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April 05, 1944 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-05

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Golf Teams




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:ontests April 15
Fisher Worries as Nine
Gets No Outdoor Work

Sports Editor

T HIS new version of spring wea
has lightly turned our thou
to football, along with the re
from Cleveland that that c
Chamber of Commerce has begu
campaign to have next fall's Mi
gan-Purdue football game pl
there instead of in Ann Arbor
It appears t4at they don't rea
want much. The battle betw
the Boilermakers and Wolveri
would only be what sports scri
refer to as a "natural" (not fr
the roll of the same name), a
bound to pack any stadium
which it was played. Both tea
went through their Big Ten sla
undefeated in 1943, tying for
Conference crown and being ra
in the top ten nationally, but t
did not meet each other.
Besides the Maize and Blue,1
due tangles. with Great Lakes, It
quette, Illinois, Iowa, Wisco
Northwestern and Indiana, v
Michigan's other opponents inc
Indiana, Minnesota, Northwes
Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin
Ohio State. So judging by last y
performances of these teams,
Purdue-Michigan encounter app
to be the best one on the docket
both schools. Both have plen
Navy and Marine trainees, v
other schools in the Conference
cept Northwestern, have practi
So all the Cleveland Chambei
Commerce wants to do is to t
this juicy plum away from
school-spiritless students and s
portersat yAnnArbor to exploi
bef ore the loyal alumni of Mie
gan and Purdue in Cleveland.
If played here the game, as
schedule's best, aided by the fact

ther all the rest of the home tilts are notI
ghts of the better variety, would probably
port draw close to 80,000 fans, undoubted-
ity's ly more than could be attracted to
in a and crammed into Cleveland's triple-
chi- decked Municipal Stadium, where
ayed even the local pro team couldn't
r as nake enough to survive.
But the issue isn't one to get all
ilysteamed up~ about,, for although
aen Athletic Director Fritz Crisler is ill
een I
now and can't be reached for a
ies statement, we doubt if he will let
oes this wishful thinking on the part of
and a few Ohio citizens get beyond the
in dire plot stage.
rtes A FEW columns back we wrote
the about an ex-Wolverine, Lou
ted Weintraub, who, coached Chicago's
hey Marshall High to 98 straight basket-
ball wins before getting trounced in
a playoff tilt. Shortly afterwards we
Pur- heard that Weintraub had resigned
Iar- after the loss because of the strain
nsin, on his health the winning streak
vhile caused. And we can understand how
lude a coach's nerves could suffer from the
tern, pressure.
and It brought to mind the rumor
ear's circulating a few years back to the
the effect that Fritz Crisler intended
)ears to lay aside his duties as football
t for coach and withdraw to his athletic
tiful director position as soon as one of
while his teams had only a mediocre
,ex- season.
cally The reasoning was that he thought
it would be too tough on a new coach
r of to break in with fans expecting win-
ake ning teams year in and year out, and
the if he had an only fair season before
uP stepping out, it would be easier on
t it his successor.
chi- Of course we did not believe this
the We hope Crisler is still head foot-
that ball coach here in 1974.

(oIfe rs Meet
Titan Squad
In First Match
With the golf squad teeing off
against the University of Detroit
April 15, the boys only have a little
more than a week to prepare for the
opening match.
Coach Ray Courtright has been
putting his charges through daily
workouts at the Intramural Building.
Every afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m., the
golfers have been correcting faulty
stances and swings and Courtright
believes that the squad looks good,
considering how early it is in the
season. Even though the team has
encountered a streak of bad weather,
a few have found time to practice.
Last Saturday, Phil Marcellus, Bill
Telfer, Bob Reichert and Don Le Van
played a few rounds of golf at the
Municipal GolfrCourse. This week-
end, Courtright has scheduled eigh-
teen hole matches for Saturday and-
Sunday, providing the weather per-,
mits play. The result of these match-
es will help him decide who will be
the starters against Detroit.
Courtright said, "The competition
is keen this year, because so many
of the boys are in good shape." There
are 21 seeking varsity berths and the
maximum number on the team is
five. Also, every year about five
members are sent to compete in the
Big Ten Championship. .
Many of the boys have already
turned in good performances. Bob
Welling has displayed a great deal of
improvement since last year, Jack
Tews, who won the 1943 Trueblood1
Tournament, is rated quite high, ande
Paul O'Hara has one of the bestk
swings. A new member of the squad"
is tankster Ace Cory, who can now
devote his time to golf as the swim-
ming season ended Saturday.
Yankees Retain
Nucleus of Six
'43 Champions
NEW YORK, April 4.-(P)-Onlyi
six of the 16 New York Yankees man-
ager McCarthy used in subduing the
St. Louis Cardinals in the last World
Series still are with the club and it
is possible the nucleus may shrink to
five by tomorrow.
Roy Weatherly, stocky outfielder,
was accepted by the Army yesterday
and Johnny Lindell, towering out-
fielder-pitcher, is scheduled for his
physical at Camden, N.J., tomorrow.
His acceptance also would force Mc-
Carthy to use a score-card to know
the name and number of his players.
Of the remainder only George
Stirnweiss, infielder, and outfielder
Bud Metheny are 4-F's. Nick Etten,
first baseman and the club's main
hitting reliance at present, is 1-A
and expects his appointment for
physical examination sometime be-
fore mid-summer.
The Yankees inbound for the serv-
ices or remaining in essential indus-
try are Bill Dickey, catcher; Joe Gor-
don, second base; Bill Johnson, third
base; Charley Keller, outfielder;
shortstop Frank Crosetti and pitchers
Spud Chandler, Ernie Bonham, Ma-
rius Russo and Johnny Murphy.
Crosetti and Bonham, both Cali-
fornians, still are in 2-B and 4-F
respectively but decided to take their
preliminaries physicals before coming

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN-Dobby Burton, Jerry Kerschner,
Walter Ris and Bill Smith, Great Lakes quartet which captured the
400-yard free style relay in Saturday's NAAU meet.
Stevenson Battles It Out with
Veteran for Catcher's Berth.

. , .

Baseball Coach Ray Fisher wore<
a somewhat gloomy expression yes-
terday as continued unfavorable
weather kept his squad working in1
Yost Field House with no immediate,
prospect of outdoor practice "unless
we get a break pretty soon."
With the season's opener against
Oberlin less than two weeks away,
Fisher is afraid that his team may
not be ready due to insufficient prac-
tice under actual game conditions.
His original plans called for the team
to begin work on Ferry Field either
last week-end or the first of this
week at the latest. Now it appears
that his plans may be altered con-
In addition to the doubleheader
with Oberlin, scheduledforApril 15
at Oberlin, which was added to the
card just two days ago, Fisher is also
angling for one or more contests
with the Fort Custer nine. These
games, if contracted for, would be
played later in the season.
The complete slate calls for 22
tilts, more than any other school,
most of whom have curtailed their
schedules because of transportation
difficulties, manpower shortages, and
other wartime restrictions. Michi-
gan, however, has not been affected
as severely as these other schools
Athletics Trample
Maple Leafs, 5-I
FREDERICK, Md., April 4.-(P)-
The Philadelphia Athletics won their
fifth straight exhibition baseball
game here today pounding out ten
hits as they defeated the Toronto
Maple Leafs of the International
League 5-1.
The A's made all their runs in the
third, combing a triple by Dick Sie-
bert, a double by Irv Hall and singles
by Bill Burgo and Lou Flick with
three Toronto errors.
Haynes Signs with Sox
FRENCH LICK, Ind., April 4.-
()-Pitcher Joe Haynes, last of the
holdouts with the Chicago White Sox,
ended his siege today, swelling the
White Sox party to 35 players.

and should have no trouble playing
through the season.
After the double bill with Oberlin,
the Wolverines travel to Fort Sheri-
dan, Ill., the following Friday for
a game with the Army nine, and hike
to Great Lakes the next day for a
go with the Sailors. These four
preliminary games prepare the way
for the opening of the Big Ten slate
which opens here April 25, 26 against
Cramer Begins
Hitting Spree in
Spring Training
EVANSVILLE, Ind., April 4.-(R)-
Roger Cramer is the type of ball play-
er who can peel off his winter under-
wear, climb into a flannel uniform
and be ready to play immediately.
Thus its was no surprise to his
teammates when Cramer, starting his
14th full season in the American
League, blasted Chicago Cub pitching
for seven successive hits in two games
a week after reaching training camp.
Cramer, whose lifetime major
league average is .298, whacked away
to a .300 mark in 1943, finishing
fourth in the batting derby won by
Luke Appling of Chicago. Besides,
the Detroit front office regards Cra-
mer as the best defensive center field-
er in the league.
Cramer will swing from the No. 3
spot tomorrow at Terre Haute in an
exhibition game with the Rochester
Red Wings of the International
League. Little Don Heffner moves
up to the leadoff position, followed
by Eddie Mayo, Cramer and Rudy
York. Red Borom is filling in at
third base for Pinky Higgins, the
only absentee. Higgins was detained
at Dallas, Texas, by a bout with the
The Tigers braved chilly weather
today for a two-hour workout topped
by a batting drill.
O'Neill is down to nine pitchers
as the Tigers move into a schedule of
'ten exhibition games in 12 days.

Boucher Is Expected To Cop
More Tennis Laurels in '44

"Bob Stevenson is one of the hard-
est workers I have ever had on a ball
This sentiment was voiced by
Coach Ray Fisher about the boy who
is fighting it out with veteran catch-
er Elmer Swanson for a starting
berth on the varsity this season. Fi-
sher continued,"Stevenson is a very
fine receiver, throws well and acts
quite at home back of the plate. Al-
though his hitting ability cannot be
judged until the squad moves outside,
he should be a valuable asset to the
club this season."
Stevenson is new to college base-
ball. In fact, the 21-year old back-
stop has never even seen a college
contest. Most of his playing time has
ben spent with amateur clubs in the
East. Stevenson hails from New York
City, although he originally lived in
Played Amateur Ball
His family moved to Manhattan
when he was 19, and as a conse-
quence he had very little time for
work at the University of Cincinnati.
He was able to get in a semester of
work there, however. During his high
school days, he played three years of
varsity football and four years on the
diamond crew as a catcher. He also
received honorable mention for the
line on the All-State grid team.
After moving to the East, he spent
a couple of years in amateur baseball
circles, playing on seven clubs. He
began his career in the Virginia State
League at Harrisonburg, Va., and
then moved to Gloversville, a num-
ber two club. Stevenson appeared in
the lineup of the Cordele, Ga., out-
fit in the Georgia-Florida League for
only one game, getting three for
three at the plate. The next day, he
was on his way to Utica.
Transferred from Coast Guard
This advance was really a boost,
for he went from a D to a C club.
Stevenson next had a tryout with
Syracuse in the International loop,
but was sold to the Springfield,
Mass., outfit in the Eastern League
in the middle of the season. He was
supposed to be delivered to the team
within 15 days of his sale, but he was

hit in the arm, and his right wrist
was broken before he could report.
He was forced to take a six weeks
layoff from the game. Stevenson
joined the Coast Guard after a short
tenure with the Springfield club, and
received his honorable discharge aft-
er 18 months with that branch of the
service so that he could come to the
University in July as a member of
the Naval V-12 unit. During his time
in amateur baseball, he hit about
Has No Favorite Team
He has studied all of the big league
clubs, and he still prefers seeing Carl
Hubbell work a game, with Ernie
Lombardi tossed in for good measure.
He especially enjoys a Lombardi hit-
ting spree. Of all the managers he
has watched, he rates Joe McCarthy
of the Yankees as tops, with Bill Mc-
Kechnie right behind him in the
ability to handle men.
Stevenson is a strange phenomena
-a rabid fan without a favorite
team. He likes to watch individual
players from all the clubs rather than
one particular unit. Perhaps this is
explained by the fact that many of
his friends are on different teams in
the majors.
Remembers Triple Play
Among these boys are Jody Phipps
of the Cubs, Eddie Butka of the Sen-
ators and Tommy Dela Cruz, Bob
Malloy, Woody Williams and Har-
rington of the Reds. Stevenson's most
vivid baseball experience was a triple
play in which he participated while
the Springfield squad was playing a
night contest against Hartford.
Men were on second and first when
the batter hit into a routine double
play, short to second to first. The
very fast runner who occupied sec-
ond streaked for home and Steven-
son took an extremely bad throw at
the plate, jumping high in the air
to spear the ball with his bare hand.
However, he made the tag success-
fully as the runner hit the dirt.



Roy D. Boucher, one of the stal-
warts of last year's "tennis team, is
being counted on to bring tennis
laurels back to Michigan again this
Boucher, who also answers to the
name of "Roddy," entered the Uni-
versity of Michigan in 1941, and won
his freshman numerals in tennis.
During his sophomore year, Roy was
on the varsity tennis team and he
earned his letter. That year he played
number five singles and also number
three doubles with Merle Brown,
captain elect of the 1944 tennis team.
"Roddy" won six out of nine singles
matches,but in doubles he and Merle
were undefeated during the regular,
season. Their first loss came during

the Big Ten Championship when they
were defeated by Illinois.
Started Playing at Ten
Roy first started swinging a racket
when he was only ten years old. The
reason for this early start can prob-
ably be traced to an environmental
factor. His home is only one block
from six tennis courts.
In high school, Boucher's interest
centered around basketball and foot-
ball because the'school was too small
to have a tennis team. "Roddy" was
on the varsity cage squad and won
letters in that sport. He broke both
his arms playing on the high school
eleven and dropped football to devote
his time to tennis and basketball.
This accident luckily did not impede
his progress in tennis, and Roy en-
tered various tournaments before
coming to Michigan.
Played Six Hour Match
His first tournament was in 1939
when he played in the Catasaukua
Men's Singles Tournament in his
home town, Catasaukua, Pa. Boucher
copped this title three times, and
almost retired the trophy. To accom-
plish this feat he had to win the
tournament in successive years, and
in Roy's third attempt he lost a five
set match that lasted from 1 p.m. to
'7:30 p.m. This defeat, however, did
not discourage Roy from continuing
to compete in other tennis tourna-
ments. His next victory was the Le-
high Valley Boys' Doubles Champion-
ship and his partner was Jim Conn of
Allentown, Pa.-
The following year, Roy and Jim
won the Lehigh Valley Junior Dou-
bles Title, and "Roddy" also reached
the semi-finals of the Lehigh Valley
Junior Singles Championship.
Canadiens Defeat
Blackhawk Team, 5-1
MONTREAL, April 4. -(1)-The
Montreal Canadiens overpowered the
Chicago Blackhawks, 5 to 1, to win
the opening game tonight in the final
best four-of-seven game series in the
Stanley Cup hockey playoffs.
Sparked by the brilliant work of
three forwards, Murphy Chamber-
lain, Phil Watson and Ray Getliffe,
the Canadiens took a 1-0 lead in the
first period and scored twice more in
each of the succeeding periods.
The lone Chicago goal was scored
by Clint Smith at 10:11 of the sec-
ond period and temporarily pulled
the Hawks to within 2-1.


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