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April 09, 1944 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-09

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SUNDAT, AIL 9, 194


Preside:t ;MovesTo
I7Politieal Rxfoundup OlsI(I Party

By The Associated Press
FDR Writes Gillette.
WASHINGTON, April 8. -- r'resi-
dent Roosevelt personally has taken
a hand in efforts to unite the Demo-'
cratic party in this year's political
campaign by writing Senator Guy M..
Gillette (Dem., Iowa), a target of the
unsuccessful 1938 purge, congratulat-
ing the Iowan on his decision to seek
reelection to the Senate.
While Democratic National Vom-
mittee leaders this year have made
every +eitbrt to heal the wounds
caused by the President's opposi-
tion six years ago to party mem-
hers who did not go along with
him, this apparently -was the first

instance in which Mr. Roosevelt
himself has taken the initiative in
the movement.
Gillette declined to affirm or deny{
receipt of the letter, but some of his
colleagues described the missive as a
cordial note addressed to "Dear Guy."
In it the President congratulated Gil-
lette on the latter's reluctant decision
to be a candidate again, expressing
the conviction that not only Iowa
but the nation needs men of Gillette's
caliber in the Senate.
This expression of sentiment, so
far at variance with the Administra-
tion's 1938 attitude, caused imme-
diate speculation that Mr. Roosevelt
was getting his defenses in order in
the vital middle western political bat-
tleground for a fourth term try.


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Printary Will Be Test...
CHICAGO, April -8.-A Test of
the vote-pulling power of General
Douglas MacArthur and a trial of
the strength of the Republican state
organization will be offered in
Tues'day's primary election in Illi-
National attention will be devoted
to a study of political trends afford-
ed by the total vote but chief intra-
state interest will be centered upon
contests for nominations for state
offices on the Republican side.
Delegate Picking Aikated
WASHINGTON, April 8. - The
Republican party today invited wo-
men for the first time to help frame
its national platform as politicians
awaited next week's selections in
nine states of 142 more GOP dele-
gates to see whether Gov. Thomas
E. Dewey's big lead for the presi-
dential nomination takes another
The plan is subject to convention
approval, but Spangler anticipated
Next week will see delegate picking
on a large scale in both parties. There
will be selections every day except
Monday, with Democrats naming
154 in six states while the Republi-
ans are choosing their 142.
OMAHA, April 8.--State Reptibli-
can party leaders predicted today
that Governor Dewey of New York
may receive a large write-in vote in
the Nebraska presidential preference
primary Tuesday as the result of
Wendell Willkie's withdrawal.
Willkie is a "ghost" candidate in
the preferential, opposing former
Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen.

THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD-Two servicemen look at a long line of two-and-a-half-ton dump
trucks in England waiting for "invasion day."

TEE OFF for a head start. Buy
your golf equipment now for the
season that's coming up soon.


Nazi Industry Still Not Crippled'

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LISBO'N, April 3. (DELAYED.)-
()-Germany's capacity to wage war
has been seriously damaged but not
crippled by Allied bombings, accord-
ing to competent observers here.
Their conclusions may be on the
conservative side, because this is one
of the most cautious corners of Eur-
ope. But those in possession of the
best sources of information hesitate
to estimate how much longer it will
take to crack the ability of German
industry to supply the Nazi war ma-
chine, or even what percentage of vi-
tal industry has already been knock-
ed ot.
Plant Location Shifts
One of the chief reasons for this
caution is the fact that German war
industry has been "retreating to pre-
viosuly prepared positions" for at
least eight years. As early as 1936 the
Nazis were locating new industrial
plants deeper inside Germany, trying
to shift strategic production away
from the vulnerable Ruhr.
With the conquest of Czechoslo-
vakie, Poland, France, etc., they ob-
tained new "hiedouts" areas for stra-
tegic factories as well as possession of
thousands of existing factories in oc-
cupied countries capable of supple-
menting German production during
the period of relative air immunity.
This also helped cushion the shock
of widespread destruction of factories
inside Germany during the period of
intensive air war.
Bombing Accelerated Retreat
This great retreaL on the factory
front naturaly was accelerated by
smashing blows suffered by Essen,
Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin and other
great centers this year and last.
"Verlagerung" (transfer to new
location) has become one of the key
words in the Nazi vocabulary in re-
cent months as machinery salvaged
from bomb-shattered plants is dis-
persed to new locations and whole
factories with their workers are mov-
ed to Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia or
sites close to the neutral Swiss bor-
The unfortunate bombing of
Schaffhausen illustrates the difficul-
ty of combating the latter type of
The present acceleration on a huge
scale of this process, however, is in-
evitably accompanied by a terrific
strain on transportation facilities,
costly diversion of hundreds of thou-
sands of workers from actual war
production to tasks connected with
the verlagerung operations, emergen-
Elections of ICC
Officers Announced
New officers for Inter-Cooperative
Council began their duties Thursday,
following elections by the seven co-
operative houses on campus.
President for the semester is Irv-
ing Statler, '45E, with Pat McGraw,
'44, vice-president, and Lee Galant,
'46, secretary. Tehyllis Aronberg, '45,
was elected accountant and Rudy
Haefeli, '45E, was nmae the new ICC
purch aser.

cy repairs, construction of emergency
homes and barracks, etc.
Indication of Strain
Indications of such strains are seen
in official notices and appeals pub-
lished (sometimes obscurely among
classified advertisements) in German
newspapers, such as:
1-Urgent warnings to workers ab-
sent since the destruction of their
homes or factories to report their
whereabouts imediately, with threats
of imprisonment for those who linger
in rural refuges without legal author-
2-Decree (published in Angriff
March 19) giving factory managers
the power to remove not only ma-
chinery but workers to new sites, ei-
ther inside Germany or beyond the
borders of the Reich. "The worker
must obey such orders by the factory
manager" the announcement stress-
3-Urgent instructions to factories
to have loading gangs ready instant-
ly on the arrival{ of empty freight
cars, day or night, to -avoid letting
the precious cars stand idle for sev-
eral hours. Official notices in bomb-
ed cities listing what street car lines
still are running and urging workers
to walk to their jobs whenever physi-
cally possible.
4-Requisitioning of all stored au-
tomobiles in Germany for emergen-
cy transport. Confiscation of all den-j
tal and surgical instruments in ct3-
tain areas (apparently because fac-
tories making them have been
5-Nationwide campaign to round-
up every sewing machine inside Ger-
many, regardless of how old or in
what condition, for the verlagerungj
garment industry supplying the arm-
ed forces.
This is coupled with appeals to wo-
men to accept piecework sewing as-
signments for the army.
The Hamburger Fremdenblatt re-
ports that even communities of ex-

pert lacemakers are now making7
trousers for army uniforms at home.
Obviously such a dispersal into
tens of thousands of cottages of work,
formerly done on a mass production,
basis in big establishments heavily
complicates the task of supplying the
Small assembly tasks of the elec-
trical industry also are being dis-
persed into cottages. Special appeals
are being isued to women over 45 and
girls under 14 to volunteer for at
least part time work in factories.
Such indications of abnormal
strain are all the more significant
because of the contrast with Nazi
propaganda to the effect that war
production continues at the highest
A vital fact which competent
sources stress is that German indus-
try is undertaking this accelerated
retreat at the very time that the
military retreat on the eastern front
is also proceeding at an accelerated
tempo. I
(Continued from Page 1)
Maastricht-Aachen line, and other
Thunderbolt- escorted Marauders
hitting the Coxyde airfield on the
Belgian coast. All the mediums re-
Indications that Allied planes pos-
sibly were over Nazi-dominated Eur-
ope tonight came from the Berlin
and Budapest radios. The former re-
ported that "single enemy raiders
are approaching western Germany,"
while the Budapest radio left the
air shortly before 11 p.m.,

may Estimates
cost of invasin,
To U.S. Forces
Monthl o ('4pr" ions -
WAS ~INGTON, April 8-(IP)- --The
first month of the invasion of Europe
will cost the U.S. forces a maximum
of 150,000 casualties, about three
times the losses incurred in current
operations, Chairman May, (Dem.
Ky,) of the House Military Commit-
tee says.
This is the figure the armed forces
and Selective Service are reckoning
on tentatively for replacements, May
said in an interview today. It includes
killed, wounded, captured and other-
wise lost for diuty.
May Scoffs
He scoffed at publicly expressed
fears of casualties as high as 500,000
when the Allies plunge into Europe.
In May's opinion, there probably will
not be morie than 75,000 killed in that
first 30 days.
Without giving any figures, Lieut.
Gen. Omar N. Bradley, commander-of
American ground forces in the Unit-
ed Kingdom, was optimistic in a talk
he gave his officers on this subject
Estimates Attrition Losses
Current atrition, May said, is about
55,000 men monthly, including battle
casualties and men discharged for
other causes.
Other highly-placed Congressional
sources quoted General George C.
Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, as
having told an Army Day gathering
this week that the battle of Italy
was far from being lost and that in
fact the high command is fearful lest
the commanding Allied generals
press the fight too hard and rout the
Reigion To LBe
Topic of ouncl
Panel Thursday
Education for religion will be the
topic of discussion at a Post-War
Council panel at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League, Joan Kinting, program
committee member, announced yes-
GTiest speakers will be Dr. Edward
Blakeman, student religious coun-
selor, the Rev. C. H. Loucks of the
Baptist Church, the Rabbi Jehudah
Cohen, director of the Hillel Founda-
tion, and Claude Eggertsen of the
education school.
Some of the questions to be con-
sidered are: the place of religion in
the post-war world; the possibility of
introducing religious instruction into
public schools and its effect upon
the schools; whether religious in-
struction is essential to peace; the
place of religion in the United States.

Reds Advance .

. .

(Continued from Page 1)

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Czernowitz as they continued the
liquidation of the remnants of 15 en-
circled German divisions. That area
above the middle Dniester river now
is far behind the Russians attacking
along the Czech borders and inside
The surprise announcement by
Stalin after days of silence on the de-
velopments in that area was followed
closely by another Order of the Day
which said that Marshal Ivan S. Ko-
nev's second Ukraine Army had
smashed into eastern Rumania on a
106-mile front north of Iasi, Ruman-
ian rail center, captured more than
150 localities, and reached the Siret
river on a 53-mile front.
The meeting of the Latin American
Society, originally scheduled Tues-
day, has been postponed until 2:30
p.m. Sunday, April 16, in the Union,
Dr. Julio del Toro announced yester-

Play rod uc t i®)
SheStoops Jo Conquer
Comedy of rustic England by Oliver Goldsmith
Wednesday through Sa ta.rdcay
Evenings at 8:30 - Saturday Matinee at 2:30
April 12, 13, 14, 15
Tickets 90e -0c 48e (ie. 29% tax)
Box Office Opens Tomorrow 10 A.M. Phone 6300
(In Michigan League Bldg)

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Co-. Catherine and Division Sts.
7:00 A.M. Holy Comunion (Choral)

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9:00 A.M.

Holy Communion and Sermon
Reel Robert M. Muir





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