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April 09, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-09

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'Panhellenic Parade' Will Be Given
ft Rackham 'Broadcasting Studio'



"Panhellenic Parade," the annual
summation of the activities of Pan-
hellenic Products, Inc., will be broad-
cast over the station WMICH at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow from the Rackham
"broadcasting studio."
The traditional Panhellenic ban-
quet is being replaced this year by a
"broadcast" featuring a galaxy of
music, speakers and awards. Each
year all sorority women gather to-
gether to receive recognition for out-
standing participation in campus ac-
t vities and to reaffirm their unity.
War Work Award
A cup for highest war activities
participation will be presented to the
sorority which has contributed the
most hours of war work in proportion
to the number of its members. The
group with the highest scholastic av-
erage will be presented with the
scholarship cup, which was won by
Gamma Phi Beta at last year's rally.
Announcement wil be made of the
sororities who have won the various
athletic tournaments which have'
been held during the past year. The

actual sports cup will be awarded to
the house with the highest participa-
tion in woman's athletic activities at
Lantern Night, the traditional sing
night for all women on campus.
Guest Speakers
Special guest speakers on the pro-
gram will include Dean Alice Lloyd
who will present the war activities
cup and who will announce the
names of those women in each class
who have the highest number of
hours in war activities. Registrar Ira
Smith will award the scholarship cup.
Nancy Hattersley, '44, president of
the WAA, will anonunce the sports
winners and present a short speech
to the studio audience.
Seating by Sororities
Seats have been reserved for all
sororities. Seating arrangements have
been posted in the undergraduate of-
fice of the League and will be posted
at the entrance to the studio so that
representatives from every house may
note the sections reserved for them.
Patrons for the program will be
President and Mrs. Alexander G.

Ruthven; Doris Barr, president of
Assembly Council; Mrs. Ira Smith;
Miss Jeannette Perry; Mrs. Byrl Ba-
cher; Mrs. S. Beach Conger; and Dr.
Margaret Bell.
Peg Laubengayer, '45, general
chairman fior the occasion, will act as
mistress of ceremonies on the pro-
gram. Assisting Miss Laubengayer
are Mary Webster, '45, finance chair-
man; Marjorie Rosmarin, '45, pro-
gram arrangements chairman; Jean
MacKaye, '46, patrons; and Ricka
Wolff, '45, publicity chairman.
Bridge Tournament
To Be Held by JGP
Each coed house on campus is ask-
ed to send at least one team of two
players to the Junior Girls Project
"Stampbridge" contest, a duplicate
bridge tournament which will be held
at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Grand Ra-
pids Room in the League, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Mary Driver,
'45, JGP secretary.



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l Jor

Local Surgical
Dressings Unit
In the confusion produced by
changing class schedules for the new
semester, campus women seemed to
have forgotten that the League Sur-
gical Dressing Unit urgently needs
their help.
The days that the Unit has been
open this semester were marked by
poor or only fair attendance, and the
few dressings folded fell far short
of the amount necessary.
Quota Used in Day
The fact that hundreds of surgical
dressings are necessary during one
operation makes the quota seem
much more realistic than just many
round numbers with no actual mean-
ing to the person asked to donate his
time. The monthly quota assigned to
the League Unit is used up in LESS
THAN ONE DAY at the Hospital in
Fort Custer which takes care of
wounded men from overseas.
in ONE COUNTRY. Multiply the
hospitals, camps and countries by the
days of this war and a bare realiza-
tion of the millions of these dressings
necessary is soon evident.
Red Cross Needs Aid
Red Cross is doing its best to sup-
ply all the hospitals-whether it's in
a field tent under fire or in a behind-
the-lines hospital such as the one
mentioned at Fort Custer. They can
not answer all these urgent pleas
without your help.
The volunteers who do work week-
ly were commended recently by Har-
riet Fishel, head of the League Unit,
as "being active participants in the
march towards victory."
Miss Fishel said, "Women who vol-
unteer for this work have the satis-
faction of knowing that their handi-
work will be of major importance to
the life of some member of the Armed
Forces. You have been asking how
you may help. Here is the answer."
Betrothal Announced
The engagement of Mary Elizabeth
Wright, '46, to David Firestone, '46E,
son of Prof. and Mrs. Floyd Fire-
stone, was announced recently by her
parents, Prof. and Mrs. Preston Slos-
Miss Wright is a member of Delta,
Delta Delta and has worked on Pan-
hellenic entertainment. She also does{
Girl Scout work on the Child Care
committee. Mr. Firestone formerly
attended Kalamazoo College before
transferring to the University. Miss
Wright's father was the late Capt.
Thomas Albert Wright who died{
shortly after the close of the first
World War.

Group of 'U'
Coeds To Tour
Air WAC Base
Women Interested in Joining
Services To Observe Activities
At Romulus Field Barracks
"If you're interested in joining a
service, if you can join within the
near future, and if you do not know
as much as you'd like to about the
Air WAC's activities,-then the tour
we are holding Monday, April 17,
should be of immediate interest to
you," Lt. Barbara Bethel Rogers said
Red Cross Transportation
Living and working conditions of
an Air WAC at Romulus Air Base will
be shown to 15 University women on
this all day tour. Red Cross station
wagons will pick up the coeds at ap-
proximately 9 a.m. and return them
to Ann Arbor about 4 p.m. Registra-
tion is now being held in Miss Mc-
Cormick's office at the League.
After arriving at the base, the wo-
men will be met by a Public Relations
officer who will first conduct them
through WAC barracks and other
quarters. The Commanding Officer
wil speak in an informal meeting du-
ring which questions will be answer-
ed. Lunch will be eaten in the WAC
mes hall on the base.
Work Inspection
Following lunch the women will be
taken to the various parts of the
field where the Air WACs are actual-
ly doing their official jobs--offices,
the hanger, and the motor pool will
be among the places visited by this
Ann Arbor group.
Air WACs have the advantage of
being able to request foreign service
in any theatre of operation after her
basic training," Lt. Rogers said. "The
200 types of assignments that are
available for enlisted women assures
all who can meet the primary re-
quirements that some position will be
available for her.
Officers FromniRanks
"Photography, control tower oper-
ating, radio mechanic, secretarial
work, parachute packing, 'weather
observer-all of these things are es-
sential to keeping the planes in the
air, and most of them are learned
after joining the Air WAC. Of course
trained women are particularly de-
sirable for officer's candidates. All
officers are chosen from the ranks."
In some cases WACs may actually
be asigned to flying Air Transport
Command planes with accompanying
flying pay.
"It's not all glamous, though," Lt.
Rogers hastened to add. "We Air
WACs are taking able bodied men's
jobs so that they may go to the front.
Sometimes the going is tough. But
it's never as hard as what the fight-
ing men are having.


'U' Hospital's Honor Roll Topped
By Barbara LaSha, Clarice Qivens

University Hospital's Volunteer
Honor Roll for March is led by Bar-
bara LaSha of 426 Hill and Clarice
Givens of Mosher Hall who contri-
buted 50 and 43 hours respectively,
according to Carol Evans, chairman
of Soph Project.
"These girls have established a re-
cord for volunteer workers to admire
and imitate." Miss Evans said. "They
deserve congratulations from every-
one who is interested in coed war-
Others Also Outstanding
Other volunteers on the March ho-
nor roll include Jean Baxter and El-
len Vinacke who worked 231/2 hours,
Beatrice Linning with 16 3/4 hours to
her credit, Phyllis Firestone, Dorothy
Congo and Marjorie Robinson who
worked 15%/ and 15 hours respective-
The complete March report reveal-
ed that 184 volunteers contributed
1,311 hours. Volunteers may work at
University Hospital any morning, af-
ternoon or evening. Additional work-
ers are urgently needed on Thursday,

Friday and weekday evenings. Sun-
day volunteers are needed to help
with visitors and to pass meal-trays.
Orientation Meeting
An' orientation meeting for Uni-
versity women interested in doing
volunteer work will be held at 7 p.m.
tomorrow in the second floor amphi-
theatre of the Hospital. Duties of a
volunter and hospital policy are ex-
plained in these meetings and no
worker may be assigned to a post un-
til she has attended one.
Miss Evans said that although co-
eds have shown a creditable response
to University Hospital's plea for vol-
unteer aid, St. Joseph's Hospital is
still desperately handicapped by the
manpower shortage.
Coeds living near St. Joseph's are
urged to work there while Stockwell,
Mosher-Jordan residents may find it
more convenient to work at Univer-
sity Hospital. Each volunteer is cre-
dited with extra-curricular activities
work in the undergraduate offices of
the League for work done.

* 1~~


All the fresh beauty of spring's
prettiest flower' . . delicately
hand-painted and shaped to
life-like loveliness in petal-light
porceloin . jewelry you'll be

t--. --.-.. .
proud to own
Colors: Yellow anc
Brown; Yellow a

The balance of our early spring group. . . suits, coats,
dresses, a few accessories, all substantially reduced!
A good time to augment your wardrobe with the use-
ful, long-lived casuals for which this tailor has made
such a famous name! SORRY, ALL SALES MUST BE
4 Checked Wool Fingertip-Length Coats ..... Were
Brown or black with white. Sizes 10, 12 and 14.

and wear EARRINGS $2.00* per
d Violet; Yellow and PINS $2.00* each
nd Orchid; Violet;
Venus Pink. *Plus Excise Tax
Main at Liberty


II' ' II]

39.95, Now 1 /3 Less

;: .

6 Checked Wool Skirts...................Were 14.95,
Brown or Black with white. Sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16.
2 Chalk-Striped Grey Flannel Fingertip-Length Coats
...........................Were 35.00,
Sizes 14 and 16.
2 Two-Tone Grey Wool Cashmere and Flannel Dresses

Now 1/3 Less
Now 1/3 Less

, f
t : yi





Sizes 10 and 16.
1 Chalk-Striped Grey Flannel Suit
Size 16.
2 Two-Tone Grey Rayon and Aralac Dress
Sizes 12 and 16.
2 Grey Araloc Jackets
Sizes 12 and 16.
3 Aralac Jumper Dresses
Grey or black. Sizes 10, 12 and 16.
4 Rayon Crepe Dresses.
Grey, blue, pink, white. Sizes 14, 1
2 Two-Piece Checked Rayon Crepe Dress

Were 29.95, Now 1/3 Less
Was 39.95, Now 1/3 Less


Were 25.00, Now

1/3 Less

Were 16.95, Now 1 /3 Less
Were 25.00, Now 1/3 Less

Were 25.00,

Now 1/3 Less

Were 22.95, Now 1 /3 Less

Wine with blue, pink vith green. Sizes 12 and 14.

,. f-
\ .
,, 'r

and day - a wonderful dream
gown, designed by gifted hands
in filmy white. Exquisitely trim-
med in dainty lace . . . of lasting
quality and loveliness.

STEP-IN for a smarter silhouette
-a streamlined bra with a satin
or lace front, -and brief lux-
urious step-ins. Their FIT will
commend them to every active

Also, A Group of
Dresses at 9.98
Assortment of casuals and semi-dress styles. Rayon crepes, spun
rayons, a few wools. Solid colors and prints. Misses' and junior sizes.



11 woman.

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