
League. At 3:45 p.m. teachers of
French will meet in the League and
German teachers will meet in the
Union at the same time. A business
meeting for Spanish teachers is
scheduled for 4:30 p.m. in the Garden
Room of the League to be followed
by a dinner at 6 p.m.
The Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy

p.m. in the West Lecture Room of
the West Physics Building. A Con-
ference on School Health and Physi-
cal Education will be held at 9 a.m.,
in the Kellogg Auditorium to be fol-

lowed by a luncheon and
meeting at the Women's
Building.' In the afternoon
the conference will return to1
logg Auditorium.

at 2:15,
the Kel-

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Prof. Wolfgang H. Kraus will ad-
dress the luncheon session of the
School Library Conference at the
League. The Social Studies Confer-
ence will be held at 2 p.m. in the
West Room of the Rackham Build-
Sectional meetings of the Speech
Conference and the Annual Meeting
Panel on Labor
"World Labor Problems and Poli-
cies" will be the topic for discussion
on the radio program "In Our Opin-
ion," to be at noon Sunday over Sta-
tion WJR, Detroit.
Karl Joachim Hambro, formerly
president of the Norwegian Parlia-
ment and of the League of Nations
Assembly, now a member of the gov-
erning board of the International,
Labor Organization, President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, Prof. Z. ClarkI
Dickinson of the economics depart-
ment and Prof. Charles L. Jamison
of thenbusiness administration de-
partment will participate in this half
hour broadcast.
Moderator for the program will be
George Cushing, news editor of Sta-
tion WJR, who will be assisted by Mr.
Coughlin of the Detroit Free Press.

homeland, invasion of part of which may be expected, Secretary of the
Navy Knox said. Recent targets of American bombers are Watsuwa,
Shumusu, Paramushiro and Onnekotan.
Hull's Talk on Foreign Prolicy
Lauded by Prof. Calderwood

Panel Discusses
Post-War Policy
Union Representatives,
'U' Professors Deal
With Reconversion
Government's role in business and
the possibilities of mass unemploy-
ment and inflation after the war
were discussed by two University pro-
fessors and a UAW-CIO representa-
tive in a Post-War Council panel last
Dr. Floyd Bond of the economics
department expressed his view that
a tax program which would regulate
consumption and expansion and the
maintenance of total demand by gov-
ernment spending may have to be
called into being after the war.
Government Controls Needed
He believes that the immediate'
problem of reconversion would be
aided by maintenance of some gov-
ernment controls such as the OPA'
until there is again a normal relation
between supply and demand.
Government should step into the
field of business when social interest
is not promoted by business activities,
Dr. Bond stated. He pointed out that
competition cannot be depended up-
on to control such industries as pub-
lic utilities and those which exploit
natural resources.
The main difficulty in our econo-
mic system, he said, is the occurrence
of periodic breakdowns. Such a
breakdown following the present war
might result in 15 to 20 million un-
Enterprise Not "Free"
"Enterprise is not free in the sense
in which we ordinarily understand
the phrase," Francis Downing, UAW-
CIO representative, said. He cited
government subsidies to railroads
and highways, tariffs, and artificial-
ly controlled prices. "The enormous
rise of monopolies also indicates that
enterprise has not been so free as the
Chamber of Commerce or the NAM
would have us believe," he added.
Speaking of government's relation
to industry, he said, "Ownership of
implements of war should never
again be left in private hands." He
urged cooperation of government,
business and labor.
Pr'of. C. L. Jamison said, "It doesn't
matter who owns the instruments of
production; the real problem is in
the people who manage them."
"If business does not serve the pub-
lic with fair prices and reasonable
quality, we have a perfect right to re-
bel," he continued.E
Daily Staff To Meet
There will be a compulsory meet-
ing of The Daily business staff at
4 p.m. today.

Foreign Studej
By English La
Many foreign students at the Uni-
versity face a special handicap in
studying because of the difficulty in-
volved in.using the English language.
To help them overcome this the In-
ternational Center sponsors the En-
glish Language Service.
Miss Grollman Is Head
Miss Sarah Grollman, who con-
ducts the classes, says that though
the students may have a good read-
ing knowledge of English, they need
oral practice. To meet this need she
has the students read aloud articles
which use the vocabulary the stu-
dents need in their field of study.
After reading the articles the stu-
dents summarize them in their own
words. In addition, they write themes
on subjects in which they are inter-
ested. With emphasis on careful dic-
tion, Miss Grollman corrects their
errors in the pronunciation and con-
struction of English.
Speaking Improves
Miss Grollan, who is from New
England, explains that she does not
hope to eliminate the accents her
students have. But, she says, we must
be able to understanO. what they say.
To illustrate this she played a re-
cording made by a student from La-
tin America. The tfirst side, which
was made shortly after the student
arrived at the University, was very
difficult to understand. The other
side, made after four weeks of study,
was easy to understand, though an
accent was still apparent.
In addition to the English the stu-
dents will need in class work, Miss
Grollman patiently explains Ameri-
can idioms and even slang.
Slang Translated
She sometimes tells the story of a
foreign student who questioned her
Lamb To Give
Piano Recital
Betty Sue Lamb, '44SM, will pre-
sent a piano recital in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
B.M. degree at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Miss Lamb of Denver; Colo., is a
student of Joseph Brinkman, and has
previously studied with Bessie H.
Tewksbury and with Rosina Leh-
vinne and Dalies Frantz during the
summer months.
-She will perform the Bach-Busoni
"Organ Choral Prelude," also the
IBach-Saint Saens "Bourree" and
Bach-Rummel "Jesus Christus, Got-
tes Sohn." Other selections on Miss
Lamb's program include numbers by
Grieg, Schumann, Casella and Bar-
The recital is open to the public.

ats Are Helped
unguage Service
about a conversation he had over-
heard in the Union. It seems that
one student said, "Jeet?" "No, Joo?"
answered the second, to which the
first said conclusively, "Then let's
go." The foreign student, she said,
was a bit surprised to find that the
conversation concerned eating.
A Latin American student may say,
"I'll explain you." Miss Grollman
then states that "we don't usually ex-
plain a person, but rather a situation
to a person." Another typical mis-
take of Latin peoples is that of using
a double negative to state a positive
idea," she says.
45 Enrolled
There are now 45 students enrolled
in the classes. They represent 17 dif-
ferent professions.
In her work at Connecticut College
for Women Miss Grollman majored
in English. She then did graduate
work in phonetics, linguistics and se-
mantics at Columbia, the University
of Chicago and the University of
M1ic higan
IT'9 z;*

of the Michigan Association of Teach-
ers of Speech will be held from 10
p.m. to noon. A cafeteria luncheon
is scheduled in Rm. A-12 of Ann Ar-
bor High School and a luncheon ad-
dress at 1:15 p.m. in Rm. C-1.
Hambro To Appear
On Saturday, Carl Joachim Ham-
bro, former president of the Norwe-
gian Parliament and the League of
Nations will speak at 10:45 a.m. in
Rackham Auditorium. Dr. Dwight L.
Dumond of the history department
and Dr. R. W. Cordier of Pennsyl-
vania State Teachers' College will
speak on the same program.
Group conferences will be held at
9:30 a.m. Saturday in the Women's
Lounge of the Rackham Building on
"Curricular Changes for the Post-
War Secondary School," in the East
Conference Room on "Curricular
Changes in Post-War Colleges" and,

Speaking of Secretary Hull's recent'
speech on United States foreign poli-
cy, Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of
the political science department said
he believes it goes far in clarifying
the position of the United States.
The speech, he said, really des-
cribes how the United States is fol-
lowing the basic principles set forth
originally by Hull in 1937 and also
deals with specific questions which
have bothered a number of people.
"One of the most important parts}
of the speech," he said, "was the
statement that boundary questions
will be put off to a later date and
that questions of that nature are
to be settled by agreement among
the four major powers in accord-
ance with the understandings
reached at the conferences last
Hull's statement that cooperation
among the four major powers will
endure seems to represent on his part
a real hope and determination that
this cooperation will continue, Prof.
Calderwood said. Though the rela-
US-I2 Cut-Off
MayBe Made
Survey crews of the State Highway
Department in Lansing are at work
obtaining detailed information on the
proposed relocation of the Ann Ar-
bor north belt of U.S.-12.
The new relocation project which
is a part of a state proposed $120,-
000,000 post-war plan would provide
a by-pass about eight miles long
around the city to take heavy traffic
off city streets and to eliminate seri-
ous traffic congestion in the city.
Preliminary plans now being made
by the survey group provide for an
approximate route with the cut-off
for Ann Arbor beginning east of the
city at Ford Road, coming north, and
then cutting into U.S.-12 on the
west side of the city.
State Highway Department officials
reported that the proposed cut-off
around Ann Arbor is only one of 19
post-war construction projects.

tions between the United States and
Britain are close, he pointed out that1
some of the interests of the two na-
tions are not common to each of
them. "And when we see that there
is the possibility of divergency be-
tween these two states, think of the
many possibilities between four na-
"The problem," he said, "is not
should they cooperate-a-but how-by
what means?"j
"It seems to me," he added, "thatj
it would be easier for these four na-1
tions, Britain, Russia, the United
States and China, to work together
in a framework of an organization
comprising others of the United Na-
tions, rather than in an organiza-
tion comprising only the so-called
"Big Four."
Prof. Calderwood tacitly approv-
ed of the United States' policy in
occupied countries of leaving the
choice of the governing bodies with
which we will deal up to the com-
manding officer in that country.
He said that in France we are fol-
lowing a careful policy and, as Hull
stated, that we do not wish to force
any particular government on the
French people. The Committee, he
continued, was never the legally con-
stituted government of France and
in recognition, "We recognize a fact."
Hull's statements regarding neutral
countries evidently apply not only
to Spain but also to Sweden, Eire
and Turkey, he said.
Dean Asks Fair Treatment
Of Essential Farm Youth
EAST LANSING,. April 19.-(/P)-
Dean E. L. Anthony of the Michigan
State Agriculture division today ap-
pealed to friends and neighbors of
farm youths deferred because of their
essential service in food production
to be considerate and "boost the mor-
ale" of the young men.
"From nearly every county in the
state," Anthony said, 'we have re-
geived reports of essential young men
or boys on farms fearing to appear in
public because they are not in mili-
tary service."

Music 6y.
Lyr.is by
Matinees 30c Evenings 43c

Conference will hold a cafeteria in the West Conference Room on
luncheon in Rm. A-12 of Ann Arbor "Adult Education in the Post-War
High 'School and will meet at 1:15 Period."


- ak~~hlt~1 ~ ~ - 7JIlqi.



$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
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additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertk n for
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BOYS wanted-for work in kitchen
for luncheon and dinner. 1501
Washtenaw, phone 23279; Mrs.
BOY WANTED for dishwashing. Ap-
ply in person. Martha Cook Build-
ing; between 8 and 1.
STUDENT-Men and women. Good
pay. Excellent meals. University
Grill. 615 East Williams. Phone
-MEN to work during mealtime for
board. Contact cook or manager.
Phone 2-3179.




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