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March 25, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-25

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F'if ry=Fcurth Year

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Sify Uichty

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
or Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and u Tuesday during the slimmxer session.
Member of Tfhe Associated Press
T'he Associated. Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itusr
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
ilcation of all other matters herein also reserved.
E'ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4,25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, March 24.-It's a funny thing,
but soie of the worst enemies of Russia in Am-
erica are letting Russia lead them by the nose.
I refer to the gentlemen, on the air and in the
press, who began to dislike Marshal Badoglio of
Italy, the moment Russia gave him diplomatic
recognition. Until about a week ago last Mon-
day, they had thought Badoglio was a little bit
of all right. Now they rather distrust him.
And how much of current American support
for the Polish government-in-exile in London
stems from the fact that Russia opposes that
government? The Kremlin breaks with the
Polish government-in-exile, and immediately
that distinguished Polish patriot, Mr. William
Randolph Hearstski, clasps the Polish govern-
ment to his bosom. Is not Mr. Hearst letting
Russia lead him by the nose?
He is doing it in reverse, of course, but to sit
down when someone says "Stand!" and to stand
when he says "Sit!" is a form of obedience, after
What I mean is, there isn't much free will
in the premises. To do the exact opposite of
what Russia wants is still to take one's cue
fromi Russia. The Kremlin has the awful
[ ,*

EdtoriSl Staff

Jane Farrant . . . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . . . . Editorial Director
Stan Walliace... . .. . City Editor
Evelyn Philips . . Associate Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ami Peterson . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mvary Anne Oson . . . ., Women's Editor
Marlorie osmarin. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Elizabett A. Carpenter . . Business Manager
Margry lBatt .. . Associate Bsiness Manager
T elephone 23-24-1
Erlitorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Thoroutgh OWl Probe
Is Needed ImmedIately
IN AN ADDRESS to the House last week, Rep.
Brown of Ohio against asked for a thorough
investigation of the Office of War Information
and other services connected with the dissemin-
ation tf news to our servicemen abroad.
This speech was a continuation of one made
by Brown some time ago in which he accused
this organization of distributing only piartisan
and biased information and of not giving the
servicemen both sides of an issue. He substanti-
ated this accusation with iumerous examples
and facts, but the main controversial issue in-
volved the publicizing of the President's message
on the soldier-vote bill.
The whole affair seems to have begun after
Rep. Scott of Pennsylvania contacted the OW
on the day the President's nessage was read
to the House and inquired as to whether this
tnessage would be covered in the next broad-
cast. Having been told that it would be used,
he asked if the action pf the minority leader
would be given as news. He was assured that
both sides of the story would be told. However,
a copy of the broadcast showed that in no
way was the reply of the minority leaer men-
When questioned about this, the administra-
tion spokesman in attempting to defend tfe oWI
said that the message as well as a record of the
vote in the House was sent to various news-
seilvices and that the text was also sent to
Algiers "in accordance with a request from the
Psychological Warfare Branch of the Army."
In this speech the same gentleman said that
a check of all broadcasts showed that the OWIl
did not broadcast anything concerning the
message or the roll-call. He also stated that
"in psychological warfare" action df the sol-
dier-vote message was not considered good
propaganda material for transmission abroad.
What kind of "double-talk" is this? If our
boys are to vote intelligently they must get the
news-and both sides of it! If this can be con-
sidered a fair sample of the confused state of the
OWT at present, Mr. Brown is entirely justified
in urging that an investigation committee be ap-
pointed immediately.
Certainly if the OWI is not guilty of such ac-
tion it should have no fear of an investigation,
but if it has been in error all the facts should
be exposed.s-Shirley Heilman
Smith Overestimates
Himrsa l in ACCtt scaons
Gerald L. K. Smith, organizer and director of
America First, has accused Wendell L. Wilkie
of attempting to bribe him with "anything you
want," in return for his support in the coming
Willkie declared yesterday that Smith's ac-
cusations were an absolute falsehood, and prom-
ised to issue a lengthy statement at a later date.
Who the hell would want the support of
Gerald L. K. Smith anyway, and of what value

would that support be if it was sought and

7The pendulumn

ISPATCHES from New Delhi bode ill for the
peace of India. Indications are that the Jap-
anese are engaged in the preliminaries to .a full
scale invasion.
All of which led me, by indirection, to reflect
that things were not always so. Time was when
these pearly words of mine could not be foisted
upon you. For instance, over a year ago the fol-
lowing editorial did not get published in The
Michigan Daily. I exhume it now because I
think it still apropos-especially in the light of
this new development:
All our acts are conditioned by the war and
everything is subordinate to it. So much--if
one even begins to feel the tempo of the times
-is beyond dispute. But to be misled from that
truth into the belief that the status quo, how-
ever Ill-begotten, domestically pr internation-
ally, must left unaltered, is the most slipshod,
indeed least excusable of politically guided ra-
If maintenance of the status quo had any-
thing to do with victory, the United Nations
would not have suffered Hitlerian conquests in
bloody procession, one after another, for three
long years. But suffer we did although things
governmental and bureaucratic changed-when
at all-with death-like slowness. Brass-hatism
may rule supreme, directorial ineptitude hold
sway, caste systems prevail. Yet we dare not
tamper with their out-moded mechanisms be-
cause, stagnation's apologists say, now "is no
time to indulge in idealistic reform." Let the
Japi descend from his lair and swarm all over
an apathetic India; but, by gad not one inch
will be give to that Bolshevik, Nehru, or his
senile associate, the Mahatma.
FROM CHURCHILL'S own Shakespearean
miouth we hear "the four freedoms do not
apply to India." Thus blatantly does a great
leader of the democratic front repudiate his prin-
This, nevertheless, is to say that India's con-
tinued bondage represents an intolerable situ-
ation. Soon, "lnja's sunny clime" re-asserts
itself, mnaking ,that area the most vulnerable,
albeit strategically important Allied position.
The prospect of Johnny Doughboy marching
off to guarantee the continuation of Indian im-
perialism, to help some opulent Maharajah aug-
ment the number of his Rolls-Royces is at best
unpalatable. Even, or exclusively in military
terms: is it wise to imprison India's leaders,
terrorize her populace, and cope with native in-
difference-not to say sabotage-the war against
fascism? Or might we better supplement Eng-
land's tongue-in-cheek promise of post-war in-
dependence by having the U.S.A., the U.S.S.R.
and China underwrite that promise-so that
our side could gain the zeal of a fighting force
dedicated to the protection of its own home.
India has a case so strong that it is irresist-
ible. Her land mass looms too large on the
map for us to shun her into the limbo of for-
gotten things, even avoiding psychological im-
Forget ideals, forget reform, forget progress.
Rememkler only the imperative need to win this
war,-and see if you can conscienciously maintain
India ought not to be free. Does anyone in his
proper mind want to see a repetition of Burma
and Malaya and Singapore or the errors that
led to their downfall? Are we to reject the
aid of millions upon millions of men because
freedom is their price? It was not just flowery
rhetoric that Ghandi emitted when he promised
his support and that of the All-India Congress
to a fight side by side with the British Imperial
Army in a war of the East. Nor was Shridhar-
ani tripping the verbal fantastic when he stated
that an unenslaved India could raise and equip
an army of ten million troops.
May the powers that be search their souls
and examine their heads before the sands of
time run out forever .
-Bernard Rosenberg

power of making Mr. Hearst go to New York
at any time it wants to; all it has to do is to
suggest that he go to Los Angeles.
Inhuman bondage, that's what it is, and even
if it is slavery reversed, as in a mirror, it is
ideological slavery nonetheless. I would like to
see some of those stalwart spirits who say we
must not let Russia lead us by the nose display
occasional independence. That is, when Russia
comes out for Tito, I would like to see at least
one of our Russia-baters think it over, and
then, glaring fiercely at Moscow, deelare in rug-
gedly hostile accents, "I find I like Tito, too. So
there! Take that!" That, to my mind, would
indicate a little more independence than the
invariable automatic negative. All atonatic
behavior is slave behavior.
TILL ON THE SUBJECT of free will, consider
the current wild oratory flaring up in the
isolationist press against Russia on the ground
that she is taking "unilateral" action. Now, uni-
lateral action is exactly what the isolationists
most adore. They hate any other kind of action.
Yet here they are, condemning it, and screaming
that the world ought not to allow any one
country do what it pleases. They are beginning
to sound like so many members of the League of
Nations Association.
The automatic negative has not only got them
walking backwards; they are spinning in circles
and barking at themselves. How sad it is to be
a bound man! How awful, to be led by the nose!
We have seen much more exaggerated cases
of Russophobia in Europe, of course, where men
like Laval and Petain hated Russia so much
that they actually called the Nazis in to take
over. The spectacle of a Laval laying his head
on the ground, asking Hitler to put his foot on
it, and then, from that posture, screaming at
Stalin: "So you thought you could make me a
slave, hey? I defy you!" is absurd, but not
overdrawn, for it is exactly what happened.
This was perhaps the least triumphant as-
sertion of free will in the history of muman
options. It was the automatic negative carried
to its logical conclusion, with the enslavement
implicit in that frame of mind made visible
and manifest.
As for me, I would hate it for Russia to have
the awful power of determining my convictions
and actions. I assert my inalienable right to
agree with her sometimes.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
WASHINGTON, March 23.- Senators who
have learned the full facts have been flabber-
gasted at what happened just before Stalin rec-
ognized the Badoglio government. Most people
didn't know it but, just a few days before, the
President had finally sent a message to Prime
Minister Churchill saying that Badoglio would
have to go.
The President long had received urgent advice
from various men around him that Badoglio was
a drain on the Allied effort and must be ditched.
General Eisenhower, when he' came back here
in January, was anything but enthusiastic about
Badoglio and felt that the poor response of the
Italian people in aiding the Allied arlmies might
be due to their dislike of Badoglio.
The President was loath to have a show-
down with Churchill, for the British so far
have been the defenders of the House of Savoy
and have hoped that the throne of Italy might
be preserved. About two weeks ago, however,
the President finally acted. And about two
days later, the Russians, without consulting
either us or the British, recognized the man
we wanted to bounce.
That was why Secretary Hull asked Stalin
for explanations and was obviously boiling mad.
Factors Behind Move.. ..
There were several minor factors behind Sta-
lin's sudden move, plus two big factors. The
minor factors were:
1. Badoglio already had permitted Comrade
Ercoli, Italy's No. 1 Communist, to return from

Russia to Italy by way of Turkey. What Com-
munist leader Ercoli has been doing in Italy is
not known, but it is known that he arrived there
after getting official permission to pass through
Turkey and with the sanction of the Badoglio
government. Therefore, he must be cooperating
with Badoglio. Also, Badoglio had two Socialist
labor men attached to his Cabinet-Buozzi and
Pietro Ninni.
2. Mussolini was one of the first to recognize
Soviet Russia and, despite his tirades against
Communism, the Fascists carried on profitable
trade relations with Russia until the war.
3. Many Russian warships have been built in
Italy, so that Russian crews are familiar with
Italian technical marine equipment and can
easily operate the Italian fleet. It may be that
hastier and more willing division of the Italian
fleet will follow as a result of Badoglio's recogni-
These were the minor factors. Main factors,
however, probably were Stalin's growing rest-

VOL. LV No. 102
All no{,ices Por' the ily Ot)ilcl B1il-
letir. are to lie sent th ae ffce or the
P'res~teIi e t lhewr°lten Yn im hy:;1 ~i
l~iii. tiEle *by prceding isa pitila-
LIfl btl, ei~iu til: S at illiy wi'n the 110-
i 'i t i iiilil~l ltg,ld h iliitted iy i1{::i ui..
Notice to All Faculty Members and
University Employes: Employes on
"full-time" and on annual or month-
ly salary who ordinarily receive a
vacation at the expense of the Uni-
versity and pay on holidays and for
a reasonable period of sick leave if
necessary, are not entitled to pay-
ment for "overtime," whether in
their own or another department of
the University unless such arrange-
ment shall have been authorized in
advance by the President or the
Board of Regents.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this College on Monday, March 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 348, West Engi-
neering Building. The purpose of
this meeting is the consideration of
recommended procedure for return-
ing veterans as presented by the
Committee on Veterans' Service.
Martha Cook Building: Women in-
terested in residence in the Building
for the academic year 1944-45 are
asked to complete their applications
or to call for appointments at once.
Mrs. Diekema. Phone 6216.
Civilian Men having fall term lock-
ers at Waterman Gymnasium must
vacate or renew them by Monday,
March 27.
Cercie Francais: The picture of the
club for the 'Ensian will be taken
Sunday, March 26, at 3 p.m. in the
Union. All members please be pres-
ent with your membership cards.
Collecting of Rare Books. A non-
credit course on this subject will be
offered by the Extension Service,
Races of Mankind .. .
Representative May doubtless felt
that he was upholding the honor of
the white race when he prevailed
upon the War Department not to use
the Public Affairs pamphlet "The
Races of Mankind" in its orientation
courses. Mr. May's specific objection
to the pamphlet appears to have
been reference to the intelligence
tests given by the American Army in
1917 in which Northern Negroes made
higher median scores than Southern
whites, not because of color, but be-
cause of differences in economic and
cultural advantages. In forbidding
presentation of these facts, Mr. May
is denying our soldiers the weapons
by which they can defend themselves
in the .war for men's minds-a war
this is even mnore important in Nazi
strategy than the struggle for islands
and beachheads.
lessness regarding our failure to
open the second front and the ru-
mor that it might not be opened
after all; together with an appar-
ent Russian policy to put in power
weak governments which Stalin
could sweep out more easily after
the war in favor of strictly pro-
Russian governments.
Whatever may be the reasons be-
hind his move, there is no doubt that
Stalin really landed a diplomatic
hay-maker. The embassies are still
buzzing over it.
Turkish Pelrsecution ...
U.S. diplomats in Turkey have been
carefully shutting their eyes to a per-
secution scandal as bad as if not
worse than anything which exists in
Nazi Germany. It is the system of

gradually taxing Jews, Armenians
and Greeks out of Turkey and send-
ing them to the rockpiles near the
Russian border. The process is simp-
ler but lust as harsh as Hitlerian
To illustrate, an Armenian sten-
ographer working in an American
government office in Istanbul was
taxed $500 compared with a tax of
$2 or $3 against a Turkish girl
doing the same job in the same of-,
fice. The Armenian found it im-
possible to pay, was imprisoned,
then sent to northeast Turkey.
Yet, until recently, American lend-
lease poured into Turkey to support
a government capable of such perse-
Merry-Go-Round.. .
Quoth Justice. Jimmy Brynes when
he heard that Governor Dewey had
rebuffed the Federal ballot: "Tom
Dewey has succeeded in doing what
Hitler and Hirohito failed to do--de-
feat the American soldier."
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)

SI t _ _ _ _ _ _
'G ,

"I think Senator Snort is a serious contender for the presidency-
he goes around telling everybody he won't run under any


" ~(K-

starting Monday, March 27, at 7:30
p.m. Classes will meet for eight suc-
cessive Monday evenings at the
Clements Library. Anyone interested
in collecting rare books or in rare
book libraries may enroll. A fee of
$3.00 will be charged. The course
will be taught by Colton Storm and
Howard Peckham of the Clements
Library Staff.
Professor Clarence H. Graham of
Brown University will speak at 4:15
Wednesday, March 29, in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
He will discuss "Some Problems in
Visual Psychology." Professor Gra-
ham, in cooperation with others, has
conducted a number of .experiments
on visual phenomena.
A cademic Notices
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
today. Students must report all
changes of elections at the Regis-
trar's Office, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange -
ments made with the instructor are
not official changes.
Students, School of Music: Jury for
recital approval and senior candidacy
will be held Tuesday, March 28, 4-6
p.m., Rm. 305 S.M. Any student who
received an incomplete mark for the
fall term must have the work com-
pleted by March 31, or receive an "E"
for the course.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean Wal-
German Departmental Library
hours, spring term 1943-44 (204 Uni-
versity Hall): 1:30 to 4:30 Monday
through Friday; 10:00 to 12:00 Tues-
day and Saturday.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
spring term, even though they have
registered and have attended classes
unofficially, will forfeit their privi-
lege of continuing in the College.
Biological Chemistry 111: Refund
slips are now available. Non-medical
students may obtain their refund
slips from the departmental store-
keeper, on Tuesday and Wednesday
between 2 and 5 p.m.
Medical students will receive their
refund slips through their class off i-
Make-up Examinations in History
for the Fall Term .will be held on
Friday, March 31, in Rm. C, HH.
Students wishing to take these exam-,
inations should obtain a written note
from the instructor to present at the
time of the examinations.
History 280: Collection of Treaties
and Dumont, Vol. VI are on reserve
at main, loan desk in the Library.
Speeded Reading Course: The spe-
cial short course in speeded reading
will be given for students wishing to
improve their reading ability. Those
interested call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682.
The course will meet twice a week for
eight weeks. There will be no charge
for this non-credit course. Students
who had eye movement pictures tak-
en last term may obtain their prints,
Rm. 4205 UHS.

5, through March 27; ground
corridor, Architecture Building.
public is invited.


Michigan Christian Fellowship:
There will be a farewell party given
tonight at 8 in Rms. C and D of the
Michigan League. All students and
servicemen welcome.
The Westminster Student Guxild
will have a bsrn dance in the social
hall at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Howard Leibee,
Physical Education Director on the
campus, will call the squares and
reels. Tickets are 25c. Refreshments,
games and dancing will provide fun
for all.
The Executive Board of the Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action will
hold a meeting this afternoon at 2:30
at the Union. Everyone on the Board
must attend, and all members are
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, is sponsoring a social tonight
at 8:15 at the Lutheran Student Cen-
ter, 1511 Washtenaw
Co-operatives hold Tea: All girls
interested in living in a Co-op for
either the summer or fall semesters
are invited to a tea at Palmer Co-op,
912 Monroe, from four to fivedhirty,
Saturday, March 25.
First Congregational Church: Min-
ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr; Director
Student Work, Rev. H. L. Pickerill;
Director of Music, .Wilson Sawyer.
Morning worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr.
Parr will give the fourth of the "Par-
ables of Life" the subject being "The
Parable of the Sower." At 5 p.m.
there will be a Sunday Evening Hour
for students and servicemen, with
cost supper. Prof. Bennett Weaver
will speak on "The Last Reserve."
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 327 S. Fourth Avenue. Har-
old J. DeVries, Pastor. 10 a.m., Uni-
versity Bible Class: Ted Groesbeck,
teacher. 11 a.m., Morning worship.
Message by the pastor: "The Value
of the Blood." 7:30 p.m., "Evading
Presbyterian Church: 1432 Wash-
tenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morning wor-
ship. Dr. Lemon's Lenten sermon
will be "The Unorganized Person."
6 p.m., Westminster Student Guild
worship service in the social hall.
Mr. Arthur Sinclair of Detroit will
give one of~his "Chalk Talks" entitled
"Building for Tomorrow." Supper
will follow at 7 p.m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St. Sunday lesson
sermon, "Reality" at 10:30 a.m. Sun-
day school at 11:40. Testimonial.
meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. This
church maintains a free reading
room at 106 E. Washington St.,
which is open daily, except Sundays
and holidays, from 11:30 a.m. to 5
p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. Here
the Bible and Christian Science lit-
erature, including all of Mary Baker
Eddy's works, may be read, borrowed
or purchased,
Memorial Christian Church (Disi-
ples): 11 a.m., Morning worship. The
Rev. J. Leslie French will speak on
"With Malice Toward None." 5.p.m.
Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Disci-
ple students will jin withx Congrega-
tional students at the Congregational
Church. Professor Bennett Weaver
will speak on "The Last Reserve." A
cost supper will be served. The pro-
gram will conclude in time for ser-
vicemen to reach barracks for eve-
C ninm ~c.-A,

(Those lepehuns.'Likecol

By Crockett Johnson

1'l be delighted to see him,.

Pop wants you to get Congress

1 can'fstay, 1ve

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