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April 02, 1944 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-02

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Petitioning for WAA, Bomber
Scholarship Begins Tomorrow
Si7 orts Mna prsFyr Exctive d Pft.L U )rin PR rcktntivn

WAG Officer To Independents'

Meeting of Child

USO Offers Bridge,
Music Hour Today

Outing Club To Hold
Bicycle Hike Today

Jpu g: rvu U~ , LA(u
Board Members To Be Chosen
Petitioning for the 11 positions on
the Women's Athletic Association
(WAA) Executive Board and for
sports managers in 13 clubs will be-
gin tomorrow, according to Nancy
}Iattersley, '44, president of WAA.
Petitions are available at the WAB
or Barbour Gym, and must be turned
in before 5 p.m. Friday at either Miss
Hattersley's box in the Undergrad-
uate Office at the League or at the
main desk in the WAB. Interviewing
will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.f
April 10 to April 14 at the WAB, with
senior members of the present WAA
Board doing the interviewing.
Executive Board Positions
Positions open on the executive
board are those of president, vice-
president, secretary, treasurer, Am-
erican Federation of College Women
representative, publicity chairman,
interhouse manager, and correlative
heads of the dormitories, sororities,
league houses and co-operatives.
Sports manager positions which
will be selected through the petition-
ing system include heads of bowling,
ping pong, fencing, outing, softball,
tennis, swimming, golf, badminton,
archery, hockey, la crosse, and rifle
Four Clubs Select Own Heads
The skating club, dance clubs, Crop
and Saddle, and the University Wo-
men's Riding Club wil select new
presidents through the clubs since
leadership there demands previous
experience in the club. However,
skill in the activities petitioned for is

Uea\ue, union epresen a ives
To Be Chosen Co-Chairmen
Petitioning opens today for the
1944-45 Bomber Scholarship Com-
mittee, to be headed by one coed and
one man co-chairman, and will con-
tinue through Wednesday, April 12,
it was announced yesterday by Jean
Bisdee, '44, chairman of Bomber
Petition blanks, which may be se-
cured by men and women in the of-
fice of the League social director, are
to be left in a box labelled "Bomber
!Scholarship" in the Undergraduate
{ Office of the League. Petitioners,
who will be interviewed by the Bomb-
er Scholarship Committee at a date
to be announced later, must state on
the petition whether or not they will
attend the summer session or term,
and their tentative date of gradua-
Bomber Scholarship, this year di-
rected by a functioning committee
composed of students from the Union
and the League, is a project to raise
$100,000 which will buy a bomber
now and will be used for, scholarships
for returning servicemen after the
not necessary for other positions, on-
ly managerial leadership and ability,
to cooperate with the board as a
Women from all the classes are eli-
gible to petition for WAA posts, ex-
cept for the position of president, the
requirements being that she be a
junior who has had at least one
year's previous experience on the
WAA Board.

Take Coeds Or
Air Base Tour
Women Interested in Aviation
Branch of Service Are Invited;
Overseas Duty Now Open
A chance to view the life of the
Air WACs will be given to 15 Univer-
sity women April 17 when Lt. Bar-
bara Bethal Rodgers will conduct a
tour of the Romulus Air Base for wo-
men interested in joining the Air
Womans Army Corps.
Any woman interested in becoming
a candidate for this branch of the
service may register for the trip in
Miss Mc Cormick's office in the
League. If more than 15 sign for this
occasion, another group will be taken'
in the near future, as Army regula-
tions prohibit too large a group of
visitors to be on the base at one time.
Red Cross To Provide Care

Night' Plans
Are Completed
1 Final arrangements for Assembly
Recognition Night which will be held
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre have been
completed, according to Dorothy De-
Vries, '44, general chairman of 'the
In addition to Geraldine Elliott,
author of the "Hermit's Cave." who
will speak on "Tomorrow the Wo-
man," the entertainment will include1
the presentation of awards to out-
standing independent women on
Ira M. Smith, registrar, will give
the scholarship awards, to the sopho-
more, junior and senior women with!
the highest grade average. The
names of these women will then be
engraved on the scholarship cup inj
the League. The house which ranks
the highest in scholarship will also
be recognized.
Monna Heath., uresident of the



'To Be Thursday
The problem and background of
the Willow Run Center will be out-
lined for volunteer child care work-
ers by Sherwood L. Reeder, regional
director of Willow Run on FHA, at a
mass meeting to be held at 7:15 p.m.
Thursday in the Grand Rapids and
Kalamazoo Rooms of the League.
Difficulties which commonly con-
front volunteers will be discussed at
the mass meeting, at the close of
which the different groups will meet
with their respective leaders.
M. B. Rogers, superintendent of the
No. 1 School District, will speak to
the coeds who have volunteered to do
questionnaire canvassing. Rogers is
in charge of the compiling data rela-
tive to the needs of the Willow Run
residents and the extent to which
these needs are filled.
Mrs. J.. Oradnic will meet with the
Nursery School workers. Kay Bek-
man and Mrs. P. Sampson will an-
swer the questions of Girl Scout lead-
ers. Martin Metal of the Work Shop
will instruct volunteers leading art
and craft activities.
College Students and Graduates
Secretarial Course for
A thorough, intensive, secretarial
course - starting February, July,
October. Registration now open. I
Regular daiy and evening sehool
throt ghour the year. Catalog.
A School of Rosiness
Preferred by College Men and Women
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D.
Director, Paul M. Pair, M.A.
6 N. Michigan Ave. Telephone STAte 1881
Chicago. Ill.

A classical music hour, and the All servicemen, students and meni-
weekly bridge tournament are the bers of the Outdoor Sports Club are
USO s offerings for today's enterta in-
ment at Harris Hall. cordially invited to participate in a
The music hour will begin at 3 p.m. bicycle hike to Dexter today accord-
in the lounge and listeners may ing to Barbara Fairman, '40, manag-
choose their favorite records from er of the club.
the collection at the USO Club, or "We will meet at the WAB at 2:30
bring their own. p.m. with our bicycles and leave im-
Players in the bridge tournament mediately. The object of our ride will
will gather in the ballroom at 2:30 be the old Dexter Mansion, a fnine-
p.m. with both Junior Hostesses and teenth century house of 40 rooms,"
servicemen participating. Miss Fairman continued.
the preferred cotton sl
joThey fit like a dream .
' i#wStraight cut front .. .
to'Bias cut back ...
gives smooth flexible ft
P0No front or side seams
a . om''Guaranteed rip proof . 17
SIZES 32-40
i~ VAN UREN sy
8 Nickels Arcade

$ed Cross station wagons will pick Women's War Council, will give the
up the women at 9 a.m. and bring awards to the freshman, sophomore,
them back to Ann Arbor at approxi- junior and senior women who have
mately 4 p.m. Lunch will be eaten put in the most hours in war activi-
in the WAC mess hall on the post. 1 ties in the last semester. These wo-G
The day wil be spent in watching men will receive parchment scrolls.
various Air Base activities, seeing the Three honorable mentions will alsoj
WACs in action, and touring the bar- be given. The award for. the house
racks and base. with the most war activities has al-.
Overseas service with the air trans- ready been given to Martha Cook
port command has been opened to dormitory and Pray league house.
Air Wacs recently. The ATC is the Doris Barr, president of Assembly,
air branch that ferries men and ma- will introduce the speakers; and the
terials to the war fronts of the world central committee for Recognition
and aids in evacuations. Any woman Night will be seated on the stage. }
joining the command as an Air WAC Dessert of punch and cake will be
may stipulate after, three months of served in the Grand Rapids Room
basic training the theatre in which immediately following the program.
she wishes to serve: India, China, the Tickets which are 30 cents includ-
South Pacific, Alaska, Europe or Af- ing tax are being sold by representa-~
irica. tives in all independent residences
Work oportunities include control and also atlthe League. Ticket sales-
tower operations, radio, photo lab- men will meet at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow
oratories, typists, and similar duties. at the League.
In some cases WACs may actually be ___
assigned to flying ATC planes with - - -

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Books -

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accompanying fying pay.
One-Fourth WACs Attend College
Of the WACs approximately one-
fourth have attended college, a high-
er ratio than in the general popula-
tion, it was disclosed by the Head-
quarters of the AAF Training Com-
mand, which is assisting the Army
Recruiting Service in enlisting- Air
Wacs for the entire AAF.
Juniors Collect Dues
All fifth and sixth-semester coeds
must pay 50c junior class dues by
Wednesday to finance the Junior
Girls Play, class project which will
be held Thursday, April 27, it was
announced yesterday by Mary Ann
Jones, '45, in charge of the produc-
Dues will be collected in coed hous-
es by JGP stamp and bond represen-

WAA Notices
University Women's Riding Club:
6:15 p.m. Tuesday in front of Bar-
bour Gym.
Fencing: 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Barbour Fencing Room.
Basketball: 4:30 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, Barbour Gym.
Swimming: 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, Barbour Pool.
Crop and Saddle: 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday, in front of Barbour
Badminton: 4 p.m. Wednesday,
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Barbour Gym.
Modern Dance: 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day and Thursday, Barbour Dance
Tap: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Bar-
bour Dance Studio.
Ballet: 4 p.m. Friday, Barbour
Dance Studio.


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,\ N,

N -'-

se; '?r,

These are Spring's soft, brilliant
little prints that will step jauntily
into first place in your busy, crowd-
ed days. For those who like color
in big doses there are whopping
big splashes of print on colored
backgrounds. And for you vho
find the smaller prints easier to
wcear, there are two-color leaf and
flower patterns and scads of polka
riots. Ours is the sort of collection
that helps you to find -what you
want quickly and easily.

7/tat 014 £atop ~a~c,




Fresh, tangy, meadowsweet fragrance,
she'll love a gift in Yanky Clover
1 hether it be a jumbo Talcum or a
winole matched toiletries set. Richard
Iiudnut presents these enticing gift
p z kages for the outdoor, typically
Amerital girl of tody!
Bandbox . . . holding Dusting Powder and
(.olone . . . . . . . . . s2.35
Three-1cece Set . . . of efCtine, Tulcm,
DeLuxe Chest . . Pefune, Colone, .4tom)-
iZaI', 'alunt (tend >a fret... ....$4.75

--f> ..,
... ;<
Q0.^ / _
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l fi A ,
n, {:y ,yjry '
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+ k
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True red flames on your lips with Elizobeth Arden's newest
lipstick shade. Named for one of the greatest flghlirg
unfts ever known . . . inspired by the hat cord, scarf
. and chevron worn by Women Marines . . . Montezuma
Red is the color of daring, a banner of brightness.
Wear the co-mplete Montezuma Red Color Harmony with
Greyed Tones, Black, White, Beige, Navy and Tweeds:

- . .....C;li p Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces - -

from .95



LIGHTS in the Main Li-
brary-and more specific-
ally, in the main reading
room, the medical reading
room and the main floor
study hall-were emphat-
ically termed inadequate
last week. A Daily survey
showed that there is only
from 3 to 6 foot candles of
lighting in these rooms,
whereas scientific research
showed that "proper light-
ing for ordinary newspaper
reading should be between
20 and 30 foot candles. It
appears that the only at-
tempt to better the situa-
tion was made five years
ago when the walls were
washed. It also appeared
I that the subject had been
ignored since 1940 . . .
Later the cause for this
dimness in the library was
traced back to the State
Legislature by Prof. Lewis
Gram, Director of Plant
Extension, and Walter
Roth, Assistant Superin-
tendent of the Buildings
and Grounds Department.
They pointed out that the
State Legislature has
slashed the University

Post-War Public Works
Program, plans to use $40,-
000 to improve the lighting
in many a campus build-
ing. This was, of course,
only of consoling and qui-
eting value to those who
now squint over tonnes in
the library . . . It is prob-
able that if the students
were questioned, they
would object also to other
wrongs in the library such
as the overheating and the
conversations that always
seem to take place across
the table.
on campus ended last week
with all local groups hav-
ing topped their quotas.
Not including reports from
36 campus women's resi-
dences, coeds have turned
in $3,517 by the middle of
last week. So when the
final tabulation is made
the girls will probably have
exceeded their $3,500 goal
by a substantial amount.
Washtenaw County con-
tributed $96,244 - an a-
mount well over the $92,-
500 quota. Of this, the

signed quota of $43,50. For
two weeks the girls had
worked at the switchboard
at Red Cross headquarters.
But instead of keeping
their pay checks, they do-
nated them to the Red
Cross drive-topped their
quota by $100 and still
have the highest percent-
age contribution of any
women's residence on cam-
DR. RUTHVEN, presi-
dent of the University,
spoke last week at a dis-
cussion sponsored by the
Post-War Council. "In my
opinion," he said, "there
was never a time in the
history of this country
when the schools were sub-
jected to more pressure
groups, and more powerful
pressure groups, than they
are today." He said, how-
ever, that students, alumni
and faculty will insist on
expressing their own opin-
ions. Then-"You cannot
stop war by international
agreements, by talking a-
bout the unity of the hu-
man race. The only way

Drastieally lReduced
Formterly $15.OO . . . NOW $5.95
What a perfect Easter gift for they have been formerly
selling for more than double the price. Tortoise shell.
beauty with a sterling silver inner frame.

Montezuma Red lipstick, 1.50
(Refills .75)
Montezuma Red Cream Rouge
1.25 and 1.75
Montezuma Red Nail Polish, .75
Dark Rachel All Day
Foundation, 1.00

Rose Beige Cameo Powder,
1.75 and 3.00, over Special
Mat Fonce Ilusion Powder,
1.75 and 3.00.
Malachite Eye Sha-Do, 1.25
Dark Eyelash Pomade
1.00 oid 2.00
v; e s e

popular actress among
members of the Royal
Canadian Air Force, ac-
cording to editors of the

---\ I

: _

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