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April 09, 1944 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-09

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Z IN7 L A T, A 7r rl ri, ' , 1 15 4 4


Pact St~tilN

First Outdoor Workout for Nine Features Intra-Squ

ad Tilt

Eddie Arcaro
Wins Handicap;
Marriage Third
Four Freedoms Equals
Sir Marlboro's Track
Record in Fast Race
MIAMI, Fla., April 8.- P-)-Eddie
Arcaro made it a clean sweep of
Florida's big stake races by booting
Four Freedoms to victory today in
the $10,000 Tropical Handicap, the
closing day feature of the southern
Christopher Ranch's Argonne
Woods was second and Coward and
Dupuy's Marriage was third.
Arcaro previously had ridden Four
Freedoms to victory in the $25,000
Widener Handicap March 4 and Stir
Up to a surprise triumph in the
$15,000 Flamingo stakes Feb. 26.
Four Freedoms. equalled Sir Marl-
boro's track record for the mile and
one eighth, scoring by two lengths in
one minute, 49 seconds. The four-
year-old colt paid $5.60, $3.30 and
$2.50 across the board. Argonne
Woods, two and one-half lengths
ahead of Marriage, returned $6.10
and $3.10. Marriage paid $2.70.
The largest crowd of the Tropical
meeting, 11,436, established a one-
race record for Tropical by betting
$104,379 on the handicap.
Jockey Bobby Permane
Makes Racing History
MIAMI, Fla., April 8.-(,P)-Ap-
prentice Jockey Bobby Permane
made racing history at Tropical Park
today when he rode five winning
horses for the third straight day.
In the past four days he has ridden
18 victors, a feat probably never be-
fore accomplished.
His five triumphs yesterday were
Exhibition Baseball
Red (NL) 100 050 022-10 11 0
Cubs (NL) 000 000 201- 3 8 1
De La Cruz, Carter .(7) and Muell-
er, Just (7); Burrows, Sahlin (9) and
Ki0faelo(Int) 500 000 000- 5 11 2
Toronto (Int) 000 111 001- 4 15 0
Roscoe, Miller, Wilsgn and Dan-
ning, Radakovich; Aarntzen, Ana-
nicz, Crowson and Willitms, Kratzer.
Senators (A) 001 002 001- 4 7 1
Athletics (N) 200 000' 201- 5 7 1
Candini, Ullrich, Wolff and Ferrell,
Guerra; Barrett, Donahue and Sem-

Pirates Snap Tigers Hawks To Meet Farnyk, Ketterer, Nussbaumer Shine
Streak at Three Straight Ionlrea in 3rd At Plate as Blues Defeat Reds, 13-11
Playoff Game -S -rIight §l-
Gee B5ak Detroit for Five PAL in s .U Mank. Swanson~~T 011t tIL hiiV1~ LUL' UJ Z ih~1t

Newhowser, Overmire Go Distance

EVANSVILLE, Ind., April 8.-(!P)-
Dutroit's three game winning streak
was snapped today by the Pittsburgh
Pirates who scored two runs in the
eleventh inning to defeat the Tigers,
4 to 2, in the opener of a five game
exhibition series.
Detroit amassed a two-run lead be-
hind the superb pitching of south-
paw Hal Newhouse, who fanned eight
Pirates in five innings, but in the
eights inning outfielder Jim Russell
belted a two-run inside-the-parker
homer off Stub Overmire to tie it up.
Then in the eleventh, the Pirates
clustered three singles off Overmire
for the winning runs, although an
error by shortstop Eddie Mayo, his
third of the game, let in what proved
to be the winning marker.
Newhouser and Overmire went the
distance for Detroit, and Manager
Frank Frisch used southpaws Arthur
Cuccurullo and Johnny Gee before
Xavier Resigno, a right-hander, ar-
rived on the scene in the tenth in time
to become the winning pitcher.
Gee, six foot, nine inch former Uni-
versity of Michigan athlete, was im-
pressive while blanking the Tigers
for five innings on four hits. The
Pirates paid $75,000 for Gee five years
ago and it looks like he finally is
about to pay dividends on the in-
The best pitching performance,
however, was Newhouser's. After
yielding eight runs on 16 hits in his
last two starts, Newhouser was very
baffling to the Pirates today. He
struck out the side in the second in-
ning after fanning two in the first,
and he picked up single strike outs in
each of the last three innings he
worked. He walked one and allowed
two hits.

The. Tigers gathered
runs in the third off Cu
game winner last seaso
of the Eastern League.
Borom got the first of1
and Paul Richards wa

two unearned
uccurullo, a 20-
an witty Albany
Eddie (Red)
his two singles
lked. Cuccur-

CHICAGO, April 8.--(A')--Chicago
Stadium is expected to be packed
with nearly 19,000 fans-the largest
hockey crewd 'in history-tomorrow
night when the Chicago Blackhawks
and Montreal Canadiens meet in the
third game of the Stanley Cup Play-
The Hawks have been defeated

For Blues; Eicher, Bob
Stevenson, Reds Battery.
Prospects for the coining baseball
season were considerably brightened
yesterday afternoon, as Coach Ray
Fisher's diamond charges moved out-


mnane more than one error anctne
was charged with only two misplays,
the last of which broke up a possible
twin killing.
There was only one double play in
the entire game. This came in the
third frame when Phelps hit directly
to the pitcher, Who in turn threw to
Ketterer, cutting the runner off at
second. Both Tommy King and Art
Renner looked good at the initial
sack. King had a fair day at the
plate, dropping in a Texas Leaguer
and stealing home in the top of the
ninth. His chances, although numer-
ous, were on the whole easy, while
Nusbaumer was a near-casualty in
the ninth when he caught one of

16trem s inside slam s on ns rg, n ei-
bow. However, he took his base and
continued with the game. The most
surprising man in the tilt was little
Willies at short, who measures no
more than 5'6" at the plate.
Fisher termed yesterday's practice
"a pretty fair workout," and stated
that the value of the game was to
get the players acclimated to the
new outdoor conditions. He said a
definite proof of the batters' adapt-
ing themselves to the different kind
of light was demonstrated by the su-
perior brand of hitting that showed
up in the later innings.
The next workout will be held to-

ullo booted Newhouser's sacrifice, twice in a row by Montreal in the
filling the bases. Don Heffner pop- playoffs, the last match, Thursday
ped, but Borom scored on Mayo's 1 night, ending 3-1 amid a blizzard of
force play at second. debris thrown from the gallery by
Roger Cramer also popped, but fans protesting a decision.
Rudy York drew a pass, forcing in Another outbreak may result in the1
another run. Jimmy Outlaw lined to Hawks forfeiting the game. Red Dut-
the outfield to end the inning. ton, president of the National Hockey
Overmire, who had given up one League, has received permission from
earned run in six previous innings, the League governors to forfeit the'
picked up where Newhouser left off. game to the visiting club if such "de-
However, with two out in the eighth trimental practices" continue. The
Frank Gustine tripled and Russell Thursday demonstration lasted 17
then hammered the ball to the left minutes, the longest such uprising
field wall for his homer. in hockey history in Chicago.
Bob Elliott started the eleventh Bill Tobin, Hawk president, not'
inning rally by singling with one out. consulted by Dutton although he is a
Tom O'Brien singled to right, sending League governor, said that "such
Elliott to third, from whence he things must be stopped."
scored when Don Ross' relay throw With two more losses eliminating
got away from Mayo at second. Babe the Hawks in the best seven series
Dahlgren singled O'Brien home. for possession of the cup, Manager
The Pirates got eight hits, two Paul Thompson today was seeking
more than Detroit's production. ways of stopping the Canadiens to-
The Tigers suffered a casualty in morrow night. It will be the Hawks'
catcher Richards, whose throwingfnal home game of the attendance-
hand was injured in the tenth by breaking season, for a circus moves
pinch-hitter Tony Ordenana's foul. into Chicago Stadium next week and
James (Hack) Miller finished the the Hawks would be unable to get
game inasmuch as Bob Swift is out back on the ice even if the series is
with a side injury. prolonged. The playoffs wil resume
The victory was Pittsburgh's sec- Tuesday in Montreal.
nd in four exhibition games. Detroit "In the last game our defense was
has won four and lost three. trying to rush too much,"Thompson
The two clubs meet again tomor- analyzed. "Tomorrow Earl Seibert,
row in the final game here. Truett Art Wiebe and Joe Coper will be un-
(Rip) Sewell and Elwin (Preacher) der orders to stay back of the red
Roe will face Paul Trout and Ruffus line, at least, and hit a few guys. The
Gentry on the mound. Canadiens are too fast and too many
I for us, and the only way to beat 'em

doors for their first workout on Ferry7
The highlight of the three-hour
session was an intra-squad game,
with the beginning of the practice
being suent in a warmup. During
this limbering up period, Fisher
worked particularly with pitcher Dick
Schmidtke, considered the best of the
present crop of starters by virtue of
his good control.
The intra-squad tilt was played be-
tween the Reds and Blues, and went
ten innings before Fisher called it in
the bottom half of the tenth. At that
point, third-baseman Bob Nussbaum-
er had just broken up the ball game
with a double which cleared the bas-
es, sending the Blues to a 13-11 win.
Bush Suffers Injury
The starting lineup for the Blues
consisted of Denny Manko pitching,x
Elmer Swanson catching, Art Ren-
ner on first, Charley Ketterer on se-
con, Bruce Blanchard at short, Nuss-
baumer at third, Bob Wiese in left,
Elroy Hirsch in center, and Bob Ren-
nebohm in right. Substitutions in-
cluded Passman and Renner as hurl-
ers, Rex Wells at first, and Bush atx
the catching position. Bush suffered
an injured finger in the first half of
the ninth and Swanson returned to
the game.
Eicher started the game for the
Reds, with Bob Stevenson doing the
catching. Tommy King was on first,
Mike Farnyk on second, Kell at short,
and Keith Phelps on third. In the
field, Nelson started in left, Don
Lund was in center and Jack Spence
was in right. Ralph Strem showed
a great deal of speed but very little
control; he came in for Eicher in the
bottom half of the third, and was re-
placed by Phi] Breitmeyer in the
ninth. Other substitutions included
Brazel in the catching job and
"Memphis" Willies at short.
Farnyk Stars at Plate
The Blues drew first blood in the
second inning, but trailed from the
third inning until the winning tally
came across the plate in the tenth.
Farnyk was the hitting star of the
game, getting three singles and a
double out of six trips to the plate.
Ketterer also turned in an impressive
performance, collecting a single, a
double, and two walks. It was -his
hard-hit single through third that
set off the first scoring spree. Nuss-
baumer also hit a single in addition
to the ten inning double which broke
up the game.
Lund. Stevenson, Strem, Blanchard
and Wells collected doubles also.
r Wiese, besides turning in a good
game in left, came through with a
triple and a bunt single. The fact
that hurlers were rather ineffective
was reflected by the abundance of
walks given up. Blanchard received
three free passes in five times at bat.
Execute One Twin Killing
The large number of errors was
pretty fairly distributed among the
players. Wells was the only man who




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is to slow 'em down first. They just
pecked away at us the other night

National Footli
* Ten Major Cha
CHICAGO, April 8.-(1P)-Sugges-
ted theme song for the National
Football League rules committee
meeting in Philadelphia April 18:1
"There'll Be Some Changes Made."
At least it appears that way, since
43 suggestions ranging from revolu-

and popped in three goals when least
call Lea gue Rule expected."
n es This Season Devil Driver
tionary proposals to clarification of eat Ache
present rules and changes in officiat-
ing technique will be considered when Il RU O O
the committee convenes a day in
advance of the league's spring meet- NEW YORK, April 8.-W)--The
ing. turnstiles clicked off an attendancel
Ten major changes, including record and the pari-mutuel machines
legalizing of coaching from the bench beat out a near record tune as New
and awarding of one point for kick- York's racing season opened today at
offs which pass through the plane of Jamaica but the favorite players took
the goal, are among the proposals to it on the chin as Devil Driver defeat-
be offered. ed Apache in the Paumonok Handi-
Others are designed to eliminate cap.

Savor your favorite
A special Easter banquet has been prepared especially for you
who must be away from home on this holiday. Excellent cui-
sine served in the friendly atmosphere of our dining room will
make today a memorable holiday. Good food speaks its own

Wn I&
a- j


dull spots from the game by stimu-
lating kick-off and punt returns. One
suggestion would establish a restrain-
ing line beyond which members of
the punting team could not advance
until after the receiver had caught
the ball.j
Officials are advocating legaliza-
tion of coaching from the bench, con-
tending the present ban on such
activity is ineffective and that many
coaches are guilty of flagrant viola-
Coaches, however, are expected to
oppose the suggestion. Their respon-
sibility for the success or failure of
their teams is great enough now and
they do not cherish the idea of being
held to account for every mistake of
strategy by their boys on the field.
Reds Down Cubs
LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 8.-(W)-
The Cincinnati Reds defeated the
Chicago Cubs today in an exhibition
game, 10 to 3.
The Cubs, or at least a lot of guys
wearing Cub uniforms, were set down
by two rookie pitchers, Tomas de la
Cruz, who worked six innings and al-
lowed two hits, and Arnold Carter.

Surpassing the track record of 37,-
284 set on the opening day three
years ago, 45,796 fans taxed every fa-
cility of the compact Long Island
track and poured more than $2,601,-
836 through the machines to ap-
proach the world betting record for
seven races of $2,852,414 established
at Jamaica last fall.
But when it came to selecting the
winner of the six-furlong Apumonok
they neglected the five-year old son
of St. Germans from Mrs. Payne
,Whitney's Green tree stable and
backed William Woodward's smooth-
striding Apache into 7-5 favoritism.
Apache, who with the Devil carried
topweight in the field of 10, flattered
his backers until the final sixteenth
and then gave way as little Ted At-
kinson brought the Greentree ace
from behind to win by one and one-
half lengths.
Redbirds Beat Browns
ST. LOUIS, April 8.-( P)-In spite
of Vernon Stephens' home run with
two men on base in the ninth inning,
the St. Louis Browns succumbed 8-6
to the National League Cardinals at
Sportsman's Park in their spring ser-
ies opener today.

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SUNbAY, APRIL 9, 1944



---" -- - -- --. ,r

941h9 (4e ae


were presented by various
groups on campus last
week. Friday, Prof. Palmer
Christian presented the
annual hour of Good Fri-
day music in Hill Auditor-
ium. The program was
made up of organ music
applicable to the Lenten
eason . . . Today Percival
Price, University carillon-
neur, will present a carillon
recital of Eastertide selec-
tions. It is the first caril-
lon recital of the spring
term. It will include "Eas-
ter Hymns," "Rustle of
Spring" by Sinding, his
own "Sonata for 53 Bells,"
"Peasants' Easter Chorus"
by Berlioz and Gounod's
"Sanctus" from "The Mass
to St. Cecelia." He will also
Splaythe Norwegian na-
tional anthem, as it was
on April 9, 1940 that Nor-
way was invaded by the.
Germans .. .Inter-denom-
inational Good Friday ser-
vices were held in the First
Methodist Church and in
fh Anpf-, haatr nds

both at the Hillel Founda-
tion and at the Beth Israel
Synagogue and throughout
next week Passover meals
will be held at the Syna-
W. D. McLEAN, a grocer
on State Street, was sus-
pended last week for 30
days from selling processed
foods and canned meats.
The action was taken by
the regional OPA for vio-
lating price ceilings in 65
instances. Mc Lean was
placed on probation last
November and is now char-
ged with selling rationed
goods as mudh as 14 cents
above the ceiling price. He
said that wartime condi-
tions, his fire in 1942 and
his poor memory were all
to blame for the violations.
A Detroit report stated
that the grocer would give
his store plus $5,000 to
anyone who would take it.
But McLean later stated
that his offer was that he
would sell the store for
$5,000 less than its value to
anyone able to run it in

cause the seeds are diffi-
cult to obtain. Dr. F. G.
Gustafson of the botany
department last week pre-
dicted a dismal future for
the campus if students
continue to take short-
cuts across the grass. Said
he, "In a few years, the
campus would resemble a
desert in the summer, dry
and dusty, and in the rainy
seasons, it would be swam-
py. . . But there is no need
for our campus to become
a desert. The campus be-
longs to all of us, and we
need only to be thoughtful
and take pride in it if we
wish to make it as beauti-
ful as it is capable of being.
BEER can still be bought
in Ann Arbor on Sundays.
After a nip-and-tuck bat-
tle, the Ann Arbor Town
Council voted 8 to 7 Thurs-
day night to continue to
permit the sale of beer and
other intoxicating bever-
ages in Ann Arbor on Sun-
days. At the first reading
several weeks ago the
Council had voted 12 to 2

Verdugo (above), 18-
year-olddancer, was vot-
ed the title of "Baby Dy-
namite" by the staff of

U Char

n] remittance


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