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April 06, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-06

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Fifty-Fourth Year





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace .
Evelyn Phillips
flarvey Frank
Od Low .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson.
Marjorie Rosmnarin

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Ass t Women's Editor
* .Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter s . ss . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Assemly Is Failure;
Lacks Coeds' S ort
INDEPENDENT activity as such on the Michi-
gan campus is dead, and last night we went
-to its funeral-Assembly Recognition Night.
The evening's program was well-planned and
interesting, and the organization 'for publicity
and ticket-sales was close to faultless. But in-
dependent women, as a whole, by their lack of
attendance, proved that they are neither inter-
ested in activities norinterested in "recognizing"
those independents who have gone all-out for
war work.
Many coeds remain unaffiliated because they
honestly do not believe in the principles behind
sorority organization, and others do not pledge
because they cannot afford the dues and house
bills levied by Greek letter organizations. And
then there are some who want to be left to
themselves, who do not want to be "pushed" into
activities. They remain out of sororities in order
to remain out of activities, thus hindering, and
even preventing, a strong, active independent
Independents have failed in their system of
leaving war work to actual volunteers. Most
sorority houses ask their members to petition for
campus positions, and several affiliated holders
of such positions admittedly petitioned only be-
cause of sorority pressure. The independent
coed has nothing but her own conscience to push
her into war work, and conscience has proved no
match for sorority organization.
ASSEMBLY has done its best this year to stim-
ulate the interest of affiliated women in
campus war work. We cannot say the independ-
ent has completely shirked war work .. . but
she has not come close to doing her proportion-
ate share of the job.
It must be brought out that the majority of
paid student workers on campus and in town
are independent women, and this undoubtedly
excludes a great number of coeds from partici-
pating in voluntary activities. But even with-
out this group, the number of independent wo-
men who do absolutely nothing in campus ac-
tivities is still completely out of proportion with
sorority averages.
And independents, as a whole, are uninterested
in themselves. They threw away their one chance
to get together, to honor those of their group who
have been outstanding on campus. Panhellehic
Night will be well-attended because attendance
is compulsory. Independents do not believe such
things should be compulsory.
From this point, a strong independent organi-
zation on this campus looks like an impossibility.
Independent women have shown themselves in-
capable of proving their ideals.
-Peg Weiss
Isolaionist Sumner . .
REPRESENTATIVE Jessie Sumner might be
annoyed if we called her an isolationist, but
she surely would not object to being called a
constitutionalist, since she, in common with her
America First friends, is always attacking the
President as a betrayer of the Constitution. But
she seems to be ignorant of the fact that under
the Constitution the President is empowered to
act as commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
Nevertheless, Miss Sumner has introduced two
bills, one directing a postponement of the inva-

WASHINGTON, April 5. - Those who have
talked to Herbert Hoover lately, in his sky-
scraper apartment near the top of the Waldorf-
Astoria, New York City, say that he is absolutely
confident of achieving his No. 2 life ambition.
His No. 1 life ambition obviously was to become
President of the United States. With that be-
hind him, his ambition ever since March 4, 1933,
when he left office with the banks closing and
the nation in economic turmoil, has been to
achieve a comeback. He has put out of his
mind any thought that he personally might step
back into the White House. But he is determined
that his men and his policies shall get back into
power, and that he shall be the Elder Statesman
to help manipulate them behind the scenes.
The -men whom he long ago chose to help
achieve this No. 2 ambition are Governor Tom
Dewey of New York and Governor Earl Warren
of California.
Those who have talked with the ex-President
say that as'early as last September he had begun
to work out plans by which Dewey would be
LIte Pendudum I
CIRCUSES no longer enjoy the vogue they once
did. But the fine art of tight-rope walking
is as popular as ever. The only difference seems
to be that it has moved from the Big Top to the
Political Arena. Practically all the presidential!
aspirants are tip-toeing across the taunt tight-
rope of politics with uniformly non-comittal
stares and "come hither" looks at the American
public which signify, "We are the Happiness
Boys, and we are for whatever will get us votes."
Even Wendell Willkie, far and away the most
outspoken Republican candidate, his with-
drawal yesterday notwithstanding, tries' to be
all things to all men-and, as a result, is noth-
ing to any of them. In Wisconsin he avers he
has always been a LaFollette Progressive at
heart; in Georgia he protests his love just as
"holeheartedly for the Southern branch of
the Democratic Party. Having long since
secured the support of Wall Street, he now
labors with might, main and unction to woo
liberals into his camp with promises of out-
Roosevelting Roosevelt. He can pay lip service,
but not allegiance, to both these groups at one
and the same time, unless, of course, he bal-
ances'himself as a master vaudevillian, waver-
ing only with the winds of public opinion.
I cannot see any important difference between
Tom Dewey who shrewdly says nothing at all1
and Wendell Willkie who shrewdly says one
thing one day and something else the next, who
attacks the President with his right hand and
defends him with his left on the same policy in
different parts of the country, who admits his
speeches during the 1940 election year were so
much "campaign oratory." I remain dubious
about a man who spent three years in college
fighting a fraternity system only to join the most
exclusive his fourth year.
Willkie lived up to this pattern in adulthood
by fighting tooth and nail against the Tennessee
Valley Authority for a number of years in court-
rooms, before Congressional committees and by
means of magazine articles. Then, when he
made his maiden address as the Republican
standard bearer, Willkie suddenly espoused the
same principle of government in power projects
that he had so long opposed-and with an equal
amount of the rougish, tousle-haired, deep-
throated earnestness that has endeared him to
America. For in 1940 he could make political
capital of being pro-TVA.
THAT CAMPAIGN in 1940 rose Willkie to theI
highest rank in the field of fence straddling.
He had not yet graduated into the province of
tight-rope artistry, which takes a little more
agility and know-how. He tried in those days,
and is still trying, for that matter, to pat the
President on the back while slapping him in
the face, to hug and tweak him simultaneously,
to find a road equidistant between the two
sides, go down the middle of it, and take in all
the adjacent territory.
The President himself has become a middle-

of the roader. In making concessions to South-
ern Republican conservative groups, he has
bowed 'so far to the right that he finds the for-
mer president of Commonwealth and Southern
to the left of him. Oddly enough, should a man
like Dewey be elected next fall the hope of lib-
eralism may come to reside in the hands of an
inherently conservative administration seeking
to make so many concessions to the left that
more of a progressive nature could result than
that which issues from an over-cautious but in-
herently liberal administration. Government by
concession is something new under the sun and
if it tends to neutralize evils, it also takes the
edge off beneficial things.
The prospects are not very rosy of a star- I
performer rising from our political circus j
which, to change the metaphor, might be call-
ed a political jungle except for the fact that
the animals go through their paces with such
well-trained proficiency. Neither Willkie, nor
Dewey, nor so far as we know any possible dark



drafted at the Republican National Convention,
and by which Governor Warren of California
would be his running mate.
To that end, Hoover began some time ago lay-
ing the groundwork to keep the California dele-
gation out of Willkie's hands-no easy job in a
state where Willkie has a very large following.
But Hoover seems to have done it.
It has been a meticulous, painstaking pro-
cess. But Hoover''s friends say it is just about
finished and that he is absolutely confident
that shortly before the Chicago convention the
stage will be absolutely set with Dewey and
Warren as good as in.
Thus will come about the fulfillment of Herbert
Hoover's 11-year-old ambition, an ambition he
has nursed ever since the tumultuous days when
he left the White House in March, 1933, went
to the Waldorf-Astoria and waited there for
Roosevelt to call him in for consultation on how
to revamp the country.
Hoover was never called. And he has been
waiting, watching, planning in the New York
hostelry almost ever since.
'Still with Us, John' .. .
Chief climax of the famous Roosevelt purge
campaign was the defeat of Representative John
J. O'Connor, chairman ,of the House Rules Com-
mittee and a constant thorn in the administra-
tion's flesh. The President was unable to defeat
Senators George, Tydings or "Cotton Ed" Smith,
but he did unseat O'Connor.
However, if White House advisers think they
are rid of O'Connor, it might be well for them
to consult Congressional disbursing records.
Strange as it seems, the New York "purgee"
still adorns the Congressional payroll as a
$2,600-a-year "clerk" to Representative Martin
J. Kennedy of New York.
Reminded that O'Connor never shows up in
his office to earn the money he is paid by the
taxpayers, Kennedy didn't bat an eyelash.
"Oh, he's my legal adviser," replied Kennedy
Georgia Gravy ...
The Merry-Go-Round recently told how Eu-
gene Garey, ousted counsel of the House Federal
Communications Commission investigating com-
mittee, lived in a fancy suite in the Mayflower
Hotel here for eight months at the taxpayers'
expense, with the knowledge and approval of the
committee's former chairman, anti-New Deal
Representative Gene Cox of Georgia.
Here's a second installment to the story:
Just before Cox resigned the chairmanship
under pressure, he stole another march on the
taxpayers by boosting the salary of his niece,
Mildred Cox, a committee stenographer and
record clerk, from $2,400 to $3,000 a year.
Miss Cox, one of six relatives whom the gravy-
gorged Georgia Congressman.has planted on the
Federal payroll, is continuing in her job at the
increased salary under the new chairman, Rep-
resentative Clarence F. Lea of California. Thus
Cox, though ousted, has his own personal ob-
server right on the inside to see what is happen-
Congressman Cox has been famed, ever since
he came to Congress, for the army of his kin
folk who' ride the gravy-train. It is a singular
event when a Cox relative is taken off the pay-
roll. But this phenomenon has now happened.
Post Office Department records show that last
November a brother, Robin Cox, was replaced as
acting postmaster of Donalsonville, Ga.
Note: In addition Cox aroused widespread
comment and criticism when he received a check
for $2,500 from a Georgia radio station in con-
nection with lobbying activities before the FCC.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
horse like MacArthur, has what it takes to put
on a first-rate show. The very finest event
that can happen is the re-election of FDR
whose one-time aims would have to be com-
promised in favor of winning the war and sal-
vaging what he can of the Atlantic Charter-
with the probability of having to stave off a
still less amenable Congress than the one that
snipes at him today.
Be that as it may, and it is not good, backing
must be given to the one figure in the field who
has toed no line, gone in for no pussy-footing
aerial gymnastics: Henry Wallace. Should

Roosevelt really lead a world government as
rumored on cessation of hostilities, provided the
cessation comes soon, Wallace as Vice-President
would step into the chief executive's shoes and
the U.S.A. would benefit by its best break since
the assasination of Huey Long. Wallace has
been ridiculed unmercifully by the press and
with good reason. Newspaper publishers see that
he is poison for a reborn Hooverism. Wallace
alone keeps slugging at the real ;oes of progress.
He and none other persist in lambasting the
cartels with anything like the vigor necessary to
move toward the annihilation of them. Above
all, he is the most tenacious preacher of the
dictum of full employment.
So sad a state have we reached that chances
for his renomination as Vice-President are very
slim, which is another story.
--Bernard Rosenberg

Samuel Grafton's
Id Rather
NEW YORK, April 5.-Three Ad-
ministration spokesmen have been
told off to clean up the street with
commentators who object to our for-
eign policy.
Mr. Cordell Hull, Senator Tom
Connally and Representative Luther'
A. Johnson are said to be preparing
speeches. It is going to be a blitz,
for it is predicted that when these
men are finished, critics of our for-
eign policies will resemble so many
And then what? Lippman may-be
a bleeding hulk, the editorial page of
the New York Herald Tribune may be
a noble ruin, Thompson may be
speechless, Krock may be made to
regret his recent departure from
orthodox Hulladulation. And then
Who are the commentators, any-
way, that they should be worth this
display of state energy? At their
worst, they are yaps and scolds; at
their best they are political ther-
mometers of varying degrees of sen-
sitivity, each according to his kind.
Some move up 20 degrees with only
one degree of change in the real
temperature; some don't budge no
matter how hot it gets. But, always,
they are derivative; they are not the
world, only reflections of the world.
Pound theni, kick them in the
shins, pull their hats over their
eyes. And then what? The real
world will not have changed.
anAnd in that real world, let us try
an experiment. Take a map of Eur-
ope, and draw a line down the middle
of it, top to bottom. On the right
hand side of that line, the eastern
portion of Europe, the portion near-
est -Russia, you will see many forms
of popular organization, at a rather
high level. There is guerrilla war-
fare almost everywhere, in the Uk-
raine, in Poland, in the Baltic States,
and, of course, in Yugoslavia, under
Tito. Like it, hate it, love it, detest it,
but you must admit that something
is bubbling.
NVOW SWING over to the left-hand
side of that line, the western part
of Europe, the part supposedly under
American and British influence, and
a striking change takes place.
Organized guerrilla activity fades
out. It is replaced by sporadic and
individual acts of sabotage. Popular
activity becomes accidental, haphaz-
ard; it is poorly organized. Strangest
of all, where there is popular organi-
zation, as in France and Italy, we do
not seem to be on good terms with it.
In eastern Europe, the Russians
are organizing men, and ignoring un-
representative governments. In wes-
tern Europe, we are organizing un-
representative governments and .ig-
noring men.
There are other oddities. Russia's
Communist leaders call for unity in
the war, and for an end to class con-
flict. They want both Badoglio and
the democrats in the Italian govern-
ment. It is strange, but we seem to
take rather more of a class-conscious
approach to the war than the Rus-
siansdo; we are satisfied with a one-
handled Italian regime; we use the
slogan of unity to keep people out,
not to let them in.
You could plot it on a chart.
Russia has been gaining friends,
where she had none. We have been
losing them, where we had many.
None of this will change, even if
the biggest columnist in America is


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WE CANNOT help reminding our-
selves in Holy Week, with a
World at war, that Jesus was put to
death by religious people who be-
lieved they were doing God service.
This must not be construed as an
indictment against a people, or as an
occasion to belittle institutional reli-
gion. It is what Phillips Brooks once
called "the Principle of the Crust,"
or what Toynbee more recently terms
"the nemesis of creativity." The hin-
drance from within, which is the
hardening of its own substance, such
as when the loaf is encrusted, the
river frozen or the ground trodden
hard, is the price we must pay for all
formulation. It was this process
which caused the death of Socrates
no less than the Passion of this week;
and only another reminder for mod-
erns that the corruption of the best
is always the worst.
Our day is not suffering from a
lack of religion. The world, like
the Greeks whom Paul addressed
on Mars Hill, is "very religious."
The motivation of the Nordic cult;

Holy Week Message

of the Jihad or holy war; of the
Inquisition, and of a fanatical sui-
cide squad are prompted by reli-
gious conceptions, albeit they are
pervertions. Even the author of
"God Is My Co-Pilot," whose deity
is given a sort of sleeping partner-
ship, feels no inconsistency in
heading Chapter 28 with the words,
"We've Got To Learn To Hate."
As long as one man's God is an-
other man's devil there must be a
repetition of weeks that begin with
triumph and end with tragedy. We
need to revive Micah's definition of
religion, "What does the Lord require
of thee, 9 man, but to do justly, and
to love mercy and to walk, humbly
with thy God?"
The conjunction in the two com-
mandments of love to God and love
to man, must not be merely additive,
much less mutually exclusive terms,
but more coincidental if the prayer of
our Lord is to be answered that
humanity be one.
W. P. Lemon, Minister,
First Presbyterian Church

By Lichty

"A person can't tell anything abi
- everything they have
reduced to a mess of ideological ham-
burger. The objective situation will
continue to be what it is. What will
the three speechmakers say? That
the Administration's ideals are high?
Granted, without argument. That it
has clearly stated them? Granted,
without dispute. That it is easy to
criticize, without full knowledge or
responsibility? Granted. That some
criticism is irresponsible, some of it
poorly-timed, some of it partisan,
some of it pretty windy and empty?
Granted. That Mr. Hull is sincere?
Granted. And then what?
It is more important to persuade
one little peasant in Calabria of the
correctness of our aims, than to con-
vince all the commenators in Amer-
ica. Turn all the mirrors to the wall,
bend the thermometers, parboil the
pundits, make them say they're sorry.
And then what?
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

out a new neighbor anymore .
is old pre-war stuff!"
American student friends of foreign
Varsity Men's Glee Club: All mem-
bers are reminded of regular rehear-
sal tonight at 7:30 in the Olee Club
room in the Union. Plans will be
discussed for an All-Campus sere-
nade. Bring a .friend with you and
please be prompt.
Cercle Francais: There will- be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais this
evening at eight o'clock in the Michi-
gan League. Students and service-
men are invited to attend.
First Presbyterian Church: Maundy
Thursday Vesper Communion Service
at the First Presbyterian Church at
8:00 p.m. The Session will meet those
who are joining the church as affili-
ate members in the Lewis Parlor at
7:15 p.m. -
There will be a meeting of all
League House Surgical Dressings rep-
resentatives today at 5:00 in the
League. This meeting is compulsory.
Every house must send a representa-
The Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit
will be open at the Hillel Foundation
today, from 1 to 5 p.m. Please wear
washable blouse or smock.
All students interested in sailing"
this spring are invited to attend a
meeting of the Michigan Sailing
Club at 7:15 p.m. in the Union.
Coning Events


VOL. LIV No. 112
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
ictin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Group Hospitalization and Surgical
Service: During the period from April
5 through April 15, the University
Business Office will accept new ap-
plications as well as requests for
changes in contracts now in effect.
These new applications and changes
will become effective May 5, with the
first payroll deduction on May 31.
After April 15 no new application's
or changes can be accepted until
October, 1944.
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, April 8, in the Academic
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.

Petitioning for Freshman Women:
Petitioning for three positions on the
Freshman Project will begin Wednes-
day, April 5, and continue through
Saturday, April 8. Positions are open
to all first semester freshman women
and to second semester freshman
women whose homes are 'in Ann
Arbor. Petitions may be obtained in
the Undergraduate Offices of the
League. Interviewing will be held
April 10 and April 11 in the League.
No Women's Glee Club rehearsal
Hopwood Contestants Attention;
The deadline for the Hopwood man-
uscripts has been moved forward to
4:30 on Monday afternoon, April 17.
Good Friday Organ Recital: Pal-
mer Christian, University Organist,
will present his annual Good Friday
program at 4:15 p.m., April 7, in Hill
Auditorium. The program will in-
clude Two Chorale Preludes by Bach
and Wagner's Good Friday Music
from "Parsifal."
The public is invited.
Events Today
Student Recital: Selma Smith, pia-
nist, will be heard at 8:30 this eve-

Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, April 7, at 4 p.m., in
Rm. 319 West Medical Building.
"Some Aspects . of Protein in Nutri-
tion" will be discussed. All interested
are invited.
There will be a lsic School,
assembly featuring original student
compositions on Friday, April 7 at
11:00 a.m. All Music School classes
and lessons will be dismissed. Stu-
dents are urged to attend.
The English Journal Club will meet
at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, in the
West Conference Room, Rackham.
Miss Anna V. LaRue and Mr. Henry
Popkin will present papers on the
critical theories of Edmund Wilson
and Kenneth Burke. Discussion and
refreshments will follow the reading
of the papers. Faculty, graduate stu-
dents and interested undergraduates
are cordially invited to attend.
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Wash-
ington St. and S. Fifth Ave., will
have a ,Good Friday afternoon ser-



By Crockett Johnson


Coyih 1944 F~ed,8 lkfi

caoc E
Pop, this ride home is roeNSor
kind of dull, isn't it?

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