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April 06, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-06

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U. S. Planes Raid
Ploesti Rail Yards
Oil Refinery Set Ablaze by Bombers;
Berlin Reports 52 Raiders Downed
By The Associated Press
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NAPLES, April 5.-The great oil center of
Ploesti, Rumania, was raided again today by U.S. Fortresses and Liberators
against heavy opposition and this time it was the town's rail yards rather
than the oil fields which were the targets.
Aiding Red armies whose spearhead was approximately 200 miles to thea
northeast at Iasi, the American bomber fleet and escort of fighters blasted
Ploesti's two freight yards gorged with long strings of loaded cars, firing
oil-filled tank cars and ripping tracks with explosives. Smoke rose more
than three miles high.
Ploesti is a town of 70,000 population in an area of about 13 square

miles. Oil facilities are so thickly sp
Mustangs Hunt
Enemy Planes .<
Over Germanyp
Liberator Bombers
Hammer at French h
Port of Pas-de-Calais c
By The Associated Pressa
LONDON, April 5.-Squadrons of F
American fighter planes pierced deep p
into Germany today on a unique mis- F
sion, gunning for Hitler's Air Forces
in the Berlin and Munich areas, whilea
Liberator bombers hammered againc
at Pas-de-Calais in northern France. i
Long-range Mustangs of the Eighthb
Air Force's Fighter Command whip- 1
ped across Germany to the vicinitya
of Berlin, 600 miles distant, and also
plunged into the Munich area, 575d
miles from their bases, attacking en-
emy planes in the air and on theh
ground wherever they could find 1
Fighters Over Reich d
In addition Thunderbolt and Light-
ning fighters also swept over thef
Reich in hunting forays and, liket
the Mustangs, machine-gunned var-
ious enemy airfields.
For the most part the German Air s
Force offered little resistance, a com-
munique tonight said, but the U.S.1
fighters managed to shoot down five J
enemy craft in addition to destroying
a "several dozen" planes on the
Range Over France1
Fighters of the U.S. Ninth (tacti-K
cal) Air Force ranged far over France
on missions of their own, shooting
up airfields at Bourges, Tours, Laval
and Chartres, destroying at least six
planes and damaging many more ato
a cost of two American craft.
The fighters came down throughl
clouds to strafe the airfields and
caught many twin-engined and otherl
planes exposed on runways. Heavyt
anti-aircraft fire was encounteredv
at some points.F
*. *' *
Tirpitz, Nazis' Last
Great Ship, Blazings
LONDON, April 5.- (A)- Ger-c
many's last great battleship- thea
Tirpitz-was blasted along nearly her
full length and left blazing in Mon-a
day's attack by Royal Navy planes,c
the Admiralty announced tonight.i
In the - most spectacular feat in1
European waters since the sinking ofc
the 26,000-ton Scharnhorst by Brit-t
ish surface vessels last December,
carrier-based planes roared over the
Alten Fjord in Norway at about dawn
and attacked the sister ship of ther
sunkenBismarck in two waves, hit-
ting their target both times with
heavy and medium-sized bombs.
U' Medical Men
Teach in Britain
Eight former staff members of the
University Hospital have helped make
a training center for British and Am-
erican medical personnel at a hospital
in Great Britain.
Among the courses offered are one
in psychiatry, taught by Maj. Mose
M. Frolich, and one in syphilology by
Maj. Charles J. Courville. The other
members include Maj. Harry A.
Townsley, Capt. Chester P. McVay,
Cap. Marshall L. Snyder, Capt.
Charles N. Mell, Capt. Peter Crab-

otted in the vicinity that some of
hem may also have b'een hit.
Refinery Blazes
(A large oil refinery adjacent to the
ail yards was set ablaze, the British
adio said in a broadcast recorded
y NBC.
(The Berlin radio declared, with-
)ut Allied confirmation, that 52 Am-
rican bombers were shot down.)
The assault followed within 24
hours of the first American blow of
the war at Bucharest, Rumania's
apical 30 miles to the south, and ob-
iously was part of a well-planned
air campaign by the U.S. 15th Air
Force to assist Russian ground forces
pounding into the Balkans.t
Fourth Major Attack.t
It was the fourth major Americant
attack in seven days against Balkan
communications centers. Sofia,cap-
tal of Bulgaria, received its latest
blasting March 30 and the Bucharest
bombing was preceded on Monday
with two attacks on Budapest, capi-
tal of Hungary-by U.S. heavies in
daylight and by the RAF at night.
One report in Italy was that Hitler
had been visiting Hungary at the
time of the raids on Budapest. Mar-
tial law was reported to have been
declared there.
Ploesti's thickly concentrated oil
fields were hit last Aug. 1 by Libera-
tors of the U.S. Ninth Air force, then1
stationed in the Middle East, in a
spectacular and costly low-level raid.
Qut, Turkish
Sources Claim
LONDON, April 5.-()-Ruman-
ia's days as an effective fighting
power appear ended now under the
onslught of Russian armies and Al-
lied bombers.
Premier Ion Antonescu, it is be-
lieved here, is finding it impossible
to take Rumania formally out of the
war since German troops hold all key
points, but the people's will to fight
is broken and Rumania now is in the
same apathetic state as Italy.
(A Blue Network broadcast from
London quoted Turkish dispatches as
saying Antonescu would ask Mos-
cow, Washington and London for an
Although Hitler's Balkan satellites
are disintegrating under the burden
of war, Allied military chiefs prepar-
ing the western front have small
hope that a Balkan collapse would be
of any immediate serious injury to
the German war machine.
Rumania's will to fight flares only
at the possibility of war with Hun-
gary, and ever since th~e Germans
started to retreat in Russia, Rumania
army morale has dwindled to sub-
The Russians have advanced
roughly 100 miles recently on a 400-
mile front.
Plan Sought for
Farmer Draft
Uniform Policy for
Deferments Needed
LANSING, April 5.-()-rThestate
Selective Service headquarters is
looking for a new yardstick to hel'
local draft boards to defer agricul-
tural workers from military service
according to a uniform policy.
Local draft boards were left with
fn... 1nin n~ Ar, t .in4r. .. T- ('1

A HELMETED INFANTRYMAN of the Americal Division buries his
face in the jungle ground of Hill 260 on Bougainville and sobs over the
loss of one of his buddies (left), killed by Jap mortar fire.
Dorothy Cline Will Speak at
Child Care Committee Meeting

Dorothy Cline, assistant director of
the Federal Public Housing Adminis-
tration at Willow Run, will speak on
"Michigan's New City" at an orienta-
tion meeting of the Child Care Com-
mittee at 7:15 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Rooms
of the League.
Miss Cine, '26, is consultant for
several states and cities on commun-
ity recreation. A national authority
on training and recreation, she has
written many books on housing, rec-
reation and public administration.
Belonged to Wyvern
While a student at the University,
she was a member of Wyvern, Mor-
tar Board and Kappa Delta.
Norman Hoben, expert on the
training of recreation workers, will
speak on the "Development in the
Willow Run Community." Mr. Hoben
specializes in choral and community
singing and orchestra work.
Mrs. John Kollen, head of the Red
Cross Motor Corps in Ann Arbor
which has provided the transporta-
tion for the coeds to Willow Run, will
also speak.
Discussion To Follow
After the speeches, Miss Cline will
lead a discussion and answer any
questions that have arisen in regard
to the work at Willow Run. Coeds
will then be divided into four groups
according to the type of work they
have been doing or plan to do at Wil-
low Run.
Martin Metal will speak on 'Creat-
ive Experience' to women who work
Prince Umberto
Clears Way for
Coalition Rule
NAPLES, April 5.-UP)- Crown
Prince Umberto said tonight he was
prepared to act as deputy for his
father King Vittorio Emanuele as
king, thereby clearing the way for a
coalition war government of all the
major political parties.
In a 30-minute audience Umberto,
Prince of Piedmont, confirmed re-
ports of the King's proposal a fort-
night ago to hand over his powers to
his son as his lieutenant.
"The King is old and ready to re-
tire," the Prince said. "He has had a
full life."
His father had intended to retire
when the Allied armies reached Rome
and appoint him as his lieutenant to
exercise the prerogatives of the
crown, Umberto said. Whether the
King might act sooner he was unable
to say.
The King's pledge to withdraw
from public life, however, was of the
highest importance since the leaders
of the six opposition parties have
indicated that it would remove a
major obstacle to their collaboration
with the government of Premier Ba-
James, 'U' Student,
Is Injured in Action

in the workshop with various phases
of handicraft.
Youth To Be Considered
Madge Henthore will speak on
'War Youth Clubs' to girls interested
in working with mixed teen-aged
groups. Norman Holben will lead a
group interested in informal recre-
ation. Dorothy Ouradnic will speak
on 'Nursery School Work.'
Lucy Chase Wright, chairman of
the committee said that attendance
will be taken and that it is import-
ant that all girls who have been
working at Willow Run or who plan
to work there attend the meeting in
order that they may et a better un-
derstanding of what is needed.
British Cabinet
Moves To End
Wildcat Strikes
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 6, Thursday.-The
British War Cabinet early today
drafted an urgent order specifying
that incitement of labor unrest is a
criminal offense, and told the Labor
Ministry to take any other action
necessary to end strikes of more than
110,000 workers in the war-vital coal
and ship-building industries.
There was no indication of whole-
sale arrests or of summoning troops
to break strikes, but Scotland Yard,
investigating possible subversive ele-
ments behind the spreading "wild-
cat" strikes, raided Trotskyite Com-
munist offices in London and else-
where Wednesday, while the Trades
Union Congress, parent body of or-
ganized British labor, warned that
continuance of the work stoppages
would imperil Allied victory.
Labor Minister Ernest Bevin was
expected to warn strikers to return
to work and was prepared to take
what the News - Chronicle called
"drastic steps" if he was not heeded.
4a -.S7 1l

Nazi Escape
route from
Odessa Cut
Soviets Take Rail1
City of Razdelnaya
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 5.-Red infantry
and mechanized troops, aided by
crack cavalry, captured the Ukraine
rail junction of Razdelnaya today,
cutting the main escape route of an
estimated 200,000 Germans still
grouped around Odessa as a fast-t
swinging Soviet crescent slashed fur-
ther down towards that great Black
Sea port.
Marshal Stalin announced capture
of Razdelnaya in an order of the day,
and tonight's Soviet communique
added more than 130 other populated
places to the list of liberated towns,
including Yanovka and Antono-Ko-
dintselo, 33 and 24 miles north and
northeast, respectively, of Odessa.
Stariye -Belyary Taken
From the east the Russians drove
to within 18 airline miles of Odessa
with capture of Stariye-Belyary.
Razdelnaya, 40 miles northwest of
Odessa, is astride the railway through
Tiraspol to Rumania, and by taking
it the speeding Russians forced the
Germans to fall back on Black Sea
lanes or a combination rail and ferry
route for escape from the Odessa
Sea Flight Unlikely
Flight by sea was unlikely, with
the Soviet Black Sea fleet in control
of those waters, while the rail-ferry
line crosses the wide Dniester River
estuary close to the coast, under easy
fire of the fleet in addition to any
aerial force the Russians might bring
to bear on such slow traffic.
The First Ukrainian Army 270 air-
line miles to the northwest was wind-
ing up one of the bitterest individual
campaigns of the war. The Russians
were fighting through the streets of
stubbornly-defended Tarnopol in a
house-to-house combat, dispatches to
the Moscow press said.
The Russians also reported further
progress toward wiping out the Skala
pocket 55 miles southeast of Tarno-
pol, where the survivors of 15 bat-
tered German divisions were being
methodically slaughtered.
Seniors Elect
New Presidents
Dorothy Darnell was elected presi-
dent of the literary college's senior
class and Alvin K. Bek was elected
president of the senior engineers yes-
terday, the Men's Judiciary Council
announced last night.
Other senior officers in the literary
college are George Morley, vice-presi-
dent; Geraldine Stadelman, secre-
tary; and Miriam Dalby, treasurer.
From the engineering college, Jerry
E. Cardillo was elected vice-president
t of the seniors, and John DeBoer sec-
Two Union vice-presidents were se-
lected, Karl Brenkert Jr., from the
i engine school, and Ace Cory, USMCR
from the combined schools of bus-
Siness administration, forestry, music
and public health.

Smith Lauds
Willkie defeat
DETROIT, April 5.-(P)-Ger-
ald L. K. Smith, organizer and di-
rector of the America First Party,
today said the Wisconsin presi-
dential primary in which delegates
for Wendell L. Willkie trailed those
favoring Gov. Thomas E. Dewey,
Lieut. Coin. Harold E. Stassen and
Gen. Douglas MacArthur "was a
great victory for the America First
Willkie, campaigning in Wis-
consin for the Republican presi-
dential nomination, had said any
candidate who did not repudiate
"America First and Gerald L. K.
Smith cannot possibly be elected
"I hope," Smith said in a
statement today, "that the other
possibilities within the Party
have learned by now that the
way to make votes is not to at-
tack Gerald Smith and the Am-
erica First movement."
In a letter to Gov. Dewey today
commenting on an address by
Dewey in New York last night,
Smith congratulated the Governor',
"on your attack on bigotry and
racial prejudice," and added that
"I am confident that you have
been misinformed concerning my
"I confess, I am a nationalist.
If you insist on referring to my
'ilk,' remember it includes such
names as Col. Robert McCor-
mick, Arthur Vandenberg, Henry
Ford, Gerald P. Nye, Robert R.
Reynolds and numerous others
who are known as nationalists
and have been smeared by the
same stick which evidently was
thrust into your hand just be-
fore you made your address on
April 4."

Candidate Loses
In Party Primary
Aspirant Requests Name Not Be Given
At Convention; Dewey Chief Prospect
By The Associated Press
OMAHA, April 5.-Wendell Willkie gave up tonight.
The fighter they said never knew when to quit walked out of the
Republican presidential nomination race an admittedly beaten man-
smashed in a Wisconsin primary that gave him not a single delegate but
went overwhelmingly for Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York.
Speaking at Omaha City auditorium before an audience originally
invited to hear him as a presidential candidate, Willkie said: "It is
obvious that I can not be nominated. I therefore am asking my friends

o desist from any activity toward

that end and not to present my
name at the convention."
He thus:
1. Left Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of
New York the generally recognized
though professedly unaspiring No. 1
possibility among Republican presi-
dential prospects.
Question of Willkie Support
2. Raised the question whether he
(Willkie) will support the man the
Republican Party nominates at Chi-
cago in June-whoever that may be.
3. Left unanswered the question of
what former Willkie strength, if any,
has gone over to Governor John W.
Bricker of Ohio,
Lieut. Com. Harold
E. Stassen, former
Minnesota govern-
or, or other Re-
publican aspir-
ants. Bricker de-
clined to com-
But one fact
stood out:
In two days-
with the Wiscon-
sin election yesterday which gave
him an astonishing majority, fol-
lowed by Willkie's retirement tonight
-in two days, scrupulously close-
mouthed Tom Dewey had jumped
far ahead as the No. 1 prospect of
the moment for the Republican pres-
idential nomination in June.
"It has been my conviction," Will-
kie said here tonight, "that no Re-
publican could be nominated for
President unless he received at the
convention the votes of some of the
major mid-western states. For it is
in this section of the country that
the Republican Party has had its
greatest resurgence.
Primary Was Test
"Therefore I quite deliberately en-
tered the Wisconsin primary to test
whether the Republican voters of the
state would support me and in the
advocacy of every sacrifice and cost
necessary to winning and shortening
the war, and in the advocacy of tan-
gible, effective economic and political
cooperation among the nations of
the world for the preservation of the
peace and the rebuilding of humanity.
"The result of the primary is nat-
urally disappointing and doubly so
since the delegate who led the poll
for delegates is known as one active
in organizations such as the America
First, opposed to the beliefs which I
Willkie Admits Defeat
Then Willkie admitted he now
knew he could not be nominated-
and he quit.
Nor did he, in quitting, commit
himself to support the Republican
nominee-whoever he may be-al-
though "earnestly" expressing the
hope that the Republican convention
will nominate "a candidate and write
a platform which really represents
the views which I have advocated."
Nomination of
Dewey Foretold
WASHINGTON, April 5.--( P)-The
withdrawal of Wendell L. Willkie
from the Republican presidential
race prompted jubilant supporters of
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey to predict
tonight that Dewey would be nomin-
ated on an early, if not the first, bal-
lot at Chicago.
Even before Willkie's acknowledge-
ment that he had no chance to win
the nomination, they had been mak-
ing such forecasts. They based them
on yesterday's Wisconsin primary,
in which Dewey captured the lion's
share of the state's 24 delegates,

1 T 4 P..f 4U "-b

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Scholarship at Assembly Night

Jap Penetration
Menaces India
Railway Lines
By The Associated Press
New triumphs for American air
forces in the Pacific were reported
today as Japanese troops, driving
deeper into India, increased their
threat to the railway supplying Unit-
ed States soldiers in Burma.
Fresh from smashing the Japanese
air force at Hollandia in Dutch New
Guinea, southwest Pacific bombers
returned to the attack on Wewak,
which only a month ago was a pow-
erful air center on northeast New
Guinea. Thirteen parked planes were
destroyed in a huge explosion.
Central Pacific bombers struck in
three directions from their advanced
base's-to the north at Wake Island
where a cargo ship was sunk, to the
south at Ponape in the Eastern Caro-
lines, and to the east at the four iso-
lated Japanese bases in the Mar-
shalls. The attack on Ponape by low-
flying, cannon-firing Mitchells was
described as possibly the most effect-
ive of the 27 attacks on that outpost
of Truk since Feb. 14.
Council Finds
Milk Surplus
DETROIT, April 5.- (P)- The
Greater Detroit Consumers Council
demanded today that the War Food
Administration abolish immediately

The presentation of awards for
scholarship and outstanding partici-
pation in war activities was the high-
light of Assembly Recognition Night
which was held at 8 p.m. yesterday
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Six Seniors Honored
Those recognized for being the
most active in war activities were the
following: seniors, Virginia Rock, 913
E. Huron; Barbara Herrinton, Mar-
tha Cook; honorable mentionsPeg
Weiss, Martha Cook; Jean Bisdee,
Martha Cook; Rosalie Bruno, New-
berry,aand Mary Anne Olson, Betsy
The juniors recognized were Doris
Peterson, Newberry, and Margery
Hall, Martha Cook. The sophomores
were Agatha Miller, Mosher, and
Neva Nearevski, Stockwell, with Lee

Ira M. Smith, registrar, gave the
scholastic awards which went to sen-
ior Florence Tucker, Martha Cook;
Lois Brandenburg, Betsy Barbour,
and Eleanor Finkel, 2202 Shadford,
won the honorable mentions. The
junior awards went to Helen Simp-
son, 713 E. Catherine; honorable
mention to Ruth Scott Collins of
Stockwell and Ann Terbergen of
Martha Cook.
Scholastic Awards Made
RubyKuhlman, Adelia Cheever,
topped the sophomores and Mary
Alexander and June Gumerson of
Stockwell copped second honors.
These awards were made on the basis
of the grades of 1942-43. Adelia Chee-
ver and Martha Cook won the house
awards; the league houses mentioned
were 914 Hill and 1027 E. University.

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