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March 25, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-25

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Soviets Reach Dniester in 62-Mile S



Bomber Command



Roosevelt Asks Balkan People
To Protect Jews from NaZis
Free Europeans, Asiatics Urged To Aid
Intended Victims of German Oppression

By The Associated Press s
WASHINGTON, March 24.-Pres-
ident Roosevelt, saying hundreds of
thousands of Jews face death as a re-
sult of Hitler's grasp of the Balkans,
called on the peoples of those coun-
tries and the Germans themslves to-
day to hide intended victims from the
Nazi executioners.
The chief executive also asked in
a statement that "the free peoples of
Europe and Asia temporarily open
their frontiers to all victims of op-
Refugee Committee Successful
Mr. Roosevelt, in a voice heavy
with the cold which kept him to his
living qi<arters earlier this week, read
the statement to his press-radio con-
ference. He said the American inter-
departmental committee on refugees
has had considerable success in act-
ually getting people out of Nazi-dom-
inated areas.
He indicated that he considered
the first paragraph of his statement
to be a summary of American foreign
policy, commenting after he read it
that it should answer people who
have been going around asking bell-
hops whether this country has a for-
eign policy. The paragraph reads:
United Nations Fight for Freedom
"The United Nations are fighting
to make a world in which tyranny
and aggression cannot exist; a world
based upon freedom, equality and
justice; a world in which all persons
War VeterasI
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(P)-
The Senate passed unanimously late
today a $3,500,000,000 "G-I Bill of
Rights" measure providing virtually
every suggested aid to veterans of
this war except adjusted compensa-
tion (bonus) payments.
The roll call vote was 49 to 0 for
passage of the measure.
The measure, which now goes to
the House, carries an estimated $3,-
000,000,000 in benefits plus a flat
$500,000,000 authorization for con-
struction of new hospital facilities.
It provides for government-paid edu-
cation of from one. to four years
(based on length of service) for ser-
vicemen and women, plus:
1. Unemployment compensation of
$15-a-week for a maximum of 52
weeks out of a 24-month period.
2. Loans up to $1,000 for the pur-
chase of farms, homes or businesses.
3. A veterans' job placement ser-
4. Designation of the Veterans Ad-
ministration to administer all of its
provisions under a status as a war
Nazis Reinforce
C'assino in.e
PLES, March 24.-(P)-The Germans
have thrown powerful new artillery
and aerial support into their defense
of Cassino, their ground troops are
resisting as desperately as ever in the
ruins of the mountain-locked strong-
hold, and it becomes plain that last
week's terrific air assault did little to
help Allied forces break through into
the Roman valleys.
hEnemy artillery fire from north of
the town has mounted steadily in re-
cent days, and between 40 and 50 Na-
zi planes swept low yesterday to shoot
up Allied traffic on highway six be-
hind the lines.
Senate Strips TVA
Of Financial Contr1
WASHINGTON', March 24.-('P)-
In a hot-tempered session in which

Senators angrily denounced Vice-
Predent Wallace's use of the words'

regardless of race, color or creed may
live in peace, honor and dignity."
While Mr. Roosevelt spoke a group
of Republican Congressmen were
conferring with Secretary of State
Hull seeking specific data on Ameri-
can foreign policy. Afterward Rep.
Clare Boothe Luce (Conn.) remarked
that "silence is still the State Depart-
ment's settled policy" but Hull de-
scribed the session as mutually help-
ful. Rep. Poulson (Calif.) said "I
have more confidence in the Secre-
tary," and Rep. O'Konski (Wis.) ob-
served: "We cleared a lot of air."
Immediately after this meeting,
Hull issued a statement ,calling on
Hungary not to submit tamely to the
"Nazi whip" but to offer "firm resis-
tance" to German forces occupying
that Axis satellite country.
Werner To Tak
On European .
Max Werner, military analyst and
author, will discuss "The Recon-
struction of Europe" in the last of the
current Oratorical Association lec-
tures at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill
Mr. Werner, who has written his
analysis in several languages and for
a great variety of publications,has
also written many important books
on the present war.
In 1943 he was military analyst for,
the "New Republic" and for "Rey-
nolds News" in London. He wrote a
syndicated column for 20 to 25 news-
papers in the United States, England
and Australia.
His book, "The Great Offensive,"
a summary of World War II from
June 1941 to the middle of 1942 has
been regarded by critics as an im-
portant contribution in its field.
In the spring of 1943 Mr. Werner
completed "Attack Can Win in '43,"
in which he presents the doctrine of
military time, the technique of
weighting figures on military forces
to ascertain the relative strength of
armies and other new concepts.
In this volume he attacks several
current beliefs, such as the theory
that air supremacy without land ac-
tion can lead to victory. k
His present plans include two books'
for 1944-one, a study of inern- '
tional affairs, and the other, a sur-
vey of the second part of the war.
Tickets originally issued for Louis
P. Lochner lecture will admit hold-
ers. Individual tickets may be pur-
Schased at the boxoffice in Hill Audi-
Caiipus Electiois
To Be Held April 5
Men's Judiciary Council announced
yesterday that voting for Union vice-
presidents and senior class officers
will take place April 5.
Petitions for these officers must
be in the Student Office of the Union
at 5 p.m. Wednesday. Petitions must
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CIO Demands
T hreaten Little
Steel Formula
Labor Wants Wage
Increase, Post-War
Plan Insuring Security
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 24.-The
CIO United Steel Workers set out to-
day to blaze a new trail in labor ec-
onomics with demands far a 17-cent
hourly wage increase regardless of
government wage ceilings, a guaran-
teed post-war 40-hour week or an-
nual wage, a joint found for steel
workers returning from the armed
services and nearly a dozen other
Philip Murray. ,president of the
Steel Workers, spearheaded his
union's case before a War Labor
Board penal.
Formula Called Unworkable
He denounced the Little Steel
Wage Formula for what he termed
"obvious, practical unworkability,"
contended corporations and the
farmers have been guaranteed mini-
mum incones, and shot barbs at "the
fat boys" of the steel industry for
their "audacity" in trying to keep the
steel workers' wage case from the
War Labor Board.
Murray spoke for two hours and
ten minutes to the six-man panel,
lawyers for 94 steel companies, and
his union policy committee of nearly
100. The companies will begin their
presentation April 11.
Murray Hits Industry Heads
"You," said the Union chief, turn-
ing to the industry spokesmen, "have
got to do a little more constructive
think bout giving people in the
United Etates of America jobs after
this war is over than you have ever
done in all your lives. The present
situation and the situation which
may develop after the war, create
conditions that challenge your in-
Murray said there is "no single
thing that can contribute more to
the national well being, and that
will do more to stimulate productiv-
ity, and guarantee employment" than
a guaranteed weekly wage or annual
income for the steel workers.
Women M 1arine
To Come Here
An opportunity to learn the vari-
ous aspects of life in the Marine
Corps Women Reserve will be given
to all University women from 10 a.m
to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
when Sergeants Merry McGarraugh
and Arloa Zimmer will be stationed
at the League recruiting booth.
As several of the physical require-
ments have been lowered since the
Marine women sergeants were here
last, they desire to contact all who
had previously thought of joining
the ranks but were unable to mee
the standards. Under present ruling
if eyes can be corrected to 20/20 with
glasses they are acceptable. Menta
and moral qualifications, however
are. the same.
Those applicants interested in
1 joining the Marine Corps must mee
the following requirements: Ameri
can citizenship, age between 20 an

Y anki Planes
Raid French
Nazi Targets
Allied Aircraft Wage
Continuous Air War
Against Nazi Europe
B3y The Asscitd PreCss
LONDON, March 25, Saturday.-
"Aircraft of the RAF Bomber Com-
mand were over Germany in strength
during the night, with Berlin as the
main objective," an authoritative
British source announced today hard
on the heels of the American day-
light attacks which Friday pounded
Frankfurt and Schweinfurt and the
French airfields of Nancy and St. Di-
zier as the air war against German
Europe raged without pause.
The German radio declared the
night raid on Berlin was on a large
Germans Offer Little Opposition
The Germans, who had offered lit-
tle opposition to the daylight attacks,
responded tonight with an attack up-
on London for the fourth censecutive
night. The Germans appeared flying
in several waves, dropping 'high ex-
plosives and incendiaries, which piled
up damages and casualties.
Tonight's attack on bomb-weary
Berlin was presumably made by the
RAF. The German radio said bombs
blanketed the entire city.
Fire Bombs Blanket Berlin
High explosives and fire bombs
blanketed all Berlin, the Germans
The Germans, who had offered lit-
tle opposition to the daylight attacks,
made it a "battle of the capitals" Fri-
day night with the longest, most de-
termined raid of the week on London.
Church Bombed
It was their fourth consecutive
night raid, and several waves of
bombers caused casualties and dam-
age with high explosive and incen-
diary bombs. A well-known building,
a famous old church, and a publish-
ing house were among London struc-
tures hit, along with many residenc-
es. The Germans also struck in
southeast England and east Anglia.
About 250 American bombers and
approximately the same number of
fighters, including RAF Mustangs,
took part in each of the two daylight
missins-a total of 1,000 planes-
significantly demonstrating the Al-
lies' growing command of the air
Hill House Girls
Have Best Sit
Hill House won first prize for th
best skit of the evening at the Frost
Frolic held last night in Watermar
Gymnasium, while Jordan Hall (thir
floor) and Washtenaw and Ingall
Houses won honorable mention.
Geddes House received the prize fo
perfect attendance at the Frolic
Members of the Women's War Coun
cil judged the freshman skits an
t awarded the prizes.
s Dean Alice C. Lloyd presented a
1 "then and now" style review of collegi
1 fashions, making her entrance i
, plaid shirt, blue jeans and saddl
Miss Marie D. Hartwig of the phys
t ical education department, and Mis
- Ethel A. McCormick, Social Directo
d of Women, staged a memory ski
about the '28 J-Hop.

Torn from

Troops smashing into India Are
Lines Near Tiddim-Imphal Road

NWBy The Associated Press
NEWDELHI, March 24-(A)-Jap-
anese troops invading India have
been torn loose from three positions
covering the Tiddim-Imphal road,
which they had cut in a surprise
thrust across the Burma border from
the south aimed at capturing the Al-
lied communications base of Imphal,
it was announced today.
British troops opposing this threat
to their flank were being supplied
from the air by planes, but this was
termed normal procedure and there
was no indication they had been cut
off from ground communication or
were running short. At last report,
this Japanese column was within 30
miles of Imphal along a road that
skirts the western side of Lake Lok-
Japs Repulsed at Ramu-Patel
A second Japanese force that earli-
er had driven into India near Tamu,
45 miles southeast of Imphal, was re-
pulsed when it tried to reach the Ra-
mu-Palel road. This force was said
to be within 38 miles of Imphal.
The general picture of the fighting
was obscured somewhat by the jun-
gle jigsaw, but the Allied defensive
plan appeared to call for holding the
two main roads to Imphal from Ta-
mu and Tiddim, which lead into a
hillock-dotted plain that would pro-
vide plenty of potential airfields for
the invading Japanese.
Allied Forces Available
Loss of Imphal would threaten Al-
lied control of all Assam, as well as
all river, rail and air comunications
supporting United Nations operations
in China and Burma. Officials in the
World ews 1
in Brie


Yanks Bomb Rabaul . .
Saturday- (/P)- Solomons - based
bombers have hit the enemy base at
Rabaul, New Britain, with 160 tons
of explosives in one of the heaviest
recent raids in that area, headquar-
ters announced today.
Planes Hit Carolines ...
March 24.-(/P)-Ant Island atoll, a
group of 15 islets about 10 miles
southwest of Ponape in the Caroline
Islands, was bombed for the first
time Tuesday by a Navy search
plane, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz
announced today.
Jap Ships SUnk . .
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(I)-
Strong evidence of the growing pow-
er of the American submarine fleet
in Japanese waters came today from
the Navy Department in an an-
nouncement that 11 more enemy
vessels have been sunk.
Only three days ago Secretary of
the Navy Knox told of 15 other Nip-
ponese craft going to the bottom.
after attacks by American submersi-

IBritish Forces Hit Japanese
Positions Near Burma Border
1 TtC+ 1- * ' T 1I.

BHUTAN "--'_Led
INDIA = = 'Myikyin;
S-, Ye u
_;': t _-_Bham
& Chittagong 6-.
yChindwinR! 4 :
Akya jBUR
o 100 Toungoo
threatened area were superior to the
Japanese both on the ground and in
the air.
The new enemy column pushing up
the Manipur River valley south of
Imphal had established road blocks
at several points, which the British
were countering with the defensive
"box system" they earlier used with
success in Arakan. Heavy fighting
was reported in progress north of
Tunzan, which is 17 miles north of
Tiddim in Burma.
Nelson, Eceles
Urge Program
Of Stabailization
Top Men Ask Federal
Control of Country
Beyond End of War
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(IP)-
Two of tlie administration's top men
-War Production Chief Donald M.
Nelson and Federal Reserve Chair-
man Marriner S. Eccles-urged Con-
gress today to keep the country un-
der stabilization controls beyond the
war's end.
Nelson declared, however, that the
need has passed for a National Ser-
vice Act, recommended some time
ago by President Rosevelt to author-
ize the drafting of civilian labor for
essential industries. He did say a li-
mited service law would help the
manpower situation.
Eccles told the Senate Banking
Committee Congress should keep the
stabilization program alive two years
after the end of the war "to maintain
the public faith and the value of the
dollar." The committee is consider-
ing legislation to extend the price
control act a year beyond June 30.
A sudden release of pent-up spend-
ing as soon as hostilities end "might
well be fatal to the nation's econo-
my," he said.
Without stabilization controls bus-
iness will be reluctant to undertake
long-term postwar projects," Eccles
declared. The Federal Reserve chair-
man etimated "inflationary pressure"
on June 30-expiration date of the
price control act-would reach $194,-
000,000,000 compared with $79,000,-
000,000 on the same date in 1941.
'Dr. Warbasse
Talks to Coops
"Buiness for profit is in a state of
decay," stated Dr. James P. War-
busse, president emeritus of the Co-
operative league of the United States,
in a speech before the Inter-Coop-
erative Council given last night at
Robert Owen Cooperative House.
The topic of his speech was "Co-
operation in World Relief and Re-

construction." Dr. Warbusse was in-
troduced by Prof. A. K. Stevens of
Dr. Warbusse pointed out that the
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Takes Toll
Moscow Announces
20,000 Nazis Killed
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Maroh 25, Saturday-
Russia's First Ukraine Army broke
through to the Dniester River at the
Balkan gateway city of Zaleshchiki
yesterday, killing 20,000 Germans and
capturing 3,500 in a four-day offen-
sive which put the Red Army within
five miles of the former Rumanian
province of Bucovina and 60 miles
from old Czechoslovakia, a Moscow
communique announced last night.
The 62-mile flanking smash below
Tarnopol threatened to trap thous-
ands of battered German troops to
the east, part of the 50 German div-
isions of more than 500,000 men al-
ready threatened with encirclement
in the Odesso area of southern Rus-
Reds Cut Railway
Other Soviet units cut the Lwow-
Tarnopol railway northwest of Tar-
nopol, fought their way into Prosku-
rov, 62 miles east of Tarnopol, sever-
ed another German escape railway
from lower Russia into Bessarabia,
and toppled the German Bug River
stronghold of Voznesensk above
Odessa, the Soviet command an-
Whole enemy garrisons were wiped
out in the newsmash to the Dniester
at captured Zaleshchiki, said a mid-
night Russian bulletin recorded by
the Soviet monitor, German troops
also abandoned great piles of equip-
ment, it said.
Troops Overrun 40 Towns
Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's
troops were. declared to have overrun
400 towns and villages in reaching
the river n the southeastern corner
of old Poland, and the thrust placed
Soviet troops just 26 miles north
of Czernowitz, big Rumanian rail
junction controlling lines into Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary and south-
ern Rumania.
The 23,540 casualties inflicted on
the enemy boosted to nearly 250,000
the German dead and captured in
the Ukraine offensive, on the basis
of Moscow announcements.
Funds Mount
Drive Proceeds

Delta Gamma topped its quota by
$100 or 331 per cent in the current
Red Cross Drive, Marjorie Hall, '45,
women's chairman, announced yester-
day, as that house contributed $143.20
to the drive, the highest amount from
a percentage standpoint yet to be
Other houses turning in contribu-
tions included Stockwell Hall, $346
(partial returns); Couzens Hall,
$251.25; Collegiate Sorosis, $57.50;
Delta Smith league house, $10; and
Magincalda league house, $5.00; thus
bringing the total number of wo-
men's contributions up to $1,452.46
for the local drive which has anoth-
er week to run.
John Clippert, '45E, head of the
Union Red Cross Drive, reported that
$1,300 has ben turned in to date, with
Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Oxford
House, Chicago Lodge, meeting their
quotas one hundred per cent,
Contributions from Army person-
nel have amounted to over $1,000.
Navy men are forbidden by law to
Washtenaw County has turned in
$80,274.68, Charles Henderson reveal-
ed yesterday, $53,858.56 of that
amount coming from Ann Arbor
which has a quota of $61,500. The
county total is $92,500, The Univer-
sity faculty exceeded its, $3,000 quota
earlier this week, and the women and
men on campus have quotas of $3,500
and $1,500 respectively.
T'41 nc1?frduate7+ d f~rt
Beoe ao


Selective Service Rules Tightened



associated Press Correspondent
TASHINGT ;N, March 24,-Se-
lective Service tonight intensified
its drive for able-bodied young
men in a series of sharp new in-
structions to draft boards, while
government agencies agreed on a
plan to save a few "indispensible"
youths for vital war industry.
Aimed directly at faster induc-
tion of men 25. and younger for
. - ,, .c-vi. te rarsfrmm

chosen key industries, and gave
other agencies just three days to
submit figures on the number of
men proposed by them for defer-
McNutt had created the new
committee to ration out occupa-
tional deferments, for men under
26, and secured agreement of the
Army and Navy that deferments
should be considered for key men in
railroading, logging, coal mining

reclassify them as 1-A or other-
wise as rapidly as the review is
carried out.
2. To let men 26 and older stay
in their present classifications un-
til the boards have gone through
the lists of all men under 26 in
class 3-A as well as those deferred
in industry and agriculture.
3. To order up for pre-induction
physical examination all men und-
er 26 who hold occupational defer-
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