wim mers
Porn ts
Thinclads in Purdue Relays Tonight tato Trail Es s
O/-4They Fail To Score i rsts K(
er Bean
'he~y at(in 60
Season's Last indoor Meet
Swanson Favored ro Win Hurdle Series,
Ilelay and Field Events Feature Key Met,
A victory-laden Wolverine track squadf will be entering the final stretch
of their 1943-44 indoor season, when they seek to annex the Purdue Relays
crown tonight at Lafayette, Ind.
After tonight's competition, the team will enjoy a brief respite from
rigorous workouts 1efore the outdoor season begins. For many of the
squad, the Relays probably will be the last indoor running that they will
do for Michigan. Before next season rolls around, many of the servicemen,
rll. . 7el} Leals
Squad;t A ~ll Tx5 hue w
Are Set f or Saturdays
As the Michigan golf team begins
practice for the 1944 season Coach
Ray Courtright is faced with an en-'
tirely new type of schedule that pre-
sents many changes over previous1
All the matches are set for Satur-
day, which shduld allow all the ser-
vicemen on campus a chance to playr
every time. The first match is April
.o N__a__iiia ._etatis 1,50_ Meter Crow _
Ai CJeveland
Ro0ss Hunme Second
Tn 1,000; Relay feam
Michigan's highly-geared swim-
ming team trailed Yale by four points
at the halfway mark as the 21st
Annual National Collegiate A.A.
swims got under waiy ut Yale lastt
The Eli's, with 26 points, were!
paced by Alan Ford, who won the
50-yard freestyle sprint and the 150-
yard backstroke event. Merton
Church and Chuck Fries of Michigan
wound up in fourth and fifth places,
respectively, in the 50-yard sprint.
The Wolverines' highly favored
quartet in the 300-yard medley relay
was beaten out by the U.S. Naval
Academy entry in the fast time of
3:01.2. Michigan trailed the Navy
men across the tape by four yards, #
and were only a yard ahead of Yale,!
who finished third.-
Paul Maloney and John McCarthy
of Michigan trailed Keo Nakama,
Ohio State's ace, as he wun the 1 .500
meter title in 20:02.2. Nakama
loomed with Ford as the only two Lses Race to Co lg
double title winners in the first day
of the two-day National Collegiates, Les Eisenhart, former Ohio State
until Gene Rogers of Columbia upset captain and National Indoor chain-
him ih the 220-yard freestyle pion at 1,000 yards, handily won
that event in two minutes, 14.3 sec-
As the teams now stand ready to onds, beating Ross Hume of Michi-
finish the meet tonight, Yale a co- gan and Frank Fletcher of G'ireal
favorite with Michigan to win the Lakes.
crown, leads the mass with 24 points, M akts
and Michigan closely follows with 20. Michigan's Bob Ufer took the 600
Navy trails the Wolverines by only yard run, beating out Bob Kelley of
two points, and Ohio State and Illinois by 10 yards in a time of onle
Columbia finished in that order be- minute, 13.2 seconds.
hind the Middies. Young, a University of Illinois
Ford, who was in the infirmary at freshman, skimmed over the 45-yard
the beginning of the week with a low hurdles in 5.4 seconds, three-
bad cold, stole the show yesterday by I tenths of a second off the world's in-
being the only double winner at the door record, to outrun Ed Dugger, of
meet, winning the 50-yard sprint by Dayton, the National Indoor champ.
two yards, and then, hardly recover- Bill Hulse, who set a new American
ing his breath, 'came back to win the record 4:06 mile when he finished
150-yard backstroke title' by four second to Gunder Haegg last sum-
yards. mer, took the mile run.
who make up a
training units.
good portion of the squad, will undoubtedly be in advanced
Should the Wolverines dethrone Notre Dame and grab the
__-----.title, it will wind up one of the most
White Sox in
E xhibition Start
EVANSVILLE, Ind.,, iarch 24.-
('I)-The Detroit Tigers-now a full
18 strong and true men-skipped
through another workout under
warm sunshine today while Manager
Steve O'Neill chose a team to play
the Chicago White Sox in the exhi-
bition series opener tomorrow.
Lacking much likeness to the out-
fit which functioned for Detroit last
season, O'Neill's selections will in-
clude more new faces than any debut
spring team in the club's history.
One of them, however, will be
familiar. Paul (Dizzy) Trout, the
20-game winner of 1943, is going to
start against the Sox. He'll work
three innings, possibly against the
Sax's Orval Grove.
Manager O'Neill planned to divide
the rest of the game between Henry
}Iresko. 17-year-old righthander of
American Legion junior baseball
fame, and Bill Kasepchuk, Windsor.
Ont., rookie who is the propety of
Buffalo of the International League.
The Tigers' supporting cast will
include Bob Swift, catcher; Rudy
York, first base; Ed Borom, second
base; Eddie Mayo, shortstop; Char-
ley Metro, third base, and Jimmy
Outlaw, Chuck Hostetler and Zeb
Eaton, a pitcher, in the outfield.
In a second game Sunday Walter
Newhouser and Frank Overmire, vet-
erans, and Walter Beck are expected
to share the pitching.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of l0c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.08 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
WANTED: Time Study Engineer,
preferably man with experience in
machine shop timing. Also Meth-
ods Mechanic for time study de-
partment. Knowledge of wood-
working tools essential. Interest-
ing permanent jobs well paid. Ex-
cellent working conditions. Inter-
national Industries, Inc., William
and 4th Sts. Must qualify under
War Manpower Stabilization plan.
ATTEN HOFFER Swiss ski lost sev-
eral weeks ago, with Luggi bind-
ings. Reward. Tel. 3425.
WILL whoever finds the wallets and
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win and Olive Chernow in the
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them. Reward. 7142.
WANTED: Dictaphone operator. Ex-
perience preferred, but competent
typist willing to learn dictaphone
work qualifies. International In-
dustries, Inc., William and Fourth
Sts. Must qualify under War Man-
power Stabilization plan.
R # M S
outstanding indoor track seasons in
Michigan history. 15, and this brings two changes.
Wolverines Are Favorites To Win Michigan wil meet the University of
With their record total of points Detroit first, something they have
which Coach Ken Doherty's charges not done in previous years, and also,
enmassed in the Conference meet, this date is earlier than the season
the Wolverines appear to be favored has opened heretofore.
to come out with the team title, and On April 22 Michigan will tee off
possibly some individual crowns. El- against the Wildcats at Ann Arbor,
mer Swanson, the Conference low and and the following week, April 29, will
high hurdle champion, is favored to travel to Columbus to meet Ohio
cop the hurdle series, but will un- State.
doubtedly be pushed hard by Buddy Tringugar Meet at South Bend
Young of Illinois. South Bend will be the site of a
The mile relay team which holds trianguler match on May 6 between
the Conference and Chicago Relays Notre Dame and Northwestern. May
Title, is very likely to break the first 13 the Buckeyes will make a return
place honors with Jim Pierce, Fred trip to Ann Arbor, and on May 20 the
Negus, Will Glas and Bob Ufer car- Wolverines meet the University of
rying the batons. In the other re- Detroit in a second match.
lays: the two mile, the distance med- The last match of the season is the
ley and the sprint medley, Doherty Conference play-offs and is now set
can call on Ross and Bob Hume, Ufer, for May 27. Most likely this will take
Dick Barnard, Dick Forrestal and place in Chicago, as last year.
Julius Witherspoon. 'Schedule Lightest in Years
Bill Dale Competes This is the lightest schedule in
Benill DaleCompete-many years and at present Court-
The field events will be well rep- rigsht is attempting to make some ad-
resented with men wearing the Maize ditional matches. Western Michigan
and Blue with Conference co-cham- so far is the only possibility and that
pion Bill Dale in the high jump, Gene is indefinite.
Moody and Max Kelley, both Con- Though spring is yet young some
ference placers in the pole vault, and of thoe players have turned in low
George Kraeger and Phil Collia toss- scores. Captain Phil Marcellus, vet-
ing the shot. eran of last year, Bob Welling, John
Bob Caspari and Jack Martin are Jenswold, Tom Messinger, and Don
also entered in the hurdles along Larson are Courtright's stand-bys.
with the latter teaming with Julius ----------
Witherspoon in 'the 60-yard dash.
Most of these men will be doubling HJarreis, j(nnriazzo Billed
back in the various relays as well as For 10-Rounder Mard 31
running in their specialties.
DETROIT, March 24.-(/P)--Match-
maker Nick Londes announced today
Gee Ready To that Ossie (Bulldog) Harris, Pitts-
Sburghmiddleweight, and Izzy Jan-
P '') -h f B nazzo, New York veteran, had been
: esigned for a ten-round bout here at
MUNCIE, Ind., March 24.-(IP)- Olympia, March 31.'
Pitcher Johnny Gee, the 6-ft, 9-in.
southpaw, picked up by the Pittsburgh A RA BID TILER FA N:
Pirates four years ago for $35,000
only to wreck his arm on the first IK etterer, Ace
day in spring camp, now appears
ready to begin paying dividends. M akes Bid for
Gee is one of eight hurlers, half of
whom are 4-F's, training with the
Bucs at the Muncie Camp and has By MARY LU IIEATH
shown signs of recovering the form Charley Ketterer, possible varsity
which .made him a 20-game winner second-baseman this season, has
for Syrcuse, N.Y., in 1939. It was been an ardent ball fan since he and
after that great record the Pirates his father used to go out to see the
completed their historic $75,000 deal, Tigers play every week when Briggs
paying $10,000 apiece for four play- Stadium was still called Navin Field
ers and peeling off $35,000 for Gee. This father-son combination be-
g an to bear fruits in Northwestern
t i
...Chuck Fries, Wolverine 10)-
yard Conference champ, competes
with the best college natatoris inj
the NCAA's at Yale.
Clash fr Tite
Winding up the semi-finals of the
Intramural cage league tournament,
Sigma Phi Epsilon will battle Phi
Chi at 1:30 p.m. this afternoon in
Waterman Gymnasium, with the
winner of this to. face the Phi Delta
Theta Blues in the championship tilt
next Saturday.
Phi Delta Theta won their game
last week from Sigma Chi with' a
sudden death overtime play. Their
main scoring threats are Howard
Karsten, 6'5" center, and Don Ben-
der, forward. Phi Chi ran over Alpha
Tau Omega in last week's tilt and
will be paced by Vern Boersma and
Ken Vandenberg.
The All -Campus League began
playoffs in the middle of January,
and teams representing various fra-
ternity houses and independent
groups on campus were organized
into leagues of six teams each. The
tournament has been run in a round-
robin fashion with each team meet-
ing every other team.
To Play1 Foutbal iWood, imes P are Golf Pro's
Atain Nex F 1 In IDirleam Opmei Tournarment
- - -- -
AUBURN, Ala., March 24.---P{ --
The Auburn Tigers, longtime giant-
killers of intercollegiate football, will
return to the gridiron next autumn
under a new coach and athletic di-j
rector, Carl M. Voyles.1
Succeeding Lieut. Comdr. Jack
Meagher, who entered Naval service
at conclusion of the 1942 season,
Voyles comes to Auburn from the
College of William and Mary under a
six-hour contract. Salary terms were
Announcement of Voyles' resigna-
tion from William and Mary, and his
appointment at Auburn, came almost
simultaneosuly from Dr. John E.
Pomfret, president of W. and M., and
Dr. L. N. Duncan, president of Ala-
bama Polytechnic institute. Dr. Pom-
fret commented that W. and M., had
lost "an undeniably great coach,"
and added: "the alumni will long re-
member him as the 'irate man' who
brought the college from football dol-
drums to a Conference championship
in four years."
At least two bowl teams have gone
into post-season games with Auburn
as the only blemish on their schedule.
Mississippi State's 1940 team, whichj
went to the Orange Bowl, was tied
Georgia's Frankie Sinkwich &
Company-headed for the Rose Bowl
where they eventually defeated U.C. -
L.A.-were upset 27-13 by Auburn in,
Prospects for 1944 are uncertain.
Only Curtis Kuykehndall, reserve
halfback, remains from the 1942
squad. Voyles is expected to play 17-
year-olds and 4-Fs.
DURHAM, S.C., March 24.-P)--°
The veterans Craig Wood and Jimmy
Hines rapped out four under par 67's
over the short, Muddy Hillandale
I Golf Course today to lead the field
at the end of the first 18-hole round
of the $5,000 Durham Open TSourna-
The 42-year-old Wood; last winner
of the National Open, put together
nine hole scores of 32 and 35 and
Hines, 38-year-old chipshot artist
from Amsterdam, N.Y., went out in
30 and streaked home in 32.
The 3,212-yard par 37 first nine
proved easy for the touring pros but
the back side, 13 yards longer, but
with a par only 34, stood up well
except for the sparkling 32 by Hines.
Hard on the .heels of the leader~s
came Byron Nelson, the pre-tourna-
ment favorite, with a 68 that includ-
ed five birdies.
It was strictly a day for the experi-
enced circuit players, as no one else
in the field of 41 pros and 35 ama-
I teurs was able to better standard
I figures.
Skip Alexander, a Durham boy
now in the Army, gave the home-
Errickson Hirt as
ChRegulars Win
FRENCH LICK, Ind., March 24.-
(P-- The Chicago Cub regulars
cracked down on the Yannigans, 5 to
0, in six innings today with Manta-
ger Jimmy Wilson playing third .base
for the beaten team. Paul Erickson,
right hand pitcher, was bashed!
against the left cheek by a wild pitch
while at bat in the third inning.
town fans a treat by knocking out a
34 to stick close to Nelson, his playing
partner. on the front nine but skid-
ded to a 37 coming back and was
deadlocked at 71 with five other
players, Bob Hamilton of Evansville,
Ind., recent winner of the North and
South at Pinehurst, Johnny Revolta
of Evanston, Ill., winner of the Texas
Open last month, Frank Strazza of
Greenwich, Conn., Willie Goggim of
White Plains, N.Y., and Jimmy John-
ston of Farmington, Mich.
Second-Sacke r,
Yarsity Berth
R ic hard AR LE N
tch Aye Orchest
Matinees . 25c
Nights . 40c
Comning Sunday. --
Day or Night
Continuous from 1 P.M.
- Last Day
High School in Detroit, where Ket-
terer won eight varsity letters out of
a possible nine; three in baseball,
three in basketball and two in foot-
ball. Although he has always played
an infield position, Ketterer spent
his high school seasons guarding
third instead of the second sack. J
After two years as a civilian stu-
dent in the University, the 21-year-
old athlete was taken into the Ma-
rine Corps in July of '43, when the
campus unit was stated. He was a
regular substitute on the basketball
quintet this season, playing a guardj
Votes for Gehringer
With Bob Nussbaumer and Mike
Farnyk, Ketterer was started against
southpaws during the '43 diamond
season, alternating at second for Bob
Stenberg, the regular guardian of the
base. He believes that the hardest
play required of a second baseman is
going behind the bag for a liner.
Since he is such a rabid Tiger fan,
it is not surprising that Ketterer's
all-time second baseman is Charley
Gehringer, the Silent Knight. "He
could make the toughest play look
the easiest."
Ketterer is ,no slouch as a second-
sacker -himself. He was not a regular
in '43, but he maintained a perfect
fielding average and batted well over
the .400 mark. This is an excellent
record, although Ketterer was at the
plate fexver times than any other
letterman on the squad.
Ketterer's best friend, Dave Nel-
son, is now overseas. Nelson was a
former Michigan football and base-
ball star, and when Ketterer first
came to school was a senior. , How-
ever, as a freshman, he roomed with
Nelson and their present relationship
developed as a result of this associa-
tion. It was Nelson who introduced
Ketterer to the coaches and first
encouraged him to participate in
Wants To Coach
Ketterer was interested in becom-
ing a physical education major be-
fore he was taken into the Marines,
and still hopes to continue his study
in that field here after the war. He
intends to get his degree as quicl ly
as possible and then become a coach.
Of the sports he is most familiar
with, he rates baseball at the top,
and has always been so interested in
the game that he has kept several
scrapbooks full of clippings about it.
Ty Cobb, he believes, is the greatest
of them all. This is not based on the
reports of others who have seen the
Georgia Peach play, for Ketterer saw
him perform for Detroit during those
early visits to Navin Field with his
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