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April 05, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-05

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Wrr A Y. APRIL S. 1944

aTa . Ya M GiCT1. 11\ 7,cA.LN a ibATTV WN5 'LnAVas ,sc'IL oY i1l.-S


Fifty-Fourth Year

I z

I'd Rather Be Right


i ,.

sM ~Mu Tsa m 4m.....
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member 'of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to ituor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mall $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

APRIL 4.-Free port for refugees: A "free
port" is a small bit of land, a kind of reservation,
into which foreign goods may. be brought with-
out paying customs duties. There is one in the
New York City area. Goods brought into it
from overseas are destined either for trans-
shipment to other countries, or for temporary
storage. Such goods may even be processed
while they are in the "free port"; manufacturing
operations can, and are, carried out on them.
Or the goods may just sit there for a while,
giving their owner time to brood.
If, eventually, he decides to bring the goods
into the country proper, he merely pays the
normal customs duties, and the stuff may enter.
A free port is a place where you can put things
down for a while, without having to make a final
decision about them. The few acres which con-
stitute a free port are well guarded, so that no-
body will smuggle a pair of alien garters or a
foreign fry-pan over the boundaries, in defiance
of the tariff laws.
Why couldn't we have a system of free ports
for refugees fleeing the Hitler terror?
Obviously, we need a place where we can put
refugees down, without making final decisions
about them, a place where they can be stored
and processed, so to speak, without creating legal
and political problems. Of course, it shouldn't
be against the law, exactly, to bind up a wound
in such a free port, or to give somebody a drink
of water.
THE NEED is for reservations of a few acres
here and there, where a nian who has been
running for ten years can sit down and catch his
breath, and where somebody can tell a story to a
frightened child; a few reservations,4vhere it
would be possible for those who cannot satisfy
the requirements of law to rest a bit, without
violating the law. We do it, in commercial free
ports, for cases of beans, so that we can make

some storage and processing profits; it should
not be impossible to do it for people.
Let us look upon these refugee free ports as if
they were moored ships, ships of land. Anyone
who would step over the boundary of the free
port into the country proper should be made to
satisfy all requirements of immigration law, pre-
cisely as if he were proposing to come ashore
from a ship. But surely it should not baffle our
ingenuity to find some legal way in which to
grant a stateless woman the comparatively small
bit of room which she needs in order to deliver
a baby.
Of course, I am a little ashamed to find my-
self pandering to anti-refugee prejudices even
to the extent of saying yes, pile the legal dis-
abilities on them. give them no rights, store
them like corn, herd them like cattle-but the
need is so sharp, the time is so short, our current
example to the world is so bad, that it is neces-
sary to settle for whatever can be done.
And something can be done. It should not
be really necessary to beg, storm and plead for
a few reserved acres in which, without creating
legal or political problems, a man can be al-
lowed to die without filling in all his papers,
or in which a baby can drink a glass of that
strange white stuff which an older European
generation knew as milk.
If we set up a system of refugee free ports,
our fine new War Refugee Board can then
properly appeal to other countries to do the
same. If we do not go at least that far, the
Board will be answered with a snicker should it
make such requests of other lands.
The refugees, Jewish and other, ask only for a
few fenced-in acres of poorest land in America.
They don't want to keep it. They just want to sit
on it until they can go home again. They are
letting us off more easily than does conscience
itself, for they don't even ask that we do our
best for them. They plead for our worst.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace .
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low . .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson,
Marjorie Rosmarin

Editorial Staff

.Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . .City,Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
glizabeth A. Carpenter . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No Excuses Valid for
OPA Price Violations
GROCER W. D. McLean, found guilty by OPA
officials of violating price ceilings in the as-
tounding total of 65 instances, has attempted to
explain his flagrant violation of the law with
some of the weakest excuses we've heard in a
long time.
With what amounted to an admission of the
charge, he blamed the war, extra expense in ob-
taining stocks and high cost of help-conditions
which every grocer is facing now. Grocer Mc-
Lean also blamed his "poor memory." Perhaps
it should have been poor eyesight since the OPA
list of legal ceiling prices by regulation "must
be posted in the seller's place of business in
such a manner as to be easily read . . ." The
list was posted but obviously not read.
There is, of course, no excuse for such whole-
sale profiteering at the expense of the con-
suming public. But if grocer McLean's eyes
were too bad or his memory too poor, con-
sumers should have been more alert. Although
it is not the responsibility of consumers to in-
sure enforcement of price ceilings, one glance
at the posted list in any of the 65 instances
would have prevented overcharging.
The penalty, a 30-day revocation of the right
to sell processed foods and canned meats, is
hardly too strict for such gross violation of price
regulations. OPA officials deserve hearty com-
mendation for their vigilance.
-Jennie Fitch
Duty of Americans Is
To Know Bill of Rights
ASURVEY, recently completed by the National
Opinion Research Center at the University
of Denver, shows that less than one-fourth of
the American people have any idea of what the
Bill of Rights is all about.
Seventy-seven per cent of the American peo-
ple, the people "who are governed and live ac-
cording to privileges set forth in the Bill of
Rights, the first ten amendments of the Am-
erican constitution, don't even know what the
Bill of Rights is.
Further percentages show that 39 per cent
have heard of the Rights but can't identify
them; and 15 per cent gave confused or in-
correct identifications of the amendments.
Most of those who showed any understanding
of the Bill of Rights could remember only those
guaranteeing the rights of freedom of speech
and press.
Every citizen and resident of this country
should make it his dty to read the Bill of
Rights and become acquainted with it. It
isn't enough to take it for granted.
How -many of you have read the Constitution
of the United States? -Aggie Miller
Lessons from the Past.. ..
The 37 Senators who signed the Lodge resolu-
tion against the League of Nations, we now learn,
are not diehard opponents of any League, and
the resolution was a political trick unwittingly
turned to embarrass the President and to mis-
represent the nation before European eyes .. .
The Republicans probably hope that by the time






WASHINGTON, April 4. - Secretary of the
Navy Frank Knox is considering a sweeping re-
organization of the Navy's war procurement
methods, under a confidential plan submitted to
him by Representative Harry R. Sheppard of
California, chairman of the Appropriations sub-
committee on Naval affairs.
Sheppard has recommended that all procure-
ment offices of the Navy Department be con-
solidated under one agency, preferably the Bu-
reau of Supplies and Accounts, which did most
of the Navy's purchasing in peacetime but has
been shoved into the background since war
Various Navy branches, including the Bureau
of Ships, the Bureau of Yards and Docks, the
Ordnance Bureau and the Bureau of Aeronautics,
now do virtually all of their own procuring, sub-
ject only to a check by Knox's office. Knox was
talked into approving the system by the Brass
Hats, who argued it would expedite the flow of
equipment for Naval sea and air forces.
Actually, the system has resulted in endless
duplication and confusion, not to mention
waste of the taxpayers' money. Congressman
Sheppard has evidence that millions could
have been saved by centralized supervision
over purchasing. As it is, the Navy is amassing
inventories of war goods that may never be
used, with four or five different Bureaus
stocking up.
The hard-hitting Sheppard has notified Knox
that, unless steps are taken at once to reduce
these inventories and coordinate procurement,
Congress wil do some sharp pruning of future
Navy appropriations, which would accomplish
the same result. It looks like the Californian's
"one warehouse" idea will win out.
'Tobacco Ed' Smith * ...
South Carolina's Senator "Cotton Ed" Smith
turned up at a meeting of tobacco growers in
the Statler Hotel last week to discuss OPA price
ceilings for the 1944 tobacco crop.
Instead of talking tobacco price ceilings,
however, the walrus-mustached Senator har-
angued on the subjects of white supremacy,
the sunny South, "that carpet-bagger from
New York who tried to purge me" (jerking a
thumb toward the White House), and finally
he got on to the subject of bureaucrats.
"The tobacco growers from the sunny South,"
bellowed the South Carolina Senator, "are un-
fairly hampered and annoyed by a set of rules
drawn up by bureaucrats who have never seen
tobacco grown."
Then, pointing a trembling finger at Edward
Ragland, chief of OPA's tobacco section, "Cotton
Ed" accused:
"You, suh! Did you ever see tobacco growin'
in the sunny South?"
"Yes, suh," replied Ragland.

"And did you ever pick a single leaf of tobacco
in the sunny South?"
"Yes, suh," said Ragland again.
"Did you ever see tobacco stored in a ware-
house?" persisted the irate Senator.
"Yes, suh."
"Did you ever have to sell tobacco in the open
market and know that your livelihood depended
upon it?"
When Ragland said he had, Smith scowled.
"Young man, are you sure you're tellin' the
At this point, the OPA official got to his feet,
and declared:
"I was born in Virginia, and my mother was
born in South Carolina, your state. I started
pickin' tobacco before I was 12 years old, and
since I left college, I've been in the tobacco
business for 12 years. I've picked it, ware-
housed it, and run a tobacco factory-all in
the sunny South!"
Prolonged applause came from growers and
officials alike.
Senator Maybank of South Carolina rose and,
with apologies to his Senatorial colleague, al-
lowed as how it looked like Ragland of the OPA
knew more about tobacco than Senator Smith.

VOL. LIV No. 111
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.j
To the Members of the University
Council: The April meeting of the
University Council has been can-
celled. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Group Hospitalization and Surgical
Service: During the period from April
5 through April 15, the University
Business Office will accept new ap-
plications as well as requests for
changes in contracts now in effect.
These new applications and changes
will become effective May 5, with the
first payroll deduction on May 31.
After April 15 no new applications
or changes can be accepted until
October, 1944.
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, April 8, in the Academic
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
Hopwood Contestants Attention:
The deadline for the Hopwood man-
uscripts has been moved forward to
4:30 on Monday afternoon, April 17.
Phi Kappa Phi: The pins and cer-
tificates for new Phi Kappa Phi
members have been received. Please
call for them some time this week in
Rm. 111, General Li rary between
2 and 5: Telephone Ext. 763.
Detroit Armenian Club Scholar-
ship: Undergraduate students of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit area who have earned 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship offered
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
Petitioning for Freshman Women:
Petitioning for three positions on the
Freshman Project will begin Wednes-
day, April 5, and continue through
Saturday, April 8. Positions are open
to all first semester freshman women
j and to second semester freshman
women whose homes are in Ann
Arbor. Petitions may be obtained in
the Undergraduate Offices of the
League. Interviewing will be held
April 10 and April 11 in the League.
La Socedad Hispanica presents Sr.
Francisco Villegas who will lecture
on "La Vida Academica de un Estu-
diante en Costa Rica" (a student's
life in Costa Rica) tonight at 8
life and death to those who must rely
on them in an emergency."
GOP Boomerang.. .
Certain Senatorial colleagues of
millionaire oilman Senator Ed Moore
of Oklahoma, are now saying "I told
you so" regarding Oklahoma's recent
special election.
Oilman Moore led the Republican
fight for candidate E. O. Clark in
Oklahoma's second district, but Clark
lost by a worse margin than he did

in 1942. The Democratic victory had
national significance because many'
observers, including this columnist,
have felt that Oklahoma had a good
chance of going Republican next No-
However, certain Republican col-
leagues of Senator Moore are now
noting that he was the worst man in
the world to go down to Oklahoma to
lead the Republican fight, for the
second district is largely agricultural,
and Moore has chalked up to his
record a resounding vote against crop
About 23,000 Oklahoma farmers
take out crop insurance, through
the Government, on cotton and
wheat. Government crop insur-
ance is the only kind they can get.
rThey cannot even insure through
Lloyd's, and yet, without insurance,
a farmer can be wiped out over-
Inight by hail, cinch-bugs or floods.
Note-Capitol Hill observers are
wondering whether some of the re-
actionary votes cast in the past by
other Senators and Congressmen may
not come back to haunt some Con-
gressional candidates next November.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)


FROM time to time in the Christian
way of life, there come moments
of crisis when we are brought face to
face with the question of whether
we shall speak out for the right or
not. Sometimes it is not a very great
crisis and we are tempted to think
that how we act or whether we act
will make little difference to anyone
or any cause. At other times the
crisis is so great that we are certain
that if we speak for the right we
shall have to pay some price for our
speaking. But always we are remind-
ed that, if we act as Christians, we are
ever called upon to stand on the side
of right. When the issue is clear,
the Christian knows that there is
no middle ground upon which he can
stand and please both sides.
On the morning after Jesus' cruci-
fixion, one Joseph of Arimathea came
before Pontius Pilate and asked him
he might take away the body of Jesus.
And he brought with him a hundred
pounds of myrrh and aloes-far more
than enough-to prepare the body
of Jesus for burial. There is cause
for rejoicing to know that at least
one cared enough for his Master that
he wanted to give him a fitting burial
in a tomb "wherein was never man
yet laid."
Luke reminds us that he was a

disciple of Jesus, "but secretly for
fear of the Jews." Joseph was one
who hid his devotion to Christ when
the great hour of crisis was at hand,
and who rushed in when the danger
was past and the tumult and the
shouting had ceased, to say that he
too had been a disciple. Dr. George
Buttrick has said of this that "it is
better to speak for Jesus while he is
living than to bring more than
enough to embalm him after he is
It is better to speak for Christ
and for the right when the hour of
decision comes than to wait until
it makes little difference, to do
more than would have been requir-
ed. Peter denied his Lord three
times and Judas Iscariot betrayed
his Christ. They could have spoken
out, but they let the moment slip
by. No amount of remorse after-
ward was enough.
For others, it may not matter. But
for the Christian there is but one
choice. It is better to speak for
Christ when the crisis is at hand. It
is better to "let the yeas be yea."
Ralph G. Dunlop,
Associate Minister
First Methodist Church

Holy Week Message


-By .Lich ty

44-i KE
r 1 fi74Y . @i D1944.,£Zhkago Tam, ,,Inc.



"Ahem, Miss Truffle . . . would you look un my unflinching policy
on that question?"

Senate Butters It - . .
Servicemen and other visitors to the U.S. Cap-
itol these days are always served butter with their
meals-if they lunch on the House side of the
But a waiter in the Senate restaurant takes
his job in his hands if he serves a piece of
butter to a tourist. Waiters in the Senate
restaurant are instructed to tell all visitors,
including servicemen: "Sorry, we have no but-
ter today, due to the shortage." This little act
has been going on for months.
Don't let them kid you, soldier. There's plen-
ty of butter in the refrigerator of the Senate
restaurant-but it is reserved only for Senators.
Parachute are ..
Here is how careful the Civil Aeronautics
Board i regardink parachutes, in contrast per-
haps to some other branches of the Govern-
When Horn's Flying School at Chagrin Falls,
Ohio, permitted four parachute harnesses to be-
come defective, the school's air agency certifi-
cates were suspended for 30 days. This action
was taken despite the fact that the parachutes
were packed by a professional packer who ap-
parently failed to report the matter to the head
of the school.
Nevertheless, the CAB ruled that the school
failed to "exercise the highest degree of care to
insure that airworthy parachutes are available.
The difference between that degree of care and
something less may mean the difference between

o'clock in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre. Admission by ticket or uniform.
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Seience, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by April 6. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-
Good Friday Organ Recital: Pal-
mer Christian, University Organist,
will present his annual Good Friday
program at 4:15 p.m., April 7, in Hill
Auditorium. The program will in-
clude Two Chorale Preludes by Bach
and Wagner's Good Friday Music
from "Parsifal."
The public is invited.
Events Today
Haydn's Oratorio "Creation" will
be presented at the First Methodist
Church tonight beginning at 7:30
o'clock, featuring Agatha Lewis (Chi-
cago) soprano, Carlton Eldridge
(Lansing) tenor, Beverly Barksdale
(Toledo) bass, the Senior Choir of
the Church, Mary McCall Stubbins,
organist, and Hardin Van Deursen,
director. The public is invited.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Graduate Record Concert will be held
this week on Wednesday evening at
7:45 in the Men's Lounge, April 5,
1944, presenting Wagner's "Parsifal
Prelude" and "Good Friday Spell,"
Bach's "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring,"
Toccatas and Fugues for Organ and
the Concerto in D Minor for Two
Violins and Orchestra. Graduates
and servicemen are welcome.
Mathematics Lecture: Professor
Paul R. Halmos of Syracuse Unver-
sity will give a lecture on "The Alge-
bra of Measure" at 4:15 p.m. in 3011
Angell Hall.

Faculty Women's Club: Instru-
mental Group, Music Section, 8
o'clock tonight, Mrs. George G.
Brown, 1910 Hill Street.
The Book Group of the Michigan
Dames will hold its April meeting
tonight at 8:15 at the home of Mrs.
H. G. Voelker, 920 Dewey Avenue.
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam St. at S. Fifth Ave., will hold
Holy Communion Services on Wed-
nesday and Thursday evenings at
7:30 o'clock. The Rev. Henry O.
Yoder,_ pastor, will give the sermhon
at both of these services. His theme
for this evening will be "From Self-
Complacent to Crusading Followers"
and for the Thursday service, "From
Indecisive to Decisive Followers."
Coming Events
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American student friends of foreign
Student Recital: Selma Smith, pia-
nist, will be heard at 8:30 Thursday
evening, April 6, in Lydia Mendlels-
(Continued on Page 6)
GOP Leadership ...
THE DEATH of Senate Minority
leader Charles L. McNary has
forced Senate Republicans to show
their hand, and the Old Guard iso-
lationists came out on top in the
showdown. Instead of naming a new
minority leader, the Republicans vot-
ed to reestablish the steering com-
ittee which they had dispensed with
during their New Deal decline, and
selected perhaps the leading member
of-their conservative wing, Sen. Rob-
ert A. Taft of Oiiio, as chairman.
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg, a
member of the Taft wing, and Sen.
Wallace H. White were selected for
posts which make them in effect
assistant leaders.
The Senators selected to serve un-
der Taft on the new steering com-
mittee are significant choices: "Cur-
ly" Brooks of Illinois, Danaher of
Connecticut, -Bushfield of South Da-
kota, Millikin of Colorado and Bridges
of New Hampshire. Senator Bridges
is the only member of the committee


By Crockett Johnson


Thanks for

It was lovely having you both, John.. .
I'm sorry to have you go. .. I wish I
could say as much for your imaginary

I wish we COULD leave him behind,
Aunt Emma. But Barnaby always
insists on taking him with him-


Copyr9hM 1944 Fed Pubicoon

Mr. O'Malley has to get
Congress to pass another

, I


i I

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